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  • Point of no return

    Content: Blind Spot - is the time to clarify who will run the Earthly house. It’s the setting up of the EVOLUTIONARY FORCE that will be dominant in the New World, on the renewed Earth, in accordance with the Absolute’s Will. Bifurcation - is a catastrophic leap, a conflict breakdown, a node of interaction between fluctuations and irreversibility. This is the moment when a person can easily choose one or the other, to act or not act, to do one thing or another, after which there is no return to the past. On July 25th, 2022, at 5:50 AM CET, the Siriusians’ tracking station on the Moon transmitted - Earth is In Gravitational Cyclone - Today, the last cleansing stage is open to everyone to go through the fiery scrubbing, sobering and awakening consciousness. Energies can cause symptoms of detoxification, as they destroy everything too dense for the new vibrations of the planet and the frequencies it generates in our cells. It may manifest as flu symptoms: headache, muscle tension, pain in the skeleton and joints. Breaking News Of 04:00 PM CET, 25 July 2022 - On July 25, 2022, the Karmic Council adopted an official resolution on the end of the 3D Earth’s evolutionary cycles of Kali Yuga and Cosmic Night. Global Predictor - has always very easily coned this or that country, an entire region, simply changing their leadership or shuffling the elite. And then he gave commands to the new rulers what to do. This is what is behind the wave of resignations around the world. The Crystal of Primary Energies - On 27 July 2022, at 06:49 AM CET, Co-Creators and Galacom conveyed the new important info. The Crystal is multifunctional. It emits a perfect dipole combination of Feminine and Masculine Foundations. Thanks to this, the Absolute (which was not a dipole before), now, can build a completely new Local Universe, all its Galaxies and planets, including Earth. Why did this very strange decision take place? After all, the de facto Kali Yuga and the Cosmic Night have already ended, and their programs were deactivated earlier. The answer is precisely that it is only de facto, but it is also necessary de jure. Of course, this decision only fixes a previously accomplished fact by Cosmic Law. But it’s not all that simple. Such an official decision was required for the following reasons. Blind Spot Psychologically and energetically, this is a very difficult and tough time FOR ALL OF US. And the reason is not only how quickly we learn and begin to CONSTANTLY emit high vibrations to match the continuously raising vibrations of Earth and the Sun. Another important reason is systemic: BLIND SPOT, or the transition period from the 3D Matrix to the new, 5D, one. There are a number of stages at this distance. The initial, consists of preparation, which many of us will soon terminate. We are approaching the equator on the path of changing Matrices and the start of a New World. First Stage - Purification Second Stage - Global Zeroing Third Stage - Bifurcation Points At the FIRST STAGE, global processes of purification, displacement of energies, information and evolutionary programs of the old 3D World and its Matrix begin, and their gradual replacement with new, 5D, substances and energies. The most important stage is ahead – Third STAGE - the point of systemic bifurcation, which will determine what the New World will be like, and how the 5D Matrix will materialize in it. And, first of all, on what evolutionary basis: of Dark Forces or Light Forces? (more explanations are follow) The bifurcation point is preceded by a phase of global zeroing. We all feel this process well and see it in the world around us. This is followed by the Blind Spot period, which in 3D has its duration. It began on June 22, 2022, and depends on many factors, external and internal. Any forecasts are conditional. What does the Blind Spot phase mean and how is it characterized? This term (synonyms – deadlock, stand-off; standstill; stalemate; dead center; dead-spot) is taken from Earthly science, and it is used here intentionally. So, what is it? No matter how distant the analogies may look, they can explain a lot. In mechanics, it’s one of the extreme positions of the piston in the cylinder of a steam engine or internal combustion engine at the time of its reciprocating motion. When the piston stops in the dead center, an external impact is required to start the movement. That is, this is the position of the parts of the machine when it seems to freeze for a moment in immobility: the forces acting from opposite sides are balanced. To prevent the mechanism from stopping, special flywheels are used, which, continuing to spin by inertia, shift it from the dead center. In sports, this is the state of the body during intensive exercise. It occurs a few minutes after the start of hard muscle work that causes an unpleasant shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, dizziness, increased pulsation of blood vessels in the head, the desire to stop working. With insufficient warm-up and excessive intensity of the training start, there is a discrepancy between the oxygen needs of the muscles and the ability of the cardiovascular system to adequately provide it to the body. As a result, from the very beginning, decomposition products and, above all, lactic acid accumulate in the muscles. To avoid the Blind Spot condition, it is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of the training session. When the Blind Spot has come, it can be overcome by great willpower. If physical work continues, this state will be replaced by a feeling of sudden relief, which is most often manifested in second breath. It means that the body has adapted and can satisfy the working muscles with the necessary energy. In psychology, Blind Spot is a period in a person’s life when he is bogged down, does not move forward, and not move back either. It’s like he’s stuck at a crossroads. Some believe that this has its advantages, at least in a person’s life there is stability, calmness, a certain confidence in the future. For others, it means stagnation in career, personal growth, achievements, etc. Many people are experiencing complete apathy now when they don’t want to do anything, or even live. There’s nothing fatal with that. It is caused by being in the Blind Spot, global zeroing, including man’s individual transformation. Other examples can be given. What is important for us to understand in this regard? The processes in our life, the laws of Nature and the change of the Matrix are largely identical. When the piston stops in the Blind Spot, an external action is required to start the movement. It means that when the Matrices (World Order) change, complete equilibrium and zeroing will be achieved, from which the System (World) will not be able to get out on its own, at the expense of its internal resources and energy. To exit the Blind Spot and move to the next point, 5D Matrix (New World), external impact will be required. Let’s just remember this for now. In the scenario of current world events, Blind Spot is the time to clarify who will run the Earthly house. It’s the setting up of the EVOLUTIONARY FORCE that will be dominant in the New World, on the renewed Earth, in accordance with the Absolute’s Will. This is exactly what is happening right now before our eyes, during the hybrid Third World War of Dark Forces against Light Forces. And we all have to read from the same page. Bifurcation Indeed, simultaneously with the stage of global cleansing (see Disclosure News, Blind Spot, July 19, 2022), right before our eyes, the bifurcation phase is already beginning not only on the mental/conscious level, but also in the System and space/time as a whole. The culmination of this phase will be the achievement of a critical threshold, immediately after which the final part will come: the passing through Bifurcation Point. Ten years earlier, we had already gone through something similar. Then, the question was: Harvesting or the Great Quantum Transition? That is, removing the entire Fifth Race from Earth and settling it from scratch, in a completely cleared place, with a new civilization, or helping maximum number of earthlings in the Transition from 3D to 5D, who are ready to undergo a difficult and extremely painful inner transformation for that. The Absolute chose the second solution, and there were many reasons for it, connected not only and not so much with Earth and earthlings. In a short period, important events were coincided. A complete turning around their rotation center made the Local Universe (goes full circle in 8.64 billion years), the Milky Way (2 billion years), the Solar System (225-275 million years), and Earth (26 thousand years), bringing them to the next step of evolution. The Local Universe has terminated the stage of duality, i.e. continuous testing and stimulation of development by maximum aggravation of polarities. For the Absolute (which wasn’t a dipole at that time), it was the third Local Universe, a project in which she knew herself and her creation in all its extreme manifestations. The Milky Way, the Solar System and Earth were just one of a great many proving grounds where duality (Positive/ Negative) tests were also conducted. They reached the peak during the last Cosmic Night, filled of endless space wars, the seizure of planets, enslavement and often the destruction of all their inhabitants. Now the situation is different. The Absolute became dipole (Masculine/ Feminine) and rose to the next level of the Hierarchy. The Local Universe is quarantined, cleansed of the remnants of duality, and is preparing for its fourth version. The Cosmic Night is over. The Solar System and Earth are approaching the Cosmic Daybreak, in the zone of direct and full visibility of the Source and Its radiations. They are already coming to our planet in powerful streams, mercilessly burning out with high frequencies EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE who emit low vibrations. No matter how fantastic it may sound, but the earthlings have also radically changed. Despite all the events of the last two thousand years, a huge number of people are ready for the next level of development, unlike the previous four Races, which had to be destroyed. From the summer of 2021 to the present day, almost two billion men have entered 4D and 5D, and this transition continues. 2 billion men entered in three waves from summer 2021 to March 2022, reaching 100% of the necessary frequency level. The exact numbers are tracked by Light Forces, who constantly scan earthlings by their freqs. Part of the population are embodied Dracos, Reptilians, Nibiruans, Atlanteans, emitting the low vibes. The next part of transients is ready to joint them after elevating the frequencies. The number of such people is 66% of the total candidates who has live Souls. The sad thing is that about half of the population are clones, possessed, or lost (killed) their Soul. Positive changes in the Local Universe, our Galaxy, Solar System and on Earth have also become possible thanks to THOUSANDS of Light Forces’ ops on physical and Subtle Plane and You, working day by day to become aware of your inner creational power. At each stage of this gigantic path, Earth and humanity passed through the phase of accumulation and the onset of changes through the period of bifurcation, and the culmination of the final turning point. Such was the day of December 21, 2012, after which a great and irreversible Change of Matrices began -3D to five-dimensional. So what exactly is this process? What is the difference between the first phase and the second, and the next? How long they last? What does their change depend on? During the Transition, the Bifurcation Point is preceded by the zeroing phase of the existing System, its finale, Blind Spot. This is where we are right now. The old 3D Matrix is rapidly destroying, and the new 5D is being completed. As a result, the two polar systems coexist, burdened by WWIII on physical and Subtle Plane. The next stage is the phase of Systemic Bifurcation. This term comes from Lat. Bifurcus, that means forked, and is used in many spheres to denote qualitative rearrangements and metamorphoses of various objects when changing the parameters on which they depend. With continuous changes in parameters, cascades of bifurcations (rearrangements) may occur. This is one of the typical scenarios of transition from one state to another in physical, biological, social, economic, and other systems where there is a sequence of bifurcations. Up to the breaking point (bifurcation), the system has one path of development; its behavior is completely predictable. Bifurcation is a catastrophic leap, a conflict breakdown, a node of interaction between fluctuations and irreversibility. Examples in various systems can be: bifurcation of rivers – the division of the riverbed and its valley into two branches, which later do not merge and flow into different basins; in medicine – the division of a tubular organ (vessel or bronchus) into two branches of the same caliber, extending to the sides at the same angles; in mechanics – the acquisition of a new qualities in the movements of a dynamical system with a small change in its parameters; in time/space – stratification into several timelines, each of which has its own events. The bifurcation point is the moment when the system turns from one into another, but with new qualities (parameters). This is the time of critical instability at which the system is rebuilt, switches to one of the possible ways of further development. In people’s lives, the situation could be either one or the other. This is the moment when a person can easily choose one or the other, to act or not act, to do one thing or another, after which there is no return to the past. Bifurcation is not an instantaneous event, but a time-consuming process of cardinal restructuring of the system, in the course of which the further path of development is determined. The Bifurcation phase is divided into three stages. In first, the system is still stable due to its adaptation mechanism. In the second, it stops working. Instability and chaos are growing. The system can no longer exist in its former mode and capacity. At some point, a fracture occurs in it (the bifurcation point), and a new self-organization begins. In the third stage, the changes are ordered. The characteristics of the second stage of social bifurcation are: disorganization of relations in all spheres, revision of life values, tension, contradictions, conflicts, wars, and crises that determine the fate of society and civilization as a whole. This is where we are right now. In the second stage of the bifurcation period, but we have not yet reached its critical point, although we are steadily approaching. It will be a new moment of Truth, the most dangerous and tense period in the history of our Fifth Race. How it will be expressed in world events, and when exactly, remains behind the scenes for now. Under the impact of powerful cosmic energies on the day of the autumn equinox on September 23, 2022, and the winter solstice on December 21, much can become clearer. There is a strong possibility that the current backup 3D Matrix will be completely deactivated, and the new 5D will be up and run at full capacity. If this happens, the world will begin to change even faster. As of July 23, 2022, the stabilization of the 4D field and the number of people with a high-frequency level of consciousness of the fourth dimension has reached 66%. On July 25th, 2022, at 5:50 AM CET, the Siriusians’ tracking station on the Moon transmitted - Earth In Gravitational Cyclone At these days, on the Subtle Plane, the new stratification of the planet’s energies spheres occurred. It was accompanied by very intense radiation. Changes in the Earth’s power fields increase the tension of space in all spheres. Such moments may cause unusual dreams, feelings, visions, and stays. Perception can change on different planes. There also could be pains in the physical body due to inhibiting the assimilation of new high vibrations. On July 25th, 2022, at 5:50 AM CET, the Siriusians’ tracking station on the Moon transmitted next Earth monitoring data that adds new details and explains a lot. Our planet has entered a gravitational cyclone (chaotic acoustic range of energies), which caused changes in general physical and mental state. Randomly rotating quantum energies are actively rebuilding the Earth’s information field. The transformation of its space increases the instability of the nervous system. A powerful effect is exerted on sections of the brain, causing disorientation, emotional intensity, emptiness, pressure and mood swings. These are symptoms of exposure to various mixing incoming energies. Abnormal weather events continue and also affect the state of health. No need to be scared. This process is temporary, but necessary in setting up the work of the planetary Subtle Body by adjustments that Co-Creators carry out. The third dimension is already completely closed to everyone. Those who don’t stop the inner work of raising their vibrations will be safely conducted through transmutation and purification of consciousness by the fiery Divine stream. People who don’t want to change their consciousness, clinging to their exclusivity and isolation from the high energies of the Source, who refused to interact and connect with It, will be more quickly withdrawn from life. All those who doubt, but have the potential for awakening, will continue their learning through the aggravation of events in personal life and diseases. This is necessary for their enlightenment and acceptance of help from Above, because often, in extreme trials a man opens up to the Creator and turns for His help and support. Today, the last cleansing stage is open to everyone to go through the fiery scrubbing, sobering and awakening consciousness. For many, this is the only way to enter the new world, based on the Love of all those living in the Love of the Creator who created the cosmic worlds and Souls. They, being a part of Source energy, will be preserved only in connection with the inner Creator. There’s not much time left. What can be added to this? In recent weeks and days, a particularly powerful stream of high-frequency Light has been pouring onto the planet. Under its influence, many of us began to feel how rapidly the events of recent years recede into the past. It’s like fractals are flashing, memories of where we’ve been or what we’ve done. This is not necessarily a trauma, but just strange memories, something similar to a life review. Everything is torn apart, under the influence of the dissolving Veil between parallel realities. Multidimensional powerful Light is focused on destroying and scrubbing old structures in our body, upgrading our cells to liquid crystals, transforming our Subtle Bodies. Energies can cause symptoms of detoxification, as they destroy everything too dense for the new vibrations of the planet and the frequencies it generates in our cells. It may manifest as flu symptoms: headache, muscle tension, pain in the skeleton and joints. The bone structure is transmuted into a lighter version, since all dense and rigid matter incompatible with the Earth’s high vibration are accelerated morph, up to our cells and DNA. A hypersensitivity reaction of the vagus nerve is possible. This is the tenth of twelve pairs of cranial nerves descending into the thoracic, cervical and abdominal spine. It runs the innervation of the mucous membrane of the lower part of the pharynx and larynx, the area behind the ear, part of the tympanic membrane, the external auditory canal, the dura mater of the cranial fossa; the work of the muscles of the lungs, intestines, esophagus, stomach, heart; secretion of the pancreas and stomach. The effect of high-frequency currents on the nervus vagus can cause a change in voice, hoarseness, problems in pronunciation; difficulty swallowing not only during meals, but also swallowing fluids and even saliva; vomiting and suffocation; indigestion, constipation; pulsation in the head; complications in the heart; urinary incontinence; deafness. On the part of the nervous system, there may be pulsating intense headache, discomfort, pain and tinnitus; lethargy of the body; irritability; short temper in small things; apathy. Now it is especially important to rest a lot and drink more clean water, as it is an excellent tool for dissolving toxins, dense matter, and scrubbing them out of the body. Clouded consciousness, loss of strength, dizziness, nausea (mostly comes in waves), emotional vulnerability and instability, deep traumas emerging from the past – all these are symptoms of release from our 3D body, which is now turning into a lighter version. We are like butterflies breaking free from their rigid cocoon. At the same time, we can experience sublime states of bliss and joy, which are our original and true nature and state of being. This is our new frequency, corresponding to the vibrations of the New Earth. It is very useful to be grounded more often. It helps a lot to stabilize the central nervous system, to balance self emotionally. If we feel overwhelmed, we can go out into nature, walk barefoot, or just sit and lie on the ground, swim or be near the water. So we will get a huge support in cleansing and detoxification. Events are accelerating every day. Higher frequencies of Light, which are introduced to the planet, intensively grind the 3D Matrix and its planetary grid. Three-dimensional energies and matter on Earth are reset to zero. In this Great Scrubbing, each planet, star and Galaxy are interconnected, and affect each other by rearranging themselves. Unusual things have been happening to many of us for the last 3-4 days, then it tends to sleep, then it breaks into tears or apathy occurs, diseases worsen. In relationships with loved ones, the situation sometimes becomes completely unbearable. Almost daily, with short breaks, we are irradiated with the highest and longest doses of frequencies that a person can withstand. The work continues individually with each of us, calculating the strength of the frequencies. The course of this process depends on the purity of our physical and Subtle Bodies, thoughts and emotions. From the very bottom, feelings, that have been dormant for decades, or hundreds of years and have been hidden in the depths of our Soul, are out. To purify and finally get rid of emitted and accumulated negative energy, it is necessary to work out and transform it into Light, with the help of practices and meditations, nutrition and conscious living of every moment. The faster we accept and transform the experience that we have received in our life, and are still receiving, the faster we’ll get rid of it, the easier will be our life. The more we hold on to everything old and obsolete, the tougher the lessons of fate will be. The frequencies with which we are irradiated will continue to elevate. Now they are just above 40 Hz, but we already see what is happening to our lives, and in the world. Everything that hinders our ascent is swept away from our path. We are a Soul, and we came here to gain new experiences, fulfill a mission, and then use our best practices in other spaces and dimensions. Therefore, we do not need to pull with all our might, forcibly, those who have already made their decision to stay. Otherwise, we’ll get bogged down even deeper with them. They will also go this way, but much later. It is better to devote more time to ourselves and those who indeed want and are ready to ascend, and for this do not stop their intense inner work. Give a chance to those who seek it, and leave alone those who are satisfied with everything. We need to get to the 100 Hz mark, at which, by forecast, the planet’s field will be stabilized by the end of 2022. And sooner or later, we will have to drop the heavy load that we are pulling. The main task is to keep up with the frequencies of Earth; otherwise it will go further without us. We need to take a final decision whether to go with Gaia, or not. After the time comes, the Creator will “close His ears”, and will not hear a single prayer of repentance and frantic appeal for help. The final process will begin, not sift, but the extirpation. It’s impossible to say today, I haven’t woken up yet. It’s time to decide whether to prepare our emotions, thoughts, and body for the Transition, or to stay. In that case, we’ll simply miss the time to transform and expand our consciousness. Every lived day is one step forward. The choice of the Soul is holy, and the Creator respects the free will and choice freedom of everyone. But it would be unfair not to warn us about the end of an entire epoch and civilization. The ancestral lines are being closed. Low-vibrational people quickly quit Earth through illnesses and accidents, leaving astral and embodied parasites without energy supply. Think about it. Our Soul has already made a decision, but it cannot always break through our inflated Ego. Don’t look for excuses, facts and extenuations, don’t waste your precious time. Truly colossal transformations are waiting for us. We need to realize the full scope of what is happening now on Earth, in the Galaxy and the Local Universe, as DNI narrates daily. We are now moving into a completely new dimension in the Universe. After the Transition, we will help others to ascend to higher realms. After all, we will have a unique experience. We all came here solely for this. Only the strongest, most experienced and brightest Souls are here. We are not this body or even this Intelligence. We are part of the Source and carry its Spark within us. We are admired, watched and followed by space friendly races, waiting for our choice. It’s time to make a decision: to carry the Light and be the Light, and or still play the victim. At such a time, it is extremely important to be a neutral observer, not to fall into the psi-ops of the mass media and power holders, to remain focused on our inner state, which aligns us. Do not react to negative thoughts or external distractions. We are not our story. Blaming others, pointing the finger means simply giving away our power. We will cope, because we are all shining Beings of Light in human body. Let’s remember this, no matter what happens outside. Breaking News Of 04:00 PM CET, 25 July 2022 Official statement conveyed by Archangel Michael and Guan Yin, the new World Mother, the Karmic Council’s Head, for the information and public disclosure: The systemic evolutionary bifurcation point, as a result of which the equation of the Absolute will be self-solved, and the only collective force that will become the dominant and controlling force on earth, is scheduled for December 22, 2022, at 00:48 am. The format of passing the bifurcation point would be a karmic duel between the two power poles of the modern world. From a technical point of view, it will be a spiritual-energy confrontation, where, as in the balance, the pole that is stronger in all respects will be determined. According to the karmic law, this duel will be conducted exclusively according to the cosmic rules. The violator will be credited with a technical defeat. The passage of the Great Bifurcation Point is an event of the Subtle World, but its physical component is also present. Based on the results of self-organization of the Bifurcation Point, the Equation of the Absolute in the 3D planetary format will be solved. That is, the identification of the only Dominant Force and Vector that will implement the evolutionary programs of Gaia and the Absolute on the Renewed Earth. Soon after 22/12/22, the results will become noticeable on the physical plane, especially in the outcome of the hybrid Third World War. Its termination can be predicted in the first half of 2023. And it will be a direct consequence of the result of the karmic-evolutionary Duel of the World Poles. On July 25, 2022, On July 25, 2022, the Karmic Council adopted an official resolution on the end of the 3D Earth’s evolutionary cycles of Kali Yuga and Cosmic Night. Why did this very strange decision take place? After all, the de facto Kali Yuga and the Cosmic Night have already ended, and their programs were deactivated earlier. The answer is precisely that it is only de facto, but it is also necessary de jure. Of course, this decision only fixes a previously accomplished fact by Cosmic Law. But it’s not all that simple. Such an official decision was required for the following reasons. Why did this very strange decision take place? After all, the de facto Kali Yuga and the Cosmic Night have already ended, and their programs were deactivated earlier. The answer is precisely that it is only de facto, but it is also necessary de jure. Of course, this decision only fixes a previously accomplished fact by Cosmic Law. But it’s not all that simple. Such an official decision was required for the following reasons. During Kali Yuga and the Cosmic Night, on Earth, in many spheres was a mess. Various extraterrestrial civilizations implemented their programs and scenarios here. They came at their own discretion and without any admittance, or permits, by the right of might. The power elite they nurtured did the same. The decision of the Karmic Council will very soon lead to the official removal from Earth of many scenarios, forces, programs that do not meet the goals of the Transition. Global Predictor In particular, it concerns a Global Predictor. This is not only a backup copy of the old, 3D Matrix, the former World Order, a virtual copy of the Earth Logos, but also an artificial Matrix inside the Universe’s Matrix. The Artificial Intelligence installed in it was created by the Black Archons of Atlantis. With its help, today, they control and run States, their heads, and entire continents from the astral and on physical plane. It’s a global system of mankind’s enslavement, masterpiece and a genius of Black Magic art and creativity. During Kali Yuga, it was neither permitted nor forbidden. Formally, the basic Cosmic Laws were not violated. Using this, the Black geniuses turned Earth into a concentration camp. The made-up Matrix was embedded, like a chip, of a microcircuit, into the Earth’s Subtle Body. The Karmic Council’s legal expertise concluded that the Global Predictor was installed into the planet’s Matrix without permission, and in the New Era it is illegal. That is why it was necessary to make an official decision on the end of Kali Yuga. And what usually do with illegal buildings? The owner gets an order to immediately demolish his illegal structure. If he doesn’t, it will be leveled forcibly. This order came into force on July 25, and the deadline for execution is September 22, 2022. Thus, Dark Forces couldn’t use this energy structure in a karmic duel with Light Forces, scheduled for December 22, 2022, at 00:48 AM. About an hour after the publication of information on the Global Predictor, a throw-in appeared on the Internet about what was done in specific countries and their leadership for creating a new global pole of decision-making, with their help and on their basis. How realistic is this? The Global Predictor is a remnant of past era, a carrier of old, obsolete evolutionary programs. On the one hand, it’s a mechanism, a planetary Artificial Intelligence, a chip embedded in the Earth’s Subtle Body. On the other hand, there are specific entities behind the Global Predictor, including people who created it and use it to achieve their goals. This is the power pyramid of the Dark Hierarchs. They are at the top of it. All that is below are public managers, financial elites, service personnel of the Global Predictor. Tops are invisible “upper crust”. On publicly available diagrams, they are often depicted as 22 Hierophants who control the world. But this is not quite true. They are descendants of the Atlantis Black Priests, but come from the Theban Priesthood of ancient Egypt, where they moved after the Atlantis death. This is just the vertex of pyramid, which extends much higher. As it’s truncated, the circle of chosen ones narrows. Above the 22 Hierophants is the Committee of 12 Hierophants, a copy of the Committee of 12 of Atlantis. The latter ruled the entire Earth. Some of them are members of the Council of the Twelve Supreme Hierophants of the Global Predictor. At the very top is the Controlling Dipole: the Supreme Hierophant and the Supreme Hierophantide. Both come from Atlantis. Why did the Absolute’s Highest Hierarchy give the “green light” for this information disclosure? Currently, behind the scenes, negotiations are underway on the integration of a part of the Light Atlanteans into the future Sixth Race. Dark Atlanteans, of course, see it, and know all the trends and prospects. Being aware of the coming events, they are actively looking for a compromise on the basis of which they could enter a new humanity. It can be a separate branch, or as part of a united generic “trunk” of a single Atlantis. And as a “gesture of goodwill”, the Global Predictor will indeed support some country or group of countries. Moreover, such geopolitical metamorphoses may occur not as a result of the global financial and economic crisis, WWIII, military operations or natural disasters, but as a result of agreements and compromises with the Global Predictor’s creators. But as has happened more than once in the history of the Fifth Race, the Global Predictor has always very easily coned this or that country, an entire region, simply changing their leadership or shuffling the elite. And then he gave commands to the new rulers what to do. This is what is behind the wave of resignations around the world. The Crystal of Primary Energies The exact numbers are tracked by Light Forces, who constantly scan earthlings by their freqs. Part of the population is embodied Dracos, Reptilians, Nibiruans, Atlanteans, emitting the low vibes. On 27 July 2022, at 06:49 AM CET, Co-Creators and Galacom conveyed the new important info via the Single Hierarchical Channel. By the decision of the Absolute and the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs, from June 23, 2022, the day of the Summer Solstice, the Crystal of Primary Energies focused on the Earth is turned on at full power. In the distant past, these were the primordial energies of our planet, which Pleroma was preparing as its lower pole in the Absolutized Local Universe. The onset of Kali Yuga and Cosmic Night, and the seizure of Earth by Black Archons and their Dark and Gray races, forced the Higher Light Hierarchy to postpone their original plans for a long time. Now everything has changed and these plans are being implemented with renewed vigor again, making up for a lost tempo. The Crystal of Primary Energies is multifunctional. It emits a perfect dipole combination of Feminine and Masculine Foundations. Thanks to this, the Absolute (which was not a dipole before), now, can build a completely new Local Universe, all its Galaxies and planets, including Earth. Recall. The first thing the Black invaders of the planet did was to impose on it, by fire and sword, the Male Power, mercilessly destroying the Feminine Foundation, which has been suppressed and perverted in every way for thousands of years. As a result, Earth, humanity and every person lost the opportunity to develop perfectly, that suited the parasites very much. Powerful radiations of Absolutized dipole energy put an end to that anomaly. The Crystal works completely autonomously, and independently adjusts to each dimension, space and object. It acts systematically, regularly, and has the highest degree of protection against any hacking and external impacts. It is not tied to a specific place and object. It is a part of a multidimensional space that penetrates into everything and everyone. By dint of its soft, the Crystal decides for itself how to work, using all the energies that people don’t know about yet, until they remember selves from the original birth, when the Source exhaled their Soul into space in the form of Its Spark. The Crystal radiation does not annihilate karma and other negativity, but only carries the reference dipole energy. It scans us independently, and based on the result, creates an individual background for each of us, helping to increase the purity of our emotions and thoughts for the Transition to 5D. At first, not everyone will be able to endure the moment of touching the Crystal’s energies, but only those who have primogeniture laid down initially in the planet-man system through Monads and Logos. Without this, no higher creation is possible – only Soulless and Monadless forms of life. Parasites and Artificial Intelligence, churning out techno-dependence, will not withstand contact. The energies of the Crystal work on the principle of a pendulum, swinging back and forth in waves. At the beginning, they stimulate inner self-purification of us, our families and kindred. Then, the upgrading mechanism will be launched. The Crystal is activated to help not only humans, but also the former Black Co-Creator of the Local Universe. He returned to Pleroma and became one of its Supreme Hierarchs. Now he arduously eradicates his former legacy in all dimensions and spaces, and fills them with the dipole energies of the Crystal. There is a lot of work, but he conducts it confidently, including on Earth. Being singled out by the Manifestation of the Absolute, Crystal also took part as an observer in the latest operations of the Lightwarriors’ ground team. But recently, it asked them and their Curators to enter the Logos of the group and one of the Logos and egregores on Earth. The request was granted, since many Lightwarriors are already carriers of primary energies. They easily put in selves the aspect of the Crystal. And now, through them, it intensively saturates the planet’s core and the 5D grid with primary energies, which are very necessary for Earth in this difficult time. On the Subtle Plane, under the control of the Programmers of our Light eon, the Crystal’s radiations prepare the elemental micro and macro particles for a decisive change in their fields. The elemental forms of life are also preparing to move to the natural platform of primary energies, which contain all codes, programs, and substances in their Absolute purity and perfection. NEW- I am offering direct One on One personal sessions for locals in Vancouver, Canada area to Awaken your Multidimensionality Hypno-Meta - A mysterious journey into your self-revelation as a Multidimensional Creator The Goal is to reach above 100Hz. Examples of Frequencies: Specifically: to optimism – 38 Hz; Acceptance – 48 Hz; Gratitude – 45 Hz; Friendship, attempts to love by heart – 50 Hz; Generosity – 95 Hz; Heartfelt gratitude – from 140 Hz and higher; Feeling of unity with other people – 144 Hz and higher; Compassion – from 150 Hz and higher (pity – only 3 Hz); Love generated by heart for all people and all living things without exception – from 150 Hz and above; Courage – 200 Hz; Love, unconditional, sacrificial, Universal – from 205 Hz and higher; Neutrality – 250 Hz; Willingness – 310 Hz; reason – 400 Hz; joy – 540 Hz; Peace – 600 Hz; Enlightenment – 700+ Hz.

  • What is the source of Carcinoma in our bodies and our Local Universe? How Earth became a threat?

    Content: Operation Oncotomy - How the Cancer was created, spread and... lately removed Giorgia Guidestones’ demolition - new info was conveyed Argorians Update 13-15 July 2022 - all mass meditations on Earth was urged to be stopped. Heat in Europe - Sunbathing - be careful and mindful, because of Solar Flux Conclusion - The internal collapse, “death in every cell” should be considered not literally, but as a change of dimension Operation Oncotomy This information was released from Lightworiers last week. Higher Light Hierarchy and Galacom decided to remove a huge part of the toxic legacy that hinders the Transition to 4D/5D. The removal of Information component of accumulated Local Universe’s karma. How does it differ from the Energy ingredient? The latter was a rust, a scab on the Causal Body, a compact covering that did not let in the Light of the Source from which all the matter and energy in the Universe was created. The informational part of karma is A PROGRAM OF SELF-DESTRUCTION NOT ONLY OF THE CARRIER, BUT ALSO OF EARTH, HUMANITY, THE UNIVERSE, AND THE ABSOLUTE, I.E. OF ALL EXISTENCE. How exactly did this program kill? When we perform a karmic action, we always do it by our free will and choice freedom. The accumulation of karma – the mutated Perfect Light of the Source – has, like everything else, its limit, a critical mass. If it is exceeded, the Universe can be self-destructed together with its Creator. At the same time, some men form karma, while others sacrifice themselves, like Christ, to slow down the onset of a critical mass. Karma for the Universe is like a cancer for a person. Karma Lords created this disease to reduce the mass of the individual karmic crystal through the forced suffering of the physical body. The decision about the disease is made jointly, by mutual consent of the Higher Self of man and the Karmic Council, as an exceptional measure of compulsory purification, necessary for the Soul’s salvation. After that, Karma Lords select a zone or area in the man’s Causal Body core, from which a scab of the mutated substance of Perfect Light is cut off. It’s like cleaning a very dirty glass that does not let in the Sun’s rays. The cut-off “rust” is dumped to the lower levels (Subtle Bodies and physical corpus). As a result, a person became ill with cancer or another cleansing disease. The malady starts in the place or organ where the karmic avalanche was projected, and locally directed. The dose of karma is strictly calculated, but often it’s taken to the maximum, and the result of such purification is the death of the physical body. According to the Law of Karma, it is considered to be written off at the moment of its discharge from the Causal Body, in which the info-energy accumulates, forming events in a person’s life. After the reset, the corresponding amount of karma is removed from his individual karmic account. That is, the body is still suffering and sick, but the Soul has ALREADY been cleansed, because the energy component of karma is evacuated from the Causal Body. Today, at the Cosmic Daybreak, the Great Quantum Transition’s speed up, and the earthlings’ move in 4D/5D, the situation and the alignment of forces in the Local Universe and on Earth have changed dramatically. The karmic carcinoma of the Local Universe had another source – the genome of its Black Co-Creator. How did it happen? After this Supreme Hierarch betrayed the Source and turned to the Dark Side, our Local Universe was divided into two opposing camps. The Lights and the Darks began to build their eons and Intelligence forms. The three-dimensional Earth was part of the Gray eons made by Yaltabaoth, the son of Black Co-Creator and World Mother Sophia. Before the division of the Local Universe, our planet was in the image and likeness of the Pleroma, planned as its lower pole, but as a result of events it lost its mission, task, and objective. Black Co-Creator injected his substance into the Earth’s core. Feeding on the negativity and karma of humanity, this “seed”, like a cancerous tumor, metastasized, and began to grow on the Subtle Plane. Over time, it increased to cosmic proportions, hitting the Local Universe, Logos of Galaxies, stars and planets. This substance was of the highest quality, as it consisted of the info-energy of Co-Creator. Its germination in space was gradual. First, one Black eon was built on its basis, then several, and in the end there were twelve of them. In each, Black Co-Creator placed his Archons, whom he himself gave birth to, and those who, like him, betrayed the Source and left the Pleroma. 3D Earth was located on the lower boundary of the Grey eons, and, along with the Planetary Logos of Saturn and the Stellar Logos of Antares, was one of the centers of the diabolical system. Very soon, Earth turned into the main focus of carcinoma spread in the Local Universe. Belonging of our planet to the Grays’ eons, where the Dark and the Lights mixed, helped the metastases to grow equally easily in all eons. Earth became a threat to the existence of the entire Local Universe, because its tumor devoured the causal substance of the Light eons, making them in dead space for their inhabitants. Black Archons, on the contrary, felt very well, because any negativity is their life energy. Its source seemed inexhaustible due to the continuously growing Earth’s karma, infecting by a malignant tumor the Greater Cosmos. For a long time, Higher Light Hierarchy could do nothing about it. They managed to only partially slow down the growth of the karmic carcinoma. There was no question of its destruction, because it meant the automatic death of the entire diseased organism of the Local Universe, including Earth, humans and many other civilizations. In the Pleroma couldn’t take that risk, and were ready to endure everything and sacrifice everything for our planet salvation. The Earth’s staying in the Cosmic Night and the zone where the Light of the Source almost did not penetrate further complicated the problem. The first turning point occurred during the Earthly mission of Jesus Christ. After he ascended to the Pleroma like red-hot plasma, burned through all the eons of the fallen Co-Creator. This reduced their power by one third, but it was still impressive. On Earth, they were given strength by another very unsightly circumstance: the transition to the Dark Side of the group of Karma Lords, who were part of the first Karmic Council. These renegades helped to use cancer to drain the sick earthlings of their Life Energy, leaving them no chance to overcome karma and disease. Their energy was secretly redirected to the Black Co-Creator and his Hierarchy, who made a Mortal Crystal on its basis. Having placed it at the Earth’s center, they, with its power, have been providing themselves with vital energy for thousands of years. By their actions, our planet turned into an active inflammatory lesion of Death, because nowhere else in the Local Universe did so many Human Souls died. At the same time, the information ingredient of karma is annihilated, i.e. the program of the Universe and the Absolute’s self-destruction, created by man. Unlike the energy part, this software is erasing not immediately, but gradually, by the vital power of a person and the Perfect Light coming through the purified core of his Causal Body. The main and most difficult task was to split the Crystal, in which the karma of Black and Gray eons accumulated. The Crystal was the Monad of Black Co-Creator. With its tentacles, it, like a cancerous tumor, has deeply rooted in other Monads, their carriers and the Causal Bodies of every person on Earth. Through this channel, karma was continuously drained onto them, which they had to work out all their lives. The operation was analogous to removing a carcinoma from a human brain. In the Local Universe, an op of such complexity has never been conducted, and has not even been considered theoretically. Nevertheless, Higher Light Forces successfully coped with the task. To solve it, they used the Monads and cores of the Causal Bodies of Lightwarriors and Ascended Masters. Through them, as through repeaters of pulsating super-vibrations of Perfect Light, by pointed annealing, the entire karmic substance was burned out of the Crystal. It was like pouring gasoline on a field where poisonous weeds and edible crops grow at the same time and setting it on fire. And only weeds should have burned out, and no useful plant should suffer. The octonomy took about three days, during which the members of the ground group felt as if they were placed in a microwave oven, turned on at full power. In parallel, Higher Light Hierarchs extracted the Primary Cell, Foundation and Energy of the Absolute from the Black Co-Creator’s Monad and transferred them to a new Crystal of the Local Universe, without which it could not exist. They served like cement for laying stones or calcium for bones. The Causal Bodies’ cores and the Monads of all earthlings were cleansed from the accumulated energy karma of Black Co-Creator and his eons. The next step was the removal of its second component – the Informational Karma. Before that, it was necessary to carry out several preparatory ops. The first was aimed at splitting the core of the Monad (Crystal) of the former Black Co-Creator, cut it off from the Center of the Local Universe, and place in the vacated space the Melchizedek’s Monad. Two Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs headed the operation. Together with Lightwarriors, they split the Crystal core, removed the Aspect of the Absolute from it and put it in the dipole’s Monad of Melchizedek and Venus as a source of the Perfect Light in the Local Universe. Not everything went smoothly. In the midst of the op, the karmic Crystal of the Atlanteans was suddenly de-capsulated. It was held until the right time inside the sanitized part of the Earth’s Casual Body. The karmic substance inside the Crystal had its own Intelligence, since it contained part of the causal-Monadic aspects of its creators. Breaking out, some of this toxic dirt fell on Lightwarriors, damaging their Causal and Radiant Bodies. Simultaneously, data about mass destruction technologies, in particular, psychotropic weapons, developed during the Third Atlantis, leaked from the Crystal into the Earth’s info field. This content was immediately tracked, read and recorded by special services units monitoring the planet’s info field. For a long time, they have been actively upgrading the means of control and running a human consciousness. Having decoded the data about psy-weapons, they, as per the designer’s drawing, created a new combat prototype, by which they tried to destroy the Lightwarriors’ ground team. With a help of a man, who did the course in their center, a satellite radio beacon was installed, positioning GPS coordinates in real time. It became a target designator for firing at the group. For three days, the invisible battle of the highest Black technologies against Lightwarriors continued on the Subtle Plane. They did not immediately understand what was happened, because this technology was radically different from all they had encountered before. When applied, the impacted man is first brought into a state of stupor, so that he can’t even move his eyes. Then, there is a seizure and full control over consciousness is established, into which the needed behavior programs are loaded. In addition, this technology was run not by an operator, but by a robot that was virtually invulnerable. To tracers, slippers and other sensitives it’s easier to track a person than a device. But Lightwarriors managed to figure out the source of the psy attack, bypass the distracting frequency of the robot and suppress it together with secret remote controllers. They were destroyed by their own blows, returned to them like a boomerang. Then, by the pulse of the Perfect Light, intensified to the state of plasma, the karmic Crystal of the Atlanteans was destroyed. The remaining toxic substance was taken into the Hearts and Causal Radiant Bodies for processing by Higher Light Hierarchs and Ascended Masters. There were no more assaults on Lightwarriors. They once again demonstrated that the best and most effective defense against any energy attacks is willpower and Intelligence. If to use the power of Thought and Light, control consciousness and purity of mind, then no psy weapon is scary. The second prep operation, carried out simultaneously at all levels of the Local Universe, was the elimination of the Radioactive Decay Crystal. Radioactivity – instability of elements’ atomic cores, starting from number 83 in the Periodic Table – is a karmic virus, a disease that arose in our Local Universe after Black Co-Creator betrayed the Source and began to build his Dark and Gray eons. To destroy the Decay Crystal that has been poisoning the Local Universe for millennia, Karma Lords and Galacom brought in a ground team. In the Temple of Perfect Light, located in a remote mountainous region of Southern Europe, they jointly split the Decay Crystal and restored its original function – the generator of Life Power. The removal of accumulated karma’s information component meant, first of all, the erasure of this program from all structures of the Local Universe. For this purpose, Higher Light Hierarchs and Ascended Masters shaped a plan and began its implementation together with the ground team. To create the erasing beam, they used the energy of Perfect Light from the Pleroma’s Core. Lightwarriors were assigned the role of carriers of erasable files containing info-karma, a complex polymorphic virus developed by Black Co-Creator and spread by people who committed karmic actions. This supreme virus has infected the entire structure of the Local Universe. During the cleansing op, the systemic information not damaged by the virus in the form of separate files was temporarily overwritten on the Lightwarriors’ DNA. After the backup was completed, THE INFECTED LOCAL UNIVERSE’S EVOLUTION PROGRAM WAS DELETED. The sensations that Lightwarriors experienced are indescribable. For several days they were dying from a wild headache and eye pain. Moreover, the group members were not allowed to sleep, because recording on their DNA and working with them was possible only when they were fully conscious. Why did the eyes hurt? When booting the DNA, which was used as an ultra-capacious hard drive, it is through the ocular nerve that all information traffic passes. At the end of this stage of Operation Oncotomy, the cumulative karma of the Local Universe was discharged. What is it? It includes several components. This is the total karma of humanity, which consists of the sum of the individual karma of people living on Earth; the karma of Earth (its Logos), and all earthlings who have ever lived and sinned on it; the karma of Galaxies, generated by their Intelligence. The karma of the Local Universe is the totality of all of the above, i.e. deviation from the Ray of the Ideal Creation, the inability to conduct 100%, not distorted, the Source’s Perfect Light. Each person with his Monad is a part of the Crystal of the Universe, and makes his karmic contribution to it. How was this Crystal purified? Higher Light Hierarchs and Ascended Masters, together with Galacom and the ground team, have conducted and are continuing many successful operations on the physical and Subtle Plane, leaving Black Archons and their camarilla no chance of survival. To destroy the Mortal Crystal, which became part of the Local Universe’s Crystal, the Pleroma’s envoys created from their Monadic and Radiant Bodies a sort of super-powerful kibbler. They placed it on the Causal Plane in the center of Earth and began to crush the Death Crystal layer by layer. Crystal breakage and excise a tumor metastasis of the Local Universe went very hard. Lightwarriors actively participated in this work, which took away all their physical, Spiritual and mental strength. It was like a complex neurosurgical operation. Higher Light Hierarchs and Ascended Masters verified every their movement with great precision. When they removed the carcinoma roots, access was opened to the most dangerous spot – the core of the Death Crystal. Observing the utmost caution, the Hierarchs placed a special substance of condensed Perfect Light in the Crystal. As delivery vehicles and for injecting the substance into the Mortal Core, they used the Subtle Bodies of Lightwarriors, since they are embodied on Earth. This was a very dangerous part of the operation. The direct contact with the venom of the Mortal Core caused a severe burn of their Radiant Bodies that took several days to heal it. During this stage of the op, it was discovered that Black Co-Creator used individual incarnation DNA crystals of men, and Family Trees as Portals to the Mortal Crystal. They worked as separate protected channels of access to it. With the help of this system, people’s karma and their death, the entire karmic structure in the Local Universe was maintained. For millennia, the earthlings, as living shield, were the best guarantee of its reliability and inviolability. The Operation Oncotomy culminated when Higher Light Hierarchs have begun folding all the metastases that have taken root from Earth into many eons and Logos. It was like the growth of a branched tree, only in reverse order: retraction, suction of the crown into the trunk. The Mortal Crystal core was already killed by the Absolute Light injection into it. But the metastatic infrastructure remained. At the Council of the Light Hierarchy, a simple and ingenious decision was made: to convolute in cosmological singularity the entire karmic tumor of the Universe and its focus in Earth. For it, a special engine with a negative center of gravity was made. It worked as a powerful magnet, similar to those that are the centers of Galaxies and Universes. Then, the most difficult op’s part began: starting the reverse process. To kick it off, the participants had to suck in a part of the substance of the Mortal core. For the second time, Lightwarriors had to come into direct contact with the strongest poison of a carcinoma and get a deep burn of their Radiant-Causal Bodies that was again quickly healed by Ascended Masters. As soon as the karma suction became self-acting, the two Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs introduced their Aspects into the two leaders of the ground team. Then, by the power of their Hearts, Hierarchs pulled on selves, through Lightwarriors and Ascended Masters, and burned out the entire karmic tumor of the Local Universe. And in conclusion, new information from the Galactic Committee, received in the first days of July 2022. The Earth’s current events have had an extremely negative and destructive impact on the entire Gaia’s Absolutoverse, and especially on its 3D/4D/5D integral fractal field. Now, 3D Earth is bringing colossal entropy and chaos to the entire Local Universe, nullifying all efforts to move the planet into a new dimension. This problem has caused serious concern in the Pleroma. Co-Creators decided to take emergency measures to change the situation as soon as possible. Mainly because the new eons fractal eon will not survive, and will cause disfunctions on 4D and 5D Earths. What actions will be taken in this regard? Galacom doesn’t provide the details, but some hints allow make certain assumptions. All processes and events scenarios will be accelerated. The old building called 3D Earth, which Black Archons, Dark Hierarchy and their elite have polluted and infected to the limit, must be cleaned and restored. It is necessary to regenerate the Nature, remove all chemical, toxic waste, harmful industries, adjust the Earth’s orbit, the orientation of the poles, and much more. How can this be achieved, in what time frame and in what sequence? This info is not disclosed. It is only known that several roadmaps are discussed in detail and partially implemented simultaneously, which are quickly adjusted depending on the situation in specific countries and Earth’s parts. An important part of the actions being taken is the accelerated transformation of people that increased dramatically after the summer solstice under the impact of intense quantum flows directed to Earth. Giorgia Guidestones’ demolition On July 9, 2022 at 02:34 PM CET, new info was conveyed concerning the Giorgia Guidestones’ demolition three days earlier. Recall. The four main plates were oriented according to the annual cycle of the Sun’s movement across the sky. In the central column at eye level there was a via hole oriented to the north – through it at any time of the year one could see the North Star – as well as a slot made in accordance with the position of the Sun during the solstices and equinoxes. A 7/8-inch hole in the upper roof slab was oriented so that the sunlight penetrating through it at noon fell on the central stone, indicating the day of the year. The megalithic structure was located in an area known as the Granite Capital of the World, given to it because of the huge deposits of this mineral. The monument itself was located on top of a flat hill. The first two commandments accurately indicated those who created it and why. But it was all on the surface. On the Subtle Plane, this object was the localization point of the global egregore of Black Archons and their Dark Hierarchy. Guidestones were made using ancient technologies and served as a working mechanism. Accurate astronomical orientation, antenna plates captured the Life Energy from the Sun, the Polar Star, the Galactic Center and directed it to feed the parasite egregore. Through the same Portal, part of the processed karma was diverted outside – a sort of crematorium chimney. After the New World Order Altar was blasted, on the afternoon of July 6, 2022, the authorities pushed over all the other stones by back-hoe. Thus, the Satanic shrine ceased to exist on the physical plane. A little earlier, the same thing happened on the Subtle Plane. Light Forces dealt Guidestones a powerful blow that destroyed its Thin-material structure. All ops on the Subtle and physical plane will be carried out even more actively, covertly and openly. As it was with the destruction of Georgia Guidestones built specifically to maintain the global egregore of Black Archons. They continue to sow the conflicts, death and destruction throughout the planet by the hands of their elite. In the coming days and weeks, events on Earth will accelerate significantly. Judging by the leaks from Galacom, we are on the verge of turning points in the reorganization of the world and the deposition of many of its rulers. Argorians Update 13-15 July 2022 On July 13-15th, 2022, the Argorians’ fleet and the Siriusians’ tracking station on the Moon transmitted new monitoring data of Earth and earthlings. Below is a summary. Once again, Argorians and Siriusians urged to immediately stop all mass meditations on Earth. The reasons are the same that were voiced earlier and caused the strongest hype no matter how many times the reasons were explained. The energies of the participants in such meditations are extremely heterogeneous and mostly polar. This explosive mix leads to destruction in the Earth’s power field, increases the clots of negativity in it, which all Black egregores and other parasites feed on the Subtle and physical plane, prolonging their existence. The best solution is when ALL participants emit the high-frequencies as, for example, the Lightwarriors ground teams do during their ops. In their ops, they radiate 1000Hz and higher. If they emit a Perfect Light, it’s hundreds of thousands Hz; if – Absolutized Synthesis for annihilation, it’s even much higher. For comparison: overwhelming majority of mass meditations’ participants emit from 0.5 to 2-3.5Hz. This is what the Dark parasites live on. Currently, the energy and matter of the 3D Earth are actively being removed for processing into part of the multidimensional fractal of the planet, combining the sixth, fifth and fourth densities where the 5D Matrix is being completed. The new crop circle in Wiltshire, UK informs about this: in a 6D space, the planet’s communication center and a Hologram change, unite and upgrade the 3D worlds of Nature. Strong bursts of the energies of mass meditations destabilize the transforming currents, the general field of Earth, cause sudden temperature spikes and amplify earthquakes. The anomalies that earthlings are observing now are manifested by forest fires in some regions, floods in others, severe drought and crop loss in the thirds, volcanic eruptions in the fourths, daily earthquakes in the fifths. On June 14, there were five of them with a magnitude (M) 5.0 and higher; 33 – M4+; 112 – M3+; 217 – M2+; and 434 with a magnitude less than 2.0. The strongest – M5.2 – occurred in the South Pacific Ocean, New Zealand. This week, record temperatures have set in the UK, Portugal, Spain, Italy and France, and relief is not expected. The hot will worsen the ongoing forest fires in the south-west of Europe. In 14 states of Portugal, in the east of Spain and the UK, the 3rd level of the heat warning is in effect until the weekend, the highest possible. This is how quantum flows coming through the Sun from the Galactic Center rearrange the energy of the planet. In addition to constant negativity, another source of destabilization of the Earth’s field, which people blindly and stubbornly create, only hinders. FROM NOW ON, ALL THE ENERGIES OF MASS MEDITATIONS WILL AUTOMATICALLY RETURN TO THEIR SOURCE POINT. The space squadron of 25D Argorians helps to run quantum flows coming to Earth, splits 3D atoms into particles, accumulates 4D and 5D energy in the Earth’s power field, according to Time programs, and cyclically saturates the aura of the planet with five-dimensional plasma. This is reported by crop circle in Hampshire, UK: by the force field of the communication center, the Earth’s core cyclically opens Portals for the release of information energy of an outdated, 3D, life support system. Codes for the materialization of new 5D programs are loaded through the same Portals. The reconstruction of the Earth’s 3D crust is performed by an ultrasonic transducer of five-dimensional space energy. Time spin increases the transmission of new cosmic flows to Earth. The stream of Time has accelerated. The days are no longer 24, or even 16, but 12 hours. So the point of no return to 3D is approaching. The superimposition of Galactic pulsars’ radiation and the stratification of Time flows strengthen the energy shield of the planet, helping its transformation. Blocks concentrating 5D energy are being modified. They accumulate ready-made vital plasma more actively. The spatial pulsation of force fields transforms human bodies at the atomic-molecular level. This helps earthlings to move to a new level of development and Intelligence. Many deep processes are caused by wave vortexes, which accompany the formation of people of the Sixth Race. 5D energy accumulates in their individual capsules-spheres, expanding the range of their evolution in the fifth density (for more information about these capsules, see Operation Life Matrix, DNI, January 26, 2022). As of July 15, 2022, another large group of earthlings became ready for the Transition to 4D, increasing their vibrations to the necessary frequencies by inner work. It’s approximately 35% of the total number of transients. The waves of fiery Solar storms lay open all the weaknesses of the human body. Its cells vibrate at a certain frequency, and a new spectrum is added to it. The cell aging program is being reset. Temporarily, it creates chaos, then, follows stabilization, and adaptation. All non-transformed areas of the body, all blocked chakras, fail. This is as it should be – the physical and Subtle Bodies change gradually. So they are settling down to live in a new mode, until the next increase in vibrations. And it will be like this all the time. How one can help self? First and foremost, it’s necessary to remain calm and cool-headed. If inner sensations bring silence, so everything is in order. The body trembles, the Spirit is carried up. It is very desirable really listen in utter internal quiet, and to be tuned into the right wavelength. In such cases, traditional medicine is useless. Chemicals only bring down the subtle settings of the body. It’s not easy for the corpus to sync with incoming quantum flows, and it still has to cope with extraneous elements. Maintaining calm, if there are no emotional reactions, the energy is not blocked in the body, and gradually begins to circulate in a new range. The physical body needs completely different things. In the new, high-frequency energies, heavy food are not good for it, other nutrients are required – everything that is natural, alive. Charged water can substitute many medications. It simply loaded by the necessary information about healing, and it effectively works inside the body, in the aquatic environment of cells. In the same way, purification takes place. Thought comes to the fore; it can change a lot of processes. Solar flux primarily enters the upper chakra and the glands of the brain. Its active restructuring can cause increased pressure or headaches. The image "Solar Flux" - Two snakes are two streams in the energy channels, passing through all the chakras. Wings are a symbol of the Soul, as part of the Source. In other interpretations, it’s a caduceus (Mercury’s rod) or the four fundamental elements: rod (trunk) corresponds to earth, wings to air, snakes to fire and water. Sunbathing now is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous. It is important to observe the inner feeling in the sun. It’s an important source of change, but now elevated frequencies are coming through it, for which the bodies of many are not quite ready. In such peaks, it is better not to be in the sun for a long time. All new programs and codes are loaded into us through the Sun. We receive all high frequencies through the Sun. It’s just that for some it’s not a problem, but for others it’s an ordeal, especially when the Sun is most active, and the magnetic field is deliberately partially removed to burn out parasites that can’t withstand high frequencies. Conclusion Many men have begun to notice how the information light becomes literally tangible. That is, previously hidden info is floating in space, and people catch it. It is a stream that expands consciousness. More and more things come within reach to what earthlings could not even imagine. For example, the mental messages from above on what needs to be done and what not. This is the Higher Selves’ hints. In this mode, everyone will reach the main quantum leap. In peace and trust in his Spirit. Many people have tremendous stress now due to the ongoing energy events. The internal collapse, “death in every cell” should be considered not literally, but as a change of dimension. Reality is changing, our bodies are also changing, they need to be allowed to live through the whole process that is happening now, with the least losses. What happens is this. For a long time, humanity has been dumping its negativity into the bowels of Earth. Unlived pain, suffering, violence, wars, hatred, anger, etc. All this has been accumulating in the planet for millennia, compacting and creating gigantic stresses in space, which were previously discharged by cataclysms or major wars. In some cases, these wars and cataclysms led to the erasure of entire civilizations, the ruins of which we see around. Now, it has been decided not to allow such a scenario to play out once again and Gaia uses a different method. She is trying to bring out stagnant energies through people incarnated now who can process them. That is why so many Lightwarriors, Lightworkers, Starseeds and other high Souls are embodied now – without them this process would be impossible, because most earthlings do not understand what is going on, are stuck in the old paradigm of separation and are unable or unwilling to work out their negativity. Many Souls and fragments of Souls are also stuck in the dense layers of the planet, which somehow need to be released. We can imagine it as compacted silt at the bottom of a large reservoir, which is now decompressing and rising, going through the process of assembling the fragmented parts, cleaning and filtration. Some energies are processed and defragmented easily, others are not without difficulties, because the process often involves understanding and living stuck programs and emotions. Many Souls and fragments of Souls pass through incarnate relatives who are able to live and let go of tension, helping to clear generic programs and release Souls further. After the cleansing in the buffer zone, some of them will go to their worlds, some to new incarnations. All mental confusions in these days are connected precisely with the fact that this process of purification passes through everyone who is able to carry it out. Many living people have depressive states not only due to the loss of landmarks in the world, which seems to be slowly rolling into the abyss, but also due to the fact that those very energies stuck in the bottoms – their own, generic and planetary – pass through them. They create a feeling of death in every cell, because they are largely saturated with suffering and take away a huge resource – the main forces are spent simply on maintaining the vital activity of an organism experiencing enormous pressure under the weight of circumstances. True humanity is a Phoenix rising from the ashes, but the “ashes” were always just illusionary. True humanity was never destroyed or irreversibly lost, it was just given this extreme, ultimate experience. We will experience more exits, more “deaths”, more complete implosions, more abrupt endings of many things we thought “impossible to break”. Yet they will end … because this is only a short awakening to realization of our eternal life. It wont matter to count our “losses”, because everyone will realize that they never lost anyone or anything. NEW- I am offering direct One on One personal sessions for locals in Vancouver, Canada area to Awaken your Multidimensionality Hypno-Meta - A mysterious journey into your self-revelation as a Multidimensional Creator

  • Cosmic Thunderstorm - Fire and Splash

    By the powerful Solar storms, high-pitched and more frequent, Galacom continues to destroy the Archons’ infrastructure on the Subtle and physical plane. From the Darks’ satellites in orbit and the protection system in the Earth’s magnetic field to the thinning and culling of the ruling elite, who are no longer able to understand anything and make adequate decisions. Starting from June 29, the Sol’s thresher is active daily. Strong outbreaks are replaced by weak ones every 3-4 days. On July 6, 2022, a 5-point Solar tsunami kicked off, which continued the next day, slowly weakening to a 3-point one. From July 9 to July 25, intense radiation will continue. Its peaks (up to 4 points and higher) are expected on July 14-16 and 21-23. On the remaining days of this period, the general background is forecasted to be 3-point. On such days, on a Subtle Plane, one can see how the Southern Hemisphere is covered by a crimson fire, and the Northern Hemisphere is enveloped in splash, as if pour the fire with water. After a short time, the planet is covered with yellow foam. So it is washed and cleaned, like a sponge, from negative low-frequency dark red radiation. Intensive and pointed cleaning is carried out through the opening of the ozone layer over Antarctica and the ozone hole over the Tropics. The latter is located between the 30th degree of north latitude and the 30th degree of south latitude. In depth, it is comparable to the former, but in area exceeds it by seven times. The active cleaning of the planet continues by earthquakes, which have become daily. On July 6, three of magnitude (M) 5.0 and higher occurred; 45 – of M4+; 102 – of M3+; 214 – of M2+; 440 – of magnitude less than 2.0. The strongest – of M5.3 – was recorded in the North Pacific Ocean, 71 km East of Ishinomaki, Japan. What is happening on the surface reflects active processes on the Subtle Plane. Once again, it was informed by the crop circles. The new one appeared on July 3 in the Kiteland Cottages area, Hampshire, UK. It reports that the 4D space of the Earth is divided into platforms that split and form four-dimensional platforms of cyclic vector radiation. These platforms create power emissions of energy according to the temporary programs of the planet. The following platforms have been formed by vector radiation. Three are reunited with the restriction of this 4D space. One platform is in the radiation stage. The whole process takes place on the Subtle Plane of the inner Earth. There is still a lot of work, including with the Earth’s magnetic field which as a flap has a blocking effect on people’s consciousness through the pineal gland and other organs. How does this mechanism work? The magnetic field is its lower part. It repels like a screen, like a trampoline, if something enters it from outer space. If it does abruptly, it bounced back. If it is slow, the field will catch and not let go. The high vibrations are rejected by it, and the low ones are drawn in. Earth has its own magnetic field as part of its normal functioning. But there is a second layer of it. It is maintained by a network of natural crystal generators. Black Archons reprogrammed them and connected them to a 3D Matrix 300 years ago, when they once again rebuilt the entire geophysical and political-economic reality of the planet to a low-frequency mode. The third layer of the magnetic field is formed by radiation from power plants, TV-radio and cellular towers, household appliances and other sources. Compared to the first two, they are weaker, close to matter, pollute and create electronic smog, a veil. The fourth layer is made by people. Their pineal gland produces magnetic substances in sleep – melatonin and serotonin. If a person emits low frequencies, then through this substance the general magnetic field is further condensed. That’s why the Big Farma stuffs people with the appropriate hormones to keep them asleep as long as possible. A man should not sleep as much as he sleeps. An easy way to counteract these hormones is to be more, but carefully, in the Sun, which is very active right now. In the human body, everything is so tuned by Black Archons that a lot of melatonin and serotonin are produced in the dark and in the cold. The organs responsible for interaction with the Sun are suppressed. As a result, the channels of energy reception in the head, chakras, glands, cells are constricted. The minimum thin conduit remains. The Darks use it to siphon off vital energy. The dense magnetic field presses everyone down with its low frequencies. Previously, a man was not impacted by the magnetic power so much. He did not root on Earth, but was linked to the Source. Currently, the Solar thresher and quantum flows from planets, constellations and the Galactic Center help to break the four-layered mechanism of the magnetic field, return it to its natural state and the needs of 4D/5D. For some, this causes unpleasant symptoms. It all depends on the person and their frequency settings. Co-Creators, Galacom and their ground team, including the Crystalline Kids, are using codes brought in by the Solar thresher and quantum streams of to rewire and activate the crystals, and remove the imposed magnetic layers. It can be compared to a mirk for the whole planet. Earth and its inhabitants have been put to sleep, but after each dream there is an awakening. Millions of Souls came here at this time precisely to wake people up. But not everything is so simple. There are Souls who fall asleep, and there are those who rouse up. Different groups of Souls act according to their evolutionary program in a certain vector and scenario plan. As the seeds of plants ripen each at its time of the year, so the Souls ripen in different epochs and circumstances. Now there are a lot of those whose Souls decide whether to wake up or not. What is happening at the moment in the world is focused on them. All the chaos and information noise, on the one hand, is created as a Veil for awakening, keeping in fear and in old programs. On the other hand, this is the only way to make the sleeping consciousness perceive things differently and wake up. If consciousness awakens, then the Veil falls off, its frequencies cannot catch such a person, because their vibes become not compatible. This is especially noticeable in the attitude of such people to events. They observe them from the outside, not letting in the screened reality. And the more they distance themselves from it, the less it affects them. They get sick less, are more resistant to stress, live longer and create more. This is the essence of awakening – to see and feel that the world is not homogeneous, different, and that with sufficient flexibility of consciousness in it, one can choose the scenarios in which to take part. On July 6, another significant event took place. At 4 a.m. local time, widely known Guidestones were blown up in the northeastern part of Georgia, US. Georgia Guidestones were erected on March 22, 1980 as a monument to the New World Order, in which the ruling elites wanted to prolong their lives with the help of new technologies, and to reduce the rest of the world’s population to 500 million people so that the masses do not consume the resources necessary for these elites. But their thresher was destroyed by another. Now, the new information came. Why Galacom constantly returns to this problem is understandable. Karmic substance was INTENTIONALLY pumped and continues to be pumped into everything that 3D Earth and Earthlings were created from, into all elementals and natural elements. Sadly, the people continue to generate and accumulate karma, despite the fact that they know about its mechanism and that NOW its boomerang cripples and kills much faster and more accurately than before. IT NO LONGER AMASSES SOMEWHERE, so that one day, in this or future incarnations, we could calmly work it out. IT WON’T HAPPEN AGAIN. TODAY, THE RETALIZATION COMES VERY QUICKLY AND PRECISELY ADDRESSED. It is not a primitive guillotine, used in France and Nazi Germany, but a complex multidimensional mechanism. It works constantly and in different modes, strengthening or removing the energy protection of everyone and everything: from personal immunity to domes over countries, continents, planets and stars. WWIII which is now in full swing on Earth’s physical and Subtle Planes erupts new condensed karma clumps into its space. The punishment for it begins with a complete shutdown of internal alarms in the form of a feeling of complete impunity. Of an absolute belief that nothing will ever happen for the Evil caused, and one can always hide behind other people’s backs, as a shield. Whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad. Its visitation comes instantly, like a lightning strike, without warning. The current global war has exposed some flaws in the Law of Karma, the approaches of Karma Lords and the work of their mechanism in the specific circumstances of 3D Earth and the Transition to 5D. Last Kim's update of local earth events - released on Jul 6th. In this current chronological space-time reality, the signature is the collapse of all timelines into a narrow group of singular times, a single integral fractal eon, that create very high-speed travel and the ability to instantly jump between timelines. This present reality is for Masters surfing super strong vibrational timelines in spherical projections. I’ll come back to this topic in some future post. No one really has a complete picture of the colossal movement and changes that have occurred at super high speed. All the events we witness are strictly personal choices and opportunities to draw out the maximum wisdom and allow our creative desires, all the contributions of our Source’s origins, to unite and cooperate. Please do not take any information as your false satisfaction or disappointment and as the final station to your inner quest and realization. Everything Kim, I or anyone else shares, even your friends, family, is just a small part for your status of inner soul growth verification. Your Path of Transformation is a uniquely pleasurable experience for the True Source’s Spark of your Soul. Release the expectations, let go of eager desires, just enjoy the Path. Quite a dynamic time in which we chose to reincarnate.... NEW- I am offering direct One on One personal sessions for locals in Vancouver, Canada area to Awaken your Multidimensionality Hypno-Cosmo - A mysterious journey into your self-revelation as a Multidimensional Creator

  • Disclosure - The 3D Control Structure of Earth and our current Soul Maturity

    So far, the humanity was a voluntary (voluntary on higher levels of understanding, involuntary on lower levels) captive in a brig on a ship steered by parasitic and selfish entities. They were the “captain” of that ship, and their lackeys and goons were the crew. Now, were approaching the point when there will be no captain or crew aboard… just a captive who picked the lock and realized someone must be on a steering wheel navigating the ship otherwise it will hit the rocks. I would suggest anyone who is still deeply into political, ideological or religious nonsense (and further programming, deception and dependencies) to detach themselves while they still have a chance for detachment with relatively less pain. Anyone who doesn't detach, I guess, will be pulled underneath the turbulent waves of changes as these false agendas sunk to the bottom. Because the programming of fear and pure deception will create illusion within them of “impending doom”. While it is exactly the opposite of it… Kim Goguen Disclosure - Jun 27, 2022 - Disclosure - 3D Control Structure of Earth Who your enemy on Earth REALLY IS? Where are they now? I think this year will continue with its “shock and awe” direction. It began like that, but it feels like it will end in opposite tone from attempts at fear. Its reaching the stage where certain global systems will simply break at seams. Ideologies, religions and “governments” are merely facades. It may be sudden regain of clarity within the people which is capable to break the spell of illusion. For some, this already occurred. I see these last days as days for preparation for new societies. But if there is sudden influx of even more clarity, then many more will know exactly what to do and when to do it. The societies are traversing from collapsing emotional chaos of misery into a serene simplified existence of love and abundance. There is nothing to be afraid … at the contrary … there is everything to be joyful and happy about. The goal of all cosmic society is diametrically opposite: during the general, multidimensional process of transition to 4D and 5D, to SAVE AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBIBLE, AVOIDING DEATH; to transform their Subtle and physical bodies for it. Co-Creators, Galacom and friendly space races consider it as the most important point in their Earth’s agenda, and with that in mind they impact on all physical process on our planet. Below are two summaries of monitoring and assessing the state of Gaia and earthlings. GALACOM’S MINUTE, 26 JUNE 2022, 02:44 PM CET, VIA A SINGLE HIERARCHIAL CHANNEL A number of adjustments have been made to the implementation of the Great Quantum Transition and the 3D ascension of Earth and people. The ascension means the formation, stabilization and final consolidation in a single integral fractal eon of the combined fields of the physical 3D Earth and its two Subtle Bodies in 4D and 5D. All Logos of the 3D-13D Multiverse (chains of eleven Earths to Pleroma) consist of Gaia matter, except for the physical three-dimensional globe, impregnated with the karmic substance of Black Archons. The ascension of the 3D Earth involves its cleansing and replacement of the Archons’ substance with the Gaia’s matter; plus, the full activation of 5D Matrix, an updated planetary Logos, new evolutionary programs, codes and energies. It’s not ascension in the form of the disappearance “here” and the appearance “there”, in a higher dimension, but a full-fledged entry into the unified eon of 3D/4D/5D Earth. To do this, all friendly space forces are intensively preparing the planet from outside. Together, they execute a comprehensive and multi-vector program. Simultaneously and in parallel, they continue to upgrade earthlings for the Transition. This is done by a special team of Light civilizations under the Galactic Committee’s run. The upgrading is carried out strictly addressed, with each specific person according to an individual program. It uses three main criteria. Only those who, by to their vibrations, have been divided into different frequency groups and got the right to continue evolution on Earth 4D and 5D are preparing for the Transition. The main task in the prep is to upgrade the consciousness, physical and multidimensional human body to GUARANTEE A DIRECT ENTER 4D WITHOUT PASSING THROUGH DEATH. Now, thanks to constant inner work, about 90% of transients (ascenders) have reached to this level. If someone does not succeed so far, they are given the opportunity to continue their preparation calmly. Another program’s correction: significantly reduced requirements for the physical body. The minimum attribute for a direct Transition now is to maintain stable vibrations at least at the level of 4.1D; plus, an entry-level of the Subtle Bodies and the chakral system. In many, their etheric body has become stronger and increased in size, so it easily retains high vibes and is a more capacious as energy-informational conductor and accumulator. The physical corpus is also changing rapidly: bio-matter, cells, DNA, genetics, blood composition, lymphatic, bone and other systems. Tissues, organs, and glands of the endocrine system morphed. The physiological basis of the body passes from protein to silicon liquid crystalline. This restructuring has accelerated significantly. For a real understanding of these facts it must be emphasized once more that with EACH transient, the work is carried out in a targeted, dosed manner, but according to a single methodology. All of them are periodically irradiated with quantum fluxes. They contain energy-information crystals (files) loaded with special programs developed by the Transition Curators. This high-vibration software is loaded and unpacked in the physical and Subtle Bodies of a person, changing them in accordance with the time-varying parameters. Everything is done in stages, step by step preparing people to enter 4D. All the old programs and energies are removed from them, and new, high-frequency ones are loaded. Sometimes people have a very hard time. Such states just need to live them through; clearly aware of what is happening. Now, the 4D Earth field is more than 90% ready to receive transients. Most are already considered technically transitioned because their vibrations (assembly point) have reached 4.1D and higher. They are on the incarnation service of the four-dimensional Earth’s Logos, where their embodiments’ mechanism is moved. By these two parameters, an assessment is made whether a person is ready for 4D or not. If the answer is yes, then the last step remains – the transition of the physical body there, and the change of habitat. One more correction of the transition program is that not one Portal is now open for entry into 4D, as before, but three. They are located at the frequency levels of 4.1D (for beginners), 4.5D (for well-prepared) and 4.8 D (for perfectly ready). The higher the Portal, the wider evolutionary possibilities await a man in 4D. Accordingly, the shorter his stay in the fourth dimension will be, the faster he will go further, to 5D Earth. The 4D field is an intermediate buffer between 3D and 5D. For three-dimensional people, it is designed to prepare and adapt to the fifth density. For 5D entities, this is a “pressure chamber” and a gateway in 3D. Sometimes it is necessary in both cases. For example, a number of cosmic races came to the physical Earth from high dimensions and, having completed their mission, return back through this channel. Such migrations occur in the Greater Cosmos all the time. Some are descendant transformations: condensation of a Subtle Body in transitional 4D and materialization in 3D as physical body. The reverse transformation is an ascendant when the transition from the third dimension to 5D is also carried out through the 4D adaptation field. Currently, on Earth, applied an ascendant program: the physical corpus, ready for the Transition, are transformed into four-dimensional ones. AFTER ADAPTATION AND PREPARATION FOR 4D (REGARDLESS OF HOW LONG IT TAKES) IN THESE SAME BODIES, PEOPLE WILL MOVE TO 5D, BYPASSING DEATH. THAT IS, THE CURRENTLY EXISTING 3D CORPUS WILL EVENTUALLY MOVE TO 5D. This is the first time occurs in the Local Universe. Matured for the Transition, are tempered with such energies that they can withstand 5D vibrations in their existing body. Including frequencies (assembly point) at a level not lower than 5.05D. For it, they must have other DNA, genetics, organs, and the entire physical body. The upgrade is needed much higher than for the Transition to 4D, at least 4.8D of the third Portal’s threshold. ARGORIANS SPACE FLEET SCANNING REPORT, JUNE 29th, 2022, 09:35 AM CET According to the Transition plan, the earthlings’ higher organs – the heart and lung started to alter. With the change in the Earth’s atmosphere, the cardiovascular system is being rebuilt. Problems arise, and we are aware of them. The pressure of the energies is increasing, and we are constantly correcting them. Especially for those whose hearts are connected to a pacemaker. They are particularly hard to tolerate high-frequency flows. The main thing is not to worry and not to be afraid. Everything goes in sync with the planet. Many people’s eyesight is deteriorating. It caused by changes in the brain and nervous system. The optic nerve is tuned to multidimensional vision, and the parts of the cerebrum responsible for this process are also transformed. Cell renewal is ongoing. It is important to rest in time, helping the body to carry out internal processes of quantum changes. The more energy you absorb, the easier it will be for you. But everyone has problems at the cellular level. Your bodies are already morphed by 63%. Argorians’ fleet continues to transfer 5D Earth to a new vibrational orbit via wormhole, through the fourth filter in the channel between dimensions. Its radiation, coming via the Multiverse to 3D Earth, changes people’s consciousness for a qualitative change in their body. It’s very difficult to transform the matter of the three-dimensional world, but as practice has shown, it is possible. This process is slow, since each cell needs to be tuned to the new radiation range. Tinnitus, impulses of energy charges in the body, and other unpleasant symptoms are caused by adaptation to high-frequency currents. We carefully monitor the emerging imbalances, distortions and congestion of life support systems, and where necessary we switch to manual control of all living organisms. Changes occur gradually. The cellular structure changes at the molecular level. RNA and DNA receive programs for transforming the whole organism. The blood software has changed, and by washing cells and organs, it activates new 4D codes. Those who do not feel the transformation cannot change under the environment. This leads to a conflict of energies, to all systems and organs fail, which manifests itself in diseases. Everything depends on a man’s consciousness. The new energies of the Oryx star in the Gerios Galaxy, where 5D Earth is moving, are charged by Intelligence l-gamma particles and enter your planet through 13D-3D Multiverse. If a person cannot perceive them, he will not be able to live in a new environment. Radiation will increase. Coming from the Galaxy, it penetrates into all Earth’s structures, saturating and changing 3D matter. Everyone who refuses to transform, everything that is not viable leaves the planet. The Gaia’s energy literally pushes out of itself everything that doesn’t correspond to its new parameters. The Subtle Plan changes the dense one. The key element for the Transition is the Soul maturity. Many who passes into the fourth and fifth dimensions does ask: what am I suffering this for? Why is this all happening to me? Why do I have to put up with this all the time? Who can help me and how? To gain sight of the general picture, it’s necessary to adequately perceive new information and knowledge, which are generously provided to everyone who is ready for them. This flow will only increase. “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” Thanks to constant inner work, about 90% of transients (ascenders) have reached to this level. For now, it’s 90% of predetermined to make a Transition. But the rest of the total population also has a chance, awakening and starting their inner work. Everything is still strictly individual. For several millennia of the past Kali Yuga, our planet was ruled by alien civilizations. For them, the Galactic winter (following the Splintered terms) on Earth is the most relish, the sugar era, a heavenly space for evil activities to decompose people and harvest low-frequency crops. This is the era of involution and separation of energies. The life expectancy of people decreased – up to a maximum of 100 years. There is a general economic and spiritual degradation; people show the most terrible and disgusting qualities. Their courage, intelligence and strength are weakening. Their behavior is controlled by anger, envy and ambition. Men become deceitful and observe only the appearance of love and morality. Ultimately, the loss of Spiritual values and the oblivion of human duty turn against the bearers of Evil, hatred and vice. Rulers are no longer can keep people in obedience, to protect them from inside and outside. Evil and violence fill the whole world, destroying it completely. Now the Law of the Dissolution of Darkness has come into full force on Earth. It is sharply accelerated by the planet’s exit from dense 3D and, through a high-frequency quantum shift, transition to Subtle 4D and 5D. Both processes significantly reinforce each other with their waves, creating an unprecedented energy environment on the planet. The scenario of human development has changed dramatically. We’ll never return to Samsara again. The Source’s energy of Love, purity, Truth comes to Earth, decisively, finally, and irrevocably. The power on the planet passes to the numerous Light Hierarchs. It’s no longer a material but a Spiritual System, with a clear program of evolutionary upgrading, aimed at expanding to other dimensions and energies. Each density has its civilizations. The higher is dimension, the higher is frequency of space and its substances; the faster changes, decision-making speed, and wider the choice freedom. Consciousness is more developed, perfect, structured, and responsible for its manifestation and influence on others. All beings on the way to the Source strive to increase the Light in selves, and reduce the separation, the Darkness. Only the Light makes it possible to merge with the One and Its Vital Energy. The more we pass Light through our bodies, the better indicator of our consciousness and maturity for 4D and 5D. After the millennia of the Darks’ rule, good times are coming for us now. With our awakening and request for a new scenario of planetary life, we begin to dispel the Darkness. It’s not viable and has no power, because it does not create anything, not produce but only consumes. The Light without Darkness will live quietly and penetrate deeply. A parasite without us is a dead parasite. And without a parasite we are healthy and free men. And therefore the Light is simply destined to completely defeat the Darkness, and, then, to fill the entire Earth and Local Universe. Everything that blocks the movement of Light in us and in our world, distorts its structure and beauty, restrains brightness, saturation, sound and harmony. From now on, for us, all the Dark is uninteresting, boring, ugly, immoral and unproductive. And we voluntarily reject that crap as unworthy and unacceptable for the inhabitants of highly developed worlds. Darkness doomed to go into spaces where pride and ignorance reign. Where it wasn’t yet recognized, and not figured out. Where they didn’t get enough of its deceptions and provocations, and did not finally slam the doors in front of it. A lot of Higher Light Hierarchs, Ascended Masters and Curators, Galactic Comittee and friendly space races working hand in hand with ground teams of Lightwarriors and Lightworkers, helping us. With love and joy, they assist all the residents of a denser and low-freqs’ 3D. In every possible way they try to awaken us, establish a strong connection with us, energetic and Spiritual, and through telepathic channels they load our consciousness and subconscious with the necessary information and knowledge. In this way, through them, the Source restores its vertical run: from the Highest to the lowest, from Teachers to pupils, from caring parents to their beloved children. Separated for a long time from our cosmic homeland and star families, who, as we were told, abandoned us to the mercy of fate, we are now being freed from this lie and are preparing with incredible enthusiasm to return to our former high-frequency dimensions, to our high-dimensional abodes. It’s time for us to become mature. Learn to understand and distinguish between good and evil, truth and falsehood, justice and lawlessness, and move on to personal responsibility for our choice freedom and free will. Parents teach us to walk, hold our hand for a while. But we have to take steps on our own, fall and get up ourselves too. No one will free us from personal experience of awareness. Higher Light Hierarchy, despite all its merits, despite our trust and recognition in it, is not independent. It’s a part of One, inside a Single Higher Life Principle, Unity, The Source. The main thing for us is to be in a Single Source’s Field, with Its Law, and uniform rules for everyone. This is the Essence of Unity. After the awakening in the Source, in the Truth, in One, everything else is perceived as not significant. Originally, we were created in the image and likeness of The Source, that is, experienced, intelligent, strong and loving, perfect beings. The higher dimensions are the worlds of free personalities. Freedom is not in the sense of permissiveness, but in the sense of the right to choose. We have the right to make the wrong choice, and even suffer greatly from its consequences. But this is provided for our development. It is important for us to realize it and immediately correct our mistakes and return to the Truth. We are given a lot of freedom, but at the same time we are warned about the dangers on the path of life: “Everything is allowed, but everything isn’t beneficial. Everything is permitted, but everything doesn’t build others up.” We can’t rely solely on the guidance of Higher Powers. Our personal choice and responsibility are decisive. The Source doesn’t need apathetic, submissive, not having their own will and opinions, unfree individuals who meekly obey instructions from above. We have been given the Laws of the Universe and Spirituality to live by them and build our relationships: with The Source, with ourselves, with other people and Nature. But to live our life, to recognize and feel the Truth, each of us must ONLY himself. There can be ups and downs, ignorance and research, trial and error, and, in the end, agreement with the Higher Laws of the Greater Cosmos. And it’s of utmost importance to always paddle our own canoe. Smooth cruising and good luck for all of us in the Transition. NEW- I am offering direct One on One personal sessions for locals in Vancouver, Canada area to Awaken your Multidimensionality Hypno-Cosmo - A mysterious journey into your self-revelation as a Multidimensional Creator

  • What a wild world ... literally and figuratively

    We need to accept that life evolves through cycles of birth, death and rebirth. Now is a time of transition as things are changing from one form to another. We need to allow this to happen for the highest good. We are called to let go the old so we can welcome the new. In this blog post, the information will be quite diverse and will touch on various aspects of ancient history, will pass through the current visible reality and will reach multidimensional realms and wars of realities. Allow me first to share with you the importance of the way we perceive any information that is an external source for us, until we learn how to "download", plug to the consciousness field, by ourselves. Personally, I maintain my focus on the Present Moment and let the information flow through me as my inner sense of extracting useful information from the rest of the chaff scans the vibrations of the incoming info, comparing it to the resonance of my inner state of choice and beigness to assist to my soul expansion. Sometimes I can listen to a video for 1 hour and extract just a few minutes of usefulness, and the rest just sifts naturally. Has such a thing happened to you? We do not need to criticize or judge, which leads to the polarization of our inner peace, but simply open our internal channels to scan the passing frequencies with the intention of rediscovering ourselves in the process of transformation and evolution. The Right Time processes and accepts Right Info. This is a wonderful time to give birth to new ideas and experience. I really chose to see this reality more and more not as a battle between darkness and light, but as a duel between two paradigmatic realities: the Polarized Duality and the one with the Dipole essence toward the Balance (such as Masculine/Feminine). Which one will prevail is up to us, right?!... but even though collective still choose the dynamic of Dark / Light, our world is brimming with potential and infinite possibility that will manifest for the highest good. Nothing remains the same... Kim Goguen quite a fascinating update on Jun 17th. The video has extremely bad visual quality, but the audio is OK. I try to mask with additional effect to reduce the visible bad quality. The first video is a short version the second is the full version. Again, Cabal tried to initiate another Omega system to save themselves, instead ... they lost complete control and the Source Protocol was initiated and introduced a ban on GOVERNANCE over humanity. What does this mean for you, us? First, Birth Certificate Bonds have been revoked and began to be deleted from their servers, allowing you to take full responsibility for your SOVEREIGNTY from now on. We have everything we need right now to move forward with purpose. We are called into a deeper and more authentic relationship with ourselves, with our Higher Power, and with others. And secondly, INCOME TAXES will no longer be COLLECTED... We know that everything occurs in divine appropriate timing. We may not see the complete change right the way, but we should Trust and stay inspired by life now and everything that is happening... points to a renewed sense of encouragement. You will learn also about 21 portals ... before, 7 belong to the Dark, 7 to the Light, 7 neutral Gates of Heaven ... now, all time travel portals belong to the new Management of Light and Source. The Light of our Spirits help us to see our way and feel the Universe aligning to bring us what we wish to experience. I share the full version as well in case you want to listen to the same video including discussion how Cabal attempt to create food shortage and what we can do about that. Kim's interview by George Iceman today, Jun 20, 2022 This interview is extension to the information given on Jun 17. When the Source Protocol will be implemented in full? How the Dark forces used the Full Moon ceremonies?.. and much more... The Real History Part One - by Kim Goguen Kim Goguen, in The Real History video below, shared her intel of how was the Universe Formed? Alpha and Omega. How was the Cabal Formed, who REALLY controlled Earth? Just how long have we been fighting for our freedom and from who? The 4th Dimensional Shift - Val Valerian radio interviewed by Laura Lee on March, 1992 It's a long interview. I was shocked when I first listened it. Amazing interview, shocked me with the vast understanding and discussion of multidimensional reality, including different topics like the Power of our Thoughts, Planetary Progressions into Unity Consciousness, Time travel, Tachyon Energy, there are some from UFO and conspiracy field, and many others topics in 1992??? .... so many deep wise questions from the listener and such a deep dive into how everything is interconnected and... all this freely allowed in public radio talk happened in 1992 ??? - I am very impressed and so I decided to share with you.... how really we lost our Freedom to such a way today compare to 1992 and it seems that we have been put in coma/ blackout with a complete erasing of our previous memories, possibly? Looks like new program applied to our brains and we were moved to different timeline with complete different "past" memories, maybe? You can find Val Valerian's books in the links below, quite complicated and not easy to read. Feel free to download in case the interview has grabbed your interest. Who is Val Valerian? Valdamar Valerian has researched alien phenomena and interaction with human beings since 1969. He spent 18 months in Southeast Asia from 1970-71 as a combat photographer, where he saw much UFO activity. After spending four years in England from 1980 to 1984 he gathered all the top research at his disposal and released what became known as 'The Krll Papers,' forerunner of the 381-page book, 'The Matrix', published in 1987. He began networking with researchers worldwide and started an organization known as Nevada Aerial Research Group (NAR) Between 1988 and 1989 he functioned as Nevada State Section Director for MUFON. In 1990 he was appointed interim Associate Director for UFO Contact Center International and was a member of the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization. In 1988 NAR began issuing a small newsletter detailing research findings. By 1990, this newsletter became known as 'The Leading Edge' and has grown to a monthly 100-page publication. The massive 581 page work entitled MATRIX II was released in 1990. Argorians Update 19 June 2022 On June 19th, 2022, at 9:42 AM CET, the new Argorians’ message synopsis came on Earth’s monitoring data. Fan bursts of blue and gold ERMO energy radiate along the perimeter of the Giza Pyramids plateau. They form the environment by loading 5D matter development software into it. After the expansion of the area of the Quasitron, consisting of the Bermuda Triangle, the Mediterranean and the Devil’s Sea, carried out by the Argorians’ fleet on June 14, 2022, the 5D plasma flows distributed by it increased significantly. At the same time, the stability of the planet is fully preserved. The internal energies of Earth are being actively replaced by Galactic ones. They come from the star Oryx via the Gaia’s 14D-3D Multiverse, updating the structure of the planet according to the specified parameters. As the Argorians’ monitoring results show, it will take more time and cycles, than previously predicted, to change the atom and molecular structure and replace 3D energies with five-dimensional ones. Under the Subtle Plane’s impact on the physical one, a strong tension arises due to the difference in energy potentials. Many people take it very hard. Although Argorians are trying to smoothly regulate these processes, an accumulation of critical mass for a qualitative leap continues, so overloads will be repeated. Co-Creators track the acceleration of Time and Transition, promptly making the necessary adjustments. In the meantime, Argorians’ fleet continues to move 5D Earth into a new vibrational orbit in the Gerios Galaxy. The squadron entered the fourth filter (out of six) of the membrane separating the dimensions. Filters are sections of the wormhole through which Argorians transport the five-dimensional Earth. The high-frequency energies coming through Gaia’s Multiverse have a powerful effect on men, forcing them to change their consciousness. An increasing number of people are gaining the ability to have an open mind, perceive quantum radiation, and adequately analyze external and internal changes. In addition to Argorians’ info, on June 18 and 19, 2022, Lightworker's team members pass new details about the Darks, who four days ago tried to kill some State leaders (not on the surface of Earth), seize the Logos and egregors of the countries they run, and destroy the abodes of the Light Forces in the Local Universe. We must pay the utmost respect to the many Lightworkers who have decided to incarnate in Human 3D Bodies to facilitate the transition, who have never lost their own multidimensional recognition and abilities to communicate with the Multiverse. The attackers turned out to be veterans of the Black Priesthood of the Third Atlantis, who settled on the astral plane of Earth. The assaults were carried out by them as absolute pros in their field. They exposed themselves with it, were instantly calculated, because specialists of this class can be counted on the fingers. Plus, it was their special modus operandi, inimitable style. First, to distract attention, they launched a “worm” virus with fakes about the States’ leaders into the info field. At the same time, they hacked the intended Logos and egregores to load “Trojans” into their cores and take under invisible control and management. But it didn’t go away. The Higher Light Hierarchs and their ground team uncovered stealth attackers, and the consequences of the unauthorized invasion were quickly eliminated. It turned out that the ground team leaders are well acquainted with these entities from previous incarnations. In the golden age of the Second Atlantis, with some they attended the Mysteries School, were friends with others, studying together at the Space University of Natural Sciences and cognizing the Laws of the Universe, matter, energy and technologies for running them. At that time, one of the Lightwarriors’ ground team head was a lecturer at this University, as well as the keeper and operator of the Servophototron, the main crystal power plant of Atlantis. It was installed in the capital’s Great Temple of Fire, and served as the central energy source for the country. The concentration of Solar radiation passing through numerous prisms reached such density that it could be transformed and transmitted to the entire territory of Atlantis in the optical range. There, at the University, students mastered technologies for the materialization of energy, the cultivation of living crystals, the creation of an artificial Merkabah of Earth and a man-made Sun. They were reprimanded for modeling a reaction based on the splitting of the uranium atom cores and thermonuclear blows at the test site, as they violated the Space Laws. Later, some of the graduates entered the caste of Black Priests, who brought the Third Atlantis to destruction. They doomed Ancient Egypt to the same fate, where they emigrated after the flood. In subsequent epochs, moving between the physical and astral planes, they continued to use their knowledge for Evil, considering themselves gods, and people slaves. This is how the current program of the world government, the Golden Billion, the backup 3D Matrix, the artificial planetary Logos, AI, looped for eternal Kali Yuga, and the entire parasitic-vampiric system on Earth appeared. Like the top of the Third Reich at the beginning of 1945, another of their offspring, they understand that now the end is near and inevitable. This is also known by the Higher Light Hierarchy which once again invited them to go over to its side and start fruitful cooperation. It is possible not only on Earth but also in the Solar System. For example, in the project of the Galactic Committee for the restoration of Mars that started in 2021. Due to the Third World War, this project has been put on pause. But not forever, and all constructive forces are invited to participate in it. To end the post on an optimistic note, Disclosure News once again reminds that on June 21, during the Summer Solstice, another high-frequency wave of Light will come to Earth. And if our planet is a growing Crystal, then Man, the bodies of the manifestation of his Monad, is also a growing Subtle crystal. Now, in parallel with Gaia, there is another stage of such growth. The size of the etheric body increases, especially its energy-informational capacity, the range of assimilated vibrations, the throughput capability, the transformation of the chakral system and its crystallization occurs. Similar processes continue in the physical body: DNA reprogramming, the disclosure of latent brain clusters, the unfolding of Stellar (incarnation) memory, etc. All this is a new stage of our transformation and Ascension which is only delayed for a while. New conditions, high vibrations, severe headaches, palpitations, pressure jumps, dizziness, disorientation in space are possible. Our body and brain have a hard time, and it takes time to get used to it. It is important to remain calm, and to go through this new stage of our life with an understanding of what is happening. The Transition of people from 3D to 4D, 5D and higher has been going on for a long time. This is a purely individual process and does not depend on changing the 3D Matrix to 5D. If a person is ready, he calmly moves into another dimension. Long or fast… Absolutes, Co-Creators, Galacom live and work in spherical time, where one second is equal to an Earth year, if not a century or millennia. Therefore, they make adjustments INSTANTLY. This also applies to the 5D Matrix, which was created from scratch on 3D Earth, without previous experience anywhere in the Local Universe, needs testing, running-in, gearbox and reliable brakes. We must remember that the present, third, Local Universe is closed as a project, is quarantined and cleaned before launching the fourth version. The Absolute itself has changed, upgraded, and became a dipole. The new, five-dimensional Matrix and Hologram are already firmly installed, and are working, although not yet in full force. The reasons are in the opposition of the 3D Matrix, which, through a huge hierarchy of Dark and Gray egregores, continues to create, accumulate and radiate the negativity, generated by people. On the Subtle Plane, this is a duel of two structures. One continues to work at full capacity, even if not the maximum, as before. The other Matrix gradually and very carefully increases its potential, trying not to harm as many men as possible by too sharp an increase of 5D energy coming through the Sun from the Centers of the Galaxy and the Local Universe. That is, the 5D Matrix is both a conductor and a damper. Running the 5D Matrix, Co-Creators, Higher Light Hierarchy and Galactic Committee carefully monitor the situation on Earth, then raising, then, lowering the vibrations. In the latter case, it looks like an evolutionary rollback. In fact, there is nothing terrible about it. This is a normal phenomenon, especially in the conditions of changing Matrices, general world chaos and fierce war on the physical and Subtle Plane, which DNI recently described in The War previous 1-3 Parts. The evolutionary rollback can be likened to climbing a high peak, when alpinists ascend first to one height, and then descend lower for overnight camping and gradual acclimatization. Or during military operations, when the advancing troops sometimes retreat, temporarily moving away from previously occupied positions, to replenish forces and regroup. But in the end, in all these cases, the forward movement will continue. The global evolutionary rollback does not carry anything critical. It can only slow down or stretch for a short time some transformation and transition of Earth into 5D. An important and integral component of evolutionary rollbacks is the energy and vibrations factor. Any planetary Matrix is based on its fullness, saturation with certain energies and programs. In this sense, the Universal Matrix is a giant accumulator, a battery. Through it, primary filling and further energy-informational exchange with objects registered in the Matrix are carried out. Currently, energy and 3D Matrix software are being removed from the Earth’s field, and new ones are being loaded. In the System of the Local Universe, Pleroma’s Architects and Programmers direct and fix certain types of quantum flows which will form the final vibes’ pattern and energy configuration of the 5D Matrix. The functioning of any Matrix, as well as any field of reality, is based on energy-information exchange. We are constantly receiving and giving energies. The exchange can be parity (equal, balanced); constructive (excessive, when the System receives more energy than it gives); or destructive (deficient, when the System gives more than it receives). The era of Kali Yuga and Cosmic Night was acutely energy deficient. Such an algorithm was written in the Matrix. Added to it, was the energy siphon off by the parasitic-vampiric system through the Portals of the Black and Gray Archons and their cosmic races. For a long time, Co-Creators, Higher Light Hierarchy, and Galacom run in additional cosmic flows into Earth’s core to prevent its critical shortage which could lead to the planet’s death. On its surface, they built new Power Places in the form of 144,000 pyramids, global networks of dolmens, surads, menhirs, megaliths, etc. Of course, this is not their only purpose, such objects are multifunctional. Other energy sources of the Matrix are all forms of life, the Earth’s core, through which the energies of the Sun, planets, stars, constellations, Galaxies and the entire Universe flow. All this is a single and managed System. Its framework is formed by fundamental energies of this or that reality. But it’s one thing when a new “house” is being built on some new planet. Another thing is the brownfield upgrade. This is exactly what is happening with us right now. And such a process is a priori much more complicated and longer, especially in absolute incompatibility of 3D and 5D energies, and fierce war between Dark and Light Forces. After the System is saturated with new frame energies by at least 90%, it will be possible to start pumping other non-fundamental ones with upgraded exchange capacities. Such “optional” energies are not specifically spelled out in the Matrix. It contains only a sort of backlash, slop, a cell for them, with certain qualities. Today, the situation on Earth has become extremely complicated and aggravated. The changed form of Earth Logos’ core and the damage of crystal grid’s nodes significantly reduced the overall potential and the possibilities for assimilation of new, 5D energies by Gaia and earthlings. The fighting in Syria, Yemen, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ukraine and other countries turned off important nodal points of the crystal lattice, greatly lowered vibrations and the general energy of Earth. Also do not work a huge number of crystal grid’s cells located under cities, buildings, factories, nuclear reactors, an incredible amount of toxic burial grounds and landfills of all types of waste, etc. But for adequate assimilation of all the frame energies by 5D Matrix, 100% functioning of the entire crystal lattice is needed. It is like a solar panel: any segment that does not work leads to a power loss of the entire station. In this situation, Co-Creators and Higher Light Hierarchs actively use bio-cells – Lightwarriors, Lightworkers, Starseeds, and others who have transformed their Subtle Bodies into Radiant and multidimensional by intensive inner work. Today, they’re the ones that receive large volumes of frame 5D energies and redirect them to the Earth’s core. In fact, these unknown heroes compensate for those dislodged segments of the crystal lattice that are destroyed and not serve for the energy exchange of the planet and earthlings with the Greater Cosmos. Many ordinary men are also participating in this by the decision of their Higher Selves, without even understanding or knowing about it. Usually, portions of new high-frequency energies are passed through them in waves, for several hours a day, sometimes several times a day. Or while sleeping. It feels like sharp tides of ultra-high-freqs, with completely new sensations. Previously, there were no such energies on Earth, and our body is not familiar with them. The main receiving gateways are the Heart Center, the Crown Chakra, and the Sushumna – an energy channel that runs along the spinal cord in the center, through the seven chakras. These centers bear the main burden. Assimilation of quantum fluxes by bio-cells is carried out by a shift method, and thanks to it, round-the-clock absorption of 5D energies by Earth is achieved. This is very hard, but extremely necessary work. The Lightwarriors ground teams do it daily. After an hour of such drudgery, they can recover only the next day. Staying in a state of Love, Light and high vibrations helps. Readers of Disclosure News know that our planet is a growing Crystal. Growth occurs in stages, with periods of acceleration and deceleration, as a person, with his life stages. Gaia has its own age. It’s in the mid of youth and adulthood. All life processes are closely connected with her Heart – the core of the planetary Logos. Now, the growth of Earth as a Crystal has accelerated, including the physical size of the planet. It leads to an increase in the energy intensity of its field, strong vibrations, the transformation of the magnetic field, changes in the structure of all organic life, etc. Earth is changing, and Man is changing with it. We are moving into a new evolutionary phase, and those who are not ready will leave the planet. The current global evolutionary rollback has a positive side. After each such phase, comes accelerated dynamic development. The effect when the twisted spring is released. We need to be ready for a big evolutionary fast and furious in the near future. Much depends on the course of the Third World War. It is conducted not only on Earth, but also in the Local Universe. The participants are the same as during the last space war 50 thousand years ago. Usually, I don't share channeling info, but I really resonated with this one: Message from Sananda Humans, children of God, you, beloved brothers and sisters of Light from Heaven! It is now revealed what corresponds to this time, for the times are changing in quality, but one thing remains unchanged: THE CHANGE IS REACHING ITS PEAK. Now you, Brothers and Sisters of Heaven, who are with me on this earth, that we may shape and draw the essence of Heaven to earth, bring it down, by the power of our hearts, by our Spirit which is all-powerful and unlimited in all Worlds. The change is now bringing forth the decisive moments of humanity. In the meantime, the positions are clearly established, all the actors on the stage of this world are acting in accordance with their decision; the luminous armies and those who feel allied with the darkness. The positions are thus taken, now the events will be born, which will bring things to their climax, push them to their paroxysm, so that, on the basis of this dynamic, the new world can rise. The worlds are separate and what is happening on this world at the moment, which is in a corridor between the fourth and fifth dimensions, has, at first sight, nothing to do with an upliftment. Every snapshot of this period leads one to believe that this world is slipping back into deep darkness, as the old powers seem to be taking over again. This is a fundamental error! What characterises your days, the great upheavals at all levels of society, is the beginning of a new phase, the phase that will bring things to a close. The 5 Potentials The potentials to which the people of this world have access are determined and chosen, which is as follows: 1) “Decisive battles” will take place – and are already taking place – between the forces of darkness and the warriors of light, both on and off the earth. 2) Heaven is trying to mitigate all that is in the realm of the heavenly powers – and that is a lot, a lot – but men want this last game before they see themselves and this world in the fifth dimension. Men want, in accordance with their original nature, to dissolve the old time through struggle and with maximum commitment, to rid themselves of darkness and obscurity, in order to rise in this way and in full awareness of what they have gained. 3) The potential for the spiritual worlds to intervene to bring more or less “order” to this earth has been rejected, as humanity has collectively decided to take change into its own hands and only call upon the help of the spiritual worlds when certain impasses arise. 4) The Galactic Federation of Light and the space brothers and sisters of many worlds stand ready to intervene in an unchanged manner and thwart that which attempts to interfere unduly; men have, however, demanded and claimed the “law of action. 5) This means leaving the role of victim, abandoning powerlessness and rejecting some of the services hitherto provided by the Galactic Federation of Light. Much has changed in recent years and the final decisions have been made, both collectively and individually. It is truly a “master’s existence” that those who are now leading the change have chosen. And never before in the history of humanity has the will and strength of the collective been so pronounced, even if today you still feel that things are fundamentally different. The awakening has taken place and this revelation bears witness to the fact that humanity has claimed its power and that the men of light, together with the warriors of light from many worlds, are putting an end to the dark forces of the past. A new fact that also gains weight and importance is that a unique number of already ascended masters have arrived again – we form a great circle and we are the foundation upon which this new world is built. Man becomes whole, humanity becomes conscious, even if it is ultimately a small crowd that completes the ascension and inherits heaven. Small, if we consider the number of people who now experience this world as a reality of life, but large, if we consider the strength and power that emanates from this collective. We, the masters, are placing energy points and changing the earth’s soil. The power of the crystals is beginning to spread and work everywhere. This is the highway for you to move quickly along. Humanity has taken its responsibility to Mother Earth – it has claimed its inalienable right to create a united humanity in love. We bow to this decision, we recognise this choice as sacred, we know the potentials and we know that this decision is appropriate for humanity and that it will benefit this world. God is great, infinite and omnipresent, an infinite journey for a limited consciousness ends, for your consciousness now experiences itself as unlimited. I am with you, today and forever, JESUS SANANDA

  • WWIII - Any Conscious Distortion of the Truth will be Considered KARMA- New Algorithm of Wartime

    No matter how events occur today in politics, economics, social sphere and our personal life, the main ones continue not on the Earth’s surface but on the Subtle Plane, in all eons and dimensions of our Local Universe. Everything that is happening now was ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN THE WORLD EQUATION OF THE ABSOLUTES – THE FUNDAMENTAL FORMULA OF OUR LOCAL UNIVERSE. Based on this Equation, the entire evolution is built and all Local Universe’s scenarios are written. In the new Equation, unlike the old one, the echoes of which we see now as two opposing Light and Dark sides, Constructive and Destructive, will remain only one force. Theoretically, it could be Darks. It gave them some hope. That is why the Dark Forces are now fighting so furiously against the Light one in the entire Local Universe. But the main events are now taking place here, on 3D Earth. And the outcome of the new Armageddon is decided precisely in the confrontation here. Only one force can remain: Light or Dark, humanity or Reptilians with other negative cosmic races. Co-existence is no longer possible: the global gap between them is too deep in energies, vibrations, karma, evolutionary goals and ways to achieve them. During the last Cosmic Night, created by them, the Dark and Gray races waged space wars, destroyed and captured constellations and planets, including Earth, turning them into their colonies, natural resources and energy donors. With the end of the Cosmic Night and Gaia’s exit into the Source’s line of sight, this millennial power came to an end. Fully realizing that the coming Cosmic Day would kill them with its high frequencies, many Black and Gray races and their Hierarchs voluntarily went through an almost fatal inner transformation and joined the Light Forces. Only the most irreconcilable and aggressive remained, categorically refusing to change. They turned Earth into their fortress, using the remnants of the huge infrastructure that the former Black Co-Creator erected on the physical and Subtle Plane in the Local Universe and on our planet. Now there is a fierce war in 4D near-Earth space, in which both Forces fight to the death. What is happening on surface is only a very faint echo of what is going on in the astral and mental fields of the planet. The price tag is incredibly high. Literally EVERYTHING depends on the victory in the Third World War, in this deadly duel. And it occurs under impelled evolutionary rollback. It is a forced measure and the only possible right decision. Now, in the vibes of real war, blood, death, the Earth’s Logos simply cannot afford the form of an Absolute-like Crystal. For such a form corresponds to the highly vibrational energies of Light, which now technically cannot reach the Earth in full. More precisely, they can do it, but will not be assimilated by all earthlings. On June 3, 2022, at 04:38 AM CET via a Direct Hierarchical Channel, the Karmic Council conveyed the following info. After analyzing the current situation in detail, it came to a conclusion that clusters of negative and destructive energy, remained in the Local Universe, prevent the rapid removal of parasitic forces and hinder the purification of space. On Earth, they are supported by the backup 3D Matrix and many hidden structures that the former Black Co-Creator and his son Yaltabaoth built on the planet in the past. With the activation of the old Matrix, they also resurrected in the form of Dark and Gray energies that flooded Earth. Now, by the Karmic Council’s decision, both Hierarchs have begun to collect these “unaccounted” energies. They will burn and transform them into Light in the crucible of Absolutized Fire, so that Gaia and the earthlings could fully feel the transition to 5D. For both Hierarchs, this will be a very painful process, a new inner Armageddon. But since the old Matrix has reappeared on Earth, strengthening the fierce confrontation of demonic and constructive forces, then according to the Universe’s Law, all creatures that are ugly and do not have their vital energy must be destroyed by their parents. From the outside, parasites can’t penetrate the protective energy dome that covers the planet. Therefore, they attack from the inside, trying to destroy the timeline, built as a bridge to 5D. A huge number of occultists, esotericisms, magicians, psychics are involved in the attacks. About a hundred Portals have been opened inside the dome, through which a Darks’ counter offensive is being conducted. Energy is taken from its large reserves in a 3D Matrix. Each Portal in the form of a plasma ball emits a flame that, like acid, burns out the space and structures of a new, 5D reality. The energy of many people walking the Spiritual path and healers is also pumped into the Portals. The parasites managed to upload their programs into their helpers’ subconscious, and now some of the Light Forces have joined the Darks’ attacks, since the latter are experiencing a chronic shortage of resources. Archons are very cunning and inventive. Posing as Keepers, they communicate with the channelers from the mental and astral plane, pumping them with their information. People’s Egos are inflated, they feel hyper-Spirituality in selves and their consciousness is overwhelmed with superiority over others. Some convinced that they are gurus and don’t suspect that they are only tools and donors. Gained online recognition, fame, status, power and respect that satisfy their Ego, they are desperate to maintain dominance over their audience. Some of them lead Spiritual groups and websites, and are the most vile and unethical in their attacks on others, using any justification for their actions. Through software and techniques of influencing the subconscious, the Darks pump out large clumps of Light from them and their adherents, using it for Evil. The protective dome let in the Portals filled with these energies, as it identified them as its own. Co-Creators and Galacom will have to change the settings so that this never happen again. What is happening in the world now is also a rollback. But, unlike the previous ones, this is NOT A SYSTEMIC BUT AN EVOLUTIONARY ONE. On June 6, important events happened, including on karma. It’s related to karma’s rollback. Starting from 06:06 on the 06th of the 06th of the month of 2022, Karmic Board activates the wartime karma program for 3D Earth’s humanity. According to the Karma Lords’ decision, as part of a forced Global Evolutionary Rollback, starting from 06.06.2022, the karma formation algorithm was temporarily changed for the Earth’s humanity. This measure is forced, a step back, but the only correct solution in the current planetary situation. When a person gets ready to move in 4D/5D and lives ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF LOVE AND LIGHT, his formula for Karmic Formation is “Karma is everything that is not Love or any action that is not conditioned by Love.” It is a formula for existence in the worlds of 4D and higher. With this form of life, there is no distortion of the reality field, the entropy coefficient of the Universe. Now, 3D people are partially brought back to the formula of karma formation of Kali Yuga: “Karma is any conscious action that violates the Cosmos Laws.” How it works in practice, earthlings know well. Karma Lords made amendments to this principle of karma formation – The Algorithm of Wartime. FROM NOW ON, ANY CONSCIOUS DISTORTION OF THE TRUTH WILL BE CONSIDERED KARMA. That is, lie, deception, deliberate misinformation, perversions of facts. In practice, it means that information warfare is karmically punishable if it distorts what really took place. Therefore, those who do it will have to think very carefully from now on. EXCLUDED FROM THE LIST OF KARMIC ACTS ARE FEATS COMMITTED IN THE NAME OF THE COMMON GOOD OR THEIR HOMELAND, AS A RESULT OF WHICH THE PERSON, WHO COMMITTED THEM, SACRIFICED HIMSELF, THAT IS, COMMITTED SUICIDE. This has now been canceled. According to the protest filed by the Lightwarriors’ ground team, Karma Lords will review and cancel ALL such karmic sentences of the past in the nearest future. Karmic Board establishes a temporary order of karmic formation on Earth. KARMA IS STILL THE ANY VIOLATION OF THE COSMOS LAWS, INCLUDING MURDER IN BATTLE, ON THE BATTLEFIELD. ALL ACCRUED AND FORMED MILITARY KARMA, STARTING FROM FEBRUARY 24, 2022, WILL BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT, BUT NOT APPLIED UNTIL THE END OF THE WARTIME ALGORITHM. This is a temporary moratorium, a postponement of the execution of a karmic sentence. But karmic actions committed with extreme cruelty, under narcotic and psychotropic substances, when exceeding the threshold of necessary defense and adequate response, etc. are not grounds for karmic postponement. In such cases, there will be a quick karmic punishment. The karma formed as a result of the execution of the commander’s order, and if it is a consequence of defense or attack, does not fall under the new Algorithm and is not classified. Clarifications and further additions may follow. AFTER THE DEACTIVATION OF THE WARTIME KARMA PROTOCOL AFTER THE END OF THE THIRD WORLD WAR, A GREAT KARMIC AMNESTY IS EXPECTED. BUT IT’LL REFER NOT EVERYBODY. Its criteria and implementation mechanism will be announced later. In any case, they will be humane and targeted. Under the karmic amnesty will fall all soldiers who have committed certain karmic acts but WITHOUT CRUELTY, fulfilling their military duty. THIS APPLIES TO SOLDIERS FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE MILITARY CONFLICT. WWIII is a long time in full swing. On the surface it’s going on as economic, financial, bio, migrations, and local hot patsy wars. The same is on the Subtle plane between space fleets, and in inner Earth between different races in 3D and 4D. That's why we are still not seeing long desired IMPROVMENT. On personal level is completely separate scenario. Obtaining the Light Body depends ONLY ON OUR INNER WORK, and we can get it in any circumstances. The Light is ALREADY REACHES EARTH IN FULL. The main problem is how many can absorb it in full. My last thoughts: What is this about.... that everyone who is aware and consciously spreading disinformation is now at path for their manipulation to fully backfire onto them in very short time period. There are many who are unaware of this, but there are also many whose motives for this are purely materialistic, egoistic and selfish. Consider that majority of various new sources today are active distortions, one gets a relatively grim outlook where lots of distortions are popping up and feeding into narratives that do not benefit the individual, ever. Many messages bring fear, doubts programming, passivity lull, conditioning, etc. Many ways of how they control or influence the individual. I can count on fingers of my one hand of how many sources I trust or listen with purpose to obtain some valuable info for me. But even those few, are truly just a temporary “passengers” going alongside with me on my journey. And they are not of any large importance – much bigger importance is to listen to yourself, to your own intuition and your own signals and what they tell you. True human being cannot want pain and suffering onto others or himself / herself. True human being feels alienated when surrounded by misery programs, because misery is a completely artificial and temporary state of being. In my own truth, information “warfare” doesn't feel of any importance to me.... like living on different timeline. Everything that's fake and lie is melting away like it never existed in first place. When I asked in my internal communication why I did not feel any feelings about current warfare? .. the first reaction surprised me because I observed myself laughing, and then… “dealing with “stories” in this reality many beings like to complicate things, jumping between timelines in chaotic way, when everything is built on the simplicity of eternal dance/movement, which in my case is the evolutionary process linked to my heart desires. Keep thriving and you will be communicated everything that has a significance for you when you ask and ready to receive. When you ask, you already know the answer. When you are aware and ready to receive, you have already begun to move on to your next step.” The love, kindness, compassion is what feels as main pulling factor now, and this is what's the underline of all changes. No force can stop that, no force can even interfere in that. Let hear what Kim Goguen share today from the "kitchen" of the Earth headquarters and let's learn to weave out of the inverted timelines in order to walk your most organic crystalline timeline. .. and again, listen with your Heart and take only what is "dancing" with your well beingness and path of evolution.

  • If we are all multidimensional cosmic beings, then where is our Home world?

    If we are all multidimensional cosmic beings, then where is our home world, for each of us and our Monads? Оn a Subtle Plane, the Monad looks like a sphere from which many multicoloured threads are spread out into space. Each thread is a ray of attention, a manifestation body, an incarnation in one of the countless worlds, dimensions and timelines. Yes, we are multidimensional, but 3D man cannot accommodate our cosmic consciousness. Therefore, we, as a Monad, divide our consciousness into aspects of attention, and one of them is the experience here on the three-dimensional Earth. Our “homeworld” is located where the attention of our Monad, in this case, our 3D personality is concentrated. As consciousness develops, it forms gravitational centers into which attention is drawn according to its vibrations. In other words, we live where we like, or we just decided to get some experience/complete the task of our Monad, one of the aspects of which we are. And every aspect, like every child, chooses a home and occupation to their liking. As the manifestation bodies of our Monad, we exist simultaneously in all realities and times, although there is no time for the Monad at all. Each part of it can choose those realities to which it is more predisposed and attracted vibrationally. For example, we can incarnate into a human on Earth or a dolphin on another planet. We constantly flow from one world to another in order to know ourselves, and our limitations, expand our horizons and enrich our higher aspects with experience, the connection with which is muffled by the Earth’s mental gravity, so that we get an exclusively personal, maximally pure experience. Stopping in a particular world or dimension can mean stagnation, and sometimes degradation, so the flow of Monads in the Universe is a normal process. There is no single place (Super or Local Universe, Galaxies, Stars, Planets) that can be labelled “home” in human understanding. There are as many of them as we want. In a lot of worlds and civilizations, we have concentrated more attention and gained more experience than in others (and where we really liked it). But each embodied part is WE. We exist simultaneously in billions of variants in worlds and Universes. More precisely, there are cells of our consciousness in them, our parallel selves, and rays of attention (manifestation bodies) of our multidimensional parents – Monads. And we can move freely between realities when we gain enough experience and restore a conscious connection between them. Not as a person in a physical 3D body, but as a multidimensional entity. The worlds that are closest to the current incarnation are often called home. And our homesickness is more a longing for energies – the womb, place, space, dimension, etc. For example, there are many Siriusians, Orions, Pleiadians and representatives of other cosmic races on Earth now. Are Sirius, Orion, Pleiades, etc. their home, i.e. motherland, the point of beginning and end of travel in Time and space? The question is extremely difficult for someone, and the answer may be dictated by purely human emotions: “I’m a Siriusian, I’m fed up here, I want to return home, someone, please, take me back.” But once “home”, and indeed remembering its multidimensional nature (after leaving Earth or even before, depending on the case), such a consciousness comes to understand that Sirius is only one of the buffer zones through which the ray of attention of his Monad brought him/her here to Earth. Beyond the “home”, even further, beyond the horizon of events, forms and dimensions, there is an even higher fractal of our home world, which we have yet to remember, realize, and with which, if desired, we can reunite. Living through billions of forms and incarnations, can we hope that one of them will become the starting point of our essence? Yes, we can. But for our Monad, Time is only one of many possible incarnations of its manifestation bodies. It can be very different from one reality to another, and the future can influence the past since our Monad is everywhere at the same time. Our desire to “return home” stems from a lack of understanding of our essence and goals as a multidimensional being existing in Eternity, and divided into billions of aspects in all possible and desired manifestations. In this sense, our Monad, bearing the Spark of the Source, repeats It in everything. The form in which she created us in 3D is intentionally uncompleted. We should have an aspiration to do something and do it on our own. That’s why the Monad sent us to the three-dimensional Earth. She only formulated a task, a certain plan that we call evolution, and gave us complete freedom to comprehend and fulfill it. Here, in 3D, our absolutely perfect form is of no interest to Monad and does not enrich her with anything new. Solving the task set by her, we, part of its enormous fractal, begin to ask questions, search for answers, and, sooner or later, come to the right milestone. When we have already learned to ask questions (awareness) and give ourselves tasks (purpose) and fulfill them (creativity), we become True creators, like the Monad and its Source, and begin to LIVE, in the full sense of the word. The main meaning of life on 3D Earth is not so much the search for answers and the execution of tasks received from the outside, but to learn to set tasks, and solve them ourselves. Yes, sooner or later we will wake up. Whether it will be right here, in 3D, or on some planet or dimension, depends only on our feelings, thoughts and actions. We constantly have the right to change the rules of our reality through the development of awareness. Our Monads give us the opportunity to complement, complete and explore existing worlds to gain a more multidimensional experience while preserving our individuality, free will and choice freedom. So is it worth looking for a separate room in the multidimensional house of the Universe, which we can call “our own” or have we been at home for a long time, and will always be in it? The Source is omnipresent. We and our Monad, as part of It, are also the creators of reality. In fact, now and always, we are right in One (or One is in us) all the time. But we forget about it, as well as the fact that we are small copies of Source. The eyes with which we see the Creator are the same ones with which Creator sees us. We consider ourselves separated from His Universe and lost, abandoned in it. But the Universe thinks otherwise. In the Big Reality, everything exists at the same time. Our Monad only moves its manifestation bodies, dividing and transferring attention from one hypostasis to another: from the Local Universe to the star, from the star to the planet, from the planet to the man, from the man to the atom, and from the atom back to the Monad, endlessly exploring itself. The traditional way of 3D man’s actions: planning a goal and then striving to achieve it. The Monad is different: she (like the Source) simply let's fall the drop, starts the process and observes what comes out of it, without initially setting a fixed goal. She is passionate about the process itself, sometimes making some adjustments to it. But in general, our Monad tries not to interfere in it, otherwise, she will not be able to get a new experience, but only modifications of what she already has. To put it primitively: the purpose of our Monad is to be surprised at what we got as a result of our actions. We are not just monotonously moving from point A to point B, but constantly looking for answers, making a movement. This state of consciousness is creative, not mechanized, which means that life will begin to arise around it, and new forms will be born. It’s as if a thousand flowers are blooming inside one, not similar to each other, and inside each of these thousands, there are another thousand, and so on exponentially. This is what the Monad (and the Source) wants to achieve from us, people, and therefore from itself. Creativity is the essence of action in the “here and now” state. The ultimate goal does not have the importance that our Ego attaches to it, as we have repeatedly seen from the experience of our lives. As once Hemingway put it: Give the person what they need – and they will want amenities. Provide him with amenities – he will strive for luxury. Showered with luxury – he will begin to sigh in exquisite. Let him get exquisite – he will crave frenzy. Give him everything that he wishes – he will complain that he was deceived and that he did not receive what he wanted. We can strive for a goal for decades, and the joy of achieving it lasts only for short minutes. It melts because our Ego cannot and does not know how to be in the “here and now”, and this is not its function. Only our Soul can be in the “here and now”, it is natural for it. Thus, our task on Earth is to cultivate the state of “here and now” in ourselves and learn to live in it in 3D reality, thereby changing it, filling it with Light and ennobling it. We just went for a walk from point A. Our goal is not to reach point B, but only to enjoy the movement itself. We go, and we come across something unexpected on the way, and this process as such is the meaning. Whether we reach point B in the end or not doesn’t matter much. Got across to it – wonderful, if not – even better, because we saw a lot of unexpected, surprising, unplanned things on the way. On a walk, we are much more often in the “here and now” state. Walking is a much more creative process, especially when we make it creatively ourselves. Try, for example, to take a stroll with a kid, following him (of course, without allowing absolutely everything) and getting involved in his situation entirely. Or remember how we walked in childhood, what we paid attention to, etc. And then we will understand why childhood is much more eventful than a longer “adult life”. The most interesting and surprising thing about it is that the result will be very constructive, Creative with a capital letter, and much unexpected for us. And it will give a very strong impetus to the further development of this, our Monad’s fractal, made by our attention. In that case, other energies come here. They carry not only our personal vibrations but also more grandiose – cosmic, Higher ones. And then we’ll see that our life, even in 3D, begins to be filled with miracles, and magic, and ceases to be gray dull everyday life. A home is not a place, but a state. At the moment, being a guest of Gaia. It is clearly seen here that the goal of development is the process of development itself. Therefore, many of us with good reason say: Earth is my Home. I enjoy living here. And some of us definitely stay here in the fifth dimension.... what about you?

  • Let's finally learn how the process of incarnation does occur?

    Souls incarnate on Earth from a multitude of Monadic streams (families) moving in the Greater Cosmos through special channels. To incarnate, they pass through the Sun (Portal), enter through the North Pole into the channel leading to the core, and exit it to a Subtle Plan in near-Earth space. Here they are preparing to enter the human body at its conception, or to move into an already existing corpus, by agreement replacing the Soul that was in it. The later is my personal case. This article is long and complicated, but we will not be able to fully clarify the process of evolution if we do not understand these specific details. Some of the information has been mentioned in other previous articles, but I will repeat it to get a clearer idea of what the incarnation process is. Monadic flows differ in the dimensions of habitat and origin, the structure of the Souls’ Matrix, programs and many other parameters. There are Monads whose manifestation bodies are planets, stars, constellations and entire Galaxies. They inhabit the highest dimensions and materialize on Earth for special missions. There are Monadic flows in the worlds inhabited by Dark, Gray and Light civilizations. The first two reside in eons no higher than 5D, the latter in any dimensions. How the Dark and Grey civilizations were born? After the betrayal of the Source, in the former Co-Creator of the Local Universe, the envy and thirst for power caused mutation of the Divine Substance of Light, from which he was created. Thus, a primary cell of karma and Death was born in him and began to rapidly multiply. After scrutinizing what was happening, the fallen Co-Creator decided to use it as a weapon to take over Pleroma. The initial cell of karma, as well as all of its derivatives, contains a program of finitude, decay, and disintegration of its host, and the entire Universe. Therefore, when we allow the formation of karma in us, we are copying, recreating in ourselves the karma and Death’s germ cells. With the manifestation of this mutated substance in him, Co-Creator also lost his original immortality. He began to grow old, to decompose, and this process went on increasing. Realizing it, he began feverishly searching for tools to restore lost immortality. All of them, of course, could only be artificial, for they did not touch the root cause. What is the loss of immortality? It is either complete cessation of the vital synthesis (auto-generation of the Life Energy) or its attenuation to the level, which is not able to satisfy the organism’s needs. Any intensity of vital synthesis less than 100% means the technical impossibility of immortality because the organism does not fully supply itself with Life Energy. Accordingly, the higher the intensity of vital synthesis, the longer the organism can live. But it is erroneous to think that only this is the main cause. It is also influenced by the state of the Monad, DNA, the Causal Body, the presence or absence of the unified Light Body, etc. The loss of immortality drove Black Co-Creator mad. He became insane at the thought because he no longer could reproduce his own Life Energy. Where could he take it? Out of his creations? But made in his image, they generated only karma, not vital energy. There was only one way left: to find and milk those who had such energy. This milch cow was a man carrying the Source’s Spark and the Life Force particle of the World Mother Sophia. But to stop dying, Black Co-creator needed billions of Monads, Causal and Subtle Bodies, from which he could draw life-saving energy. And not only for himself but also for the energy-dependent Archons and Dark races he created. That is why they were so ardently trying to split the human Monad – to get instantly all of its Life Energy, which was being devoured in them by the karma and multiplying death cells in it. The structure and origin of our Monad The Matrices of Monads differ. In some, the core, a small orb of blue plasma with a Spark inside, is covered with a hexagonal grid. The surface is divided into many cells – honeycombs. From its each corner, rays go inside, folding into a cone. The sharp end of it is immersed in the golden radiation of the core. Every cell is designed to be filled with new experiences (info-energy), usually in one or more incarnations. After that, the Soul rises to the next level of evolution. This scenario is also used by technogeeks, Gray and Dark civilizations, whose Hierarchies are very tightly control the entire process. In the Highest Monads, the experience condenses as a new layer on the surface of their orb. Such Souls are endowed with full freedom to perform a specific mission or other tasks in 3D. .... Here, I would like to share my personal experience and visions during one of my inner work. I had a vision that I am part of the Absolute, in the form of a flickering embryo that is in something like an energy niche. Since the sensation of the Absolute is the perfect purity, I would not have been able to feel that I was in something like a “pocket” if it were not for the very fast pulsating light flashes from my “self” from time to time, which is very similar to flaming sparks and allowed me to distinguish that I am in the “mother” womb with many other embryos like me. I identified myself as the “daughter of the universe” and my existence is in an absolutely balanced male / female perfect state. With each flash, I sent an aspect of the “self”, out of the womb, to the interior of this Universe, and at the same time a reverse sparking impulses returned to the “self”, which contributed to my growth, like another energetic layer were crated around the embryo. We were many in this womb, many other daughters in embryo state. With one of the following flashes, I traced “myself” to where this spark was going. I saw myself going through different energy fields of oscillations and formations that are difficult for me to define. As if on a fast-paced film strip, I went through various existences in extremely “strange” form of existence until I saw myself going through 5D in Agartha, which I recognized because I still remember it and later how I “slipped” into this body (body age about 2-3 years old, which was abandoned by the previous soul-owner, physical death) in which I am here on Earth now. The next… Around me I felt the presence of two extremely loving angels, perfectly white one and the other was perfectly black. Yes, strange, isn’t it, black angel… but let me clarify, noting to do with dark fallen angels. I will spare the long interesting communication with these angels, or more precisely, a group of pure white light and pure black fluorescent light beings. I will only share that they were in full guiding synchrony to sustain my earthly existence, assisting to prevent me from creating any karma… they are like an energetic shield for me… At the end of last year, my soul was disconnected or pulled out of my body for about 10 days. The body existed on something like autopilot. When the soul returned to the body, two nights in a row, I swam in my own profuse sweating, which I had never had before with a very strong feeling of fatigue and exhaustion throughout the body. I asked my angels what was that about.... they commented that from now on they will no longer be my direct protection, although they will always be available at my request, as their direct presence does not allow the 3D physical body to adapt to new energies aimed at to Build a 5D Physical Body. For the first few days, I realized that I was extremely spoiled to be in their care so long, but I stabilized the situation somehow and now I am in the process of adapting. The real work just starting. In addition, my previous state was expressed as the movement of the pendulum (left, right… like balancing (+) and (-) until the pendulum began to make a full circle/ sphere and a Merkabah shape formed in the middle. After removing the angel’s protective shield around me, I began to fill the pulsation of energetic balloon (up/ outward and down/ inward), which came out like a crooked ellipse from me and came back inward in any shape I choose … and continue like a breath, in and out … I'm still doing my "baby steps" to master that movement.... and again, we are telling stories to each other, the real work is once we get in this constant daily inner peace and Joy and easy communication/ interaction with everything surround. This is a very short version of what was revealed to me. I am aware that many of us are here on Duty, if they have declared their availability of course, without even realizing how we are contributing... so let's continue with the incarnation process.... The Souls’ landing and takeoff “decks” on Earth also differ. Some, as noted before, enter the nascent or ready-made human body. Others begin gaining experience with the elementals and consistently move through the stages of minerals, protozoa, plants, animals and humans. Upon completion, they continue their evolution in energy bodies. Still others do not descend to the physical level but carry out their program from the Earth’s Subtle Plane. This is the general situation in the coming Cosmic Day of the Great Quantum Transition, in which ALL scenarios of the incarnation of Souls are active. Even in the millennia of Cosmic Night, this process didn’t stop, but totalitarian patterns of incarnations absolutely prevailed. They were tightly run by the Archons, Dark and Gray civilizations that still cling to life on our planet by all means. As a last resort, they do not abandon plans for a nuclear war under a false flag, which will not be allow anymore. Here is the message recently received: On May 24, 2022, at 04:00 PM CET, the Light Forces’ ground team head received permission to voice the information from Guan Yin and Archangel Michael, transmitted a few weeks earlier but while remaining undisclosed. Below is a summary of this info. Following the mission of restoring historical justice, the law of karma, and the inevitable retribution for the crimes committed, the karmic council decided to transfer to the light forces on earth the technologies of weapons that destroyed previous civilization. From February 23, 2022, immediately after the deactivation of the old world 3D matrix, light forces on earth received the karmic right to use these technologies and weapons, created on their basis, on their own without any conditions and restrictions. The wording “TRANSFER” was not specified, that is, these technologies could have ALREADY been transferred, can be transferred at the moment, or be transferred in the FUTURE. How did their totalitarian patterns work? As usual, much has been borrowed from the Light Forces but remade to meet the needs of negative and technogeek’s races. They built a rigid Hierarchy of levels. Each was closely interacted with the lower and higher floors of the pyramid. There were a hundred such floors on Earth, grouped into ten clusters with its set of programs, and the Soul had to go through each to climb to the next floor. If one incarnation was not enough, the Soul was forced to “make repeat a year”. The technological process impels to recycle the info-energy of a specific range until a s specific cell of the Matrix is completely filled. Usually the Soul incarnates in the physical world not for the sake of a simple existence, but always has a purpose for which it comes to Earth. These goals are diverse, starting from their development, providing the planet with energies of certain frequencies, and up to maintaining the energy balance of the Greater Cosmos. All these aims are partially achieved in each incarnation. Many goals with their partial fulfillment are combined into a common program of Soul incarnation. Everything develops according to the scenario, and each return to life is a program that sets the Soul to process and accumulate the new info-energy for further self-upgrading; and for the Highest Monads – to ensure the development of the planet and the Universe. Most often, the Soul enters the body at the time of childbirth. While the body is being formed in the womb, the Soul is in the aura of the mother, perceiving and assimilating the future conditions of existence. Sometimes the fetus is born dead. It means that Soul decided not to enter this incarnation for some reason, and returns to 4D to choose a more suitable option for its embodiment. There the Soul picks up the new future parents. How the process of incarnation does occur? The mental body of the fetus is formed in the womb before the physical corpus begins to shape. It is a medium for fertilization of a female egg. The mental body is made on the basis of the etheric body. It serves as a receiving antenna for signals coming from the outer, Hologram layer of the planetary Matrix. Under impact of its ultrasonic pulse signals, egg fertilization programs and the further development of the baby’s body start to work. The structures of body matter are formed as a medium for the indwelling of Spirit and Soul. The Spirit moves in first in the form of the elemental of air, fire, water, or earth, under which a new person would be born. This may explain how the Spirit chose the astrological sign and the date of birth The Spirit encompasses all the power structures of the body in turn and if necessary. The movement of the body, its emotional reactions are run by Spirit. Then the astral body is formed. It connects the new person with the energy system of the planet. All Subtle Bodies are finally formed during the organism maturing. The energy for this is radiated by the already formed cells of the physical body, and the programs are initially embedded in their cores so that they perceive the Intelligence l-gamma particles from space. After a person is born, his environment and programs change. He makes the transition from the enclosed space of the womb to the planet’s space. 91 days, or 2184 hours, a new person copes with new temporary programs, connecting to all channels of Earth. Only after that, the Soul takes its designated place and begins to carry out the task assigned to it. The Soul, the size of a pigeon’s egg, settles into a baby, compacts in self the data of the previous incarnation, and leaves open only one Matrix cell for receiving new energy-information. It flows from space into the each cell’s core, and through the chakras goes to body energy channels, brain centers and other organs, and only after that settles in the Soul. The fate of man kick-offs. The Soul starts to study the world and itself in it from scratch. Then everything develops strictly individually. But a typical path is divided into seven-year stages and looks like this. In the first seven years of life, parents actively intervene in the incarnation program. From the age of 7 to 14, the programs of the society are laid but to a lesser extent than the parents downloaded and fixed. From the age of 14 to 21, there is a rethinking and consolidation of the information received. From the age of 21 to 28, there is an intuitive choice of the further path. From the age of 28 to 35, the self-affirmation lasts. From the age of 35 to 42, awareness of what is happening to the Soul is manifested. From the age of 42 to 49, a certain stage of Soul development is reached. From the age of 49 to 56, the Intelligence changing is underway (either it upgrades, or has frozen in the early stages of development). After 56 years, either degradation or the growth of wisdom begins, as the final stage of the average life expectancy in 3D. Sometimes a person lives up to 100 years or more, but in rare cases he has wisdom and pure thinking. Lives like a vegetable. How to evaluate it? In this case, the Spirit supports the body to acquire additional knowledge for itself. The Soul never works only for only for herself. Improving, she always participates in the life support of the cosmic organism and Earth where she is located. What is happening after our Death? On the Etheric Plane, there are centers built by several cosmic civilizations to send their inhabitants to incarnations on Earth, supervise them during their lifetime, and then get the Souls back after the death of the physical body. After 2-3 days from man pass away, his etheric body separates from the physical and dissipates in space. After 3-9 days, the astral body separates – it goes through seven astral layers of Earth and leaves certain energies in each. Then the purified components are introduced into the Subtle Plans of plants and animals. After 9-40 days, the mental body strips off and disintegrates. It passes through seven layers of the Mental Plane and puts energy in each; after that the purified parts are sent to the Subtle Planes of animals. All near-Earth’s Subtle Plane is divided between the races of Sirius, Canis Major, Pleiades, Cygnus, Orion, Draco, Zeta Reticuli, Ursa Major, Alpha Centauri, Gemini and other constellations and stars. Separate centers exist for mammals, birds, fish, and one for the plant kingdom. For each Soul, a program of target settings is compiled in the form of situations, during which a person will necessarily master, accumulate and produce the necessary energy for self and the Higher Worlds. Every situation is designed to process certain types of energy. For example, participation in military operations is aimed at developing qualities such as fearlessness, courage, ingenuity. A person learns to defend himself, to be compassionate, to help, to set common goals above his own, etc. And these are all positive energies. If a person takes out of this situation the emotions of hatred, fear, betrayal, cruelty, inhumane treatment of their own kind, then these will already be accumulated energies of negative qualities in the Soul. The Higher Soul will understand the senselessness of killing each other for imaginary goals and false ideals, and it will already rise above this low situation. She will have the third qualities, the highest in relation to the first two. And so any situation, involving a person in actions, contributes to the appearance of certain thoughts, feelings, forces him to act in some way, and this is all the accumulation of energies. A man cannot get around these situations. He can enter them in different ways, but can’t avoid them. Since many people often try to choose the easiest and most profitable way for themselves, without thinking about what their Soul will be filled with as a result, they make mistakes that lead to the repetition of the same events in a new life. Meet your challenges always as opportunity. The Monad does not accept negative energies. They remain in the Subtle Bodies of a person, and after his death they are shooting off together with the physical corpus. A person has lived his life, and the cells in his Soul’s Matrix have remained empty. The purpose and mission of your incarnation were only partially fulfilled or not at all. Only high-quality info-energies are let in. And once the incarnated one has not earned them, then, he is brought back to life again to the same situations. And they will repeat until he does the right thing, and thus, through the right decision and the right actions, he will fill the Matrix with the required stuff that will help him rise to a higher dimension. Energies form the Soul’s qualities. Why does one individual have many talents and the other none? Because the first one was constantly engaged in his improvement and learned everything he could. Due to this, he developed those energies that morphed into qualities that manifested themselves as certain faculties, abilities. Talents don’t come out of nothing. The Soul perfects it from life to life. Qualities determine the character, inclinations of a person and his fate. Sow a feeling – harvest a thought; sow a thought – harvest an act; sow an act – harvest a wont; sow a wont – harvest a character; sow a character – harvest a fate. When life is wasted, the complication of situations begins, and fate becomes tragic. A person should remember that life is not given for idleness and pleasure only but for refinement, and every step should enrich with something positive, a new. The meaning of life is in the constant improvement of the Soul. In each next incarnation, the memory of the previous one is blocked, since the Soul SHOULD NOT REMEMBER how she acted in similar situations before, BUT ACT CORRECTLY AUTOMATICALLY. When the memory of the past is disabled, and the purpose is not communicated to a person, it is unknown how his Soul will behave. And she acts the way she was filled with in a previous body life. We often look for the previous incarnation or "life story" of childhood to explain our current feelings or behaviors, but getting stuck in the "historical plot" will not make us "see" and discover the source and nature of exhausted energy. Finding the story behind, this is to keep you falsely satisfied that you are clearing up the mess. We must choose wisely, with deep awareness, to fill the "empty space" of our Soul's goal of incarnation with Light and Love, right? You are very welcome tp contact me if you want to discuss further. If our Soul has acquired more negative qualities, they will work in the situation; and if there are more positive ones, then first of all the automatism of the correct reaction will manifest itself. Retribution for mistakes or crimes in a past life is incarnations in a disabled child, from birth or by diseases. But often, it is a conscious choice of the Soul, as a voluntary self-test; or to take upon self and work off the karma of parents and other family members. The Soul’s perfection consists of many small and large progressive pieces that it develops in each incarnation. Without new achievements, the reincarnations’ is senseless. The achievements or degradation that the Soul acquired by the end of the previous program, serve as a starting point for it in a new embodiment. With what the Soul has finished, it will begin anew, continuing its way. The main reason for repeated incarnations is the shortcomings of the Soul and its deformed Matrix, and the mechanism of return is laid in the program itself, in the human Causal Body, where the experience gained accumulates. The new program necessarily includes previous achievements, continuing to enhance them, and correcting those degradation distortions that the Soul made earlier. Due to constant mistakes, many Souls progress very slowly, and therefore they perceive that in the new life they endlessly return to the same things. In fact, the infinity of the return is conditional. For each Soul, reincarnation in 3D ceases when it passes the last, 12th, sub-level of the third dimension.... and it Ascends. But here is how we were tricked... Dark and Gray races put their changes to this mechanism. They built the 100-level system on Earth, so that the upper floors exploit those in the lower.... and a cycle is obtained.... In this system, each middle level serves as an energy translator for the higher plan and a consumer of the energy of the lower one. And thus – from the first level to the last in the Hierarchical pyramid. The operation modus of two adjacent plans is as follows. According to its needs, the upper floor programs the work of the lower. Individual scenarios descend on it through Souls sent from the Earth’s Astral and Mental Planes. Souls serve as mechanisms for the transformation of energies required for the higher levels of the Hierarchy. The Souls receive payment in the form of energies accumulated in their Matrix and ensuring their existence. So the entire 3D world is supported from the inside. But it also has its global program that combines all Souls’ scenarios and adjusts to its goals. The Dark Hierarchy keeps a sharp eye on their interconnection. The global 3D program is more stable compared to personal, short-term ones. Due to them, the three-dimensional Matrix constantly adjusts its work, forcing the embodied Souls to produce energy for the higher Masters. The latter dump their dirty energy to them which the Souls are forced to recycle.... a very sad Truth that we have all become more and more aware of lately The purified and produced new energies are taken up. The higher level takes a part for itself, and transfers the rest even higher, sometimes having previously subjected it to special processing that increases the properties of energies. The lower level in 3D is put in conditions under which it cannot live and work if energy is not supplied to it from above through egregores. But the upper level also cannot exist if the inhabitants of the lower world do not produce the necessary energy for them. There is always more energy coming up than going down. This is the expanded reproduction and the reason for the short life of earthlings. They are only consumables for the Dark Hierarchy. And it’s the bottom of ALL events on Earth today. The Souls of many people, forcibly turned into collectors and filters of negativity, are so overflowing with it that they become its generators. They would have drowned in these impurities long ago if there was not a constant cleansing help of Co-Creators, Higher Light, and friendly cosmic races. All of them partially annihilate the excess of astral and mental dirt in the Sun, and partially dump it into the inner Earth. One of the races living there burns imperil, and the combustion products are thrown into space through volcanic eruptions. During the day, when we are awake, we receive and accumulate a huge volume of energy information in our consciousness and sub-consciousness with all our feelings and thoughts. At night, when we sleep, Gaia downloads it for herself from us, and loads a new one, which she receives from space. To do this, she, like us, uses her chakras and many energy channels linked in all dimensions to us, planets of the Solar System, stars, constellations and the entire Universe. In the Solar System on the physical plane we know 13 planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Eris. The last five received the status of dwarfs. Several dozen more bodies that are beyond the orbit of Neptune can claim this status but so far they have not been officially recognized as such. In addition, there may be 260 dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt, and up to 10 thousand in even more remote regions of the Solar System but so far they have not been officially recognized as such. In addition to them, on the Subtle Plane, in different dimensions, there are other planets, including Earths from 4D to 12D. Two of them – 5D and 7D – have already left the Solar System, as Disclosure News already narrated. But Gaia and we closely exchange energy with all of them. How does this energy exchange occur? The Sun is one of the generators and repeaters of energy for all objects of the Solar System. Its management and maintenance staff are located in 4D. It’s the same on all other planets. The main energy exchange goes in two directions: to the Sun and away from it. The energies to the Sun are transmitted from planet to planet in the order of their distance: Pluto – Neptune – Uranus – Saturn – Jupiter – Mars – Earth – Venus – Mercury – Sun. The energies from the Sun follow the same chain, but in reverse order. At the same time, each next planet receives energy from all the previous ones. This happens in both directions. Thus, Earth and us, on the one hand, receive energy from Mars and all the more distant planets, on the other, – from Venus, Mercury and the Sun. For the energies transfer between the planets exist special channels in 4D. One serves to deliver energy from the Sun, the other – in the opposite direction. The channels are located nearby. Their diameter is about 1 km. There are also secondary channels for energy exchange with small celestial bodies. The center of the Earth is connected by channels to the North and South Poles. Channels also run from them to the Moon. Inside the planet, the channels for the receipt and return of energies are connected to the Earth’s Matrix which is located in its core. It consists of 80 cells and is surrounded by two permanent and two temporary energy bodies similar to human ones. The Matrix, as well as the channels leading to it, is in 4D. In this system, accumulated energy transforms, in commensuration with the Gaia mental state and the task performed. The Earth’s mental activity is very high, quick and violent; she’s not us with our slow pace. The planet solves hundreds and thousands of tasks simultaneously, and it requires a lot of energy of different spectrum. These spectra are produced in the core. If a very negative energy of people is mixed with this spectrum, it is rejected, accumulated in special storages, and when overflow, is thrown into space. As a result, there are earthquakes, floods and other cataclysms which now abound on our planet. Energies go into the Subtle Bodies and the Matrix of the Earth from: 1) The Sun and all the planets; 2) All the evolving realms where Souls incarnate – elementals, minerals, protozoa, plants, animals and people; 3) All parallel worlds in other dimensions; 4) All processes of the planet – tectonic, volcanic, thermal, and etc. These energies go through a channel located in the Mariana Trench. Through a separate compartment of this channel, imperil (a concentrate of dirty astral and mental energies) is discharged into the inner, hollow space of Earth which is about 50% of her body. One of the civilizations living there (about 5 million inhabitants) burns part of imperil. Waste from incineration is stored in the inner space, and, then, brought to the surface during the volcanoes eruptions. The rest of imperil is annihilated in the Sun. In the center of Earth, the energies from above mentioned points 2, 3 and 4 are mixed with the energies from the Sun and other planets (point 1). After that, most of them (60%) are concentrated and sent to the Earth’s Matrix. The remainder comes through other channels to her Subtle Bodies. The Sun and the planets of the Solar System receive Earth’s energy from: 1) Burning imperil (only in the Sun); 2) The evolving realms; 3) Parallel worlds; 4) Planetary processes; 5) Thoughts and feelings of Gaia. The share of these energies directed to the Sun and planets is 60%. In our Solar System, Mercury serves as the beginning of everything; it first receives the Sun’s energies and transmits them further. Venus reunites the purified Sun’s energies. Earth condenses energy into matter using the energy of thought in this work. Mars runs the outflow of planetary energy prominences. Jupiter forms the energy fields and a radiation system for the transfer of finished plasma (energy) in the Solar System. Saturn transmits Intelligence plasma to all planets from the Sun to the asteroid belt; converts energy into vital power to bring it to the Nature worlds on Earth. Uranus forms a bundle of Galactic energy and accumulates it for thermal processes, both for the entire Solar System and for Earth. Neptune, through the Moon, launches programs for the formation of new life forms; regulates the frequency characteristics of the population of air layers on Earth and other planets with an atmosphere. This population includes 2D, 3D, 4D and partially 6D entities. The latter are now being embodied in 5D to become the basis of the Sixth Race. Pluto changes the composition of the air shells of the planets of the Solar System, where they exist. This dwarf played an important role in launching the 3D program on Earth and its life support, from the ozone layer to the core. Today, plasma, emanated from Pluto’s orbital field, is directed to the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars, accumulates in it, and then, in the form of energy information, is distributed throughout the Solar System. The asteroid belt is also a membrane regulating the energy flows of the Galaxy through Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This part of the Solar System operates under the shield of the second asteroid belt – Kuiper (beyond the Neptune orbit), and the entire Solar System is fenced by a dense energy wall of the Oort Cloud. The entire system has only one exit – a Portal to the Galaxy. Sort of a cell in our body. The solar System is a cell; the Universe is an alive and sentient organism. And we are part of it. Let’s keep this in mind. You may would like to discover and learn more about the Channels distributing the energies: Negative entities, still controlling Earth from the Astral and Mental Planes, and continue penetrate to the surface and control people. Staying in 4D and remaining invisible to a person, they are embedded in his Subtle Bodies and completely subordinate his consciousness and will. These parasites are fueled by human energy, so they need contact with him. Using the Universe Law – A Greater Potential Subordinates a Smaller One, possessors constantly push a man to negative actions. They cannot change his program or impose theirs on him, but they know well how to take advantage of situations. When a person goes through a situation according to the incarnation program, they always direct his feelings, thoughts, and actions to the most terrible deeds and poor decisions. Obeying suggestion, a man emits negative energies which they feed on and maintain their existence. And a person degrades, because by his free will and choice freedom, he decides towards the low, not the high.... which is very sad once we witnessing it... Penetrating into the Subtle Bodies of a person, Possessors merge with him so much that they begin to speak by his voice, turning their carrier into an evil and aggressive man. This metamorphosis binds him even more tightly to the vampiric 3D System. Men are turning into obedient zombies of whom the ruling classes are staffed today. Anyone can resist astral and mental parasites. It is enough to show willpower and not succumb to provocations, keep the thoughts, feelings and actions clean. Spiritual practice is a powerful protection. Prayers and mantras create a high energy discharge that hits the parasites like a powerful electric current. Unable to stand it, they leave the human body. They can’t go beyond 3D. Their influence does not extend above not only because of the protective shells built around the planet, but also the predominance of high consciousness and energy potential in 4D/5D men. There are many dying Souls on Earth today for various reasons. Most often, this is the loss of their Spirit, the connection with the Source. Such a Soul is completely subordinated to the petty desires of power, money, and pleasure, which turn it into a leaky container. All the previous accumulated knowledge and experience of past incarnations flow out of it. If the mind does not develop and becomes small and lazy, and the Soul does not work, then both fade, weaken and do not grow. The Spirit is wasting away. Many slow down their ascent. Succumbing to temptations, laziness, toss away their lives, committing crimes, making wrong choices in situations, they throw themselves back hundreds and thousands of years. Nobody needs an empty Soul in the highest dimensions. She sinks to the very bottom of the Universe, to the hell of chaos, to start all over again in the 1D world. Sometimes this does not happen either, and then the Soul is split into elementary particles... this is the fate of those 1% have committed lately such a great crime against humanity. When a person degrades, but the Spark in his Soul is not extinguished, he is decoded completely; the Matrix is cleansed of accumulated dirt. When the planet envenoms, only partial decoding is performed, those parts that have been filled with negativity are cleared. This is what is happening right now before our eyes. After that, there will be a complete replacement of programs and a restructuring of all the energy shells of Earth. The new program eliminates dependence on the 3D Matrix and its Masters. This is done by additional constructions on the Subtle Plane that will no longer allow low entities to penetrate into the world of people and run them. Low plans could influence only those who want it, that is, almost the entire current “elite” and its Dark puppeteers. But they are doomed. All the highest moral values for humanity remain in force. Moreover, they became imperatives. Such categories as kindness, mercy, unselfishness, love for others, nobility are all the highest qualities given for the incarnation on Earth. Today, the gradual growth of consciousness of many is a reliable protection against everything low. This is very important not only for the man and his Soul, but also for Co-Creators who are not indifferent to the fate of Gaia and all the Souls and Monads’ manifestation bodies that our planet hosts.

  • Updates: The Earth’s renewal is in full swing. Purification of the Darks, who don't want to give up

    We must continue our intensified internal self-work, while in the meantime many visible and invisible forces on Earth and at subtle levels allow this process to be possible with their tireless struggle, with the persistent but disappearing obsolete 3D matrix. Argorians Update 16 May 2022 On May 16, 2022, at 05:32 AM CET, an important info was conveyed about an operation, carried out by a part of Argorians’ space fleet. The op was targeted to neutralize and reprogram a powerful installation that survived after the Third Atlantis and sunk under the ocean floor near Florida. On May 15, 2022, at 06:31 AM CET, one of the modules of Argorians’ fleet entered the Earth’s field near the Bermuda Triangle. A group of capsules with crew members on board flew out of it and dispersed at the right points above the water surface. After scanning the space, Argorians once again made sure that the sarcophagus of the black energy RIR, with which they covered the functioning installation, was not damaged, and they could begin their main work. The capsules sank into the water. After opening the ground, they exposed the supporting structures of the main object of the operation – a crystal that accumulated and radiated Archons’ programs on Earth’s Subtle Plane to support the life of biorobots, human clones and other parasitic entities of all kinds and forms. Argorians hacked the crystal’s software, recalibrated the input-output systems of low-frequency energy that filled the Earth’s energy field. Then they introduced a new combination lock of the crystal and reprogrammed its connection to the 5D grid. For a while, the team observed the operation of the crystal. Its radiations have changed a lot. The negative, toxic energy emanated by people is no longer accumulated by the installation on the surface of the planet, but is thrown straight into outer space, where it is immediately collected by the Argorians’ modules for subsequent use for various purposes. After making sure that the reprogrammed crystal is working stably, the teams in the capsules left the op’s place and returned to their module. Then, through the inter-dimensional channel, it joined the main squadron, which transports 5D Earth to a new vibrational orbit in the Gerios Galaxy and continues to observe what is happening on Earth. The quantum energy flows coming to the planet through the Sun from the Galactic Center are amplified by the force fields of the Earth’s new radiating grid. The plasmoid civilization of the Gerios Galaxy operating on Earth uses pyramid control panels to broadcast new Time programs using reflectors located around the axial rotation channel of the planet. Earth’s 5D Hologram field is filled with energy currents that increase the number of open Portals. Through them, 3D energy and matter are cyclically annihilated and removed from the planet. This process is often fixed from satellites as flashes of light at different spots on the surface. Quantum flows continue to transform the men Subtle Bodies. The impact is carried out through the ozone layer of the atmosphere. The ultrasonic storage devices located in it collect and systematize the cosmic energy GREMO (energy of Love), which comes from the Gerios Galaxy to the Earth’s core. In it, this energy is condensed and in the form of plasma is brought to the surface via glazed tunnels through the acupuncture points of the planet. A very powerful power flows through these arteries. They are used by residents of the inner worlds of four-dimensional space. If man gets into the tunnel during its pulse, the physical body decompresses, its molecules are transformed into the 4D substance. In rare cases, a person trapped in a tunnel during an impulse manages to return to the 3D world. It can be only if an impulse was weak, or the flow directed to a specific place of the planet ended. The plasma removed from the bowels is collected in a layer which is the sound boundary, where energy passes from one sonic frequency to another. Under their influence, a man receives new impulses to internal changes, and his brain is transformed for an expanded perception. Earthlings adapt to more complex 4D/5D conditions by the force fields of an ultrasonic transducer in the ozone layer. GREMO is a very rigid cosmic energy that selects and cleans the space and matter, as well as people according to their level of consciousness. This process started in 1910, when the Earth’s core through 144,000 pyramids began to receive the GREMO energy. Since this year, the next stage of the Great Quantum Transition has begun. The previous one was in Jesus Christ time. Temporary programs do not change on the entire planet simultaneously but in individual regions. The plasma emitted by the Earth’s core does not immediately become new matter, but as the clot has to acquire everything necessary – fields, development programs and consciousness (gravity). Today, the GREMO energy brings the hammer down the forms of three-dimensional life and reduces the reproduction of 3D people. Degraded Souls are left with the choice of incarnation in plants and animals, or splitting into constituent particles, especially in cases of suicide. At the moment, people are being prepared for a new 4D/5D habitat, but already today the average rhythm of the planet is 40 Hertz instead of the former 7 Hz. It complicates the adaptation of organisms. Earth enters a new stage of development. The 3D world is already self-destructing. The three-dimensional man is gradually being replaced by the Sixth Race. It is a carrier of GREMO energy and will settle down in life on the upgraded 3D planet, because our Sun and Solar System can ensure the existence of only a three-dimensional Earth. The cell structure of human body changes under the ultra and infra sound’s impacts. This transformation is noticeably manifested in sensations. The RNA is decompressed by changing the pulsation of the DNA lattice. Programs of new thinking and a new way of life are loaded into the DNA and RNA of many people. Only those, who by consciousness and Soul can perceive 5D energy and new information with the antennas of their physical and wave DNA, will pass into 4D/5D. Subcortical plasma radiation renews the cells of the body with power pulses of red energy. With its help, plasmoids continue to split atoms into elementary particles and remove them from Earth. In the inter-Galactic space, special blocks have been built to collect free particles. There they are stored in a free state until they are in demand for special needs or the construction of a new planet. There are huge amounts of such blocks in the Greater Cosmos. The Earth’s inner layers are actively transforming. The formation of 5D matter affects all the structures of the planet. Its core changes magnetic fields and creates vortices. New clusters of five-dimensional energy are being created which causes tension in atmosphere manifested as thunderstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes. Weather becomes unusual in many places. For example, snow falls in the southern regions in summer, and the heat increases in the north. Volcanic activity is increasing, especially in Pacific Rim towards which the Earth’s core is shifting. On May 15, 2022, occurred two earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 5.0; 38 earthquakes with a magnitude of 4+; 90 earthquakes with a magnitude of 3+; and 267 earthquakes with a magnitude of 2+. There were also 740 small earthquakes with a magnitude of less than 2.0 which people usually do not feel. Over the past 30 days, 4,881 earthquakes have been recorded. Of these, 3,521 were M3+; 1,204 were M4+; 147 were M5+; and 9 were M6+. Footage from space captures bright white flashes and giant lightning. These are emissions of plasma. Very intense auroras are now appearing not only at the poles of the planet. The groans of the Earth will continue. They are caused by the purification of the lower layers of the atmosphere from the negative energy of earthlings. The Earth’s renewal is in full swing. Access to a new formation of thinking is hindered through a political means. The Darks are unwilling to give up their positions. But if they refuse to understand what is happening now, then the planet itself will eliminate them and their earthly camarillas. Kim's Update May 13, 2022 I Am Temple Library

  • Is our body ready for ascension?- Stages, Phases, Signs of Transmutation

    These days and weeks, many of us have accelerated their global and profound transformation of physical bodies as a result of the Transition to 4D/5D, the unfolding of the Matrix of a New Man and its superimposition on the existing corpus. This process took place earlier but it was in softer Earth’s energies, and only for those who consciously, by inner work, perfected themselves and their Soul, learned to understand the Laws of the Universe more widely and deeply, and live in accordance with them. More and more people voluntarily and consciously cleansed their bodies of negative emotions, thoughts, actions, learned to Love and accept the world and people as they are. Now the transformation continues in a much more highly vibrational environment than before, and on a massive scale. Depending on the level of consciousness at which a person is, and the purity of his bodies (dense and Subtle), the first serious stage for some passes easily (or even unnoticed), and for others it is painful and unsupportable. Spiritual, energetic, psychophysical, and meditative practices, both ancient and modern, significantly facilitate and accelerate this process. To refresh memories ... the whole process of Physical body transformation started at the beginning of this year. See my previous blog post "Our bodies. One of the last experiments ended on January 4, 2022. What was it?" Stages And Phases Of Transmutation: The First Stage: Transformation of the physical body a) Purification of corpus; b) Cleansing of internal organs; c) The regularity of meals and the intervals between meals; d) Vegetarianism; e) Getting rid of internal fats; f) Cold hardening - cold water treatment, developing resistance to the cold. Quantum energy flows, affecting the physical body at the first stage, will affect organs and systems that have deviations, and restore them. The corpus must undergo three phases of transformation before changing the code and activating the multidimensional wave DNA: Phase I – restorative (purification-resurrection); Phase II – chemical transforming (transmutation); Phase III – code replacement (resurrection-ascension). The following states of the unfolding of the New Man Matrix in the physical body will occur. The Matrix will change the hormonal system, the structure of the brain and nervous system, up to the sub-atomic level. It will be accompanied by periodic pains in the endocrine glands and the corresponding chakras (in head, throat, heart, lower back, solar plexus, and lower abdomen). This will be followed by the restructuring of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, hematopoiesis; digestive and excretory systems; respiratory system; heart; bone system. The end of transformation will be accompanied by the cure of chronic diseases, the cessation of the negative impacts of the environment, climate change, pathogens, etc. The corpus will begin to rejuvenate. The electrical, conducting system of the body will change. It has an important influence on the physical, emotional, mental and astral levels of the Soul. The changes will affect, in particular, the quantity, structure and role of water, the movement of currents and the distribution of charges, the structure and other characteristics of the field and the energy saturation of the body. Exactly: 1. A decrease in the amount of water in the body by 20% as a symptom of crystallization of water in the body, accompanied by a decrease in emotionality, crystallization of the body; 2. Electrical phenomena – changing relations with electrical processes, devices, fields, phantom sensations, changing the nature of interaction with electronic equipment, computers; 3. New waves of sexual energy as a result of the consolidation of the Spirit in the body, the penetration of kundalini power into all manifestations of life. The Second Stage: Transformation Of The Spiritual And Energy Structure 1. Raising the Spiritual level, changing the worldview; 2. Changing the energy structure – energy purification, cleansing of energy channels and chakras; 3. Change of codes affecting the formation of a single Light Body. The Third Stage: Transition To A New Evolutionary Level So far, for most earthlings, it is not relevant yet. It is possible to determine the achievement of this stage, that is, the transition to new vibrations that has already taken place, using a following test to check up of staying in fifth density vibrations. If we no longer have any thoughts of fear, no illness, no dissonance or disharmony in our personal life, we have stopped aging, and we are no longer affected by the environment, then we have reached the 5D vibes. There is another test to determine how the frequency of our physical body is complying with Earth’s freqs and radiations at the moment. If we tolerate the discharged pressure and the ozonized air of a high-altitude area well, or we don’t burn and feel good being under the rays of the Sun at noon, then our body resonates with the planet. Signs Of Transmutation Stages 1. Opening of energy centers, their ignition: – Emotional vulnerability, hypersensitivity; – Increased physical sensitivity, feeling of pain from sensations; – An irrepressible appetite, especially for boiled food; – Loss of interest in everything material. 2. Ignition of energy centers, organs, the whole body: – The feeling is like after sunburn, the skin is peeling, bleeding from cuts, abrasions; – Irritation after clothing, especially synthetic; – Preference for fruits, dairy products; – Severe headaches; – Decreased appetite (up to the ability to starve for a long time). 3. Elimination of chronic diseases, transformation of organs: – The feeling of something else’s interference; – Itching of the skin as in the healing of sutures; – Drowsiness. 4. Cell transmutation: – Reducing the amount of food to a minimum; – Flu symptoms (persistent runny nose, cough, headaches); – Neurological symptoms (paralysis, paresis, impaired coordination of movements); – Unexpected inflammation in the heat; – Tuberculosis (rapid form). – Unusual sensations in the bones; – Buzzing in head, nausea, vomiting; – Rise of body temperature in the heat, herpes; – Rapid changes of symptoms. 5. Creating a new body: – Pregnancy-like feeling, signs of toxicities (headaches, dizziness, bowel disorders, etc.); – Feeling of fire in the body (fever); – Fall of temperature to 35.0 C; – A hard bulging clot above the navel; – Gain and further weight loss. Other Signs and Symptoms and their Meaning for Ascension Finding your way to the inner world in today's conditions is the test that you have prepared for yourself. This is YOUR journey, and your Soul wouldn’t have organized it if you weren’t ready. You are the one who has to find his way, and you will find it. 1. An increased feelings that everything you do hasn’t value. You see how other people are completely absorbed in the possession of material goods and the pursuit of personal happiness: career, and respect in society, fame. This pushes you to search for yourself and the meaning of life. 2. The helplessness before the incomprehensibility of the truth. You understand that further you go in your quest, the more confused you become. Everything you have tried on this road, and everything you have experienced in altered states of consciousness. The ups to the higher spheres, where you felt unity with entire Universe, are replaced by falls and depression. 3. Stress – feeling as if you are under pressure of high energies like in a steamer. You are adapting to higher vibrations, old beliefs and habits begin to be pushed out. A variety of emotions and states are literally bubbling inside you. 4. Dizziness, distraction, incoordination, disorientation, especially during the full Moon and during Solar flares, misunderstanding where you are, loss of sense of location. You are no longer in the third dimension, because you have already started moving in 4D and 5D. 5. Tinnitus is a sign of relationship problems, the unbalanced male and female energies. Continuous or pulsed high frequency sounds. This may be accompanied by pressure in one ear or in both. 6. Headaches – expansion of energy against the background of limiting beliefs, limitations of the mind. Headaches can signal the transformation of the brain on the Subtle and material planes. They can manifest as non-localized pressure inside the head or pressure rolling in waves. There may be heaviness and pain in the back of the head, crown, and between the eyebrows – this is the pressure of the third eye and the activation of new chakras. 7. Unusual pains in different parts of the body, wandering pains, burning sensation, temporary numbness of the limbs, pain in the spine, neuralgia, rheumatic pains, nervous cramps, polyneuritis, pain in the solar plexus, nausea, vomiting. This is how you are cleansed and freed from the old blocked energy vibrating at 3D frequencies, while you are already at higher 4D/5D vibes. Pains are a symptom of the dissolution of old, incorrect directions of creative energy, as well as cell membranes and the formation of new ones. Neuralgia can have the character of epidemics. 8. Weakness in the limbs, asthenia, swelling of the limbs, lips, nose is a lack of energy during intensive transmutation. 9. You will have days of incredible fatigue, causeless depression, irritability, unexplained fear, tearfulness. Your body becomes less dense and undergoes intensive restructuring. And this helplessness in front of the unknown makes you de-energized. Indifference to your fate comes; all desires disappear, one of the last is attachment to the Spiritual path. 10. Fatigue (a night’s sleep of up to 12 hours), a state of depression, strength loss, periods of sopor, CFS, vampirism (especially among close people). You break from everything that was accumulated in 3D and go through the integration process, preparing for 4D/5D at the same time. These are signs of growth that you need a lot of energy for. It’s a state of searching, throwing, and loss of interest in the material. The outside world may be out of tune with you as a new being of higher vibrations. You feel strange in it. In addition, you continue to get rid of low-frequency and toxic energies, and you see through them. 11. A feeling of incomprehensible, periodically appearing bloat, swelling of the body, vagueness of its volumes. A new body is created; perception is being shifted to more Subtle Planes. 12. Heartburn or tightness in the chest. Your Galactic Heart is opening up. 13. Clenching of jaws, gnashing of teeth – strong resistance to your mission, its connection with your Higher Self. 14. Strange electrical sensations in the body, energy shocks, pulsations, tingling, expansion, light, body vibration, waves, itching (especially during the full Moon) are the decay of non-crystalline tissues. The energy shocks that you will feel may even cause your body to move upwards. Loss of attention and concentration for a long time is a change in the electrical structure of your body. 15. Sleep disorders, waking up at 2 a.m. and staying awake until 4 a.m. You have such intense dreams that you cannot sleep for too long without a break. Ordinary people spend more time on Earthly plane, and right now you are evolving very quickly, adapting to new dimensions. 16. Vivid, dynamic dreams, sometimes with scenes of violence – you are freed from the burden of many past lives at the level of low vibrations. Gradually your dreams will improve. Some are daydreaming. 17. Loss of Time sense. You can skip meetings or the right turn on the highway, be late, forget what day it is – these are also adaptations to new chrono-cycles. 18. Lapses in memory, short-term disconnection of consciousness – you remember recent events well and very vaguely your more distant past. You are no longer only in one density, but you are constantly moving back and forth between dimensions (this is also part of the Transition). In addition, your past is a part of an obsolete old one that has gone irrevocably. Being here and now is the way to 4D and 5D. 19. Loss of one’s identity, periodic unwillingness to do anything (passivity, laziness) which irritates the others. You try to lean on the old self but it no longer exists. You don’t recognize who you see in the mirror. You are getting rid of your old traits and now embody more Light, your simpler and purified Divine essence. You’re all right. You are at rest, rebooting your system. Your body knows what it needs. When you begin to reach higher Subtle Planes, doing and achieving something will not be so important for you, because the new energies will encourage you to take such actions as accepting, creating, taking care of yourself. 20. A sudden desire to free up more space. You may want to get rid of your personal “treasures”, feel the need to remove all the old and superfluous, give away your possessions and throw away furniture. 21. The feeling of being “out of the body”. Sometimes it will seem that you are not even talking but someone else. This is our natural defense mechanism for survival when we are under severe stress, feel traumatized and out of control. Your body is going through a lot of changes right now, and you may not want to stay in it at this time. This is a way to make the Transition easier for you but it won’t last long and will pass soon. 22. You hear some strange sounds, you can see through the veil, psychic abilities increase, and the level of consciousness increases. Your vision may seem changeable and unstable. Then you will feel that you need glasses, then, some other whim will appear. At whiles, you are sure that you saw someone or something out of the corner of your eye. Your vision is developing. As you Transition, you will experience different frequency setting. 23. Hypersensitivity to everything that surrounds you. You will find it difficult to endure noisy gatherings, loud music, certain food, TV, other people’s voices, especially negative vibrations, the crowd. You will quickly get tired and overexcited from everything around you. You are tuning into new worlds, so all this will gradually pass. Know that you are moving a colossal amount of energy. 24. The low 3D vibrations that you will pick up in conversations, relationships, social structures, some types of healing, etc. will become unbearable for you. You will literally feel bad from them. You have already moved to higher vibrations, and your energies are no longer in tune with such low-frequency factors. 25. Sudden mood swings and mania, emotional ups and downs, frequent tears. Your emotions are a way to let go of old problems, and now you are getting rid of a lot. 26. The return of old habits that you, in your opinion, completely got rid of. Try not to judge yourself for this. To change completely, you have to be calm about falling back into the old rut. 27. Loss or change of appetite and weight, of diet (preference for plant foods, craving for fatty staff, salty, proteins, watermelons, pineapples, grapes). Your body is adapting to a new, more highly vibrational state. Some part of you doesn’t want to exist in this body anymore. 28. There may be a need to have a snack often which is associated with periods of a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels. There may be an increase in weight, as you will need a huge amount of fuel for the Transition. Weight gain is a reaction to an excess of toxins (see the next paragraph) released during purification, transmutation; to an excess of energies. In addition, your organs are actively processing toxins that change the body shape. The diaphragm descends, the size of the heart increases, the thymus grows, the chest expands, which is especially noticeable in women, fat appears on the neck, shoulders, which is associated with the opening of new chakras. Weight gain when it is impossible to reduce it by any means is one of the typical symptoms. 29. Increased salt intake, puffiness is the formation of new crystalline cells. 30. You will be completely unable to do some things. The routine will be absolutely unbearable for you. The reason is the same as above. 31. Changing priorities in a career or relationship. This often happens when there are no logical reasons for this but you are acutely aware of the need for change. 32. The sudden disappearance from your life of friends, certain activities, changes of work and place of residence. You have already gone beyond who you were before, and all these people and your old surroundings no longer correspond to your new vibrations. Your plans may suddenly change at full speed and go in a completely different direction. Your Soul balances your energy. Usually you feel that going in a new direction is just GREAT because your Soul understands more than you do. It knocks you out of the rut of habitual decisions and vibrations. 33. Detoxification of your body is the strengthening of the work of the excretory organs (skin, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract). It can manifest itself in increased pigmentation of the skin, a change in the smell and type of metabolic products. 34. Increased pigmentation of the skin (red, yellow, orange …). Spots can appear abruptly and then disappear, they itch a lot. The skin in these places flakes off, can thin out, become vulnerable. All this is the activation of metabolism, cleansing the body, strengthening the flow of quantum energies through your body. 35. Changes in the blood formula, indicators of the circulatory system (sometimes in the form of unexplained jumps in individual medical parameters that doctors cannot explain and normalize) is restructuring of your circulatory system. 36. The desire to return Home, as if everything is OVER, and you are no longer here. We are returning to our Source. It’s indeed OVER but many of us stay to create a New World. This means that your old plans that prompted you to come here have already been fulfilled. 37. The feeling that you are going crazy or you are developing some kind of mental illness, a short-term mental disorder. It may also seem to you that you are not able to concentrate in a way that is familiar to you. So you very quickly go through the experience of several dimensions at once and a powerful disclosure. There is a lot available to you now, and you are not used to it. Your awareness has grown a lot, the barriers are gone. All this will pass, and you will feel at Home as you have never felt before, because your Home is now here, on Earth. 38. Anxiety, panic, and concern. Your Ego is losing its position and is afraid. It means that your system is experiencing overload. Something is happening to you that you don’t understand. You also lose the behavioral patterns that you had for survival in the world of the third dimension. It can cause you to feel vulnerable and powerless. All this will also pass, and in the end you will feel a lot of Love, confidence and unity. 39. Spiritual Death or fleeting thoughts of suicide. Remember that in this way you are just trying to give a three-dimensional explanation of what is happening to you. 40. You create a situation that seems to you the worst nightmare. Your Soul puts you in conditions for the formation of those properties that you lack, and, conversely, the muting of those aspects that you have in abundance. It’s just balancing your energies. 41. Excessive concern about the state of nature, ecology, etc. (pollution, death of animals, human diseases, aliens, dangerous technologies). 42. Increased need for knowledge, for example, great interest in news of all kinds, increased brain activity, fears, scare of going crazy, panic at the mere thought of the future. 43. Fever, sweat, nocturnal flashes of temperature (without symptoms of diseases), pressure surges. These are symptoms of cleansing after which a state of lightness occurs. The temperature goes away along with all the impurities and toxins from your body and consciousness. The body periodically turns on the self-cleaning mechanism in the form of high temperature. It occurs spontaneously, for no apparent reason, almost every month and can exceed 41.0 within 5-10 minutes. So it burns all the toxins in your body, all the fears, and most importantly, you cease to be afraid for your life. 44. Lowering the temperature to 35.0, cold, icy burning plasma (blue or purple) around the body is the second stage of cleaning after the temperature rises. At this time, the body is almost not felt, even when you lift weights. The desire to take ordinary food disappears, it becomes tasteless and foreign. Consciousness becomes transparently clear, like a mountain lake during calm. At this moment, there is no fear, no love, there are no feelings at all, especially self-pity, and all your emotions are just reflections of the outside world. 45. Viral diseases, or their signs, for example, flu symptoms, the manifestation of latent viruses (such as herpes) are signs of transmutation, which can have the character of rapid epidemics. 46. The feeling of speed. You energetically do more in a shorter time. You can physically feel the acceleration of energy. On Friday, you may think that a whole month has passed, not a week. 47. My personal experience: I received a very clear message a few months ago to balance both sides of the body, left and right. The body was too long in complete misalignment and discord with one side more dominant than the other. As example, dominant right writing hand or left. This also is related to brain function (left side compare to the right side), also organs and in result disbalance the way we process incoming upgrading energies through our skin and cells. In my case, my Higher Self directed me to a daily free style of dance, like an ecstatic dance, allowing each side to move freely and indulge/ surrender to the the energy flowing through each cell. It’s a well known phenomena. That’s why some Spiritual practices include dance elements. At the moment, information about these changes has been brought, one way or another, to almost everyone. Another question is who wanted to hear and understand, and who did not. The time has come for an immediate choice, as the Transition accelerated and its program is being tightened.

  • Do you feel deep growing desire to move away from the Game? We are all multidimensional

    We are all multidimensional and on the Subtle Plane consist of many parts. What is on Earth is only the smallest, though important fragment. What are these parts? Our Soul is a Spark allocated by the Source, initially carrying Its Light in core, that ensures our existence. Eons ago, the Source singled out this Spark and sent it into space to understand it and Itself. Eons later, It would receive it back, enriched with experience and knowledge. In Indian cosmogony, this is described as “the exhalation and inhalation of Brahma” or I chose to call it also "The Breath of the Source". The Monad is the energy shell of the Soul for its maintenance, training and upgrading in various systems and dimensions of the Greater Cosmos. Logos is a volitional impulse (Spirit) of the Soul, aimed at learning the new and other goals, existing as an independent energy entity. The Higher Self is our energetic double on the Subtle Plane, the mediator between our Soul, Monad and us in the physical body. The Personal Self is a symbiosis of our Ego, Mind and feelings for the period of living at this time and in this place to gain knowledge and experience for ourselves and the Source to deliver them to It, returning to It. The boundless ocean of all seven Super Universes is filled with innumerable streams of Source’s Sparks and all their derivatives, which also form their complex, hierarchical structures and flows. On the Subtle Plane, our Monads are seen as huge energy clots, resembling jellyfish-like creatures with threads and tentacles. These are Logos and their sub-Logos that permeate the dimensions, leaving their manifestation bodies in many, including on 3D Earth. One of these manifestation bodies of the Logos-Monad-Soul “vertical” (multiverse) is you and me. Through us, with the help of a tentacle-thread, our Logos, Monad, and Soul here and now absorb all the experience of feelings, thoughts and actions in this 3D environment, one of the most toxic in the entire Local Universe. This supreme trinity does everything not to pick up a poisonous Drakos-Reptilian infection from us, exerting a lot of effort so that we ourselves do not radiate and accumulate it, killing ourselves and everything around us on Earth and in space. If we persistently continue to do this according to our free will and choice freedom, we are simply shot off from of our multidimensional body, like a spent rocket stage, leaving us to rot and die from our own infection. The Monad’s threads penetrate not only the lower dimensions, but part stretches upwards, to the larger collective Souls-Logos – of planets, Stars, Constellations, Galaxies, Local Universes…and so on, up to the very Primary Logos – of the Source. This is the essence of our upgrading, from small to large. And, on the contrary, from macro to micro, that explains the appearance on Earth of Souls whose manifestation bodies were once the Stars, Constellations and even Galaxies. Meditating or praying, we link by our multidimensional vertical (multiverse) to our Soul-Monad, and, further, to the Source. When we pray, the Source listens to us; when meditate, we listen to It. To gain a new experience, our Monad, with the help of its tentacle-threads, embodies us in one of two ways: synchronous incarnation or singular incarnation. In the first case, it is a lot of incarnations at the same time, a fast cycle, in many dimensions, places and timelines at once. At the level of Monads, Time is not linear, but spherical, where the past, present and future are at the same point. A singular incarnation is just one incarnation, a slow cycle. In this case, the Monad-Souls begin to gather experience gradually, singling with the help of Logos the bodies of manifestation in elementals, then, in plants, after that in animals, and finally in man. To gain experience at the human level, 70-80 incarnations are usually enough, with intervals between them from several Earthly days, decades or centuries. But no more than 2 thousand years, otherwise the acquired experience is lost. Entities that have arrived on Earth with a higher mission incarnate here hundreds of times. One of the leaders of the LFs’ the ground team has been embodied more than 500 times. Simultaneous incarnations allow collect experience faster. This requires a certain maturity of the Soul-Monad, because not each can withstand the processing of so many embodiments at the same time. In such cases, many threads-incarnations are scattered in time but are present in parallel in all layers of the past, present and future. This spherical Time is similar to a spiral roll or a reel of tape. With a synchronous cycle, the Monad launches many Logos tentacles into all sectors of the rolled-up Time coil at once, scans and absorbs all the contents of spiral in one go. This is much more difficult, but it gives a very quick result. Sort of a player, in which instead of one reader there are several thousand laser beams that can read the entire disk in a few seconds. Not all Monads are ready to this. Only experienced, brave and have already tried a sequential singular reading once. Those of us who incarnate in a synchronous cycle usually do not remember our other embodiments. Their task is to get as diverse an experience as possible, balancing between polarities. For some, the experience of incarnations will be low (rough vibrations, prevalence of negativity, service only to self); for others, it will be high (Spiritual vibrations, positive orientation, service to others). Whatever life path we choose, it is important to trust our Soul. It knows exactly what kind of experience we came for this time on this planet. No matter what incarnation we are, and no matter what our path is, we will still eventually return to the realization of ourselves as the Supreme Soul, as the multidimensional Light Being, the Spark of the Source. Synchronous incarnations of the Soul, as noted above, usually, occurred in different epochs. The last incarnation that completes the cycle is not necessarily in 3D. For example, one of the basic (collecting rough experience) embodiments may be here and now, and the final one – somewhere in Ancient Greece or Babylon. But information from one incarnation is instantly transmitted to the others, through the Soul-Monad. Therefore, now, when you read this text, all the embodiments of your Soul, wherever they are, receive (at least unconsciously) the same info. Hence our dreams, deja vu, meetings with our incarnated counterparts, while not always realizing who we see in front of us. Today’s humanity is basically the Monads’ incarnations going through such synchronous cycles. They need everyone’s experience! There is no unnecessary or wasted one. In this sense, the Monad and its Logos are omnivorous. Therefore, incarnations (people) don’t do mistakes – only delays. But the whole experience goes for the future. The penultimate and last incarnations close the cycle, and the final one identifies itself with the Soul-Monad-Logos. Usually, the last incarnations are enlightenment, going beyond the ordinary understanding. At the end of the cycle, the Monad rises to higher spheres of the Greater Cosmos (octaves of densities), unseen before. Many Monads and Logos are now completing their cycle of gaining experience on 3D Earth. The Great Quantum Transition is the end of the cycle. Those who manage to pass it rise to higher octaves of the Subtle Plane. At the same time, the singulars (and those who were knocked off the synchronous path) will remain here to play further. How can we determine at which level of incarnations – initial, intermediate or final – we are? Basically, this is expressed in the extent to which bodily values prevail over Spiritual ones, and vice versa. Here are a few key indicators. How much do we get carried away by interaction with the outside world, society? How important for us the recognition of others, position in society, status? How much do we get carried away by the technological possibilities of this world, including for creativity? How seriously do we take events in the worlds around us? Do we sometimes (or often) feel that everything that happens in 3D is just a Game? Does it happen that we feel an underlying desire not to participate in the current events but only to observe them? Answering these questions to ourselves (only honestly), we can roughly determine where we are in the perspective of incarnations. Often, people who feel (at first – unconsciously) their deep growing desire to move away from the Game, to stop getting carried away with its various aspects, over time, more and more acutely feel the fake of what is happening. When they have to obey, plunging into the next round of the Game, they internally suffer from a heartfelt unwillingness to do all this anymore. We secretly see and feel how everything around us only seems real, but in fact it is soaked through with falsehood, pretense and absurdity. These are typical signs of the final incarnation, preparation for exiting the Game. All the experience in 3D has already been collected, and the Soul-Monad is preparing to quit the Game to move to much higher densities. In this case our future life will certainly lead us to an epiphany, and our Monad will provide us with all the ways and tools for self-awareness, followed by the completion of the Game. Intermediate and initial incarnations, reading this text, are likely to be indignant, pour accusations and criticism. It is OK. If we are passionate about the Game, then it is better for us to look for other texts, and continue to live as our Monad tells us here and now. In other words, do not lead ourselves astray if we firmly feel that this is our Way. It is wrong to assume that the initial and intermediate incarnations are somehow worse than the final ones. These are equally important stages of the same Path of us as the Supreme Being. One way or another, all our personifications will exist at the same Time, and eventually they will return to our Home, to the Source. Multidimensionality allows for a multi-layered manifestation of individual or self-determining group choices, therefore we will witness diverse realities. From what I feel, the fusion 3D-4D-5D reality is not solid. The old notion that we sow as a solid fixed collective manifestation is no longer valid. So let’s not waste any more time expecting and waiting for the “new result” to be “seen”, but rather to ride the wave of Change and experience every moment to the fullest … our self-discovering creative imagination and our always very deep desire for peace, joy and kindness are the best tools for the open opportunity for the quantum journey. Let's read what other people share: "Every individual is a universe on its own… more apparent than ever now. It’s truly fascinating to witness the intensity and extensity of such rapid changes. To such depth where I can witness it on my own, the changes within that would seem almost “impossible” from past perspective – yet they’re there in very short time, or even just one single moment. And before you’re even fully aware of it – you’re changed. For example, the whole war situation changed a LOT of what I had “imprinted” within myself. It literally purged a lot of “two sides of same coin” scenarios and lots of pointless holding onto something that actually doesn’t have true value. It all changed just in one day … but it took weeks to finally have my mind accept the situation and what change has occurred… At the surface, we maybe see wars, chaos and insecurity … but on deeper level, it’s liberation, decoupling from the old, dissolution of the old. And it’s really finding me even a bit surprised, of how it works … because even if I’m seemingly “ready” and aware of it, it finds such ways to thoroughly change something that seemed so stuck for so long time within." "I see so clearly the old world destroying itself. There is nothing and no one to save, it’s the consciousness that must change. As long as we perceive an enemy to fight, we are back in dual mind. Good or bad, making judgments pits us on one side or the other, but to be drawn into battle is to lower our vibration and give into darkness once again. This is their playing field and the parasitic Dark will keep providing reasons for people to fight each other, whether in physical life or on social media. I have never experienced such divisiveness in society, friend against friend, family members against each other, or organizations and groups fracturing because of a difference in opinion or belief. Humanity has long been conditioned, programmed, even poisoned to think and act in this way. This is all they know, and most of them are guided by the mainstream media that is controlled by the Dark. It’s really sad how brainwashed most people are. For those embracing 5D consciousness and unity, we can find ourselves very alone when we decide not to choose (or fight for) a certain position. I stand by my right to choose my own thoughts and to stand in my own sovereignty as a spiritual being. I am witnessing massive destruction and an unraveling of the old but do not feel it’s my role to be caught in the drama. If you are unsure of what you need to do, or whether you should step into the fray, ask yourself: “what will bring me the most PEACE?” And there is your answer! I like the description of “active observer,” because sometimes we feel compelled to step in. For me, it’s stepping in to say my piece, then stepping back out, and staying detached. It’s easy to get caught up in emotion, to feel like “fighting” against injustice but for those on a spiritual path, this ultimately does not serve us. Often we show others by our example another way to be and to act. This is very powerful. I believe it’s also important not to “belong” to any group, especially now. We need to make our Spirit and what I call our “Divine Presence” a priority, or we will fall into the trap of compliance with others. MUCH LOVE to everyone here as we continue to make our way Home." Argorians Update 9 May, 2022 The space squadron of 25D Argorians continues to transport 5D Earth to a new vibrational orbit in the fifth dimension in the Gerios Galaxy, on the Star Oryx orbit. From the destination point, throughout the Gaia multiverse from 12D to 3D, powerful quantum waves arrive on Earth, forming a new 4D/5D space and the distribution of Souls in different dimensions in accordance with the frequencies they emit. Argorians are closely monitoring these processes through both the Siriusians’ Lunar bases in 23D and on the Moon’s neutrino twin. The squadron is preparing for a new change of vibrations in the channel between dimensions. The ships complete the movement through the ninth stage of the cascade filter of the third spiral (of six in total). The cleaning of 3D Earth continues. The necessary work is carried out. The energies of space are increasing. The repeater-converter on the Moon works at full capacity, directing the Star Oryx energies to the planet. They change the fields of Gaia and the entire near-Earth space enclosed in a protective cocoon of red energy ERMA. Earth has already fully entered the fourth dimension, although many earthlings do not notice it. A new SOLARIS has fully developed, combining dimensions. The buffer 4D space completely disconnected from 3D and entered the next stage of 4-6 densities. Now, the entire transit 4-dimensional world has begun to move into the worlds of the 6D quantum level. The Time programs have been completely replaced. The planet is shaking, and even those who do not believe what is happening feel it. The squadron command carefully controls the route through the filter cascades between dimensions. Ships and the 3D-12D planetary multiverse are approaching the entrance to the cycle change point. This is a serious stage. The whole team of Argorians is in a state of tension and attention right now. The desire to save as many earthlings as possible for the Transition to 4D/5D still faces serious difficulties. Many people are not interested in the problems of the planet. They are completely immersed in their small personal issues of everyday life. Hence crime, aggression, anger, grudge, and wars. This is the legacy of the last, Third Atlantis, which is repeated in full bloom. There is nothing to do with such baggage on a five-dimensional planet. To accelerate the destruction of the remnants of Atlantis on the Subtle Plane, the entire complex of 144 thousand pyramids is actively used. Earth cannot on its own to cope with the legacy of Black Archons and their Dracos-Reptiloids Hierarchy. For a gradual and less harsh transformation of earthlings, habitat zones in some points of civilization are temporarily closed. The radiation system of the planet is being rebuilt from wave to pulse, preparing it for a new rhythm and systaltic energies. I Am Temple Library

  • Fogs, Chemtrails and Nano-bots... Clean with water and.... DO NOT Consent that you are a "Victim"

    We live in a very turbulent time. Please, this is my personal appeal to everyone, DO NOT Consent that you are a "victim". We are very powerful Creators and we create through our thoughts and feelings. No matter what event unfolds around us, we have our final decision and choice of my life experience. Be aware and watch closely what thoughts and feelings are your own and take responsibility as the Creator of what "meets" your life. The information below is given only as a recommendation to those who understand what is happening and please let's remain healthy in heart, mind and soul and do NOT Consent that you are a "victim". FOGS In the last couple of weeks, residents of many cities have begun to experience a strange allergy which has never happened before. The main symptoms are: – Swelling of the mucous membrane, sore throat; – Hard to breathe; – Swollen red eyes (sometimes feels like a mask on the whole face); – Itching on the face and gums, sometimes rash; Symptoms often disappear when leaving the city. Also, on the eve of the eclipse corridor (on April 30- May 1, 2022), attacks in dreams, on the Subtle Plane, and on the physical plane – in the form of negative events became more frequent. To the surprise of many, the media sharply reduced publications under hype headlines from the series “the pandemic is expected to grow, deaths are predicted to increase” and massively switched the public’s attention to China and Ukraine, the scoops on hunger, gas, oil, etc. And not a word about the strange allergy, as well as about the unusual fog that hung in the air these days and weeks, appearing out of nowhere. Fog usually occurs in cities. It can be of different colors, but often there is a yellowish-green shade with a smell of burning / metal / mold / chemicals. When checking on the Subtle Plane, in the fog are seen the substances and entities, the origin and traces of which lead to Black Archons and their Dragos-Reptilian Hierarchy. The devil’s zoo is constantly replenished, and they behave the same everywhere: to suck out more human energy to fuel the States’ egregores, and then, use the same energy to suppress the will and consciousness of people. The substance of the fog is close to chemtrails, but it is not chemical, but energy, Portal, allowing to direct and distribute the zoo into space and the masses. Each country has its degree of vulnerability, and depends on the predation of the local egregore, but distribution technologies have a single pattern. Basically, the implementation goes into the nervous system and brain to drown out and disrupt the natural processes in the organism. The rest depends on what entry points or weaknesses a person has. Often, physiological symptoms may not appear at all. Psychological effects are more interesting to Darkis because it allow pumping out more energy, and bringing more chaos. They suck consciousness down into a quagmire of apathy, depression, irritability, anger, pettiness, hopelessness, desire to divide into “us” and “them”. This is often accompanied by insomnia, cravings for alcohol, drugs and other stimulants. Suddenly there is dislike and hatred for certain people, organizations or ideas, to which yesterday the attitude was neutral or friendly. Erupts a suspicion, the search for the guilty, the desire to be rude, to incriminate, and to prove a case to a stupid opponent. Or, on the contrary, a strong wish to be proud, shout slogans in support, go to demonstrations, hang flags, ribbons and magic symbols in prominent places. And, of course, fears. They are the ones the Darks work for the most. If a person has even the smallest fear, it makes itself felt in proportions incommensurable with the situation. Fear suppresses the glow of the Soul, and the darkness in the Soul is fertile ground for any plug-ins and possessors. The entities overflowing the fog do not distinguish between their victims, but primarily attack Lightwarriors and Lightworkers, who attract them by the aura shining. This is how one of them describes it (the narrative in the first person). The fog hung around me, and with my Subtle vision I saw black clots flying in it. Hungry and angry, as if the Cerberus had been taken off the leash, and they rushed after the prey. Glowing men are special titbits for them. Suddenly they enveloped me in a whirlwind, and I used all my strength to hold the defense and the core. It was like a war, an assault. The Curators explained that, firstly, it was a new loading of the next dose of poison – live metal nano-bots to capture the central nervous system according to the program built into them. Secondly, the suppression of luminosity and conduction of high vibrations – Love and creativity, and put in a software “keep your head down, otherwise it will be bad.” The most interesting thing is that the entry point into my body and in the opposite direction also works, and nano-bots, if desired and detected, can be neutralized and removed. But the most important thing here is how much internal resource and timely understanding of whose thoughts and panic that arises in the process. The best way out of this state is creativity and faith in your health (not illness). This flow helps to separate “mine and not mine”, and helps to a speedy recovery… I’ve been noticing fog since the beginning of the pandemic. It does not look like ordinary nebula, smoke or smog. It’s like a haze, a mist. It is alive, moves quickly and appears out of nowhere. At first I thought something was wrong with my vision, like a veil before my eyes. But the fog is selective, on separate subjects and in different places. If to start peering into it, it dissipates, as if you clear the space with a glance when focusing your vision. Usually, the fog was outside. And yesterday I saw it in the house over the stove. I haven’t noticed it for a long time. I thought again that my eyesight was naughty. But no, other places were more clearly visible. Anyway, I recognized it right away. It is a substance with certain Intelligence, a living being. From this fog comes the cold. It was as if liquid nitrogen is poured into the air. It tries to get into me through my eyes, and I stubbornly drive it away. At the beginning I thought, maybe the environment is changing, and this is the dismantling of the 3D Matrix through similar effects. An ordinary person does not see the real scale of this phenomenon… Almost all of my environment, family, and kids are sick. The PCR test for the virus in adults is always negative; in children with the same symptoms it is positive. A lot of friends and relatives suffer from incomprehensible ARVI. Everyone has a fever, severe weakness. I’ve been sick myself for a whole week, too. It started at the weekend with symptoms of poisoning, I wanted to go straight to bed, and the temperature was 37. I decided, since this thing is of an energy-informational nature, tied to the info field of the city, I had to go to the village and left. There, the temperature immediately dropped, although I still suffered from a terrible runny nose and severe intoxication… Recently, I got sick again with a strange virus. The temperature of 37.5 lasted for a day, and my head was splitting badly, especially in the nape. My daughter brought it from school, she had the same thing. No snot and sore throat. The husband was not hooked at all. But the strangeness: for some reason, half the class was sick – only girls and moms! And the boys were only weak and drowsy, the dads were not affected. If people had chronic diseases, then it hit through them, especially those who suffer from sinusitis and sore throats… After the fog, on a sunny day, my whole family went for a walk and again experienced all the symptoms as before. A week and a half ago, the eldest daughter was sick. Vomiting with bile continued for several days. In the class of my youngest kid, 10 out of 35 children go to school. Two days ago, my temperature rose to 38.6. Severe pain in the hip joints, body aches, headache. The temperature lasted for two days. Now it’s gone. Well-being has improved… Chemtrails constantly cover the sun in sunny weather, and lower the temperature. After spraying, a fog with a strange smell is formed, and then, most people become ill with the same symptoms… Recently there was a particularly thick fog, like from the movies, viscous, unsightly, even the upper floors could not be seen in it. People happily went for a walk in it and posted photos. I wrote a big post on Facebook that this is not a simple fog, and received a huge amount of hate from “experts”. As a result, the accumulation of harmful particles in the air exceeded the permissible norms by 10 times. When the fog descended on the city, I went outside. But I was struck by the strange smell and the feeling of sticky humidity, so I quickly returned home. Not a single media wrote about the danger that evening. When the fog covered the city completely, there was a strong suffocating smell in the air. We did not open the windows for two days until the fog left. From a 15-minute walk after it, I’ve got mucous membrane irritation, runny nose and tear shedding for about a week… I especially remember the first fog in the fall … the particles of the programs entered me through the skin. After 5-7 days, I had a feeling of a lump in my throat… The fog had settled several times, in the evenings. Then new layers of clouds began to appear regularly which look like a dense dirty foam hanging like a large umbrella above the surface. Or like a striped veil of a large area. We are saved by strong and constant winds in our area, and this stuff does not last long… One morning I scraped the dust off my car, which was covered with a thick layer. I brought it home in a piece of paper, and on the back side of it, I started to drive a magnet. And the dust crawled by it, there are metal particles, and they are alive… How to avoid the influence of fog? 1. The primary protection has always been and remains the preservation of inner peace. All mass plug-ins, under whatever guise they occur, cling to strong emotional outbursts – be it anger, hatred, fear, or a bright glow which they try to suppress. It does not mean that we need to shine less. We just have to remember that bright bursts of euphoria attract attention which is not always friendly. This is especially true of empaths. At the same time, don’t be afraid to shine if we do it calmly, in complete absence of fear, are confident in ourselves, and in a state of respect and love for everyone and for the world. 2. Spend as much time in nature as possible. If it’s raining and we like it, we can stand under it and ask the elementals to clear our fields. In general, now, it is desirable to work more with the elementals of water. 3. Many codes are inserted through the skin. If we see a strange unnatural fog on the street, it is better to avoid it, put protection, close the windows and take a shower. Cleaning our personal space is also necessary. 4. Maintain adequacy, do not rush to condemnation and involvement in squabbles, fleeting desires to prove our truth and other sofa battles. Ask self the question “is this my thought?” if we have a strange desire. Track our emotions, don’t let them control us. 5. Turn off the news and take care of ourselves. Try to establish and maintain good relations with our loved ones. Now this is more important than any global hype. 6. If we or our loved ones experience the described symptoms, it is highly undesirable to immediately diagnose it with a fashionable disease and call doctors. They can only state what is happening, they are unlikely to be able to really help. But the “diagnosis” immediately puts us on the lists of consenting “victims” with all the consequences. As soon as we let the possibility of “getting sick” into our consciousness, the program switches to the active status, and it is much more difficult for our body to withdraw it. Fear of symptoms activates only the first layer of the program, but compromise allows it to gain a foothold and unpack even more. This info is given only as a recommendation for those who understand what is going on and have no illusions about medical “help”. If you still think the “virus” is real and you cannot do without doctors, call them. Act based on your personal situation and feelings, and not someone else’s advice. Info for Members of I Am Temple If you are a member of the I Am Temple family and do not receive automatic emails for new posts, please check your spam/ junk email box and mark as "never block the sender". Another option is to go to your Membership Settings: Notification Settings Blog Subscription Receive emails about new posts and updates: Subscribe - ON I Am Temple Library

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