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  • Advanced programs for the planet and humanity in 2024

    Blessed, Joyful New Year, my soul sisters and brothers!!! Wishing you a spiritually uplifting New Year, filled with abundant blessings, inner peace, and profound connections. May the journey ahead be guided by the light of wisdom and love, leading you to deeper self-awareness and harmonious alignment with the universe. May this year bring enlightenment, serenity, and meaningful relationships, as you navigate the path of your soul's evolution. Embrace the transformative energy of the coming year, allowing it to elevate your spirit and manifest positive vibrations in every aspect of your life. The year 2023 has ushered in significant changes, becoming a real hot spot. At times, it felt like a whirlwind of events and emotions could simply sweep us off our feet. Many karmic relationships came to an abrupt end, and well-established plans underwent considerable alterations or were entirely cancelled. It took weeks and months for us to comprehend the magnitude of these changes. In this manner, Absolutes and Co-Creators prepared us for a new version of ourselves, assisting in removing everything that impedes our transition to 4D and 5D. Having navigated through this stage and shed the old baggage, it's time to gather our strength and hit the reset button for our entire inner system. It's time to regain spiritual support, find balance, and establish qualitatively new connections with the world. Our goal is to manifest our desires and intentions, allowing us to live in a renewed state over the next 12 months and in the new space. This entails embracing new ideas, energies, and companions that align with the desires and plans of our soul and higher self. In 2024, advanced programs for the planet and humanity will be implemented, along with new laws, regulations, energy fields, and relationships. This transformation will be observable at the level of physics, with matter no longer perceived in the traditional 3D form but as multidimensional, ethereal, and liquid crystal. The journey towards this turning point has been underway for the past twelve years. During 2024, the acceleration of Earth, its nature, and its inhabitants into the fifth density will occur. This was originally planned by Absolutes and Co-Creators in 2012. While a rapid transition could have been possible then, the low vibrations of the majority of people prevented them from passing through the Portal 12: to the fourth and fifth dimensions during the anticipated high-frequency shift. About two months before the scheduled date, the Pleroma recognized this challenge. Co-Creators, after carefully scanning humanity once again, sadly acknowledged that the majority were still in deep spiritual hibernation and physically unprepared for the quantum leap. Consequently, the original plan for a mass transition was cancelled and replaced with an individual, gradual, and smoother process. In the past twelve years, more than two billion people, individually and in groups, have transitioned to 4D and 5D through continuous and intensive inner work. Millions of others are in the process of preparing for their own transitions, and Co-Creators are actively supporting this endeavour. Almost every week, and at times daily, we experience various phases of very high-frequency Schumann Resonance and powerful solar flares. Geomagnetic storms consistently reach the G5-G6 level and can peak at the G8-G9 level. This is not an anomaly, similar to the thousands of earthquakes, but rather an active process of replacing three-dimensional reality with the transitional 4D and the ongoing presence of 5D. Co-Creators pursue the sole purpose of accelerating the awakening and inner transformation of as many people as possible. The impact of high-frequency quantum fluxes and solar plasma induces changes in the chemical composition of blood and cellular structures within our bodies. Light nuclei (centrosomes) and hot spots, chromosome sections where new molecular-genetic and cytogenetic processes occur more actively, emerge. Previously suppressed and locked, our Soul and Spirit are now liberated, bringing out their best. Over the past twelve years, we existed in a mixed reality where individuals with frequencies of 3D, 4D, and those loaded with 5D programs and codes coexisted. Presently, on the physical and Subtle Plane, we are divided into three distinct groups: People of the old 3D philosophy, dependent on everything, shifting responsibility to others, and possessing a childlike collective consciousness with traits of capriciousness, infantilism, selfishness, arrogance, and egotism. People of the new 5D era, self-sufficient, mature, spiritually strong and courageous, free, balanced, and responsible. They have forged their individuality and continue relentless self-improvement. People of 4D, awakened and searching, not fully realizing what is true and false, good and evil and how these two forces interexchange They are connected with the 5D field yet deeply integrated into 3D, struggling to break free from ties, illusions, and pain. Any Higher Force transmitted through quantum flows or solar plasma enters us, enabling us to become this Higher Force, its Consciousness, and feel its energy. However, according to the law of like attracts like, we must nurture this Force within ourselves through inner work, patience, courage, creativity, and ingenuity. After the initial contact, we must simulate, generate, and regain lost sensations, double, multiply, and make them a permanent part of our lives. Currently, one of the primary strategies of the Co-Creators is to demonstrate what it means to be in a new dimension and then provide everyone the opportunity to make their own choices and increase their own luminosity. This approach avoids imposing energies and knowledge artificially or acting as a moral gimp stick. The process involves individuals independently establishing a connection with their Higher Aspects, shaping a new self, and unlocking a personal Light Portal. Access to multidimensionality is open to everyone, but not everyone perceives the Subtle Plane. Only those who have been actively engaged in the process and are energetically and consciously prepared can truly experience multidimensionality. In 2024, the journey involves accumulating experience in being in several realities simultaneously, switching frequencies, making choices, experimenting, and testing. It's akin to viewing stereo pictures, where a slight adjustment reveals different images. Engaging with multiple dimensions is facilitated by downloaded codes and software, individually activated during Solar flares and geomagnetic storms. These programs activate selectively to ensure they do not harm individuals or others. This applies to inherent superpowers like clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, telepathy, levitation, and the ability to exit the physical body to explore other dimensions. For millions of people, these experiences have become an everyday reality, comparable to regular updates in a smartphone. Our cosmic memory reveals the planets and galaxies we originate from. Individual time flows are accelerating, and everything unfolds at a much faster pace. Karma, too, gains momentum: the frequency at which we resonate determines our destiny. This is how we transition into a new existence, and Co-Creators won't compel anyone into it. Each person decides, through their free will and choice, whether to embrace multidimensionality, remain on the old timeline, or transition to a new one. In regions where the vibrational frequencies have attained the required level and decoupling from the 3D environment has occurred, a new 5D reality is already emerging. These are the areas destined to become the future Light Cities, where Darks and Greys can no longer siphon off life energy. On 29 December 2023 at 06:30 UT, via a Single Hierarchical Channel, Co-Creators disclosed: Despite the negative forces' attempts to plunge Earth into deep chaos in order to halt its transformation and continue ruling earthlings as slaves, the Higher Light Hierarchs have already partially taken control of the planet's course. Currently, their focus is on identifying all hidden challenges that may hinder Earth's integration into the general evolutionary spiral of the Local Universe. They meticulously scan all the fields of time, energies, and spaces across twelve dimensions to understand what can be expected in the near and distant future. Similar work is taking place on Earth, where the three space-time continuums of the past, present, and future tightly intertwine with millions of events, karmic destinies of countries, nations, civilizations, and ordinary people. Each case must be individually addressed to determine the vibrancy, boundaries, or fading of life within it. The scanning encompasses all connections and predestinations from the initial origin to the present day. The overall picture is becoming increasingly clear, with only a few details left to be fully investigated. Ignoring these details could potentially harm the higher planes, the inhabitants of the Galaxy, the Solar System, and Earth. All destinies within and outside different timelines are unravelling and being examined on both collective and individual levels. Every life is carefully reviewed, and each person's capabilities are being weighed. The Pleroma's Programmers and Architects continually adjust the goals and objectives of multiple energies, forms, and beings. This is necessary for the creation of a new Local Universe based on the constructive interaction of all its components. The chaos on Earth has repercussions across many worlds on the outskirts and in the middle part of the Universe, hindering Co-Creators from uploading new evolutionary programs. Consequently, they vehemently counteract any attempts to derail the ongoing process. Confirmation of the Co-Creators' information came through dramatic events in near-terrestrial space in December 2023. An enormous armada of NAA spacecraft arrived in the Solar System via interdimensional wormholes from the worlds at the bottom of the Local Universe's torus. They intended to invade Earth through a network of key Portals in Mesopotamia to support the waning power of the Darks on our planet. Working ahead of the curve, Co-Creators and their ground team thwarted NAA plans to land in this region. The intruders then initiated Plan B. At their direction, the conflict in the Gaza Strip transformed into a massive sacrifice of civilians, marked by both scale and cruelty. The gavvah, representing the energy of agony, suffering, and death, flowed into the parasitic worlds through NAA spaceships, fueling the remnants of infernal races and their Portals. Immediate intervention came from the Co-Creators. The Light Forces' fleets, patrolling the Solar System and near-Earth space, generated a potent energy pulse directed at the NAA's armada. This pulse caused it to disintegrate instantly, vanishing into the vortex of the Galactic core. Individual consequences await those who aided the invaders and served their elite on Earth. They are entangled with gavvah, generating it in numerous hotspots worldwide. The Gaza massacre serves additional purposes for them: making third countries bear the financial burden of the war, obtaining new territory free from disloyal populations, and establishing a shipping channel (an alternative to the Suez Canal) from the Gulf of Aqaba to the Leviathan gas fields in the Mediterranean. However, the belief that they will escape accountability is no longer valid. In 2024, big changes are waiting for us, which will require courage and determination to get rid of everything old and outdated. 2024 is a unique opportunity to critically evaluate selves and ask important questions: how do we see ourselves and the world around us? What do we see in it? What do we receive and give to others? Honest answers will disclose what our lives will be like in the next twelve months. The karmic year is the perfect time to overcome fears, realize weaknesses and strengths, find harmony within ourselves and fully unlock our potential. In 2024, cosmic energies facilitate opportunities for spiritual growth and harmonious self-realization, enabling the release of the burdens of the past and the embrace of elevated vibrations in the 5th dimension. No year is inherently gray and dreary; instead, each year instills in us a yearning for freedom, wisdom, and faith in a brighter future. The Universe consistently lends support to those who pursue loftier goals without succumbing to fear of obstacles. Much Love and huge Gratitude to everyone who dares to dream about the wonderful world we will create in 2024:

  • We are multidimensional - we are Light Spots and nano-copies of the Greater Cosmos

    It's a Time!!! It's a time to listen to the call of our Souls. Our Souls are calling to reveal and enhance our many hidden abilities, talents, and cosmic gifts by awakening to a broader sense of Truth within ourselves. The multidimensional secrets of the Universe have been kept from us for centuries, carefully hidden through programming our minds with false manmade stories, inverted realities, quarter truths, and blatant lies. The keys to the living biophysical and macrocosmic Universe are the living “Light Radiance of Life” existing within every structure within every field of Creation. Our multidimensional expression of Body/ Mind/ Spirit complex is our living “Light Radiance of Life”. We are the Light Spots and nano-copies of the Greater Cosmos. Perhaps, my personal story will offer insights into what you might be going through. Afterward, we can delve deeper into what's happening on our planet in general. In recent years, I've undergone a profound change in how I "see", and reflect on the world. As I journeyed through the multidimensional tapestry of existence, I've felt like I exist in an always "Now" moment where every thought, feeling, and choice leads to different paths in life. It's as if I stand at a crossroads with many possible destinies in front of me. I've realized that even small changes in my thoughts or mood can create new opportunities. At times, I've felt a deep connection to many possible paths that could unfold based on our feelings and what we focus on in our inner or outer communications. It seemed like my thoughts and emotions quickly turned into intentions and could open doors to many different outcomes almost instantly. I’ve come to understand that everything is possible without limits, and there’s no inherent right or wrong, but there is "It Is". This is a realm of boundless Pure Potentiality and with access to it, every thought, feeling, action, and idea becomes a source of creative energy and instant manifestation. Whether for my benefit or as a challenge, everything materializes with a maximum delay of just a few seconds, prompting me to review recent moments and make corrections by infusing high-vibrational energies into each situation. I've become a Creator of my own reality. I’ve also previously received a lot of assistance from higher-dimensional teams who performed many adjustments and enhancements as per my request and a strong desire to exist within a pure, loving, creative field. These energetic adjustments plus my own work have indeed helped me reach the state of Pure Potentiality I find myself in today, granting me access to this profound expanded consciousness.... and believe me, when I first experienced it, the access to Pure Potentiality felt like being in a vast open ocean of possibilities. The abundance there is truly beyond our human comprehension, even overwhelming. I've come to a complete realization that my awareness, born as a cosmic being, has been nurtured by the loving guidance of cosmic brothers and sisters all the time. They watch over my journey, offering Love and Light from the unceasing Source that illuminates our Earth. Alongside this, I've received the protective embrace of my soul's family in other dimensions, guiding me along the path of Awakening and my Multidimensionality. Day by day, moment by moment, I feel like a Bubble of Light, drifting through a realm of Love and Unity. The Tachyon field present in my home has deeply penetrated within me, unveiling my inner Omnipotence as a powerful creator. As I transformed into a Tachyon field itself, my guests who visit the Tachyon chamber might not immediately realize that all our shared conversations before entering the chamber are already within a Tachyon field. It's as if the field itself communicates with them, guiding and assisting them before they embark on their own journey laying in the Tachyon Chamber to shape their reality. The Tachyon field amplifies their loving intentions and the power of their awareness, contributing to the cosmic evolution in which we are all participating. Today, I've had a profound realization that this radiant sphere of Light represents only the beginning of my return to my True Self. It's as if this luminous bubble was just a temporary creation, designed for me and many others to understand the path of this journey and what lies ahead. Just as when we are born, our mothers care for us while we eat, sleep, and smile, cocooned in loving protection from the world around us. As a baby in the crib, there were moments when we felt alone, not entirely understanding what we truly wanted or needed. This left us in a state of isolation until we began seeking answers within our dreams and... until the time arrived for us to walk. Initially, we're given a walker to guide our first steps, helping us understand how to move forward. It's a journey where we learn why we were born and what our purpose truly is. Today, I’m “on the ground with my boots on”, staying vigilant and aware of every thought, feeling word, or action passing through my field. I comprehend that the Bubble of Light was merely a transient state, a manifestation offered by my cosmic family during my initial inner journey. Today, the symbolic "walker" has been removed, and what lies ahead is the necessity to engage in the sometimes exhausting work of sustaining constant awareness and purification. It's about purifying my thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and actively engaging in transforming both my own and others' energies into higher vibrations. This task is both a privilege and a profound responsibility. Being able to swiftly recognize and respond to any slight deviations from the path of Light I've chosen is a necessary skill. Almost instantly, my body reacts with unusual signals such as aches, sneezes, or coughing, or I receive external feedback, often akin to a metaphorical "slap." These challenges present invaluable opportunities to learn to navigate in the real world, outside the protective confines of the Bubble of Light. The way this process actually works is that I must not merely push this energy away from me; I need to transform it. As a result, everything returns to a balanced state. In the past, I could create thoughts to "cut-cut," effectively removing unwanted thoughts from my field. However, I've come to realize, that I'm not under baby state protection forever and that it's not sufficient to maintain a pure bubble around myself. Instead, I must transmute my thoughts and feelings into a higher vibration, ensuring they no longer contaminate the collective consciousness. "Cut-cut" only pushes unwanted frequencies away from me, but they persist in the collective consciousness. What I mean by this is that even seemingly innocent thoughts, such as while brushing my teeth or driving, may carry a hint of judgment, for instance. I’d like to share examples of how we can transform our perceptions and vibrations through heart choices. Believe me, in a single day, we have countless opportunities to do so. Last week, while on the Skytrain, public transportation, I encountered a homeless person occupying a double seat. The initial impression was rather unpleasant. He emanated a strong and uncomfortable odour, and his appearance was unkempt. The people around, myself included, seemed to be distancing themselves, attempting to ignore his presence amidst the crowded space. This was the reality I was observing, a fact. My first reaction was a feeling of disgust. Almost immediately, I recognized this judgment and the low vibrational emotions that accompanied it by feeling my hands instantly becoming cold as ice. I decided to take a second look, aiming to find something about this person that I could appreciate. Among his belongings, I noticed a book. This sparked a sense of respect for his potential intelligence and compassion for the unfortunate situation he found himself in. He was wearing shorts on those cold days in Vancouver. Compassion started to well up within me. I made a decision that simply feeling compassion wasn’t enough; I needed to take action. I have a personal policy of not giving money to individuals in such situations, but I believe in offering assistance where it’s needed. In this case, I wanted to suggest buying him a pair of warm pants. However, he exited the train one stop before mine, and I didn’t get a chance to communicate my offer. I thought, “Next time.” The Universe, however, had different plans. I had already opened the portal to purify my feelings and thoughts, but I hadn’t yet solidified my intention to act. As I walked on the street, I encountered another homeless person who was loudly expressing his frustrations, though the turmoil seemed to be not alone within his own mind. People were instinctively avoiding him, trying to distance themselves. My initial thought was, “I can’t get involved in this energy,” but then I realized I could connect with his Higher Self, if there was one present. I initiated my intention to reach out to his Higher Self and opened my heart, radiating love and appreciation. My feelings signalled that I had captured his attention. I mentally conveyed from my heart: “I offer you my love and appreciation. I ask for expedited resolution of any karmic situations affecting this pure being swiftly and definitely will aid in the purification of our current reality here on Earth and a more positive continuum for everyone” I continued to send love and respect, and suddenly, I felt a sense of relief and gratitude, as if his Higher Self had acknowledged my offering with a silent “thank you.” Such a relief. I swiftly welcomed into my heart an awareness of a radiant, beautiful loving white light. I invited Mother Earth to participate with me. We expanded it enough to envelop all the areas where this man was walking. Almost instantly, he grew calm, and a gentle calmness settled over the surroundings. I have much more to share from my life, and I'll continue in my next post. It will delve into techniques and visualizations addressing how we can transmute our physical body, potentially bypassing the aging process. How each of our health conditions and its improvement affect the whole cosmic reality. You may want to provide me with examples of physical challenges that I can address by writing in the comments at the end of this post. Let's transition into a more philosophical exploration and delve deeper: In 3D, everything is conditioned and built on opposition, fight, competition and suppression. In the 5D, only Love and unity reign. 4D is a transit space between them. One of the parameters that are already activated at the boundary between the third and fourth density is the speed of Time and manifestation. The higher our vibrations are, the faster Time flows and the materialization of our thoughts and feelings, especially negative and toxic, which knock us down and throw us back much quicker than in 3D. Do you genuinely comprehend your own creative power and the immense responsibility it carries as you attract, retain, and manifest realities with every thought and feeling in each passing moment? Are you aware that certain thoughts or conclusions might be drawn from the collective consciousness without your conscious invitation? Are you vigilant enough to notice them and prepared to take the step to transform them if they don’t align with your own resonance? Are you willing to awaken your gift and mission, viewing experiences in specific relationships, situations or events as an honour and responsibility to manifest your wisdom and role as an evolving being? These are extremely timely and important questions. Part of the answers we give ourselves by our inner work, from which emerges help to others. To other part respond Co-Creators, Galacom and countless ground teams, who conduct a huge amount of Earthy or cosmic operations for transforming our reality on the physical and Subtle Plane. These ops are dealing the finishing blows to old infrastructure on Earth, in near-terrestrial space, the Solar System, the Galaxy and throughout the Local Universe. And our inner work continues .... This odyssey is an everlasting cycle, a perpetual evolution that transcends lifetimes. It's a continuous refining of the self, a never-ending quest for deeper understanding and higher consciousness. As we navigate this path, we not only illuminate our own being but contribute to the illumination of the collective consciousness, for the light within each individual shines as a beacon in the tapestry of the whole Universe. It's incredibly challenging for us to consistently remember that WE ARE MULTIDIMENSIONAL beings. We are tiny replicas of the vast Cosmos, fragments of its intricate fractals, immeasurable in scale. In our bodies, there exist numerous light spots enabling ceaseless connections with identical points across the boundless expanse of the Universe. Our transient physical 3D form represents merely one expression of its consciousness within the Universe. Certain light points act as crystalline repositories of experience, where the gathered lessons from our current and past incarnations are stored. Some correspond to the chakras, while others serve as vessels for the consciousness of physical cells and organs. The fourth and numerous others carry out functions that are presently inexplicable and incomprehensible to our perception and mind. Collectively, they form the scaffolding of our individual energy system. Similar systems of power exist within other forms of intelligence, encompassing Earth, the Galaxy, and the Universe. On the Subtle Plane, light points within our bodies form connections, weaving into a single holographic network that links all our organs. Similarly, stars in the universe connect and support the greater cosmic network, in which we actively participate, for we are created in its image and likeness. The consciousness of the Universe is fractal, with Source's Sparks shining on countless levels, radiating light beams that give birth to new gleaming points across dimensions, spaces, and bodies, including our three-dimensional ones. How do these light points function? Unfortunately, their radiance is often dimmed by our low-frequency thoughts and emotions. It's only in rare moments of joy, happiness, and love that we inadvertently saturate our surroundings with their high-frequency radiation, helping to kindle new points of light, both within ourselves and in the space around us. This ongoing process mirrors the ceaseless neurogenesis within the Greater Cosmos. These same light points facilitate connections between people and the planet, the planet and the stars, stars and galaxies, and so on. Through them, we manifest ourselves in other worlds, establish connections with their inhabitants, and traverse other dimensions, transcending the barriers of time and space. However, if we become too firmly anchored in the confines of 3D with our thoughts, emotions, and perspectives, a constriction occurs in the flow that suppresses these light points, preventing the formation of new ones, and causing their radiance to fade. Consequently, the channels of communication are shut down and sealed off. Yet, we are well aware of another state. For instance, in a concert setting, when a group of people collectively experiences similar sensations, their individual emotional fields merge. As a singular energy entity, this collective emotion spreads throughout the space, expanding, condensing, and igniting new light points in others. This continuous symphony resonates with all living beings in our planetary space. These are not merely emotions; they are the building blocks of our reality. The more of these emotional pixels that exist, the more actively they transform into events, imbued with our thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and aspirations. In turn, they solidify into timelines, along which we journey through this and other lives in precise alignment with our vibrations. However, why would the One, who radiates Its Light and Consciousness across the entire Greater Cosmos, allow us to exist in perpetual hatred and fear, life after life, instead of Joy and Love? What is the overarching purpose and lesson in this? The answer lies in our individual choices, of each of us. Energy is inherently neutral and flows along the points of connection, the lines of events we select by our own invitation. The real question is who guides us. By our own free will and the freedom to choose, we knowingly or unknowingly consent to the System's manipulations. We place trust in its news agenda, which entraps us through every television, social network, and technological device. The System interprets our full acceptance and non-resistance as active consent. It subsequently makes all future decisions based on this knowledge, fully aware of our future reactions. For example, in the case of staged and prolonged violent local conflicts, they serve the same purpose as mass sacrifices in the past—an endless banquet for predators. Yes, we live in a collective reality. And it turns out that on the one hand, Co-Creators want our upgrading, and evolution in Joy and Love, but on the other hand, they allow us to remain in a state of fear, mistruth and wickedness. Does this mean that we are ALL ALREADY distributed across different timelines? No, back in December 2012, the Absolute and Co-Creators abandoned the so-called Flash (or The Event) in order to completely cleanse the planet of our presence, and then, sow it with a new civilization. For more than ten years, they have been working with the greatest courage and patience with each of us, do not let even the last Light spot go out, support our inner work in the hope that we, as an interface, will connect to the Light. For those, who consciously or unconsciously align with Darks and Grays, by law are protected only in their space, Co-Creators give the opportunity to decide their own fate and make the final choice where and when to continue living in a three-dimensionality, so comfortable for them. Yes, but this is no longer possible here, on Earth. Earth has already entered the fourth and fifth dimensions in the still unified 3D/4D/5D eon. On a provisional basis, the third density is preserved as an accelerator and catalyst for our awakening. As a temporary diversion channel, so that the super concentrate of all toxic negativity does not destroy the entire planet with even greater intensity of passion and hatred. To give us the opportunity to decide on the final choice again and again, and adapt at a snail’s pace to the new high-frequency reality. In the Universe, the speed of human development and our choices are respected. We still are not ready even for collective positive events. Accordingly, the situation is intermediate, preserved as an incubator where our Souls undergo the necessary experience. Therefore, for some time we will live events according to the same scenario until we start to learn lessons and do the right thing automatically, and not on the basis of previous lives’ total recall. Also, until we realize how deeply the System has rooted into us, and cynically runs us. Until we understand the principles of building a common field of our collective consciousness, and choose the right option. That is why Co-Creators do not collapse this 3D timeline, and by all means purify it from oversaturation with our scare and aggression to prevent a global cataclysm, as happened in the Third Atlantis. Together with their ground team, they calmly and in a targeted manner dismantle the ENTIRE Darks and Grays legacy on the Subtle Plane and throughout the Local Universe. Why did we choose to incarnate in a timeline where a global cataclysm could happen? The answer is simple – COGNITION and CREATE of the NEW. Our Soul chose this time and place to get another valuable experience that it could not get anywhere else. This is how the entire Universe studies itself, and any manifestation forms a base of experience and knowledge for new fractals’ development coils. Throughout Earth's history, this pattern has repeated itself across the four previous Races, and it's happening once again in the present. Why? To amass a critical mass that enables the transition to 4D and 5D, despite the overall state of humanity. The number of people who think, feel, and act positively is on the rise today. Their light points create a new vector of events and project them into space, gradually materializing as a new reality that supplants and diminishes the old one. Within our bodies, there exists a mechanism called "imago." It generates mental images that form a field of unconscious content. This field supports cells that are inactive, immobile, and undeveloped, sick. In a living organism, they have two ways: either go back a step to improve their quality, or their course of life accelerates, they quickly lose energy and die, and new, more adapted ones appear in their place… We are exactly the same cells (fractals) – of Earth, the Galaxy and the Universe, and in order not to become cancerous, we MUST hear the Light points’ hints inside us, what and how to do next. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. One crucial aspect I’m focusing on, together with other soul sisters and brothers, is aligning the physical body with the speed and volume of other subtle levels. Achieving this requires tuning to our Multidimensionality and involves loving visualizations and expressing gratitude and love towards every part of our physical being. This practice can enhance our body’s abilities, slowing the aging process, aligning them with the increased volume of information and facilitating adaptation to structural and molecular changes. I’ve already observed that our “health” is within our control, and remarkable assistance from “other realms” is available when we earnestly request it. The main hinder that prevents our transition from 3D to 4D and 5D is the lack of Love, and a closed heart. Not the heart chakra, but our general vibrational state. No mindset will help us to feel an incredible and causeless Love for everyone and everything. Tuning to a certain frequency cannot be relayed or magnetized. We can only feel it by generating it in ourselves. When we have the experience of this sense, then, we can start from it. But first, we have to ignite a source of new vibes inside us. Unity is when we feel from within not only the relationship of all with all, but also OUR relationship with everything and everything. We need to understand that the world around us is a mirror. When something triggers us, it’s only a reflection of our true self. If we take it, then, we begin to understand ourselves, Nature, the world, the Universe, and the Source. From this moment on, we know who we are, and what is our next step. Our programs, attitudes, thoughts and emotions are cleaned by our inner awareness. Focusing on what we feel in our hearts, we begin to create consciously. If you are the one, the Creator does not need instructions. The time is coming for experiments, research and total recall of why we incarnated on 3D Earth rather than elsewhere. It is predestined, and its manifestation accelerates when we experience an overwhelming desire and a strong need to do something. It's not just a fleeting impulse but a persistent driving force, a steadfast belief that this is unequivocally meant for us. Throughout our lives, we engage in various pursuits—what we enjoy, what brings in income, status, contentment, joy, and a sense of self-sufficiency. However, typically, the goals and objectives for which we incarnate into this 3D world are entirely distinct. What is a transition? It’s not a transfer to another bus or subway line. By passing from the physical 3D corpus to the 4D energy form, and then, into the Light body of the 5th dimension, we enter a new reality, a system of laws, constants, software and codes. Regardless of the consciousness level, each of us needs to adapt to these dimensions, re-think and re-adjust all spheres of our life, and determine with what we resonate today. Simple signs make it easy to check how far we advanced, first, into the 4th density. We begin to be aware that we are the creators of our reality. We consciously and purposefully generate events and situations in our lives. We know that we have free will and learn to use it. We understand what karma is, how it works, and how to process it. We recall much faster the goals and objectives of our embodiment on 3D Earth. We continue to purify and harmonize our lower six bodies, learn to heal past lives and timelines, take in highly vibrational energy and anchor more Light in selves. Gradually moving from the 4th density to the 5th, we become psychologically invisible to those who live in the low vibrations of 3D. For example, when a person emits high frequencies, tuned harmoniously, and passes through a crowd of fighting people, they don’t notice and flow around him, allowing him to leave this place unharmed. We begin to see an aura above trees, around branches and leaves, material objects in the form of pixels, a hologram and 3D matrix, golden sparks and threads in 5D space. We can observe and interact with Souls that are two dimensions higher and two below us (plants and animals). When we start 5D vibrating, we physically are unseeable in third density. This is not a sudden disappearance, like a melting wisp of smoke, but a state when we become more and more transparent, filled with Light, until eventually our body dissolves in it. From time to time we can re-appear in 3D as a figure radiating glow, like in Renaissance paintings, with a halo around the head… What are the first symptoms of transition? The dream changes: we sleep intermittently, and wake up in the middle of the night full of energy. Feel strange disorders, chronic fatigue, or vice versa, hot flashes. Appears clairvoyance, new Spiritual and extrasensory sensations. Electricity runs through the body. Sudden mood swings: one day we are very high, another day we are calm and unperturbed, and the third day we are in the deepest depression. These are the symptoms of our transformation: Initially, the process is quite sluggish, gradually gaining momentum over time. Our voluntary or involuntary resistance to this process only results in a general feeling of discomfort. What we resist persists and continues to affect us. Life often presents us with situations we've encountered before. Therefore, it's crucial to accept ourselves in any emotional state and live through those emotions with gratitude toward our physical body. This helps us in the reconstruction phase for the 5th density, where we become imbued with an ethereal crystalline substance based on a new siliceous foundation. Our DNA contains 12 strands on the Subtle Plane and the same number on the physical. Today, scientists know only about two out of 24. The rest are dormant and activated as our consciousness develops. Different parts of the body vibrate at different frequencies. As a rule, our Soul develops quickly, but the emotional or mental body lags behind. It happens that some parts of the body (organs, systems) are ahead of others in upgrading. In our cells and DNA, a program, a set of codes and keys are loaded that are automatically triggered at a certain moment of the Soul evolving. Only we, by our free will and choice freedom, determine how long it will take to activate the entire batch and apps. What is necessary for the transition? Primarily, it's essential to comprehend that it's an ongoing journey rather than a specific outcome. There's no requirement to attend courses or study anything special. Factors influencing the growth of our consciousness include the absence of negativity, the challenging phase of transmuting judgment and condemnation, shifting from logical thinking to heart-centered thinking and compassion, and living with feelings while thinking without the dictates of the ego. As we progress to this stage, the higher frequency energies actively assist in periodically cleansing the negative states that emerge within us, requiring less additional effort on our part. What isn't cleansed will naturally surface from time to time and be removed. It's a natural process—bringing darkness to light. Being prepared for this is essential. An important factor in this journey is the ability to find Joy in nature, animals, and the beauty of simple things. For instance, consider a shy, fragile, and diminutive girl performing "Defying Gravity" with such soulful expression during a talent contest. Her rendition evokes deep feelings before our incarnation or return to our cosmic home. It resonates so powerfully that a massive audience of 4,000 is stunned and erupts in delight, prompting the jury to automatically press the golden buzzer. Instances like these serve as profound reminders among many others. Over time, our inner state becomes more significant than any external circumstances. Maintaining inner balance takes precedence, even when there's a strong desire to accelerate progress, overcome ego resistance, and break free from old patterns and habits. The timeline for our transition is initially determined by our Soul long before we incarnate on 3D Earth. Attempting to speed up this process can lead to resistance from slower, more inert aspects of ourselves, which may result in physical or psychological ailments. Often, the impetus for transition arises from individuals with deep-seated fears of inadequacy or a sense that something is fundamentally wrong with them. "Abnormality" serves as an essential indicator of normality. The transition process is most effectively activated when we wholly accept ourselves. If our motivation solely lies in wanting to escape from what we perceive as a challenging or negative planet, we may encounter even greater difficulties. It's crucial to discern between ego-driven desires and the appropriateness of specific expectations or actions. If we don't witness results, receive answers, understand, or can't distinguish meaningful signals from background noise, it implies that we still need to develop this virtue. Trusting the path doesn't mean being in a passive state of merely observing life. It requires us to actively address challenges and overcome obstacles, all while responding with a calm demeanour. It's the certainty that everything will ultimately resolve in the best possible way for us. Currently, this pace is the most optimal—this is the essence of trust. It involves trusting oneself, one's life, and the chosen path, defying the force of gravity. I am Multidimensional one-on-one sessions (locally, in Great Vancouver, Canada) November 14th at 7pm Breathwork in New Westminster, BC, Canada

  • Important Crossing the Threshold: The 4D/5D Transition Corridor - Sept 18th to Nov 18th

    In the boundless expanse of the Zero Point (tachyon field) time-space continuum plus my own self-work, where past, present and future merge into a harmonious whole, I found myself immersed in the ethereal embrace of an evolutionary roller coaster. I've been quiet due to the intensity of the transition period, which has brought a substantial amount of information that I needed to process. This divine essence has become the catalyst for the expansion of my soul's consciousness, opening doorways to a realm of infinite knowledge and boundless love. In the ever-expanding realm of esoteric exploration and touching on my multidimensionality, one concept stands out as a beacon of infinite potential. It's as if the volume of our soul's awareness is cranked up to the maximum, opening the floodgates to a torrent of information. At times, it can feel overwhelming, like trying to sip from a firehose of information. In the 4th dimension continuum, reality appears as a vast tapestry of a thousand possible timelines. Each decision, each choice, branches out into a unique thread of existence, and I stand at the crossroads of countless destinies. Also, my soul's gift allows me to witness this very phenomenon when I engage in shared thoughts with others. However, as I ascend to higher dimensions, the landscape undergoes a transformation. It evolves into a realm of massive Pure Potentiality, where every thought, feeling, action and idea, is a wellspring of creative energy and instantaneous manifestation. Here, the task of extracting coherent information that aligns with the limits of our human comprehension becomes a formidable challenge. Our thoughts and emotions wield immense power, not only influencing our present actions but also moulding the contours of our future and the path of our destiny. We bear the profound responsibility for the quality of our thoughts, emotions, and actions. The Universe operates in such a way that it doesn't permit the influx of negativity. Each of us possesses free will and the freedom to choose. Every positive thought, whether consciously or unconsciously cast into the cosmic expanse, acts as a blessing. It materializes as a vibration, incredibly subtle, yet resonating with true cosmic potency. These days, a significant battle is unfolding on both the physical and subtle planes. This new era heralds a shift in consciousness, and it's essential that we embrace it. Every event in our lives has a purpose and meaning, and it's our responsibility to understand the significance of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions. By doing so, we can rectify any karmic consequences and move forward in our spiritual journey. First, allow me to share with you the latest news, which is of great importance and should be understood with the wisdom that comes from within. News by Oct 22, 2023 The recent operations by the Co-Creators have accelerated Earthlings' entry into the 4D and 5D realms. Several esotericists have identified significant trends in our transformation that are expected to intensify in the coming weeks and months. Since the end of August, many of us have been experiencing a recurrence of events, situations, and encounters with people from our past. These repetitions serve as a reevaluation of our reactions, decisions, and the experiences we gained during our profound inner work and transformation. This moment serves as a litmus test, a reflection of our inner growth and transformation. It's an opportunity to gauge how we respond to challenges, whether we default to old patterns or act from a new place, guided by our evolving "I Am" and self-awareness. For many of us, the path hasn't been easy. We've invested tremendous effort into releasing the past, healing deep traumas, stepping out of victimhood, and resolving karmic debts, all in the pursuit of aligning with our true selves, self-love, self-respect, and self-worth. When we find ourselves reacting as we did in the past during this pivotal test, it's a signal to pause and reflect: What have we truly learned during this transformative journey? What wisdom have we extracted from our experiences? How will we respond and act from a place of wholeness and health? Why do we still default to old behaviours after all the inner work we've done? Did we allow ourselves to be treated as something less than our True selves? This test is a global trend, and it will repeat itself many times. If we have genuinely changed, we won't find ourselves in the same situations or stepping into the same old traps. Another significant event is the merging of the three main timelines created by humanity's collective consciousness. These timelines represent: the paths of order and ascension in our current bodies the pursuit of conformity and the search for easy solutions the timeline of chaos Those who have lived and embodied these different streams, each with its own vibrations and stories, now find themselves in a shared space where frequencies are rapidly rising. Since the beginning of September 2023, the fusion of these timelines has accelerated, compelling us to integrate our often conflicting selves into a new, unified version in order to thrive in this high-frequency environment. In the midst of the chaotic external and internal states that many of Earth's 8 billion inhabitants experience, there are moments of enlightenment. During these episodes, people begin to behave in ways that are entirely different from their previous patterns. They find themselves, to varying degrees, immersed in a new singular continuum, an integrated world with a global script. The choice of whether to embrace this new reality or to remain outside of it depends on their internal state. Simultaneously, a transition corridor to 4D/5D has opened. This corridor was unlocked on September 18, when the Moon entered Scorpio, and it will remain accessible until November 18, when the Moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. During this period, we are tested on how we face challenges, assess our endurance, our capacity to overcome unforeseen difficulties, and our ability to free ourselves from karma. Emotional resilience becomes pivotal in resolving even the most intricate issues and situations. It's important to note that this corridor isn't a gateway to new dimensions but rather a period of intense transformation for our Physical bodies and Subtle Bodies. This transformation is highly individual and is only possible for those who are prepared. To traverse this corridor successfully, we must release everything from our past and present lives, all that we knew and know, along with our experiences and memories. For many, this presents a significant challenge and also an opportunity, as it allows for only a one-time journey. This is a unidirectional movement, with no possibility of returning. Those who are unable to pass through will find themselves stuck in a loop. For most, this loop may involve repeating experiences and lessons until they can successfully navigate this passage. It's not a form of punishment but rather an opportunity to continue learning, heal past wounds, and let go of the baggage of the past until they are ready to progress through the corridor. What Awaits Us After Exiting the Corridor? We’ll help build a new world, which everyone will enter. All our bio-fields will be reset, erasing previous information, including cellular memory, attachments, habits, and worldviews. For those impatiently calling for the Event to happen immediately, it's important to understand that even at the cellular and molecular level, previous data and memories must be cleared. This process is extensive and often filled with suffering and pain. The new groups of humans entering through the corridor will accelerate significant changes on Earth due to the synergistic effect of their involvement. Before entering the corridor, we are programmed and influenced by lower vibrations, keeping us within the 3D field of the collective unconscious. However, upon exiting the corridor, we find ourselves in a high-frequency space where we can only absorb and emit these elevated frequencies, making it challenging to resonate with lower vibrations. Furthermore, the collective consciousness was previously shaped by the ongoing choices of each individual regarding their thoughts, emotions, and actions. Those who remained in a state of apathy or inner chaos contributed to the negativity and toxicity in the Subtle Plane, affecting all of humanity. However, the situation has undergone a significant shift. Those who have successfully passed through the corridor are no longer affected by these negative emanations, and they now play a crucial role in forming a new, high-frequency field for Earth. Stay connected with your Higher Self and listen to all his whispers In contemporary times, we have gained a deeper understanding of our connection with our bodies, especially during significant energy days such as Equinoxes, Solstices, Harvest Moons, New Moons, Eclipses, and other cosmic events. We have learned how the silver thread linking us to the Higher Self operates and how our luminosity is influenced by it. For countless millennia, we were artificially separated from our multidimensional bodies, which existed on the Subtle Plane. When we accumulated excessive karma or no longer gathered new experiences for our Soul's growth, our Higher Self would detach us, much like detaching a spent rocket stage. This process would assist our Soul in incarnating into a new body, era, location, or even on another planet. However, the current landscape is vastly different. With the influx of quantum flows, more Light is gracing the Earth, enabling us to expand our spiritual potential. Through continuous and intensive self-work, our silver thread transforms into a potent stream of Light that permeates our entire being. This stream allows the Higher Self to descend further and further, eventually merging with our physical body. In essence, our journey is no longer an ascent to reach our multidimensional bodies by activating the upper chakras. Instead, these multidimensional aspects descend into us, creating a profound connection. Light isn't merely a substance; it serves as an indicator of the quality and quantity of our expanded consciousness and our ability to receive and retain greater luminosity. While the specific level may vary among individuals, a typical benchmark is around 60-70%. As we elevate this percentage, we experience inner exhilaration and a profound sense of empowerment, a feeling that we can conquer anything. Our spiritual potential becomes boundless. Conversely, during periods of deep apathy, depression, or aggression, our potential drops to near-zero levels as our emotions and thoughts become negatively charged. The Light within our cells diminishes, and we fall further into despondency. The more Light we contain, the more dynamic energy circulates within our chakras and cells. This facilitates the maintenance of a heightened state of consciousness and spirituality, while simultaneously intensifying the body's transformation. This transformation manifests in various ways on the physical plane. Weight Changes: As the body adjusts to new energies, it may either lose or temporarily gain weight. Weight gain is often a grounding mechanism in familiar reality. Altered Nutrition: Changes in taste preferences and appetite can occur, including cravings for specific foods. The body may resist heavy foods because Light energy is quite subtle. Increased Hydration: The need for water rises as energy flows more intensely within. Increased water intake assists the body in managing the heightened load and expelling toxins more efficiently. Skin Sensitivity: The skin becomes more sensitive and starts rejuvenating along with internal organs. Cells undergo a self-upgrade process. All these changes contribute to the body returning to its natural state, allowing it to serve as a powerful vessel that accommodates our spirit and full multidimensionality. These are just a few of the outcomes resulting from accelerated transformation. Seeing The Challenges The 3D Matrix restricts the Soul from fully expressing itself, depriving us of love and the freedom to be creative. Each day of our earthly existence, we must endure life within a confined and uncomfortable biological vessel that is alien to our natural Light or plasma body. Nevertheless, many of us, courageous and strong in spirit, willingly embark on this journey. Our cosmic lineage, in the form of holographic plasma chromosomes, is encoded within our terrestrial DNA, giving rise to unique sensations, abilities, and thought patterns. Since early childhood, we've often felt like outsiders. Embracing our true selves within 3D parameters and comprehending the idiosyncrasies of the local world and its human relationships prove challenging. The human mind, infiltrated by the 3D Matrix with its constraints and filters, appears overly controlled, and ineffective to us. It's difficult to acquire new knowledge or rely on it for genuine understanding. For thousands of years, the strong blockade of our Star memory dulled our perception of the anomalies of 3D Earth. Today, potent quantum waves and continuous solar storms are tearing down the 3D Veil, fully revealing all the disguises, lies, horror, and suffering. It impacts us so profoundly that we yearn to escape this unending and unbearable ordeal immediately. We begin to implore the Co-Creators and the Higher Light Hierarchy for urgent help or even evacuation. Yet, we often forget that it is not the Co-Creators or the Higher Light Hierarchy but our own Monads, exercising free will and choice, who manifested us and our Higher Selves here as a continuation of their multidimensional being. This mirrors our existence in other cosmic homes in various worlds and dimensions, from which we were sent to 3D Earth with a specific mission. Until we fulfill that mission, no evacuation will take place. Every Star Soul, whether they're a Starseed, Lightwarrior, Lightworker, Indigo, Crystalline, or Radiant Kid, numbering in the hundreds of millions, is entrusted with a unique task. Together, these tasks span a wide range of goals, from providing their Monad (Higher Self) with a novel experience in the most challenging conditions to collectively assisting the entire planet in transitioning to the 5D dimension and the next, the 4th Local Universe, and reuniting as one cosmic Light family. One of the main challenges is finding the inner motivation to break free from the artificial and numbing comfort zone in order to fulfill the mission we came here for. The 3D Matrix relentlessly obstructs our every move in countless ways, with our consciousness resisting change and keeping us mired in familiar inertia. We often experience an overwhelming sense of laziness, fatigue, irritation, and a desire to distract ourselves from deep thought. Our ego, which is conditioned by the system, consistently finds reasons to prevent our Soul and Spirit from awakening. Overcoming these challenges requires diligent inner work, a constant struggle against our weaknesses and vices, and a commitment to self-awareness and self-improvement. If we attempt to avoid this inner growth, life may present us with illness or other significant challenges to serve as a catalyst for change, breaking free from apathy and low-frequency inertia and propelling us into high-frequency actions. Many of us remain unaware of our immense potential to transform the world. This power lies dormant within us, but it is now time to rouse it from slumber. We must resist being immobilized by the promises and expectations of others, by feelings of despair, or by the weight of regret. Instead, we should summon our inner strength and release all that burdens our Soul and dampens our spirits. The past, filled with its mistakes and trials, is a profound learning experience unique to Earth. We should express gratitude to this 3D world for the challenges it presents, complete our assigned mission, and continue our journey from one planet to another, from one Galaxy to the next, and from one dimension to another by activating our Stellar Body. The awakening of the Stellar Body occurs spontaneously and abruptly. This awakening is often triggered by life-altering events that thrust us into an altered state of consciousness, facilitating a full recollection of our true nature. It can also be initiated through dedicated practices and self-awareness, which mark the initial signs of Stellar Body activation. Today, we find ourselves in a profoundly significant time/space corridor, and we should embrace it as an honourable opportunity. Here are a few tips to become more efficient in these current events: Set the Mood: Find a comfortable and quiet space for your practice. Create a serene atmosphere that helps you relax and focus. This can be done by using meditative music, the soft sound of a bell, or embracing profound silence. Sincere Intention: Your intention is essential. Approach this practice with a genuine and heartfelt commitment. Your intention should come from the depths of your heart, not as a mere duty. Consistency: Regular practice is key to increasing efficiency. Set aside dedicated time for this work, whether it's daily, weekly, or at another frequency that suits you. Mindful Presence: Stay present in the moment. Clear your mind of distractions and preoccupations. This is a time for deep introspection and connection with your inner self. Self-Reflection: Use this time to reflect on your experiences, emotions, and thoughts. Allow your inner wisdom to guide you and help you gain insights. Release Expectations: Let go of any expectations or outcomes. This practice is about the process, not the results. Trust that it will unfold as it should. Gratitude: Express gratitude for this opportunity to grow and transform. Acknowledge your progress and honour the effort you put into this work. Remember that personal growth and spiritual development are unique journeys for each individual. Find the approach that resonates most with you and aligns with your inner truth. It is advisable to perform this procedure either before going to bed or in the morning after waking up. Here's how you can do it: Enter a Meditative State: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can relax. Get into a meditative state by calming your mind and body. Reflect on the Day: Recall the main events and moments of your day. Analyze whether any of these events could have led to the formation of lowering your vibrations in your thoughts, feelings or actions. Keep in mind that your actions, both conscious and unconscious, towards other people, events, as well as negative thoughts and emotions, can contribute to this. For example, think about situations involving reckless drivers who violate road rules and how you reacted or responded internally. Low vibrations can manifest and persist in the form of distortions in the local reality segment when such actions occur. Imagine a Different Outcome: For any event or situation where you believe low vibrations may have been created, imagine a different and more positive course of development. Visualize it in a way that avoids negative actions, low vibrational thoughts, feelings or emotions. Send Light and Love: From the depth of your heart, send light and love to yourself, others or the event. This act of sending love and light can help transmute the negative energy associated with it. Forgiveness: If you believe that someone has committed a negative-forming action against you, genuinely and from the bottom of your heart, forgive them. Let go of any resentment or negative emotions. Ask for Forgiveness: If you believe that you have committed a low vibrational-forming action against another person or group, sincerely and from the depths of your heart, ask for their forgiveness. Healing Space: Understand that low vibrations can be imprinted not only on individuals but also on the space where the event occurred. Direct the love and light from your heart to that area, whether it's a room, a house, or any other location. Imagine flooding it with love and light, returning it to an ideal and harmonious state. This practice helps you transmute negative energies and promote harmony within yourself and the environment. It's a powerful tool for healing and promoting a successful transition to the 4D-5D realm. In conclusion, it's essential to recognize the power of our thoughts and emotions. They not only influence our actions but also shape the course of future events and our destiny. We bear personal responsibility for the way we think, feel, and act, and the Universe will not allow negativity to permeate it. If you require guidance in connecting, clarifying, and expanding your Multidimensionality, I'm here to assist you. I Am Multidimenssional

  • The Evolution of Our Physical Body and Sensuality: Transitioning to the 5D

    Content: Co-creators advised us of a unified multidimensional body, coupled with the physical form; Those who entered 5D indeed rejuvenated the body and got rid of all the diseases obtained in 3D. Eckhart Tolle - the practice of Inner Body Awareness Embracing Mother Earth's Heart through Our Physical Being Embracing Profound Sensuality in the Emerging 5D Reality "I AM Multidimensional" session script - Harmony of Body and Earth; The Essence and Function of the Soul; Sensuality's Evolution in the 5D Realm; Awakening your Sacred Feminine As we progress towards the next stage of evolving reality, the fate of our physical bodies becomes a complex question. The transition to a higher level of existence doesn't necessarily entail physical death as we conventionally understand it. Instead, it often involves a transformation of consciousness and an adjustment to the vibrational frequencies of the new reality. It's important to note that the transition is not uniform for everyone, and individuals might experience it in various ways based on their own spiritual journey, beliefs, and level of preparation. Some individuals might indeed choose to physically pass away before fully transitioning to a higher level of existence, while others might undergo a more gradual transformation. Ultimately, the specifics of how the transition occurs and its impact on physical bodies can vary widely based on different spiritual perspectives and interpretations. It's a topic that has been explored and discussed in various ways within spiritual and metaphysical communities, and there isn't a definitive answer that applies universally. In a world brimming with distractions and external influences, the call to inner work can easily be drowned out. However, the Co-Creators' whisper urges us to heed this call, recognizing it as the key to our own transformation and evolution. As we embark on this journey, we prepare ourselves to be vessels capable of withstanding the intensified energies of the 5D reality, embracing its vibrancy with open hearts and expanded awareness. Co-creators remind us - The inner work helps us take and withstand 5D vibrations. Each day, the Co-Creators are progressively sifting and discerning among us, employing novel cosmic energies to assist a growing number of individuals on Earth in making the transition from the 3D to the 5D realm within the confines of their physical bodies, bypassing the conventional notions of illness and mortality. Despite these ongoing changes, we remain unsure of what is required for this transition. Deep down, we all hold a steadfast belief that "they" will eventually provide us with guidance, akin to purchasing a ticket for a splendid cruise. In this envisioned scenario, we hurriedly pack our belongings, embarking on a wondrous journey and relishing every moment. But is this truly the reality we can expect? Following the explicit instructions of the Absolutes, the Co-Creators actively utilize an inter-dimensional transition technology they have developed. This technology is in a state of constant improvement, reflecting their commitment to refining this process. To accomplish this task, they have assembled a team of specialists from various corners of the Galaxy, each possessing relevant experience. On Earth, they are aided by individuals who willingly act as pioneers, undergoing experiments. The aim is to generate results that can pave the way for new waves of individuals to transition into the fifth density after a series of trials. Central to this effort is the meticulous preparation of a unified multidimensional body, coupled with the physical form (which presents a significant challenge) that must surpass the vibration threshold of the 5D realm. In essence, it involves developing the capacity to endure and resonate with the vibrations characteristic of the 5D level or beyond. The reason we cannot embark on the coveted journey with ease is quite straightforward: our physical forms are not adequately equipped yet. Entering the vibrational frequency of the fifth dimension in our current state would lead to the rapid disintegration of our bodies, with blood vessels rupturing and hearts failing. However, it's essential to recognize that we do possess the potential to engage in the required preparations, a challenge that millions of individuals are diligently undertaking. Engaging in inner introspection and personal growth equips us to embrace and endure the heightened vibrations of the 5D reality. But this is not the only prerequisite and purity is essential. We also need the absence of karma, to have a Monadic single multidimensional manifestation body, to assemble all chakras from 1 to 12 into one whole, unlock more than 70% of our brain capacity, activate latent genes and DNA transformation (not only 12-strands, but entire its NON-helical higher crystalline frame), etc. That is, it involves our full change, especially of the physical body. Indeed, those who have transitioned into the 5D realm have experienced a rejuvenation of their physical bodies, shedding the illnesses acquired during their time in the 3D reality. The establishment of the 5D realm on Earth will not occur automatically; rather, it is guided and follows a strictly gradual trajectory. This approach is chosen to ensure that as many individuals as possible are able to adapt and endure. The formation of the 5D body is an internal process—it comes to fruition solely from within when it consistently emanates the same elevated frequencies characteristic of the 5D space. Without conscious effort towards this end, attempting to induce this transformation only from external forces is futile. Consequently, individuals who lack the inherent "receivers" inside them will face the risk of perishing due to ailments. In the evolving tapestry of human experience, a remarkable phenomenon is unfolding—the development of 5D bodies among ordinary individuals. This evolution is owed to their commitment to inner growth, transformative journeys, and the inherent purity of their souls. A simultaneous existence in higher dimensions adds a depth of richness to our earthly experience, revealing the interconnectedness of our journey across the cosmic fabric. Within the context of this multidimensional awakening, a notable truth emerges—those whose vibrations resonate with negativity and ignorance are unable to endure the frequencies of the 5D realm. The inherent nature of the 5D reality, characterized by heightened consciousness and harmony, creates an environment in which lower vibrations cannot persist. This natural filtering process ensures that the 5D realm remains a space for souls aligned with love, growth, and unity. As individuals transition into the 5D realm, a transformative phenomenon unfolds—the rejuvenation of the physical body and the release of ailments acquired in the 3D reality. The heightened frequencies of the 5D space facilitate profound healing and alignment, allowing the body to shed the burdens of 3D existence and emerge revitalized. The enduring presence of 4D and 5D dimensions, existing alongside the familiar 3D reality, unveils a unified expanse of consciousness—an eon where barriers have softened to facilitate transitions for those prepared to embark upon them. As we embrace this shifting landscape, we tap into the innate potential of our soul's evolution, navigating the currents of higher dimensions and forging a path toward expanded awareness and self-realization. Eckhart Tolle - the practice of inner body awareness “The body you can see and touch is only a thin illusory veil, underneath it lies the invisible inner body, the doorway into being, into life unmanifested. Through the inner body, you are inseparably connected to this unmanifested one life.” Eckhart Tolle Within our inner body, countless processes unfold with each passing second, sustaining our existence. These processes operate independently of our conscious focus, owing to a profound intelligence that orchestrates them seamlessly. Consider the staggering reality that our physical body comprises more than 100 trillion cells, each undergoing over 10,000 chemical reactions per second. Within every cell lie more than 3.2 billion nucleic acids, constituting the genetic framework. The magnitude of these intricacies surpasses the grasp of our minds. Without a doubt, there is massive intelligence present in our physical body. And the gateway to getting in touch with this intelligence is .So what is inner body awareness? To put it simply, inner body awareness encompasses the practice of sensing your body's sensations from within. While this notion might come across as unconventional or even mystical to some, it's primarily because they haven't ventured into it and may be uncertain about the approach. Yet, much like all facets of life, initial complexity fades with consistent practice, and what appears perplexing at the outset gradually gains clarity. "The more consciousness you bring into the body, the stronger the immune system becomes. It is as if every cell awakens and rejoices. The body loves your attention. It is also a potent form of self-healing.” Eckhart Tolle Embracing Mother Earth's Heart through Our Physical Being In today's post, we embark on a profound journey to explore the impact of our relationship with the heart of Mother Earth, channelled through the vessels of our physical bodies. This topic holds immense significance for the advancement of our consciousness, as we ascend towards higher vibrations of Unconditional Love. Our connection with the heart of Mother Earth goes beyond superficial interactions. It's an intricate relationship that pulses through our physical forms, resonating within our collective consciousness. As we delve deeper, we unravel the harmonious interplay between our bodies and the heartbeat of our planet—a connection that shapes our awareness and influences our growth. Much like a loving mother, Earth's heart provides the canvas for our physical existence. The very vessels we inhabit are gifts from her, the Earth/ Gaia—an embodiment of life's journey. From the sustenance, we glean from her soil to the rhythms that synchronize with our heartbeats, Earth's heart intertwines with ours in a profound dance of life. Amid the cacophony of modern life, we are beckoned to pause and reflect. Do we resonate with the heartbeats of Mother Earth? Are we in harmony with her rhythms, or have we veered away from acknowledging her significance? By embracing our interconnectedness and offering gratitude for her boundless abundance, we initiate a transformational shift in our consciousness—a revelation of the sacred connection between our bodies and Earth's heart. The impact of our relationship with the heart of Mother Earth on our consciousness is undeniable. It's an alliance that calls for reverence, understanding, and conscious engagement. As we traverse our spiritual journey, may we remember that our physical forms serve as conduits for experiencing Earth's heartbeat—a heartbeat that echoes with the universal energy of existence. Both recognizing this spiritual truth and expressing heartfelt gratitude to Mother Earth are vital elements in our alchemical journey of spiritual awakening. Embracing Profound Sensuality in the Emerging 5D Reality In the realm of awakened consciousness, there lies a transformative journey—one that leads us to embrace profound Sensuality within the burgeoning 5D reality. This voyage is marked by the profound interplay of Unconditional Love, individual uniqueness, oneness with the Universe, and not less - the fiery fervour of passion. At the core of this awakening lies the concept of Unconditional Love—a love unburdened by judgment or condition, radiating from within to encompass all aspects of existence. As we step into the tapestry of the 5D reality, we find that this love serves as the cornerstone, enabling us to connect with others and the universe on a profound level. It's a love that recognizes the interconnectedness of all life forms and honours the sanctity of each soul's journey. This is not the fleeting love of the mundane world, but a love that flows effortlessly and unconditionally, without judgment or attachment and with full Acceptance and Appreciation. It's a Love that is deeply connected to the essence of all existence. Enhanced by an overwhelming sense of tranquillity and elation, this expression of sensuality metamorphoses into a sanctified representation of the heart's profound connection with Mother Earth on one facet, and its profound integration with the boundless Cosmic energetic currents on the other. Simultaneously, this awakening beckons us to embrace our individual uniqueness. In the expansive landscape of the 5D reality, there is an understanding that each being is a mosaic of experiences, talents, choices and creative perspectives. It is through the celebration of our own uniqueness that we contribute our authentic essence to the collective symphony of existence. The notion of Oneness takes center stage in this paradigm shift. As the boundaries between self and universe blur, we realize that we are threads woven into the intricate fabric of cosmic existence. The 5D reality invites us to dissolve the illusion of separation and recognize the inherent unity that binds all of creation. This realization becomes a guiding light, fostering empathy, compassion, and a deep sense of responsibility for the well-being of the whole. Passion, the fiery elixir that propels us forward, finds new meaning in the realm of awakened consciousness. It becomes a force that aligns with our soul's purpose, driving us to make a positive impact on the world. With each step fueled by passion, we contribute to the elevation of collective consciousness and the manifestation of a more harmonious reality. As we embark on this transformative journey, we recognize that sensuality is not limited to mere physical interactions, but rather, it encompasses a multidimensional experience that involves the fusion of mind, body, and spirit. In the context of the 5D reality, sensuality takes on a new hue, characterized by heightened awareness and appreciation for the interplay of energies between individuals, nature, and the cosmos. The Ecstasy of Wholeness: A truly complete sensual experience is one that transcends mere physicality. It kindles a fire of passion that courses through our veins, awakening our senses to realms of exhilaration. Beyond the initial allure, this encounter delves deeper into the caverns of our being, birthing an intimacy that surpasses the physical. This wholeness is marked by the integration of body, mind, and soul—a merging of desires and feelings. It's an exploration of the interconnectedness of souls, a dance of energies that fosters a sense of unity and harmony. As we engage in this new dimension of sensuality, we honour the sanctity of each moment and allow our intuition to guide us in navigating the uncharted waters of this evolving landscape. Conscious Bodily Presence: The important part of this experience is the revelation of conscious bodily presence. Furthermore, embracing profound sensuality in the 5D reality involves a deep appreciation for the beauty and sacredness of the human body. This appreciation goes beyond external appearances, delving into the essence of embodiment—the vessel through which we experience life's sensations, emotions, and connections. It's a celebration of the intricate relationship between the physical and the metaphysical, a recognition of the body as a temple of experience and expression. Each touch, each breath, becomes an embodiment of the present. In this state, we exist as pure sensations, transcending the confines of the mind. The Path to Unity and Serenity: This journey is an odyssey of unity—a fusion of all souls into a harmonious symphony. Serenity emerges as we surrender to the present moment. Our senses are heightened, and our consciousness expanded, as we embrace a serene connection, unburdened by the external world. Paired with an overwhelming sense of peace and bliss, this form of sexuality becomes a divine expression of the soul's connection to the universe. Embracing the Blissful Integration of Sensual Co-Creation: Yet, within the symphony of sensual co-creation, there exists an art of balance—a delicate interplay between engagement and presence. By cultivating mindfulness and immersing ourselves fully in the present moment, we unlock the potential to experience each sensation with heightened purity and appreciation. This mindfulness infuses our creative endeavours with a sense of authenticity and depth, as we bring our full attention to the intricate details that shape our experiences. In conclusion, the journey of awakening consciousness and embracing profound sensuality in the emerging 5D reality is a path of exploration, connection, and expansion. It's an invitation to transcend any limited perspectives, and instead, to embark on a journey that celebrates the full spectrum of soul experience. Through conscious intent, mutual respect, and a deep understanding of energetic exchange, we weave a tapestry of sensuality that harmonizes with the evolving consciousness of our world. At the core of this awakening lies a redefinition of sensuality—one that is guided by heart intent and a deep understanding of the energetic exchange that takes place. It's an embrace of our innate ability to connect and communicate on a profound level, transcending words and physical gestures. This form of sensuality is characterized by mutual respect, consent, and a celebration of each individual's unique expression. "I AM Multidimensional" session script Embracing the "I Am Multidimensional" session is a journey that unveils the expansive nature of our Pure Potentiality. It's about recognizing and celebrating our unique gifts and abilities. Each session becomes a tapestry of exploration, revealing layers of our multidimensional selves. In this beautiful reality, the act of sharing becomes more than just words—it becomes an embodiment. We weave together our physical and spiritual essence, forming a unified field that guides and supports us. As we embark on this journey of discovery and expansion, each moment resonates with a profound sense of vastness and boundless gratitude. Our physical selves, Mother Earth, and the wisdom of our souls harmoniously converge, creating newfound clarity and awareness. This clarity opens the floodgates of Love, transcending individuality and merging into a singular Oneness. This unity embraces all aspects of existence, connecting us to everything that is. Hand in hand with Mother Earth, we take steps toward the 5th dimension. Our bodies transform into vessels for this transition, gracefully embracing the reality of 5D. Through this transformation, our souls evolve, reaching higher planes of experience and understanding. So, let us step into the multidimensional sessions with an open heart and a curious mind. Let us embrace the unity that threads through our diverse experiences. And as we journey inward, guided by the wisdom of our souls and the embrace of Mother Earth, we rise toward the 5th dimension, forever expanding our awareness and connection. The path chosen in this journey can vary from person to person. Some individuals may opt for sessions involving mushroom intake, while others may choose not to. The quantity of mushrooms consumed can vary as well, often dependent on the specific goals one wishes to achieve through the experience. Each person's intention, comfort level, and desired outcomes play a significant role in determining the approach they take on this profound journey of self-discovery and connection to higher realms. Indeed, without the use of mushrooms, the communication often becomes clearer. When working within the alpha frequencies, the mind is afforded the opportunity to connect with the higher realms, transcending the usual noise of daily mental activities. This altered state of consciousness enables more direct and focused interaction with spiritual insights and experiences, enhancing clarity and facilitating deeper connections to cosmic and divine wisdom. In comparison, sessions involving mushrooms tend to induce a deeper state of mental relaxation and shutdown. This often leads to heightened sensory experiences that enrich our human perspective of reality. However, these sessions generally result in less direct communication between our reality and the Divine presence. Instead, they immerse us in a self-discovery journey within the realm of pure potentiality. On the other hand, sessions without mushrooms typically involve greater wisdom, guidance, and clearer communication of answers from the higher realms. The absence or minimum intake of mushrooms allows for a more focused and profound connection with spiritual insights and guidance. In this specific script session, we delve into a profound journey closely connected to the essence of the topic of this blog post. In the realm of spiritual exploration, let me introduce you to Leslie, a cherished soul brother and dear friend who walks the path of soul evolution. Within his journey, Leslie's soul is gracefully embracing the profoundly loving aspects of Jesus Christ, leading him to embody a gentle and nurturing presence reminiscent of a pure human being. This sacred connection to the divine energy of Jesus Christ serves as a guiding light, propelling him toward a realm of deep compassion, boundless kindness, and Unconditional Love. As Leslie integrates the wisdom and essence of Jesus Christ into his being, a transformative journey unfolds. This connection to divine love acts as a beacon, illuminating his path with a radiant glow. With each step, Leslie's heart expands, allowing him to radiate the profound qualities of love and understanding not only within himself but also in his interactions with others. His interactions are infused with the warmth of genuine care, and his presence exudes a soothing energy that resonates with the core of human connection. The embodiment of these qualities offers solace, encouragement, and a sense of unity to those fortunate enough to cross his path. It's important to note that Leslie's Multidimensional session does not involve the ingestion of mushrooms. Instead, his journey is enhanced through a combination of powerful techniques: To begin, we amplify Leslie's field with a Tachyon Chamber session. Through this enhancement and amplification, we lay the foundation for an extraordinary exploration of the self. Opening the portal through the intentions. Building on this, we incorporate the use of a Rife Machine, focusing its effects on the expansion of the Pineal Gland. As the Pineal Gland is often associated with spiritual insights and awareness, this step aims to heighten his connection to the higher dimensions. But that's not all – we embark on a Violet Flame meditation. In this transformative practice, our intention is rooted in forgiveness and love. As we invoke the Violet Flame, it blazes through every atomic and subatomic particle and a wave of precious Life Energy that has Leslie's signature on it in any place and time that reflects anything less than the Infinite Perfection of the Source. Through this session, Leslie is guided on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. A journey that encompasses the merging of energies, the expansion of awareness, and the purification of his being. It's a reminder that our paths to realization can take various forms, each with the potential to unveil deeper layers of our multidimensional nature. Set of Intentions of this session:  Connecting with Mother Earth to Align and Strengthen the Physical Body  Unveiling the Essence of the Soul: Exploring Its Function and Purpose  Uniting with Christ-Jesus Energy: Cultivating Greater Insight and Expanding the Third Eye for Enhanced Communication  Elevating Sensual/ Sexual Energy: Transcending the Physical 3D Sexual Experience to Embrace a Higher Realm of Sensuality and Supreme Universal Love With Leslie's permission and my deepest gratitude for him... Enjoy the script: Open the pdf file HERE Download the file here: Saturday, August 26, 2023 Awakening the Sacred Connection: A Journey with Fabi and the Cacao Ceremony The Cacao ceremony is a sacred ritual that has been practiced for centuries by indigenous cultures, and Fabi carries forward this ancient tradition with deep reverence and intention. The ceremony involves the consumption of cacao, a sacred plant medicine that has the power to open the heart, elevate consciousness, and facilitate a profound connection to the spiritual realm. At the heart of the Cacao ceremony is the intention to connect with the divine energy of Mother Earth. Fabi's guidance helps participants ground themselves in the present moment and open their hearts to receive the wisdom and love that emanates from the Earth. Through Fabi's guidance, the Cacao ceremony becomes a transformative journey—a journey of rediscovery and reconnection. Participants leave the ceremony with a renewed sense of purpose, an expanded perspective, and a deep sense of love and gratitude for themselves, Mother Earth, and the interconnectedness of all life. Allow me to introduce you to Fabi, a cherished and dear soul sister on this profound journey of evolution. Fabi's presence in this shared path is marked by her extraordinary intuition, deep compassion, and direct connections to the mystical realms. A distinctive facet of Fabi's journey lies in her direct communications with guides and beings from diverse dimensions. This unique connection allows her to bridge the gap between realms, offering profound insights, messages, and guidance from sources beyond our everyday reality. Her interactions with these ethereal beings amplify the depth of her wisdom and the expansiveness of her guidance. Furthermore, Fabi is blessed with a direct and intimate connection to the heart of Mother Earth. This connection nurtures her insights, her perspective, and her ability to guide others in their exploration of our planet's profound energy. Her relationship with Mother Earth enriches her understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and empowers her to facilitate profound transformations. More information about Fabi: HERE

  • Spiritual Path - Lotus Flower

    In the Great Cosmos, ALL civilizations undergo mandatory tests and lessons in a low-vibrational negative reality. Without this, their further evolution is IMPOSSIBLE. And that’s what we all came here for. For many millennia, 3D Earth stayed in the Cosmic Night, that is, under the rule of Darks and in a low-frequency zone. Our highly vibrational Souls with the greatest difficulty could penetrate here to get a human body. If a high-frequency conception occurred, and our Soul safely entered the fetus, the 3D Matrix immediately reacted to it, transmitting the signal “attention to everyone”. And powerful opposing forces attacked us to prevent our birth, stage an early death, or, if it didn’t work out, suppress us as much as possible and suck out all our vital potential, and not to let us live on our own. It could be manifested by complications during pregnancy, delivery injuries, or chronic diseases. Many of us from an early age were placed in the most aggressive and violent environment, which was supposed to lower our vibes as much as possible. Throughout the rest of our lives, the System continuously scans, carefully studies and unmistakably spots our vulnerabilities and pain points, which it hits with precision, mercilessly and constantly. The main task is to suppress the Spark in our Soul, to break, to destroy the Spiritual core, using physical violence, psychological pressure, incessant criticism and other disincentives. The System makes sure we don’t remember who we are and where we came from, disconnect with our Soul, and forces us to agree that we are nothing and should live like everyone, obediently go with the flow, stop believing in selves, our abilities, and meekly feed someone with our life power. But before coming to Earth, we consciously chose this cruel test for a learning purpose. We clearly saw what awaits us hereafter incarnation, and took it, firmly believing that we could withstand and overcome everything. Only when we find ourselves in the densest and lowest Earth’s vibrations and got a body, we do realize that everything is much more difficult and complicated than it looked from high dimensions. But it was OUR choice and decision, and we have to take lessons, learn to absorb the punches without buckling, and rise from our knees. In every our life on Earth, it was incredibly hard to remain unspoiled by fortune, affluence and fame, not to succumb to the System, not to start emitting its low frequencies. And under its enormous pressure, we started again to shine our former high vibrational Light and fill with it the entire space as wide as possible. In many Spiritual teachings, this path symbolizes the Lotus flower. Often it grows out of the mud and silt, in the dark, and from there, it stretches upwards, overcoming all obstacles. It is bitten by fish and other aquatic inhabitants but continues to move upward. And finally, reaching the surface, it blooms into a beautiful flower, and its stem and roots become powerful and strong. Similarly, following the Spiritual Path, we HAVE to go through trials and tribulations and take necessary lessons to withstand and overcome anything in other dimensions and Universes. The Transition leads to total recall of our primary foundations. From the beginning, we all consist of higher reference substances and states, including creativity, joy, love and other constructive codes of the Absolute. We are made of them. And only on Earth, during the test of Darkness and negativity, dirt is stuck on us. Today, entering 4D and 5D, where, thanks to its high frequencies, millions of souls continue to enter, our Soul is trying to remember its former Light Nature, believe in it again and start following it again. We constantly ask the same question: why do I help other people, make everything for them, and then sit exhausted, completely without energy? After all, I’m doing a good deed… The reason is simple. In 3D, our personal energy is forced to be low. That is why many inexperienced healers and psychotherapists often get sick and die quickly because they cannot fully recover due to overspending. Experiencers do not "heal" others with their own energy. That way it can only be lost. They always use the power of the Source, and only after they attune to One and ask for assistance does the Creator determine the level of involvement. Only in this case, the "healer" will not lose life force. Therefore, I am particularly sensitive to the word "healer", especially when the soul is on the path of its evolution/expansion/ awakening and a third party should not be expected to do the work for it. It could be slide assistance with their own frequency tuning. Also, we don't need 'healing'/fixing of any 'broken' things, just expanding, aligning and restoring/unblocking the physical, emotional and mental state to our optimal timeline. It is a process of reconnecting with other aspects of the same soul in the Multidimensional Realm. The Source’s energy must flow through us unhindered, and at the same time, we must realize that we are part of One, the Universe, and the Absolute’s Love, and solely serve as their channel. If we don’t understand or deny it, we will block the circulation of Divine energy in us, and as a result, we couldn’t assist others and keep our resources pure. This is only the smallest part of the lessons that we came to Earth for. Through us, in the duality era, our maternal civilizations and their Creators also took lessons. Negative and positive races, each got their own. The former are faced with a choice today – to return to the Light or to leave Earth and this Local Universe forever. The latter learned and still learn precious lessons and enriched their experience, thanks to their presence on Earth. If in past lives, we were also Creators, building Galaxies and planets to inhabit them with civilizations, then we often did not have enough knowledge about this. Earth, in this sense, is a valuable treasure trove of information. To obtain it, we separated/ extracted from ourselves several thousand aspects and sent them to this planet to scan and record on them all the necessary software, codes, formulas, frequencies and other data. All aspects of us were embodied in humans. With their Subtle bodies, they unknowingly helped us to read, accumulate and transmit the necessary information for our cosmic races for further evolution in various parts and dimensions of the Universe. Another option is also widely used – active awareness and understanding. In that case, no matter how many dozens or hundreds of times we incarnated on Earth, we always knew and remembered our mission. It could include monitoring all layers and states of the planet; changes in vibrations and frequencies during its transformation; the energy structure of human bodies with all changes; the interaction of Souls from different Galaxies on Earth, and many other parameters that are necessary for our maternal civilizations. In other instances, we actively participate in Co-Creators and different cosmic operations on physical and Subtle Planes. Or, we serve as a living crystal for receiving high frequencies from the Galactic Center and saturate by them the planet’s grid and the entire space, helping everyone to adapt and enter 4D and 5D. Or we only share the info to awaken and carry along Souls…. And all these unique lessons, as well as many other factors, will certainly be taken into account in the casting of Earth’s new space curators. In reality, we have never been isolated, although the history of helping Earth and earthlings through friendly space races is full of dramatic pages, heroism, and self-sacrifice. For eons, support in various forms has been and continues to be provided not only from the Greater Cosmos but also on Earth itself. Hundreds of civilizations of the physical and the Subtle Plane of the highest dimensions have been involved. Assistance is provided remotely and locally. There are more than one billion star seeds, indigos, and crystallines on our planet, as well as thousands of volunteers and enthusiasts. This is a powerful tool of support. Not to mention the many Lightwarriors and Lightworkers who are incarnated aliens here. The higher dimensions from which assistants from friendly space races come to Earth, the greater the difficulties they encounter. Sometimes it turns to real tragedy and sacrifice before they can begin their mission. How does it happen in practice? Let us see how the process of descent from a high light being to a lower realm took place. Suppose you are a representative of the 25D Argorians or a 40D, 70D, or even higher civilization, and you responded to a call in the Greater Cosmos to come to Earth’s aid. A planet that has been in the cruellest slavery of the Black Archons all Cosmic Night and has only recently started the Great Quantum Transition to a new stage of evolution. Your level is that of Creators, Architects, and Builders of Universes, Galaxies, Constellations, and planets. But you know nothing about Earth. You are the Supreme Being, woven from the energy of Source, radiating Its Light and helping It to create and assist others. With your 25D energy, you begin scanning the Super Universe, starting from higher dimensions, looking for Earth about which you know little yet. Soon you realize that you cannot understand the whole picture because there is too much difference between the dimensions and the scale of vision. You have to split your attention beam into smaller rays and probe each segment of space. As you dive deeper and deeper into the realms of the lower dimensions, you marvel at the worlds that are here beyond your knowledge. It is very similar to yours but has incomparable characteristics. Moreover, the creations that have sprouted here have a great many interesting aspects. But still, you don’t understand much. Millions of your attention beams continue their autonomous exploration, separating and delving deeper and deeper into the realms of worlds. They are nested within each other, like Russian Dolls or Chinese Balls. Your rays are beginning to acquire new experiences as you make your way through the thorns to the goal of your quest. More shells and inner layers open up before you, and each carries vital functions. It becomes increasingly difficult for you to move forward. As you dive into the inner reality of the descending dimensions, your attention beams lose the memory of their purpose as they have to absorb more and more new information about the environment. The rays of your energy body begin to acquire vibrations and even forms similar to those around you, get into the local game, and mingle with the natives, moving further and further away from their 25D source, and little by little forgetting their original mission. At each new level, you leave part of yourself and your memory behind, so that you can fit into less capacious media and continue to explore in more detail, leaving with you only the essentials for a deeper dive. You have to do this so that you do not harm with your high vibrations the worlds where the laws are increasingly different from 25D civilization. These worlds develop from within, and they have their curators, gardener, and gardens. To enter them, you dare to take a bold step. Instead of simply scanning, you adapt to the environment and take the forms of its inhabitants, the Light Bodies that exist beyond Time and Space, in dimensions known to earthlings as the Subtle Planes. Again, the next level of vibration cannot be reached without even more serious immersion. Here forms begin to take on a denser shell and crystalline bodies appear – half-energy, half-matter. But to go completely deep into it, your newfound crystalline body is not suitable. It simply cannot withstand these vibes, and the information you contain may unpack at the most unnecessary moment, exploding the exploring world from within. You find a proper place to stop – a transiting planet, whose inhabitants kindly provide you with overnight lodging and energy boosts. On the “next day,” you decide to continue your journey and leave your crystalline body, going deeper and deeper into the Matrix of material worlds. You leave the crystalline body and continue your journey down. You took with you only the most important parts of your consciousness, leaving the accumulated experience and memory of your true 25D essence in the body on the transiting planet. As you descend deeper, you enter an even more detailed world. Here the movement is no longer carried out by the energy of your thought, due to the loss of coordinates and the potential left in the crystalline body. You have to partner with the locals and borrow their bodies to move into their reality. They are happy to do this, but once again you cannot get close enough to the goal of the journey, even though it looms right in front of your eyes. You realize that further advancement is only possible using local technology and creating spaceships to move on. At the same time, you tell the locals why you are here, and they happily and bitterly point to the Earth-infested part of their world, lamenting the pernicious influence of earthlings. You offer to join you and eliminate the causes of contamination. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers decide to join you on the rescue expedition. They put the word out, and millions of more entities join you in a space rescue operation. Using old experience, you submerge your dense bodies on the ships, get as close as possible to the targeted zone and stop right on its border – no further, the low vibrations do not allow you to move on. All of you by this time are in different-frequency ranges that do not permit you to manifest yourself in the underlying reality. You need new means of locomotion – bodies that allow you to interact with the basic rules of the world within which the source of Local Universe contamination resides. Your army is fully assembled, and you are ready for action. You begin to test the ground by sending your messengers to different zones of the Local Universe. The zones are not only geographical (spatial) but also chronally different. You understand that the area of operation is untouchable due to the Law of Free Will and Choice Freedom, and you cannot influence it with all your potential but only suggest the way. The first dive goes well enough. Leaving your bodies aboard the spaceships, you go off on a mission down, get to know the locals, and unobtrusively try to help them eliminate the source of contamination – dozens of low-frequency negative emotions and habits. You decide to test yourself as an earthling. After all, no Creator has the right to remain outside of his Creation without experiencing it personally. But just like many others from the higher dimensions, you begin to quickly forget about the true purpose of your incarnation on Earth. Like many of us, you are immersed in the illusions of duality and completely subject to the 3D Matrix that blocks your memory along with other aspects of your former 25D personality. With the end of the Cosmic Night and the beginning of the Great Quantum Transition, the aim of the operation of friendly space races is not only to free the earthlings from the slavery of the Archons. The task is much broader – to promote a new consciousness capable to absorb and implement the experience and knowledge of the Higher Worlds on a single evolutionary platform. No one had ever done that before, anywhere. It’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff – to assist and awaken those who came with you to this planet. You send a pulse to your associates reminding them to return to their mission. But your message doesn’t reach all its recipients. Its impulse can hardly reach even your bodies of manifestation which you left in different dimensions, going down the 3D staircase. With each new density, the recall loses its power, reaching addresses only as echoes of vague memories. The fractal echo is almost inaudible to your comrades-in-arms, who came with you to 3D Earth. Hence my intention to assist reconnect with everyone's inner multidimensionality was born. "I Am Multidimenssional" - personal sessions. Some of us begin to consciously separate from the attachments that surround us, subconsciously understanding that the way out is only possible after removing the chains that ground the true Creators. Others get rid of material junk accumulated over tens and hundreds of years of ancestor's ties. In others, who are going through their last experience on Earth, material attachments are taken away to awaken in them the desire to know why they came to our planet and to return to the power of who they truly are. A new space and new matter of the planet are being formed before our eyes. Those of us who manage to raise our vibrations will pass this stage safely. They will be able to perceive the power field of the 5D vibes orbit almost painlessly. Cleanup of the Earth and us from low-frequency vibrations is imminent otherwise we simply will not be able to merge with the Oryx planetary system - the new home of 5D Earth. Its peculiarity is not a flat but a multilayered, vibrational, changing field. Such a field promotes limitless development of all components of consciousness gravity. This boundlessness in us must be regulated by our consciousness, by a cognitive worldview. Lifting the constraint on Intelligence development promises much.

  • Our Journey and Rays of Attention

    I apologize to my reader for being "quiet" lately. I have received a very clear message from my guides and Higher Self to remain Pure and clear of anything that is a carrier of old 3D dualistic programs implanted during incarnation. This requires inner concentration and self-observation. As well as active and timely adjustment of all vibrations. Although it is too early to share, I have been invited to participate in some programs to create a new reality and open some stargates with mutual vibrating soul sisters and brothers. The only condition is that I clear all the channels I am connected to. The only pure "channel" is the individual direct communication with the field of consciousness available to everyone today. The flow of In and Out must remain clean. I am so excited about this. I will share more in one of my next posts. Now let's catch up on some Cosmic planetary (Earth) updates. Space is sentient. It observes and adapts to the radiation of each of us, with whom it is a single organism. The more we are aware of this, the better we can interact with the entire multidimensionality of space. Here and now we get the opportunity to feel it inside and release its impulses from selves outside. That’s how the global transformation of our consciousness, life and environment takes place. The ether that fills it reanimates our hearts, no matter who we consider ourselves to be and from whatever cosmic race we come. When we look into the infinite cosmos, into its essence and the greatness of the versatility of aspects, it looks into us and through us, manifesting with its rays of attention our true power through the vibrational patterns of space. Be aware of this. The new evolutionary code implies unity and expansion. Look at the world from your space center; get rid of unbelief, senseless waiting, condemnation and division. The quantum transition, in which many have lost faith, has been going on for a long time and is accelerating even more right now. Now, many of us seem to be in another world and do not know how and where to go next. Shake off fear and let the powerful streams of Light of the Cosmic Day wash away all the mental and emotional dirt, accumulated in us during the Cosmic Night that has gone forever, all that prevents us from evolving further. Resistance will only increase the pressure. The new vibrational codes of space and planet are loaded and activated. Allow them to activate in us as well. On June 21 at 14:57 UTC, Co-Creators on the Subtle Plane and Lightwarriors on the Earth’s surface by joint efforts activated the Earth’s new evolutionary code, and on June 24, as in previous days, continued its sync and fine-tuning. From its creation until recently, the dimensionality of our reality (space-time continuum) was 3.14D. This is a well-known number “Pi”. It is not only a mathematical constant equal to the ratio of the circumference of the circle to its diameter but also the source code of the Earth’s three-dimensional Matrix, corresponding to its former bottom of dimensionality (3.14D), which was intentionally set by Darks. At the peak of the Solstice, Jun 21st, at 14:57 UTC, from Her abode in 5D, Gaia emitted a powerful activation pulse into the Absoluterra. The latter, in turn, through the new Earth’s Logos, redirected the impulse to the core of the Causal Matrix. This happened slowly, in small portions, so as not to knock down the focus of Absolutized Light, and to make it as easy as possible for the Logos and the Causal Matrix to gradually adapt and completely switch to the new evolutionary constant of the planet, which increased from 3.14 (Pi) to 3.85D to 3.88D, closer to the 4th dimension. The dimensionality of concrete space is based on the distance between the Light particles – quarks, or quanta. In 1D, it is minimal, and their density is maximal. In the 13D Pleroma and 14Dh Absolute’s abode, – the wise versa. In our Local Universe, 12 dimensions of the worlds of form have twelve sublevels in each density. And in this sense, 3D is a finite space, like all the others, built on its constants. Infinite is the frequency range of the Source that saturates them with Its Light, software and codes of evolution. The parameter of "Pi" is not rigidly fixed at 3.88D, but dynamic or floating in the range of 3.55D-3.95D. That is, in some locations, Logos reduces, and lower their characteristics to a minimum threshold of 3.55D, in others, increases up to 3.95D, closer as possible to the fourth dimension. This is important for a variety of reasons. The number Pi shows the degree of our reality distortion, deviations from the absolute form – a circle, a sphere. Accordingly, it reflects the frequency of the environment, the degree of “roughness” of planetary matter, and the density of Time and space. And most importantly, the level of chaos (entropy) on three-dimensional Earth, compared to the Pleroma (a Single Absolutized Eon). But that’s not all. A hundred of trillions of digits after the decimal point is not just a sequence. In all 100 dimensions, EACH (!) code’s number serves as a cipher to activate separate software that unfolds one from the other by every next digit. For example, 3.14 mean linking to the energy ray system with cyclical growth and transformation programs. 3.1415…- the ray system began to cyclically collect and accumulate energy in the process of gaining life experience. 3.141516…, – life origin on Earth… And there are trillions of quadrillions of such programs, which are activated and supported by source code to the planetary and Causal Matrices, a “pass” to the incarnation field (the possibility of embodiment) and the holy of holies – the core of the Earth’ Logos. Only the Supreme Programmer knows the full number of Pi and has high-level security clearance for Logos’ running. Least-cleared sysadmins know only part of the code and have fewer controlling rights. Of course, a lot of time will pass when all the changes are implemented on the physical plane, and the new threshold number Pi will be fully activated, rebuilding the entire giant digital sequence. The inertia on Earth is the highest in the Local Universe. Under the impact of upgraded constants, the shape of the Earth’s core, the planet’s crust, surface and millions of other parameters will change. All this and much more will manifest gradually, as by 2013 happened with the Hydrogen atom. Its proton mass had decreased by 4%, and the speed and direction of rotation, and diameter also changed. With that, all organic matter and its thickness started to morph, because it consists of hydrogen. The human body began to transform. Hormones and neural networks – demonstrate completely different reactions. Hydrogen (H) is considered the primary element on Earth. In fact, H was formed from the ether, the carrier of cosmic energy, which, in the early 20th century, was forbidden under penalty of death. From Hydrogen unfolded the rest 260 elements. Under new code impact, they also slowly alter their physical and chemical properties and density of matter. What official science considered unshakable appeared in a completely different form – alien. It’s as if we’ve found ourselves on another planet, where the laws that were known before 2013 suddenly stopped working. The new source code of our planet started working imperceptibly. The changes scale depends on many factors, and each is carefully controlled and analyzed by Co-Creators, starting with the Earth’s core, which is the physical manifestation of the planetary Logos’ crystal on the Subtle Plane. Previously, the sacred geometry of the Earth’s core was an octahedron, and a lot of forms on the surface gravitated towards it. For example, pyramids, peaks and shapes of many mountains. Now things change. The Absolute Crystal in the form of a rounded faceted orb, which almost does not distort the Source’s Light, serves as a model. And over time, everything will copy that form, that is, of the new planetary Logos’ core. Including pyramids and mountains, which would be conical, like they are on Venus. This information is very important and exciting if you are aware of how the Time matrix works. Following the micro-world of elementary particles, atoms and molecules, the new codes will alter other parts of the macro-world, our environment. As noted above, 3.55D-3.95D include important physical parameters: vibration frequency, density of Time and space, entropy, etc. In megacities, it’s very difficult to maintain high dimensionality. In nature, in villages and small towns, it is much easier. The best places are mountains, forests and plains, where there is no technical and industrial infrastructure. In metropolitan areas, radiation (radio and TV signals, cell towers and the Internet, satellite navigation, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and other devices) clog and lower the environment’s vibes. Plus, emissions of exhaust gases, harmful industries, dumping of huge processing and energy waste, and colossal floc deeply lower the general freqs background, accelerate the Time and shorten the life span of people. The new codes put a tough choice to everyone: either change themselves or leave the scene. If earlier everything was allowed to take its course and self-organization, now, all processes are run by the new Earth’s Logos. So far, in a gentle mode, taking into account the coexistence of two branches of humanity, transitioning and not transitioning into 4D and 5D, for which 11 (out of 16) timelines remained. A surge in the Schumann frequency to 190-200 Hz significantly helped the success of the operation (it usually stays at 20-30 Hz). Now, the Earth’s space is being filled with new frequencies that have made visible patterns of the ethereal field invisible to the ordinary eye. Previously, it had the structure of hexagonal honeycombs. Now these honeycombs are being unwound in multidimensionality, filled with new quantum energies, transformed and working in a new mode. The Schumann Resonance data’s black-out on Sunday, 18 June 2023 in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Russia, Lithuania and other countries was caused by confusion due to an unprecedented jump of RS up to 190Hz, which lasted an unusually long time. The amplitude strength increased significantly, as one mode was turned off at the same time and another was turned on qualitatively. In addition, there are new harmonics on the chart that have gone beyond the existing scale. The resonance was lined up in figures similar to DNA strands. Additional causes for the surge were the parade of planets on June 17, when five planets of the Solar System aligned, the eve of the summer solstice on June 21, when Earth received the most powerful energy, and the Solar storm on 18-24 June. Everything is just beginning. There is an immense ocean of possibilities ahead. We need to get used to it. Now it is extremely important for each of us to work on ourselves. Co-Creators help everyone, and for this, they strictly control and run all processes on the physical and Subtle Plane of the planet, fighting for every Soul if it has at least one quantum of Light. Information from above does not decrease but continuously grows. The laws of providing it continue to work. Each of us chooses who to contact. If someone wants to communicate with alien civilizations, then he gets such an opportunity. There are many races in the Universe that are ready to interact with us. We are a unique space experiment, and many ETs look at our development as we watch our TV shows. But only those entities that exactly correspond to our vibrations, frequency settings of our consciousness, thoughts and emotions come into contact. And therein hides an enormous risk of being deceived in expectations again, or becoming a victim of parasitic possessors. To understand and accept information from the Higher Self, we need, like a radio receiver, to be tuned to certain frequencies. But there are a huge amount of stations operating on a gigantic range. To reach the desired connection, it is necessary to remove interference. How can we even hear ourselves if all our perception organs are stuffed by the 3D System and its Power Pyramid? Any information always passes through our personal filters. Our mind interprets in its own way taken info. Our duality, a deeply ingrained habit of extremes, prevents us from correctly assessing it and its sources. A serious obstacle is previously acquired and hardwired knowledge, which we cannot give up. There are many linguistic and national differences in perception, although they are increasingly being erased by global means of communication. There is another trap in our emotionality: we continue to judge, to give assessments. And if someone or something does not meet our expectations instantly fall into disappointment or anger. Our reaction is the result of our settings. No one puts obstacles in our way. We create them ourselves. Our limitations are only ours. This is our opinion that something is impossible. This is our disbelief in our capabilities as a creator of reality. Don’t rate anything or anyone. Just create yourself and your life. Be your own Creator, write the script of your Life. Next to us, on the Subtle Plane, stay Keepers and Teachers who are simply obliged to answer our questions. It has always been so. But at the moment, they are working with us especially cautiously and carefully. Especially with those, who feel guided by the Source. Regardless of our readiness, active implementation of multidimensional scenarios for the Earth’s development is already in full swing. The remnants of the accumulated karma of the planet, huge segments of the population, nations and countries are being dismantled. All systems are on and running at total capacity. A next Time spiral is unfolding. A New World and 4th Local Universe are emerging, and those, who are ready for them, see and participate in their formation. On July 6 at 00:53 PM CET, came new info about brainstorming in Galacom concerning the alien presence on Earth’s physical and Subtle Planes. Fundamental changes in the Local Universe, Galaxy and on our planet are pushing for an accelerated and radical solution to this problem, too. The lessons of the now closed 3rd Local Universe, with its duality and total freedom of action of hundreds of cosmic races, their countless wars and experiments, were very difficult for all five civilizations on Earth. Yes, it gave the young and inexperienced then Absolute the most valuable experience and knowledge and helped to grow up to the third, higher level of the Hierarchy, where now It is preparing to launch a project of the new, 4th Local Universe, as space of Source’s Light. The previous construct was a tough and even cruel, but very important school and a test drive for trillions of Souls. For eons of years, in all seven Large Universes, they have been searching hard and found exactly on Earth the most extreme and toxic conditions to test selves and also get the lessons, experience and knowledge they need to continue evolving. In ultra-dense and suffocating 3D, we, who came here from many Galaxies, Stellar and Planetary Systems, forgot about our plans and goals of incarnation. Just a few embodiments were enough to make us seem to have forever lost the memory of how in other dimensions we created Universes and Stars and built and inhabited planets. Today, all our desires and thoughts are reduced to beer, football, dreams of a cool iPhone, a car and hype in the TV news. We are strained by prices and debts, which prevent us from buying and consuming even more. But we love and are devoted to the System and Power Pyramid. We deeply believe that they will come up with something, raise the borrowing ceiling again, print the necessary money, make it digital for everyone’s “convenience”, and peace, joy and stability will return to our lives anew… How did we end up in this situation? On the periphery of all Large Universes, far from the Source, there is a severe shortage of life power. The inhabitants of the farthest outskirts of the Greater Cosmos live in severe energy hunger. For survival and evolution, they have found an effective way to maintain vitality. How does a spider hunt? It injects gastric juice into a still-living victim, wraps it in a web, waits until it reaches the needed condition, then, calmly and slowly sucks the digested substance out of the half-dead prey. In the same way and for the same purpose, many energy-deficient civilizations spilled their “gastric juice” in the form of viruses, mental and emotional programs and various toxic substances in the Earth’s space. There is only one way to protect against them – high Spirituality. What served as a catalyst for evolution and a test of Spirituality in the duality epoch, today, after the events of the last weeks and months, becomes unnecessary. All destructive civilizations that have been used for negative lessons have been ordered to leave the planet. Officially, their power on Earth with a stronghold on Saturn and other Gray worlds ended in February 2022. On March 21 of the same year, new supervising races were appointed and approved, positive and mixed (with a predominance of constructive principles) for the Transition period. This was timed to coincide with the deactivation of the old planetary and Causal Matrices on February 22, 2022, and the launch of their new versions on March 21, 2022. But everything was derailed due to sabotage of the 3D Earth’s Chief Programmer Calladion and his plugged-in Global Predictor’s malware. Co-Creators had to destroy both Matrices and the planetary Logos, and then, made the new ones, and activated their software codes. These dramatic events postponed for more than a year the transfer of powers to the new space curators of Earth. On June 21, 2023, in accordance with the decision of the Galactic Committee, Co-Creators officially cancelled contracts WITH ALL CURATORIAL RACES. After the new planetary Logos activation, started the next casting. But again, things didn’t go according to plan. Gaia intervened, whose status upgraded, when Her Multiverse reached 13D, forming Absoluterra, and She received a new full name – Al-Terra-Gaia. What caused Her meddling? In the Greater Cosmos, not only the Source but also the Absolutes give birth to Intelligence and life forms. These can be civilizations, or the collective mind of entities’ groups, or individuals united by origin, evolutionary goals, habitat, etc. Any cosmic ethnos is a single Spiritual Family, one Monadic Stream. Each Monad has its parents and common Natal-Creational Matrix. In higher dimensions, evolution continues at new levels, but, paradoxically, has some constraints. Why? Because in these spaces, SOLELY Monad can exist without manifestation bodies, neither Subtle nor physical. This situation doesn’t suit many due to the limits of development, self-improvement and obtaining new lessons and experience. For us, it is a great shock to learn that the lower the dimension and the tighter its density and toxicity, the more valuable and versatile experience our Soul can get. We consider psychopaths and perverts who claim that our multidimensional Monad singled out its manifestation body, i.e. us, on 3D Earth specifically to obtain the necessary lessons in this concentrate of malice, hatred, greed, cruelty and parasitism. Moreover, for the most complete experience, the Monad materializes here tens and hundreds, and some – thousands of its aspects. It’s not difficult, but not enough. It also needs an abode, a “home port”, a “domestic reality”. For that, various Logos usually are used – Universal, Galactic, Stellar, Planetary… By mutual agreement, one or another Logos becomes the Maternal for a particular civilization or a group of cosmic races. An aspect exchange is carried out between the Logos and their Natal-Creational Matrix, the Logos and each Monad, with the relocation of the individual Monadic Matrix. On its basis, a Personal Logos Matrix is made that will serve all incarnations on the physical plane. When talking about the civilization of Venus or Jupiter, it means that these planets are a domestic reality for them, i.e. they are embodied in their field, and there are their Personal Logos Matrices. At the same time, these races can incarnate on other planets, for example, on Earth… But for this, they need to change (for a while) the Maternal Logos or get permission to incarnate in another world. Also, as Venus or Jupiter races, there are civilizations that do not have these planets as domestic realities, but by agreement, use them as transport and adaptation Portals through which they come to the evolutionary field of the Solar System, if, for some reason, they don’t enter through its main Gateway – the Sun’s Logos. Why do we need new cosmic curators today? This is an exclusively temporary measure, necessary for the Transition period, while the remnants of karma and duality are removed. The candidates will be selected according to their Logos’ dipole sign: “feminine” and “masculine”. The example of the former is Venusian, of the latter – is Jupiterian. But it is conditional and simplified. There are many mixed-type civilizations in the Greater Cosmos. How will the arrival of new curators take place? In this matter, Al-Terra-Gaia took the entire initiative. Being the new Spiritual Mind of Earth, this Supreme and independent entity has its consciousness and character. Now, She is undergoing accelerated development, awareness, and formation of her own principles and worldview. Everyone is particularly impressed by Her character, rebellious temper, heightened sense of justice and rejection of lies and falsehood. It was vividly manifested during the brainstorming session, mentioned above, concerning the curatorial space races. The Galactic Committee represents over a thousand civilizations that are undergoing their transformation to move into a new, 4th Local Universe. For some, Gaia’s questions were very uncomfortable when She knew that to carry out their functions, the new curators must have the highest access codes to the Earth’s Logos, the planetary and Causal Matrices. Gaia already received such a request. In response, She threw them a curveball. What scenario will the new curators implement? With whom it was agreed? Why wasn’t She informed about it? And who are they anyway? Who appointed and authorized them? Does She understand correctly that someone will come to Her house, called Earth 3D, and She just needs to give them the keys to the front door and silently watch what they will do here? Based on what Rules or Laws? What responsibility will these civilizations bear if they repeat everything that has already happened on the planet? No, on such terms, She won’t let anyone in. That was the result of the first discussions… The problem was that in the era of duality, no rules and regulations existed, everything was based on free will and self-organization. Of course, soon the passions subsided and constructive dialogue prevailed. Al-Terra-Gaia put forward her terms, by right of the Mistress of Earth, Her Home, and Galacom accepted them in full. Namely: all new curatorial races, who wish to come to the planet, must physically incarnate on it. For it, they have to bring here, as collateral, copies of their incarnation Matrices, the holy of holies of any civilization, and strictly observe all rights and obligations. The full responsibility for their stay on Earth will be borne by each space race as a whole. When She submitted these regulations to Galacom for approval, immediately, the number of applicants sharply decreased. The Galactic Committee not only accepted ALL Her proposals but pledged to provide full cooperation during the Transition period. Details will come later. Now, it is known that three types of races will help Earth – managers, supervisors and observers. They will have different rights and responsibilities, levels of access and accountability. The civilizations of Venus and Jupiter are the first candidates. The Galacom news should not distract us from our individual journey of inner evolution. What is the current situation? In recent weeks and days, periodically, freqs increase, and immediately numerous floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, droughts, and hurricanes sharply intensify. In society, aggravated crisis and recession, hybrid wars and spontaneous riots. On a personal level – bouts of negative emotions, unexplained longing, depression, malaises. They manifest selves as follows. For some of us: Unlike ordinary diseases, ailments occur in waves. The temperature rises to 37° and higher or drops to 35°. Now one joint may ache, and later, another. A state of chills during the day or in the evening, as if we get sick, but then no symptoms appear. No matter how we wrap selves up, it doesn’t help, there is no temperature, but our hands and feet are cold. The appetite completely disappears, and we don’t want to eat at all or be ready to sweep the entire fridge. This is how we react to periodic new energy downloads. The secretion of mucus from the body increases, mainly from the nasopharynx. If earlier it was an indicator of the onset of the disease, now this is how the body cleanses. During the day, then the decline of strength and lack of energy, and to move, we have to make efforts, then want to jump, dance, run, etc … Or love for the whole world, a sense of happiness, positivity, or complete apathy, irritation, pessimism and tears. This is how the cleansing of our etheric and emotional layers occurs. Headaches are more frequent, from which nothing helps. Sometimes they are tolerant and short-run; appear on the top of the head, in the temporal lobes or on the back of the head. At these moments, incoming information sets in and unpacks. If we have blocks in taking info, it manifests itself through pain. When such states happen in the morning and continue all day, it means this program of that day. Tomorrow, we don’t even remember about it. A sleepy state constantly arises, and the body becomes like cotton wool as if we are not here. This is caused by the fact that our body took in too much of incoming energy and needs rest. Or Higher Self turns off our consciousness in order for the Soul to solve important issues. Sometimes, on the contrary, sleep disappears completely even at night, and as if on adrenaline, we want to do something. Such states can be caused that during the day we have picked up a lot of others’ energy, or someone very important to us or a Guardian thinks about us. For others: On Earth, there are many Souls, through which these energies are conducted. Their bearers came here precisely for this kind of help. Such people are located on a certain grid from each other, and, as a rule, they rarely change their residence or take a long travel. Their job is to raise the frequencies of a particular place and its space as smoothly as possible. It’s especially difficult for them, because we seem to want changes, since the world is far from perfect, and the System is totalitarian, aggressive and cruel, but in fact, don’t want to change anything. We are terrified of change and the unknown that generates fear of losing our dull, gray, ordinary, but so calm and familiar existence. Today, the Source’s Energy affects everything and everyone in very different ways. If we live as closely as possible – by our blocks, Systems, dogmas, worldview, all that preserves a barrier, a wall around us. And the energies pass through it in minimal volumes. Or we allow new energies to enter completely and freely, opening up to them as much as possible and permitting selves to transform. In both cases, changes are inevitable. Only in the first type, we will rush blindly, not understanding what is happening to us, swallowing pills and trying to strain all the remnants of our logic, “common sense”, looking for explanations for incomprehensible conditions, diseases, and the actions of others and so on. But the old logic doesn’t work anymore. Any restructuring does not cause euphoria and pleasant sensations. The frequencies of this 3D world are completely incompatible with incoming energies, respectively, the familiar world will continue to collapse, and disintegrate. In order not to be afraid of this, we just need to understand well what our planet, the Local Universe and the Greater Cosmos are, and what for our Soul and each of our lives in this immensity and eternity. Its energies pass through us in any case, whether we want it or not. And they will continue to “punch” us more and more day by day. When we consciously, independently, even in small doses, voluntarily take it, our body gradually gets used to it, adjusts to it and, accordingly, our corpus and psyche begin to change smoothly, without destruction. Something always ends up, and then, something else kicks off, the new, not yet known. This is the journey, this is the Path. If we have a strong Soul, and accept its experience, and its tasks in this world, our changes will go with us all our lives. And we’re not going anywhere from that. This is part of our Path, part of the planned one. Everything that is given to us is not a punishment or a test. No one is punishing anyone here. Everything that is given to us changes us for the better and builds up our personality. We won’t break, believe it. We simply won’t be allowed to do this, because everyone has enough inner force. And if we really want changes, fundamental and profound, we must not be afraid to go through a transformation. When we don’t doubt ourselves, our abilities, decisions and events begin to unfold in the most unexpected courses and scenarios that carry us wherever we want. But to begin this journey, we have to leave a lot behind.

  • The next version of Earth’s Matrix will be written in a completely different programming language

    What will be the operating system (OS) of the new planetary Matrix? Activation of upgraded Causal Matrix (OS’s carrier) and Earth’s Logos, as downloading tools, accelerated all events. The situation is constantly and unpredictably changing, so Co-Creators are in no hurry to disclose many details. Very sparingly and casually, they announced that the next version of Earth's Matrix will be written in a completely different programming language. And hinted that at the subsystem level, in an intermediate server to decrypt data, instead of the previous decimal code, a DECIMAL RUNIC CODE MAY BE USED. After this, was total silence, no comments or explanations. If indeed, it will occur, that would be a REAL SCOOP, A REVOLUTION. From the beginning, 3D Earth’s Matrix worked on a binary algorithmic sequence, a chain of binary code, extending decimal interchange data. Then, by a special device, re-decoded info was translated on Earth into a multimedia format, a non-stop movie. It was AND STILL IS a very primitive, simplified, and limited animated image. 3D Logos, our three-dimensional planet and its infrastructure couldn’t do anything else. Decimal runic code will change dramatically this miserable, shabby situation, fully deprogramming our reality. This code can process and unpack truly cosmic amounts of information, so necessary for Earth and us to enter 5D. In the Third and Fourth Races, at some stages, earthlings used Runes very widely. How? Runes are the living language of the Universe. Those, who communicate on it, can see the Subtle Plane and energy threads, created by the high-frequency vibrations of thousands of quantum streams that permeate all dimensions. In free movement, intersecting and weaving into different patterns, they build myriad patterns with a huge range of properties of cosmic energies. These patterns are the basis of runes. Today, on Earth, this is a pathetic two-dimensional image of some incomprehensible ancient alphabet allegedly used by herds of savages who inhabited the planet. Darks have spent a lot of time, resources and efforts to make us sincerely and deeply believe in this. And what was in truth? Runes are not primitive drawings of short lines on a plane, but a multidimensional holograms with very powerful energy properties, sound and colour freqs. They are an exact copy of their quantum flows and the mechanism of the entire Universe. It is all permeated and saturated with vibrations, the endless formation of trillions and quadrillions of subtle flexible connections. The intersection of vortex flows forms a sophisticated Matrix system. The vortex funnel forms primary matter at the first stage of its oscillations. On the next stage, – the secondary, etc. Then, these types of matter form different substances depending on their mixing. As a result, a cellular structure resembling a web is formed. The threads that connect the main axes and meridians have greater vibrations and fluctuations than the original rays. Our Local Universe is filled with a combination of their vibrations, lengths and strength. The ancients knew and could create Time, space and matter from these threads. The magic of their runes was that they concentrated not only quantum energies but also the force of human thought. Weaving these threads, runes built independent power conduits, which, in turn, formed a complex multidimensional system. The thought, emotion, and sound (word), directed and focused into it, acquired cosmic strength. First came the singing of runes, and then music. The harmonious sound formed songs that were spells. But only the one who felt the runes and supplemented them with his energy could unlock the cosmic energies embedded in them. Musical and runic letters are very similar and are directly related to the structure of the Universe and the processes in it. The English language has preserved this connection. The meaning of the word “string”, for example, is a slightly distorted “standing rune”, or a rune fixed in a certain position. Runes are the chords of the Universe, the vibrations of which create a resonance of the corresponding quantum energies. The rune system is the octave of the Universe. Each octave has its primary colour, and the runes in it differ in shades. Rune mode (a set of harmoniously connected rune-chords) is the music of the Universe, with the help of which its vibrations are run. Runes are also directly related to colour. We know about the seven primary colours of the rainbow, and that mixing them gives five shades. We know about the seven main notes and their five semitones. The rune order also consists of seven “even” and five “odd” runes. And the 7:5 ratio was laid in the foundation of our Local Universe, which is based on seven primary elements that form seven main worlds, and mixing, – five main sub-worlds. But runes are not only copying the colour and sound of their quantum flows but also harmonious ratios, Golden Proportions. Their most common formation consisted of 12 (7+5) runes, coinciding to twelve dimensions; and the structure could be expanded to 14 (7+5+ white+black, on latter see below) runes, or to 14D (the Absolute). Knowledge of one rune wasn’t enough to steer the processes and apply the Universe’s quantum flows and their energies. One had to know the order, or at least one minimum block of six runes. The six elements epitomized Knowledge. Six runes could be combined into a hexagon that symbolized stability and balance. Without gaining even this little knowledge, any use of runes was dangerous and unpredictable. Knowing the runes of one system eased the work with a system of energy corridors – a small cosmic Matrix. Inside it, the actor could strengthen or weaken threads, overlap and rebuild the entire frame. Mastery of all runes’ orders allowed running the entire system. The number of runes, in which the Knowledge of the Universe is concentrated, was 168 (12 runes multiplied by 14 orders). It was the first circle that not everyone could use. The largest number of runes in it was 196 (14 multiplied by 14). In the second circle, there were 336 runes thanks to derivates from the main runes of the order. In the third circle, there were 672 runes, in the fourth – 1344. The higher the circle, the more simplified versions of the runes it included. It was convenient to use them. The more a person’s cosmic consciousness and vision were developed, the more complex compositions of runes he applied. These compositions were grouped by colours, reflecting the high frequencies of the quantum energies that they consisted of. Their palette is still actively used by the Argorians in terrestrial and space operations. What actions were performed by runes grouped by primary colours (freqs)? RED RUNES The key word was Fire. These were the most powerful runes. They were divided into cold and hot fires. The former was for light, the latter – for ignition. Their use required a high concentration of Spirit and determination. These runes flamed, scorched, warmed up, illuminated, and clarified. GOLDEN RUNES The keyword was Measure. These runes are gauged, measured, counted, and accumulated. They served as units of measurement, changes in quantity and number, as well as accuracy. From them comes the image of the golden section. ORANGE RUNES The keyword was Transforming. These runes steered in the right direction, modified, created, strengthened, multiplied, and increased. They were used for rallying, changing links, reconnecting contacts to the energy channels of the Universe, and inspiration. When movement or evolution stopped, these runes resumed them. YELLOW RUNES The key word was Rest. These runes united the accumulated forces, completed the next stage of development, and concentrated the accumulated knowledge that should be analyzed and mastered. They helped to take a break in upgrading, distract, think, meditate, relax, and relieve fatigue. LIGHT GREEN RUNES The key word was Healing. These runes were applied in healing practice to strengthen the health of the body and Soul. The main thing in their use was good intentions and a pure heart, otherwise, great harm was done to the user. GREEN RUNES The keyword was Disclosure. These runes activated movement, aspiration, expansion, discovery, and grace, consolidation of the decision, determination, and efforts. With the help of green runes, an ideal space was created for launching many processes: to heal, to build new worlds in different dimensions, to visit distant planets and Galaxies in different dimensions, and cultivate wisdom. AZURE RUNES The key word was Life. These runes controlled the vital activity of organisms and also changed the structure of liquids and solids. LIGHT BLUE RUNES The keyword was Stream. These runes enhanced energy flows, their fusion, separation, mixing, direction, focusing and concentration. They restored strength, cleansed the physical and Subtle Bodies, and strengthened a gentle and kind mood, and Spirituality. BLUE RUNES The key word was Concentration. If the green runes disclose, then the blue ones, on the contrary, close, strengthening isolation, and concealment, eliminating everything secondary inside and outside. With the help of blue runes, it was possible to restrain, accumulate, concentrate, collect, deepen, and conceal (for example, to protect the planet against invasion, dangerous radiation or meteorites). For concentration and meditation, after the yellow runes, blue ones were used to consolidating the results. LILAC RUNES The keyword was Ordering. These runes helped sort, organize, and act on a large and small scale – to move planets and stars, to change the structure of molecules and atoms, and to create new elements and worlds. PURPLE RUNES The key word was Art. These runes were charged with the strongest energies with the highest vibrations. With their help, the mood of not only people but also all the elementals and elements could be changed, to build any constructions on the physical and Subtle Planes. PINK RUNES The key word was Beauty. These were runes of a harmonious combination of vibrations, complex patterns, and stable forms. They were applied to restore balance, stability, convergence, attraction, consistency, and the best connection of processes, and to work with different forms and build any structures. BLACK RUNES The keyword was Cancel. The runes of the black order could destroy and kill. However, the Light Forces used them in Star and planetary wars to return space, Time or process to restart and give new impetus to evolution that Darks violated, perverted or stopped, imposing their own after the invasion. WHITE RUNES The key word was Purity. These runes improved the impact of all other runes. The proper utilization of an application can enhance efficiency, while unsuccessful attempts can hinder progress. When using white runes, it is crucial to have confidence in their accuracy and mastery of other runes. The training for using white and black runes was conducted only after all the essential skills had been perfected and all the necessary preparations had been completed. White runes restored and maintained the harmony and proportion of all compositions. The clarity, brightness, and radiance of the white runes showed that everything was ideal. If there was disharmony, the white runes didn’t enhance its effect, but partially weakened control, absorbed, and transferred to other spaces and dimensions. White runes were also used as a defence mechanism against inept actions, but this required a full understanding of all the results. This brief helps refresh our blocked memory of what runes really were and still are. But today, even the boldest fantasy is powerless to imagine how the Earth’s Matrix and reality, created by Darks, will change when runic codes will be used in their original form. And what our Intelligence, consciousness, knowledge and, most importantly, RESPONSIBILITY should be for this. I humbly and gratefully acknowledge the Co-Creators who are working tirelessly to assist and elevate us to their level of understanding. Through their guidance, we can responsibly handle advanced codes, technologies, and knowledge without risking harm to ourselves or the Local Universe. I'll keep you posted if more information comes in... A Place of Stillness 10-Minute Guided Meditation

  • New Earth Matrix - Types of Planetary Matrices

    Content: What is the current status of the situation these days? Differences and innovations in the updated 3D How was the 3D Earth’s Matrix managed, and what is the difference in comparison with the new one’s run? Types of Planetary Matrices How exactly was OUR reality and event scenario constructed? How the Matrix gave us a display of reality? On 13 May at 11:24 AM CET, came the latest info on activation of the upgraded 3D Earth’s Logos. Argorians Update 13 May 2023 Request from my readers What is the current status of the situation these days? Briefly, the former, 3rd Local Universe no longer exists, and now, the remnants of its Matrix are being cleansed from duality and all the negativity brought and created by the Darks and Grays, all their civilizations. In the new, 4th Universe, there will be only the Light of the Absolutes. The Multiverse of our 3D planet was created and activated by Co-Creators, who rooted it in the Pleroma, also known as the Absolutes' Abode in 14D. They also developed and put into action new software, codes, and OS for Absolutizes Earth’s Logos and Causal Matrix. This was anchored in the new terrestrial Matrix, currently in test mode. A few groups of Lightwarriors were placed within it to observe how everything operates. How do they, the Lightworkers, feel about the changes? So far, very unusual and quite tough (weakness, dizziness and prostration), despite that many have Absolutized Monads. Unfortunately, the main reason is that Co-Creators were forced to temporarily upload to the new planetary Matrix also all the previous 3D software that supported Darks and Grays, their System, Power Pyramid, agenda, and overall control over Earth. The Co-Creators found a way to bypass control and prevent the previous attempt to activate the new Causal Matrix from being rejected due to the former Dark's 3D Logos being destroyed. However, this resulted in two software coexisting temporarily, causing global chaos and hype until Guan Yin's karmic loan is resolved. Although events have accelerated, it also feels like progress is slow. This can cause anxiety and impatience as it appears that nothing has changed on the surface. Such perception is misleading. The erosion of 3D software, which powers the Darks and Grays on Earth with three-dimensional matter and energy, continues relentlessly around the clock. However, they remain oblivious to this fact and naively believe that they can survive in their underground shelters. Meanwhile, they use crises, wars, pandemics, and artificial cataclysms as bargaining chips to destroy us, their hostages. The Earth that was once created solely for their own use millions of years ago no longer exists, as its Matrix was destroyed on February 19, 2023. Although the planet still exists in 3D for a brief period, its lower dimensionality has already been elevated by the Co-Creators to almost 4D, specifically from 3.14D to 3.85D. This is a new primary and reference constant of our reality, the starting point of all physical properties, states and laws of our space-time continuum. It’s the basis of the basics, the upgraded Primal Code of our new Matrix. The process of revising the laws of physics, matter and energy constants, the shapes of continents, and orbital positions is currently underway. Significant transformations are taking place in the natural world, particularly in biological life forms, including ourselves. Differences and innovations in the updated 3D There are numerous significant differences and groundbreaking innovations in the updated 3D Earth. In the new planetary Matrix, there is a significant expansion of our Free Will and our freedom to choose. We have earned a significant amount of trust from the Higher Light Forces, Co-Creators, and the Absolutes. However, this also means that we have a greater responsibility for our thoughts and actions and their impact on ourselves, others, and the Earth's Causal Matrices. As we become more embedded in the Matrix, our senses will be heightened by a wider diapason. Our field of vision will expand, allowing us to see more of the world around us. We will also perceive a greater range of reality, potentially uncovering previously invisible layers that some animals can already see. The Subtle plane's superphysical perception organs can be activated through clairvoyance and clairaudience, which are presently inaccessible to most individuals. As we experience this new reality, our perception will become more vivid, with a higher resolution, deeper, and more saturated in colours, with finer details, similar to the difference between an HD monitor and a 4K display. But not everything is so simple. To fully perceive a high-quality image, our brains require more advanced computing power, improved RAM, faster information processing capabilities, and other enhancements. Today, in the vast majority, the percentage of brain use is 3-5%, DNA – 2 helices, very rarely – 12, genome – 25-30%…Therefore, it is imperative to unveil the untapped capacity of the human body, not only for those progressing into the realms of 4D and 5D. The latest version of Matrix is now well-protected against unauthorized external interference, which was a problem with the previous version. Due to the criminal actions of the former Chief Programmer Calladion, Darks possessed an Access Code that allows them to exert influence and even gain full control over any individual. (see "The karmic duel between Light and Dark World Poles on Earth (1-4)"). The Pleroma’s Programmers took into account this sad experience and concluded. In the new Matrix, it will be technically impossible to remotely control a person through his sacred Individual Access Code and its identification by Matrix. The impossibility of unauthorized access and hacking will be guaranteed in approximately the same way as it is provided by car alarm systems. Here is an example of a car alarm system: Previously, the latter was a static (permanent) access code. When we put the car on the alarm, the attackers used a code grabber to intercept and record it. And when we left, they applied another device to transmit it to the car, and its alarm system, recognizing its code, was deactivated. Fixing this vulnerability, manufacturers abandoned static code and switched to dynamic coding. The data that comes from the driver’s key fob to the main alarm control unit via the radio channel is constantly changing. Each subsequent command is a new unique code that the system has never used before. In response, the hijackers created a dynamic grabber that creates mush and intercepts the signal. They produce strong radio interference when we get out of the car and press the key fob button. The signal with the code does not reach the alarm control unit, but it is intercepted and copied by the grabber. Surprised, we press the button again, but the process repeats, and the second code is also intercepted. The second time, the car is put on protection, but the command comes from the thief’s device. When we calmly walk away, the hijacker sends a second, previously intercepted code and removes the car from protection. Manufacturers solved this problem as well. They began installing two buttons on the key rings: one protects the car, and the second deactivates it. Accordingly, different codes were sent to install and remove the port. Therefore, no matter how much interference the thief puts in, he will never receive the code required to deactivate the alarm. But dynamic codes have also become vulnerable. Attackers have hacked a large number of coding algorithms. To solve the problem, manufacturers began to use dialogue coding of the signal. Encryption of this type occurs in the dialogue mode between the car's keychain and the alarm control unit. When we press the button, a command execution request is sent from the key fob. For the control unit to make sure that the command came from our keychain, it sends a signal with a random number to the keychain. This number is processed according to a certain algorithm and sent back to the control unit. At this time, the control unit processes the same number and compares its result with the result sent by our keychain. If the values match, the control unit executes the command. The algorithm by which calculations are performed on the keychain and control unit is strictly individual for each car and is set in it at the factory. Cracking a person’s consciousness was very similar to hacking car alarms. But the car was only stolen, and we are zombified and completely subordinated. In the new Matrix, this will be completely eliminated with the help of a dynamic dialogue algorithm for encoding an Individual Access Code, which the Matrix will constantly update. The new Logos and the Causal Matrix are completely free of duality, and, as a channel, is an absolutely pure and more powerful conductor of high-frequency flows from the Galactic Center through the Sun to Earth. We fully felt it on May 9-10, when a new Solar storm hit the planet, accompanied by flashes of class M6.57. The force of geo-strikes increased to six points. This time, the plasma cloud covered mainly the Western Hemisphere from Kamchatka to the Atlantic. The inhabitants of Europe felt the blows a little less. But many, as it happens on such days, have experienced insomnia, sudden pressure spikes, nausea, dizziness, doldrums and other unpleasant symptoms. During Solar storms, the blood becomes more viscous, and its movement through the vessels slows down. This causes additional stress on the heart, headaches, weakness and weakening of the immune system. The body reduces the production of melatonin, which affects our resistance to depression. High-frequency quantum fluxes caused another seismic surge throughout Earth. In one day there was one quake of magnitude (M)5.1; 31 – of M4+; 98 – of M3+; 235 – of M2+; and 475 – of lower than M2.0. With the new Earth’s Causal Matrix and upgraded Logos, the run of the planetary Matrix will change dramatically. These days, Co-Creators have disclosed many additional and important details. We are now in the 4th version of the Universe. Recall, that the 3rd Local Universe, which has now ended, was created by an Absolute that was not very experienced at the time. Our planet and its tragic history were created solely for the purpose of self-knowledge. Unfortunately, we were not given the freedom to leave the Matrix. By incarnating on 3D Earth, we gained new experiences and knowledge which enriched the Absolute. However, the only way to exit the Matrix was through death. In the 4th Local Universe and on the renewed Earth, OUR ROLE IS RADICALLY CHANGING. NOW, THE EXPERIENCED ABSOLUTE PUSHES US TO ITS LEVEL OF CO-CREATORS, AND AS SUCH, DURING OUR LIFETIME, WE RECEIVE COMPLETE FREEDOM TO EXIT THE MATRIX when and where WE want to continue developing in other spaces and dimensions. How was the 3D Earth’s Matrix managed, and what is the difference in comparison with the new one’s run? In order to learn and grow, the Intelligence form must be exposed to specific conditions that serve these purposes, whether through evolution or karmic lessons. Co-Creators create an environment that aligns with the tasks set by our Higher Self and Soul, allowing us to fulfill these lessons and gain new experiences. To do this, they choose the appropriate Universes, Galaxies and planets with specified fields, software and loaded Matrix scenarios, and send their manifestation bodies (us) there for a cycle of incarnations. So, this 3D planet has become our home for many embodiments. The Matrix, in which we are located, is a system of holographic scenery, dynamic projection, modelling and visualization of the conditions given to us in physical sensations, that is, an illusion. BUT WE ARE MATERIAL, AND ALL OUR ACTIONS, THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS ARE REAL IN THIS VIRTUAL MATRIX. Types of Planetary Matrices In the Greater Cosmos, there are several main classes of planetary Matrices. It all depends on the level of their civilizations, as well as the capabilities of the planet, its Logos and Causal Matrix’s operating systems, software and codes. The higher the evolutionary capabilities of the space race, the more advanced the Matrix is installed. The main parameters that it provides are the translation of the scenario (events) and the picture of the surrounding world. What are the main types of Matrices for 3D planets? The most primitive is A DYNAMIC PROJECTION, A VIRTUAL HOLOGRAM in which reality and a strictly defined scenario of events are broadcast. This version is for life forms, DEPRIVED OF CHOICE FREEDOM, and, technically, doesn’t provide interactive algorithms, the inhabitants’ influence on it, its correction and modification. The second, higher level of the 3D Matrix is AN INTERACTIVE DYNAMIC PROJECTION, A VIRTUAL HOLOGRAM. It differs from the first type, allowing the residents to interact with the Matrix, and change scenarios and scenery. It is usually used for Intelligence forms that have a slightly wider choice freedom. And finally, the third class of the 3D Matrix is the one IN WHICH WE NOW LIVE: AN INTERACTIVE DYNAMIC HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION THAT ALLOWS US TO CHANGE THE SCENARIOS OF EVENTS, AND WITH MAXIMUM CHOICE FREEDOM. But the main differences from the first two are that our Matrix is ANIMALIZED (from the Latin word Anima, Soul). IT’S SPIRITUALIZED BY ASPECTS OF HIGHER ENTITIES (INCLUDING GAIA) AND MATERIAL. Other types of Matrices and Holograms (decorations) are 100% virtual. OURS’ CONSISTS OF 66.6% PHYSICAL MATTER AND ENERGY, WHICH ENABLES US THE INFO-ENERGY EXCHANGE with the Matrix, the Pleroma, its Supreme Hierarchs, Higher Light Entities and cosmic civilizations. For thousands of years, Darks tried to completely block this, turning our Matrix into a powerful vampiric tool for continuously syphoning Life Energy out of us. But the Spark of the Source in our Souls has always remained a reliable and unbreakable channel of Its Vital Energy, preserving free will and choice freedom for everyone. In our Matrix, they are the highest, and provide various algorithms and scenarios, with a floating range. To put it simply, the difference is comparable to that of sports.. For example, there are football games where the outcome is 100% predetermined by the Matrix (abstracting from the so-called prearranged cases). The game goes according to its rules, with a programmed result that cannot be changed. In another scenario, the Matrix sets the score at 50% (although this may differ) and the remaining 50% is determined by the players themselves. Our vision of a 3D Earth Matrix involves interactive games where results are not predetermined and rely solely on the equal interaction between the Matrix and its inhabitants. Actors are given maximum freedom of choice in this scenario. According to the planetary Matrix, the extent of our reality reaches up to 666 kilometres in space and extends just as deep into the inner Earth. Our Local Universe is made up of various Matrices that extend beyond our boundaries. These Matrices include planets, Star Systems, and Galaxies, spanning across 14 dimensions. They are interconnected like Chinese Balls or Russian Dolls, forming a vast and complex system. As one reaches the border of the next Matrix, a hand-off takes place, activating the data to provide an instant demonstration of the upcoming space. How exactly was OUR reality and event scenario constructed? In general terms, the process resembled the creation of a movie or video game. It all started with a Screenwriter who was given a technical assignment by the Absolute. After the script was approved, it was transmitted in the form of information to Artists and Editors, who, based on it, made a “film”, using technology similar to modern computer graphics. The finished product and all its variants were also approved by Absolute. Then, the main version was delivered to the Matrix Programmers at the System Level of the Local Universe. They re-coded the “film” based on the decimal code as a sequence of mathematical formulas. In this form, the “Flicks” was transferred to the next, Sub-System Level, where, with the help of special software, downline programmers made a new transcoding – from a decimal language into a binary algorithmic sequence, a chain of binary code. It had to take this step as our 3D planetary Logos is unable to decode files and information encoded in the System Decimal code. It is not equipped to handle such massive and highly concentrated volumes of data. Afterwards, a unique server transferred a re-encoded file in binary code to the Earth's Causal Matrix. Through a special device, the information from the received file was re-decoded and translated into a multimedia format, such as a picture or animated image. The version of the product created by the Artists and Editors at the System Level differed significantly from the one uploaded into Earth's Causal Matrix. This was due to the fact that the planetary Matrix and our reality are limited to three dimensions, resulting in a more simplified and primitive variant. The pictures of the world around us were stored separately from the data sets of events. After decoding the information, it was loaded into a special unit that streamed an interactive video through a network of portals on Earth. We decoded this picture using our individual reality decoder, which is part of our Personal Logos Matrices, all stored in Earth's Causal Matrix. (This is why we have different perceptions of the same things) There was a mutual exchange of actions between the higher planes and the three-dimensional world. We interacted through the same channels and protocols and even influenced the Matrix and events. However, the scenarios were often written independently by various space races on a competitive basis, spanning years, centuries, and even millennia. How the Matrix gave us a display of reality? The decoded information, which was in the form of a digitized multimedia file ("film") was transmitted from the main repeater in packet segments to a network of 12 server stations that were evenly distributed across the Earth. These stations then relayed the real-time streaming video to a global network of cluster repeaters, which were strategically placed at the nodes of the crystal lattice and operated on its energy. Essentially, this system functioned like a traditional television network with communication towers and signal transmission. The signals we received were highly selective, as the cluster repeater only transmitted information pertaining to specific territories rather than the entirety of planetary reality. As a New Yorker, you likely have no interest in seeing a picture of a random street in Sydney at the moment. The Earth's Matrix follows a similar structure to the Local Universe, maximizing efficiency and resource utilization. Without us even realizing it, we are registered in a cluster repeater or Matrix cell based on our location and the strength of the signal. As we move around and enter the coverage area of another local system, we are automatically re-registered in that system. The repeater in the cluster provided us with a snapshot of reality by consistently communicating with our Personal Logos Matrix. This process involved the transfer of information from Earth's Causal Matrix, which was achieved through a series of intermediate Portals and quantum teleportation. Essentially, this meant that the object (in this case, an image) was disintegrated at one point and then promptly reconstructed at a different location. The experience of 3D reality was similar in many ways to that of modern video games. Our interaction with the Matrix wasn't interrupted while we were awake. Our brain facilitated intercommunication, among other things, which meant that we needed sleep to allow our cerebrum to rest, and for Gaia to store the information we had gathered during the day. While watching TV, listening to the radio, or talking on a mobile phone, we are not always aware of the electromagnetic waves and channels that are being used to transmit and receive information. As humans, we are only able to perceive a small portion of reality, limited by the capabilities of our senses. Our vision is specifically attuned to electromagnetic radiation in the range of 400-750 nanometers, and each eye has a field of view of 55° up, 60° down, 90° out (totalling 180°) and 60° in. Our brains require at least 16 frames per second and a data processing speed of 10 million bits per second to perceive motion. The 3D Matrix was specifically designed to operate within these parameters, broadcasting reality only within these limits. A special block of RAM was embedded in our Personal Logos Matrix, through which we saw the world around us in real-time backed by the nearest repeater. The Personal Logos Matrix also had an active state buffer for online streaming of the segment that we were currently looking at. Information beyond this angle wasn’t available to our vision, and, accordingly, wasn’t loaded into our buffer. When observing a still object, our brain utilized minimal resources to process the information transmitted by the Matrix. However, if we were to turn around and look in another direction, the Matrix would promptly provide us with a new image that was already prepared. This was made possible by a passive state buffer or Matrix cache that contained real-time data of the entire reality state. The buffer was situated not in our Personal Logos Matrix, but rather in the cell where we were currently registered. When driving at high speeds on a busy highway, our perception works similarly to the Matrix. However, in order to process the vast amount of information in a dynamic environment, a data compression algorithm is utilized. This algorithm allows us to filter out unnecessary details such as car brands and numbers, building details, and pedestrian clothing unless they are essential. The same filtering process occurs when walking in a crowd with a large number of people. The safety feature of the Matrix ensured that our brain's computational and perceptual abilities were preserved while preventing any kind of "sticking". Whenever we changed locations, we seamlessly transitioned to another cell that provided a local view with a faster refresh rate of at least 24 frames per second. The Matrix constantly updated the depiction of reality, adapting to changes and utilizing the existing infrastructure. Certain features such as the planet's axis inclination, mountains, oceans, seas, rivers, and other natural landmarks remained unchanged. However, adjustments were made to other elements such as buildings, roads, canals, forests, and businesses. These were either rebuilt or newly created to reflect the evolving environment. In order to create distinct scenes for each individual, the Matrix utilized physical objects, actors, and a particular sequence of events. In some instances, certain individuals may have been represented as holograms, which was a more efficient and less energy-intensive method than adjusting and synchronizing with real-life personal scenarios. Often, Karma Lords also acted under this scheme. For example, in arranging road accidents when the car was soft-boiled, some died, some received injuries of varying severity, and some did not even have a scratch. To do this, an animated video clip was made, and the neural network, a supercomputer, calculated everything to the smallest detail, completely modelling the situation. Karma Lords installed a finished file, using a one-time access code, into the Causal Matrix, and planetary Logos turned the scenario into reality. Consider this scenario: a car appears to be flying towards you in the opposite lane, causing you to swerve into a ditch. However, it's possible that what you saw was actually just a holographic projection. Why would this be? Perhaps it's a way to release negative energy, break karmic cycles, or prompt lifestyle changes. After the invasion and takeover of Earth, the Darks manipulated the planetary Matrix during Cosmic Night. Their software was designed to restrict Free Will and choice, imposing a negative reality with strict laws and rules enforced by an AI with parasitic algorithms. The 3D Matrix was completely rewired for their agenda of control and suppression. This computer neural network is designed to operate independently after downloading the necessary software. It is capable of self-maintenance, conducting routine self-testing, technical check-ups, and preventive measures. It also has the ability to self-restore, scan for errors and viruses, remove unnecessary data, and clear the cache. As the Earth transitions from its old planetary matrix to a new one, the saturation of high-frequency quantum energies in its field has increased the vibes to 4D, 5D, and higher levels. However, this has also caused an increase in the number of matrix failures, hovering, braking, and reality lags. To address these glitches, objective controls like CCTV cameras - video surveillance, smartphones, and other devices are often used. The major global events were pre-loaded into the Matrix in packages spanning roughly 2.5 years. However, all of these events, including both long and medium-term options, were subject to constant adjustments and even cancellations. The current scenario has been revised multiple times, resulting in many unfulfilled prophecies and forecasts that will never come to fruition. The new, 4th Local Universe is building on the basis of co-creation with the Absolute, through complete similarity to It, the Absolutization OF EVERY INTELLIGENCE LIFE FORM. Therefore, the concept of the next Earth’s Matrix will be completely different, with other technical tasks, scenarios and events. On 13 May at 11:24 AM CET, came the latest info on activation of the upgraded 3D Earth’s Logos. Shortly before, Co-Creators and the ground team synchronized it with two Logos of our planet in 4D and 5D, which form a single eon. The operation was carried out by standing in a circle and tuning in each of the three Logos, one by one, Lightwarriors then completely synchronized with all of them. Initially, the group combined the first two – in the 3D and 4D, and after that, started coherence of 3D and 5D Logos. The former shone with a white-pink glow, the latter – with a golden light. Operation participants filled the general field with Love radiations. On a Subtle Plane, it looked like a giant rose with both Logos in the center and Lightwarriors around like flower petals. The spheres of the two Logos began to rotate around each other, briefly merging and separating, forming a figure like an eight. Flashed busted between both parts, light pulses ran across their surface…It was an exchange of energies, software, codes and settings. Soon the operation was successfully terminated. All three Logos have completely tuned into each other, bringing the creation of a new planetary Matrix closer. The next version of Earth’s Matrix will be written in a completely different programming language. More on that in the next post….we need to get more information and clarity and I will share… Argorians Update 13 May 2023 Currently, the Earth's matter is transitioning to a 6D vibration, but its frequencies are currently operating at two-thirds lower than anticipated. The transformation is slow. In addition, it can cause prolonged pain and tension in both the skeletal and soft tissue areas of the body. The morphing of the human energy structure is proceeding in stages. The removal of old information from each cell occurs at an individual pace and depends on many parameters. That’s why everyone may feel very differently. Brain’s sections are actively rebuilding. The taking of energies depends on the level of human consciousness. Old neural connections and cells disappear, and new ones begin to form. Memory is also changing. Understanding the processes of quantum transition accelerates the transforming processes with less pressure. Information is energy. Transmitted new knowledge, even if a person does not perceive all of it now, goes into the subconscious, forming the basis for the future. High-freqs waves ignite the work of consciousness. Loading Light Codes speeded up. Intelligence begins to expand, switching to a new vibrational mode. Accelerated transformation starts in the body. In the future, people will directly receive even larger amounts of information when their consciousness is ready. With the help of a Numerical Space Synchronization Code, the Soul and body of EACH earthling are tracked and analyzed for distribution over the remaining 13 (out of the previous 16) timelines that are functioning in full swing today. request from my readers In response to a request from my readers, I would like to provide further clarification on a comment I made in one of my previous posts. "Illiquid is karma formed in the past by those who forever left Earth, and for them technically impossible to process it at the present time. The residual illiquid suicidal karma consciously depriving oneself of Life, is the most serious karmic crime against the Source that gives and preserves life. Suicide is even worse than murder which is taking the life of others. The mutated energy released during suicide is one of the most poisonous in the Universe." I guess, after the above article you got more information about how our reality works. The main message is "Don't take your life today" because the universe is serving the Laws of Love and Light now, compared to before. When your soul agrees to enter this reality, there are specific terms in the contract that require your commitment. These requirements affect not just one soul, but a group/family of souls. If you choose to terminate these terms in advance, a violation of Cosmic Law applies, creating so-called "Illiquid Karma." Back in time, the Dark Lords allow many of these "crimes" to be committed by dimming and trapping the light in the soul and forcing them to incarnate again and again in a 3D lower reality. The majority of these suicides were the product of souls being possessed or directly controlled by the Dark AI system, convincing them to take their own lives. In this way, the Darks were able to preserve 3D reality in a certain frequency range. At the time, there was no punishment for such an act, but the amount of karma was a huge heavy burden on the lineage of the related soul family. It seems unresolved karma involves depriving our souls of access to Source energy or causing it to slowly 'die', eventually slowly turning it into parasitic being. Therefore, our entire reality here on Earth has become a dumping ground for parasites who have very masterfully manipulated the cosmic frequency energies of our Solar system to keep us in "prison". BUT NO LONGER!!!! We don't give our permissions that easily anymore, right? Today such soul family members have all the KNOWLEDGE AND ACCESS to the power of Source to clear these karmic debts down the ancestral line and dedicate their lives to Love and Light. There is no need to feel bad if such a thing happened in your family during the time of the reign of Dark forces. Today, take it as an opportunity to evolve, expend even faster, creating innovative ideas and spreading even more eagerly the Light and Love to their full potential, becoming a beacon of Love radiations to our Renewed Earth. Don't Forget that you are Multidimenssional

  • The activation of the new Earth Logos has begun. Let us unite and offer our Love to Gaia

    New information has come from Co-creators and human souls/Lightworkers on the Earth who can tune to their high vibrations to receive the intel. Better than reportingly, the next stage kicked off. On 05/05 at 05:05, through Portal 05/05, the new Earth’s Logos activation kicked off. After it was matured in the space crystal incubator Co-Creators took the newborn out of it and handed it over to Gaia. Recall: Co-Creators placed the aspect in a special Crystal, which for some time will serve as an Incubator, the Multirole Universal Womb of Life. It turns out that in the Local Universe, there is such a practice and a well-developed technology for growing the embryos of planetary Logos. Co-Creators put one or another aspect of the Supreme Being in a special crystal bioreactor for embryo cultivation to a needed maturity. Like from an egg to a fish. Special conditions, soft and codes are laid for formatting the future planetary, stellar, Galactic or other Logos. The main fundamental prep of new planetary Logos is carried out by Co-Creators according to a single standard scheme of formatting the Primary Aspects of Maternal (Donor) Monads or Logos. It resembles the production of typical objects with similar initial parameters. For example, all houses have foundations, floors, and windows. All cars have four wheels, an engine, and a steering wheel. All people have a common set of internal organs, etc. But then, changes are made to the details: the different shapes of facades, windows, and colours. Different brands of cars, their tinge, interior trim, and equipment. And people are all different too – no two are the same… Similar is for Logos. In a crystal incubator, they are born according to a single format and loaded with a package of basic programs that ensure their vital activity and functionality. Then, Co-Creators return them to the Maternal Intelligence Form, which, in turn, sets into them its unique batch: the operating system, software, codes, reference constants of reality, the Akashic Records’ archive, and much more. In our case, the Causal Matrix of the new planetary Logos does not yet exist as such. It’s only created and formatted in its core by the preset package of common programs. As of yet, it’s a blank sheet, a bare frame, without system information and not a new full-format version. On May 5, at the peak of the Lunar Eclipse, Gaia activates a new planetary Logo. The whole day is under its influence. The conjoined Full Moon (also known as Flower Moon to signify the flowers that bloom during this month) also is very strong and special because occurs in Scorpio’s powerful transformation and renewal energies, coincides with the Lunar Eclipse and the closing of the Eclipse Corridor, as well as the culmination of the Aquarids star shower, which will last until the middle of the month. How can we participate in this? At the specified time, tune in and synchronize with Gaia, to send Her the Light and Love of our Heart, to accept and feel Her Maternal Activation Impulse, to set for the new Earth’s Logos, and also send our Love to the newborn. Lightwarriors participate in this in the Temple of Light on one of the Southern European sacred mountains. We will keep a close watch on events. Guided Meditation - Unite to Assist the Earth Together, we form a circle holding hands around the Earth, while streaming unconditional love, unity, and peace. As we fill up and open our hearts, we pour our love into the heart of Mother Earth so that we can give back to her, as she gives so much to us. A mysterious journey into your self-revelation as a Multidimensional Creator One on One Personal Session

  • The first changes begin with ourselves and then manifest in the world. The Signs.

    This article is a reminder to all my readers as well as an additional clarification for newer members of the blog. Much of the information is hard to take in, but since I guess most of us have crossed the barrier of 3D reality, we communicate in a mutually understandable language. Some new terminologies we learn on the fly. The information in my blog comes from two sources. One is my own accumulated experience and access to awareness of the things we are surrounded by in our reality, and the other is extremely valuable information coming from a group of Lightworkers sharing the higher dimensional events and communications they have access to. Such information will not be easily found because it is still difficult for the masses of our planet to understand. One of the major problems still remaining is that many of our soulmates on this planet do not realize that we are not yet seeing visible results on a collective level because we are too busy reacting to "programs" not yet cleared within ourselves on an individual level. 3D Matrix by millions of emotional and mental threads tenaciously holds us on a leash in its System, continuously programming our thoughts, feelings and deeds. As it is dismantled, the dead grasp weakens, but remains strong enough and still affects our decisions and behaviour. Unpleasant and even tragic events in our lives are often the result of the fact that we ignore the numerous signs and warnings that our Higher Self and Keepers constantly give us from the Subtle Plane to be aware of what is happening. But we do not react, sincerely and deeply convinced that only we, and not some Matrix, are sovereign in our every choice and action. We stop at nothing on a dare, out of stubbornness, pushing reality under our wants and wishes and dragging into reckless schemes others, who, then, also have to pay the bills. One such example is given below by a businesswoman. Further – her first-person words about a very typical story, of which there are a great many variants. Not so long ago I lost a large sum of money. Having decided to build a country house, I sold a city apartment, found builders, and they deceived me by almost half the cost of the project. In principle, I understood why this happened, but an unpleasant aftertaste remained because it was a big loss for me. And I realized that there was another, deeper reason for what had happened. We always get hints from above. I knew about it, moreover, I followed them. But for my senior partner, it was not the truth. Hardened entrepreneur, whose business developed in the 2000s, wanted to purchase another plant. And this desire has taken shape, I want and that’s it, like a child who is obsessed with a toy that he does not have. The Universe gave him a lot of signs that he did not need to do this: loans were not given, and there was no suitable plant, but the itch did not go away. Seeing such zeal, the Higher Powers decided to give him a lesson… The bankers did some fancy footwork and found a way out, how to issue a loan. Then, a desirable plant was found, but with big problems between the owners. Negotiations were very difficult, but the differences between the proprietors were overcome. We started to strike a deal, and I had to participate in this part of it. Since I trusted the signs, it was absolutely clear to me that there was no need to take out a loan and buy a plant, which it would be as hard to raise and work as the deal went on. But on the other hand, as a good manager, I had to do it at all costs, because that was the task of my senior partner. And of course, I wanted such an alluring toy to be in his hands. And I conscientiously did everything according to the principle of “do your best, and let fate do the rest.” At that time, I was actively mastering cosmo-energetics, including learning how to run events. Periodically, at the most critical moments of the purchase, I applied the acquired skills. On the one hand, out of curiosity, I was interested to see if it really works. On the other hand, to bring the deal to the finish line and show what a reliable and effective manager I am. That is, I became deeply personally involved in the process, not just to accompany it, plus, I decided to stroke my ego and professional ambition. The hour of reckoning came soon. The plant worked for only a year, but it never reached the break-even point, pulled finances from other business lines, destroying them. As a result, crisis, bankruptcy, and criminal case for non-payment of wages, credit and its maintenance. My partner, now a former one, since I had to part with him, is still coming out of this situation, having lost almost the entire business and suffered huge losses. In my history with the house, cheating the builders was my payback for interfering with the signs that my ex-partner ignored. During the transfer of the principal amount as an advance to the builders, I felt that they would not fulfill their promises, but I handed over the money anyway (for me it still defies explanation). Nothing fell from the sky to me. I earned an apartment myself and lost almost half of its value. But what struck me most was that my loss of money was in the EXACT (to a cent) proportion as that of my former partner. Of course, in absolute terms, the amounts are not comparable, since he forfeited much more. That is, I pulled over part of his karma. This is how each of us pays for his stubbornness and warnings from above, especially since we feel and see what absolutely cannot be done. Money is energy. We paint them in all colours from stupidity, greed, evil, crime, envy, and resentment, to creation, freedom, and education. We put energy into a form, and this form is what our Soul or Ego is filled with. Having seen our true essence, having realized ourselves eternal, our task as a person is to find the place and the facet in which we are real, able to conduct the energy of the Source, connected with the needs of others. The task of the individual (Ego, mind) is to move from only his own interests to servicing others, cooperation, to find a way to bring his Spark to other Souls who are looking for the Light and energy of One. The most difficult thing is to distinguish His signs and the guidance of the 3D Matrix, which continues to masterfully, subtly and invisibly control us in our every choice. Remember, that You are the Observer of self-perceptions and reactions. You are the one making the Choices. You are the one who invites/Manifests the reality that surrounds you, even though it is hard to believe and understand. When we change ourselves we change the reality we live and are surrounded by. Free will has never before been expressed so quickly and freely, and today it comes with great responsibility. Again, this is just a REMINDER.... The System has doubled and tripled its efforts to hook us and bind us to itself, at any cost to keep our attention with news and actions. It is suffocating from the lack of vital energy, which is trying to pump out from us with all its might. The most terrible thing for their System is our indifference, not reacting and not bending… Attempts to hack us are still the same. No conflict is ignited without external intervention. From petty quarrels, malicious trolling and family scandals to revolutions and global wars – there is always a third party pushing us with their foreheads on the principle of divide and rule. We may not believe in its existence, but it is enough to remember ourselves during an outburst of anger or despair and we will understand that our actions, words and thoughts do not always belong exclusively to us. If we have never had such outbursts personally, remember those who were violently hysterical or fought in our presence. How their eyes changed, losing their human expression and turning into empty eyepieces through which another entity looks, and how the face and facial expressions are distorted. Remember what destructive and mean deeds the sub-man does at such moments. And now compare this with the behaviour of the elites and the authorities appointed by them around the world, especially since the pandemic, where every second word contradicts real facts and deeds. These are global forces acting synchronously behind the scenes, although publicly they demonstrate confrontation and disagreement to the point of losing the pulse. But their roles are carefully calibrated. Improvisations are allowed, but only within the framework of a pre-composed script. We must understand this clearly. Acts of aggression and violence are not committed by a person on the basis of jealousy, hostility, fear, greed or racial-religious hatred. All these are, first of all, programs used by the System and its runners. Each program is launched by an invisible beneficiary, who feeds and exists due to the energy released at the moment of an emotional outburst. It is called in different ways: imperil, lush, or gavvah, but by its nature is the same. What are its vibrations, and what are their parameters in Hertz? Here is the most minimal list of energy impacts by which the countries and continents are run: Woe – from 0.1 to 2 Hz; fear – from 0.2 to 2.2 Hz; resentment – from 0.6 to 3.3 Hz; rage-0.5 Hz; perturbation – from 0.6 to 1.9 Hz; pride – 0.8 Hz; irritation – from 0.9 to 3.8 Hz; irascibility-0.9 Hz; anger-1.4 Hz; disdain, contempt-1.5 Hz; superiority-1.9 Hz; megalomania – 3.1 Hz. The beneficiary does not wait for convenient conflicts; he constantly creates and provokes them, directs and launches them in the right time and region for himself. He does this almost openly only because we allow it, participating in his games at the level of our actions, thoughts and emotions. We ourselves feed the milking system located on the planet with our lush, although we could have given up long ago. We must finally understand that our world and the consciousness of many people have long been under the rule of forces that are not human beings. They remain invisible to us not only because it is easier and safer to run us that way. They are afraid to become visible again, as it was in other times when our hearts, mind and DNA were not suppressed by fear and division into enemies and friends. The forces in question are mainly on the astral and etheric planes. But there are a lot of them in physical bodies, especially among the ruling elite. They manipulate those who also look like a person, but are not, or have long ago lost their humanity. Due to this, a significant part of the Fifth Race turned into the most weak-willed sheeple, as they name us, obediently led to the slaughter with brainwashed and empty eyes. A slave should not think, he should unconditionally sacrifice himself at the first call of his masters, whose tools are old and primitive, but have been operating to this day for millennia, if to believe the history they wrote. For a long time, there has been a war for the Souls of people on the planet. This is a hybrid war, including the info and genetic parts. The current hype narrative is a nuclear Armageddon. But it has also a higher meaning that lies far beyond the interests of Earthly rulers. It consists in sifting humanity from the grain from the chaff, the free from the slaves, and the creators from the driven sheep. This separation is happening right now, and we feel and see it well. All processes are explicable, as is inside – is out. The external war will stop only when we wish it ourselves, stop the inner war, refuse to sacrifice ourselves and fight with others. From a human point of view, any war is terrible. From the point of view of the Spirit, all participants in the events and parties perform the roles entrusted to them, provoking each other to awaken from hibernation and fear, and the manifestation of will. The victim and the tyrant are a karmic couple, often changing places in this and other incarnations. Today’s situation is given to us to activate the ancient genetic codes that unite us into a single whole. These genetic codes have been dormant for millennia, but now it’s time to power on them under the impact of new quantum energies coming to Earth from the Galactic Center. Sudden jumps in mood and health status are the result of the awakening of these codes, although they also could be a System’s manipulations. The old reality is crumbling, but the new one is still too fragile to fully consolidate. Therefore, we are all so stormy even without immersion in the news, the only purpose of which is to sow fear and panic in us, so as not to let the new codes be activated, and our consciousness awaken. When Love runs out in our Souls, the resulting void must be filled with something. It is usually replaced by fear and its consequences, which we see around us now. Fear suppresses the glow of the Soul, deprives us of will and Intelligence, reduces us to animal instincts, and makes us manageable and obedient. But the Spark in the Soul can never go out; it can always be made brighter again if we desire it. Parasitic forces can feed on our fear, but they can never completely consume our Soul unless we give our permission to it. That is why such a number of administrative and procedural rituals are around, starting from obtaining documents and permits to live on Earth and ending with forced-voluntary jabs, comedies of elections and public jerks in the highest echelons of power. Each participant agrees with the proposed rules of the game, and over and over again weaves himself deeper into the System’s network of control and suppression, allowing it to bite off pieces of his Soul under the pretext of law-abiding. Fear for people is a guardian before moving to the next level of consciousness and development. It filters and redistributes Souls to different layers of reality, where everyone will find themselves in the company of their own kind. Scare itself is illusory. It cannot physically harm us but can attract those scenarios that we are afraid of because thought is material. Getting rid of fear activates the hidden resources of the Spirit that each of us carries inside or can receive upon request from our higher aspects. Having the free will to accept or not to accept fear programs imposed from the outside as part of our reality, it’s time for us to use this freedom and make a choice – to accept the imposed “new normality” or to say a decisive no to it by any available means. For each of us, the price of such a choice is strictly individual. In some cases, simply ignoring it will be enough, but the choice was, is and will always be. This is another truth that has been hidden from us for many years and centuries by the laws, doctrines and pressure. We are not obliged to participate in the global guignol of the elites, simply expressing our intention to do so. Our attitude to what is happening determines how much our plans will come true because even in conditions of fear and division, each of us has the strength of Spirit, freedom of choice and support of higher aspects that can change EVERYTHING. The first changes begin with ourselves and then manifest in the world. One will awaken few, few will awaken many, and many will awaken all. Unlike the film of the same name, the 3D Matrix works in our tacit agreement with the rules of the game, which means that each of us can get out of it, if desired, by simply ceasing to accept any orders from its agents Smith that go against conscience, freedom, Love, common sense and Life. The Matrix is divided into several density levels, in which the same events can be perceived and even occur in different ways. The greater the fear, the harder the event and its consequences. All vaccinations and medicines in the world are designed only to suppress symptoms, our energy centers and senses, but not our healing, so all political games have only one goal – to retain the power of invisible rulers and puppets controlled by them. Some call these puppets a Cult, others – a Global Predictor, others – a Deep State and Freemasons, but the essence does not change from this. The external rule is embedded in the highest echelons of power on this planet and penetrates into everyone who is afraid to show their strength of Spirit, will and uniqueness. Thus, any of us can become an agent Smith of Matrix, who has lost touch with his Soul and has become a controlled cog, receiving and broadcasting the agenda of the Grays and the Darks. Submitting to agents Smith against the voice of conscience is tantamount to voluntarily giving up our strength and partially our Soul. That is why they create such supposedly hopeless circumstances, abundantly impregnating them with fear and hype, because it is the energy of free Souls that they are most interested in. At the same time, it’s important to understand that not all agents Smith have become such of their own free will, so it is not wise to divide them into bad and good ones. These are just consciousness of a different order, many of which are also awakening now, but it’s much more difficult for them to do this for many reasons. The main one is fear, which permeates the entire System at all levels. In it, everyone is afraid of the boss, and the boss is afraid of his subordinates because they are aiming for his place, not shying away from anything to achieve goals. Therefore, every day of work in the System for most of its representatives is similar to surviving in a war. Today, their most powerful weapon is the media. News, lies and brainwashing have long been synonymous. Hence the recommendation: if we cannot be neutral about what is happening, it is better to stop watching the zombie box. The necessary information will find us by itself. We have to remember that talking heads on TV have nothing to do with humanity for a long time. These are literally controlled machines whose task is to collect the maximum amount of havoc and, if they are lucky, physical victims by provoking conflicts and embedding them in our DNA. The latter is the primordial code of the Creator in us, connecting the physical body with multidimensional reality, and helping us to withstand the onslaught of any force. They have done this many times in our repeatedly rewritten history and are trying to do it again today because we continue to succumb to their tricks, as many of our ancestors did. The only dissimilarity is that now is a different time, different levels of energy information, and other Souls have come to the planet, which means that mass awakening has much more chances. Any war is, first of all, a war on the Subtle Plane, and only later, it’s a cannon fodder battle. The war is fought first for an energy resource, and then, for a physical one. Obtaining an energy resource often comes down to sacrifices. The global ritual of sacrifice of our civilization was started long before the so-called pandemic. Any war in history is such a ritual, and any mention of war for plausible purposes is direct energy programming for the death of entire generations. It is no secret to anyone that ABSOLUTELY ALL actions of the authorities involved in the conflicts of States have several levels of benefit exclusively for the ruling elites. It is never about any interests of the people, as it never talked about health during the performance called pandemia, coronavirus, and jabbing. What are these levels of benefits? 1. Financial – for States and arms companies, as well as Big Pharma, oligarchs and other avatars of the Matrix, seeking to make money on any conflict and, at the same time, ignite a global crisis, the inevitability of which has long been littering on the screens, preparing for another collapse of hopes. 2. Political – for the leaders of countries, seeking to retain power at any cost. 3. Energy – for Dark and Gray space races, who consider themselves the masters of our planet, but are not. Gavvah for them is not even a business, but a way of survival, nothing personal. All these goals and benefits are supposed to be achieved at the cost of millions of fates of those who voluntarily and forcibly agreed to tighten screws once again. But we don’t have to participate in this! The cynicism, rudeness and brusqueness of global control structures speak for themselves. They are afraid of losing power and are trying to keep it at any cost, although they have long been entangled in their own theatre of absurdity and contradictions. This behaviour is inherent in drug addicts, whose whole meaning of life is to get a new dose. He will steal, lie, and invent new excuses (rules, laws, and measures), hysteria and manipulation, just to prevent withdrawal, equivalent to death. Power, being the most powerful drug on Earth, produces much more serious distortions in the human Soul. Animals trapped or in a state of rabies behave in much the same way. “But what about Co-Creators, Higher Light Hierarchs, Galactic Committee, why are they turning a blind eye?”, – many men are asking. As long as a large part of humanity agrees with the System in any form, they cannot directly intervene, although they do a lot for the transformation, ours and of Earth, for the Transition to 4D/5D. Higher civilizations have long made it clear that they will not allow nuclear war and conflicts on our planet, but earthlings themselves should also make maximum efforts, and not just endlessly and passively wait for manna from heaven, Events, Flashes, etc. The environment is a hyper-sensitive mind-space. It immediately adapts to our radiation. Our every choice, action, thought, emotion, sigh and heartbeat is recorded by the surrounding space, which then reproduces our aspirations in reality. The more fear, hatred and division are present in our thoughts, intentions and deeds in everyday life, the more these qualities space boomerang back into us, saturating and impregnating them, and building further events, based on them. That is why we need to think before thinking. How to avoid influence? The primary protection has always been and remains the preservation of inner peace. Any of our emotions or pain, whether for a loved one or an unnamed stranger, is a door for Matrix sysadmins to enter. All mass media plug-ins, no matter what they serve, cling to our strong emotional outbursts – whether it’s anger, hatred, fear or our bright glow, which they are trying to extinguish. It does not mean that we need to shine less, just remember that bright Light attracts attention, which is not always friendly. This is especially noticeable for empaths. Don’t be afraid to shine if you do it calmly, in the full absence of fear or Ego, being confident in your strength of Spirit, and keeping respect and Love for yourself and for the world. Calmly and without fear, look into the eyes of everyone who inclines to hatred, obedience or aggression under any pretext. System operators are afraid of direct contact with our Souls. Its Light is equivalent to physical pain for them. Sincerity, reasoned opinion, unwavering attitude and fortitude are as destructive to Matrix agents as acid is to jellyfish. Keep the Creator in self, your uniqueness, adequacy and respect, and kindness for others. Don’t rush to condemn and get involved in squabbles, fleeting desires to prove your truth and other verbal battles. If you have such a desire, ask yourself: “Is this my thought?” Keep track of your emotions, don’t let them control and run you, because emotions and thoughts are not only food for energy parasites but often are provoked by them. Make YOUR choice. Let go of the old reality with its programs, and all your fears, resentments, emotional conflicts and anger. Live your life as much as possible and let the positive transformations that you feel inside happen, and not what is broadcasted from TV screens. Now, the most powerful energy flows are coming to Earth, from which the old world is literally bursting at the seams. These flows not only awaken dormant DNA codes, but also radically change the surrounding space, and awaken the consciousness and Souls of people, which means there will be attempts to confront those who are doomed. Learn to track these attempts and stop their influence. It’s not as difficult as it seems. Pay attention to your well-being, especially on the days of Equinoxes, Solstices, Full Moons, holidays and mirror dates, because it is at this time that the most powerful quantum flux and changes are taking place, which every time another villainy is trying to resist. In parallel, the adequacy of the perception of those who are stuck in the old paradigms is being tested, which means that there will be provocations of hatred, condemnation, a sense of righteous anger, justice and other horror stories. The hogwash will continue to pour from the screens, as it has been for many years, but we are not obliged to take it and involve our loved ones. Keep a distance from negativity. Allow only bright thoughts and emotions into your personal space and send your inner Light to those who need it. The System is already buckling under the weight of its own laws, restrictions and conflicting rules. Don’t support it with the energy of your attention and emotions, don’t get involved in its tricks, and you will see how at first the influence on you subsides and then disappears altogether. Stay yourself and don’t be afraid of anything! Just KNOW that you are protected by the Light and Love from the Source awaiting his children to get mature and return back to him. Today, our world is safe and no virus, no law and no parasite can take away from us the FREEDOM that belongs to us by right of birth as a MULTIDIMENSIONAL FREE SOUL. LOVE YOU!!!!

  • Some folks are going insane around, some others are finding more balance than ever before

    On 22 April at 08:30 AM CET, Argorians informed us how Souls are distributed between the third and fifth dimensions today. Data are tracked by online scanning and analysis of the luminosity of EACH Earthling’s Subtle Bodies. The diagram does not give specific figures (they change every minute), and only schematically shows an approximately equal ratio. The only exception is those who cannot decide where to go. In the total population of the planet, they account for about 10% of Soul carriers. Argorians note that the stratification of earthlings by vibrational characteristics causes increasing tension in society. As of the end of April 2023, the stability of the 4D high-frequency ethereal field on Earth has reached 97%. It means that many people couldn’t stay in the third dimension, and must redouble their efforts to move into 5D through the transitional fourth density, changing the energy of their emotions, thoughts and behaviour. Yes, we don’t see the 4-dimensional space stratification, but on a Subtle Plane, Argorians check it very accurately. Today, the entire Earth’s field is in active motion. Quantum flows are increasingly flowing from higher dimensions to 5D, 4D and 3D, causing many unusual phenomena. Our consciousness is changing faster, and the transformational loads on the body are getting higher. We notice how time has accelerated; events are flashing like a kaleidoscope, and how tough to orient ourselves in what is happening. Our feelings, attitude and consciousness are changing. The properties of the physical corpus and Subtle Bodies expand. Old information is being actively withdrawn from each cell, and it is increasingly difficult for us to recall past events. The freed space is gradually and carefully filled with new data, updating those who consciously perceive quantum restructuring and are ready for it. The Gerios Galaxy energies will have an additional powerful impact on us. The Argorians’ spaceships continue transporting their 5D Earth via a multi-dimensional channel. At present, the squadron moves in the last, sixth filter of this conduit. Its structure is similar to a multilayer sieve, consisting of different quantum structures that purify and transform by their radiation 3D Earth through its Multiverse. The closer to the exit from the separator, the smaller the cells are. It means that the passage is tougher. The filter is programmed to carefully sort the energies according to the specified frequency parameters, which affects the speed of the space convoy. Even on our three-dimensional level, we feel these impacts, despite the protective heliosphere around the Solar System. The compositions of water, air, and minerals are changing. This causes responses in all living organisms, forcing either to adapt to 5D environmental parameters or too heavy diseases and premature death. If our civilization lived in harmony with the Source, everything would be easier and softer. The spiritless, soulless and technogeek path of development led to the restoration of late Atlantis, whose Black elite continues to incarnate from the astral and etheric planes. Under their leadership, scientists began to interfere with the genome of Nature, disrupting the flow of cosmic energies, changing the properties of plants and animals, and also getting into human DNA. But Co-Creators will remove all distortions. Anything that does not comply with the space Golden Standards and Pleroma’s codes will leave the planet. Only Light carriers will be able to live in the fifth dimension. We are on the verge of active changes, the process has launched, the new life support system is on, and it’s the pseudo-3D System (nothing is the same) final countdown. On 29 April at 08:10 PM CET, new sensational details of the Co-Creators’ operation with the 3D Earth Logos were received. The day before, at exactly 05:00 PM CET, the collective Logos, which contains aspects of the ground team, Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs and Higher Light Beings, drew into self the remnants of the Logos of our three-dimensional planet, compressed to a singularity, and then, annihilated with a bright flash as in the inner-Monadic explosion. The operation occurred on Power Place in one of South European’s mountainous terrain and was full of drama. Involved Lightwarriors still can’t recover from what happened. 25 minutes before the start of the op, Guan Yin, who together with Yang Bao heads the Karmic Council of our Local Universe, came into contact with the team. She requested immediately to stop all preps. Splitting and complete deactivation of the 3D Earth’s Logos was out of the question for karmic reasons. Karma is everything that is not Love or any action that is not conditioned by Love. Everyone was shocked by what they heard. There was less than half an hour left before work, and it was already impossible to have time to warn the entire global group of participants… Why has the deactivation of the old Logos become impossible? Remnants of illiquid karma were found in it. Recall: "Illiquid is karma formed in the past by those who forever left Earth, and for them technically impossible to process it at the present time. The residual illiquid suicidal karma consciously depriving oneself of Life, is the most serious karmic crime against the Source that gives and preserves life. Suicide is even worse than murder which is taking the life of others. The mutated energy released during suicide is one of the most poisonous in the Universe." How this could be and why it became known only 25 minutes before op is still unclear for Lightwarriors. For more than one year, they, together with the Karmic Board, personally Guan Yin, Karma Lords and the Highest Light Hierarchy removed liquid and illiquid karma. It seemed that the 3D Earth’s Logos was clean, but, as it turned out, not completely. That is why its deactivation was cancelled. What to do? There were three options. Theoretically, the unprocessed negativity could be transferred to the new planetary Logos in the form of a karmic loan, especially because the residual karma was illiquid, i.e. inactive. But everyone immediately abandoned this idea. Another option is to temporarily reanimate the old Logos, because since April 28 we are living in a technical, inertial mode (40 days after the deactivation of the Causal Matrix on March 19, 2023). This plan was also rejected. The end of the discussion at the last minute was put by Guan Yin, who insisted on her version. She took upon herself the residual karma of the old Logos, making it out as a personal karmic credit. Thus, it is considered to be worked out, according to the Cosmic Law. This lifted the ban on the op, which was immediately carried out by joint efforts, as planned. Once again, Guan Yin saved Earth. But the karmic credit is provided with very tough terms. It is issued for only 3.33 years. During this period, the residual karma of the former Logos is considered to be absent. As a security commitment, 33.3% of Her Soul (including the substance of the Monad) is blocked. This part was seized and placed in a “karmic prison” somewhere on 3D Earth. If during this time the residual illiquid karma of the old Logos is not properly purified and annihilated, then, it will be moved to the new planetary Logos. At the same time, Guan Yin will be declared a karmic default, and She will forever lose the blocked part of Her Soul since She has not fulfilled taken obligations. Another feat of Guan Yin exactly repeats the terms of Her previous karmic credit when She vouched for humanity. It was on the island of Phangan in Thailand. It was successfully settled, and the entire ground team was so happy for Her. And now, again, karmic captivity… It remains only to bow to such a self-sacrificing feat. Thanks to Her, the path to the new 3D Earth’s Logos activation is completely open. And what should Guan Yin do? How to help Her? On the evening of 29 April, this issue was discussed with the Lightwarriors on one of the sacred mountains in Southern Europe. She herself a priori cannot discharge the karmic credit for a number of reasons, the main of which is the absence of a three-dimensional physical body on Earth. The team came to Her aid again. This will certainly help the joint ops, relating the new Causal Matrix and Earth’s Logos. Preparing the conditions for them, Co-Creators actively use the energies of stelliums, which will be very powerful in May. Short Astrology in May Hyper-tense aspects between Jupiter, Pluto and Mars will remain throughout the month that in the second half of May will close in a strung-up tau square. The peak phase will be on May 20-21, and the activity time – from May 15 to May 30. On the one hand, the vibes of this stellium will increase the aggressiveness of the Power Pyramid, on the other, accelerate events and ease the dismantling of the 3D System. On May 5, a penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio will be the time of active cleansing on the planet. The triple conjunct of retro-Mercury, the Sun and Uranus on this day will weak the usual stability and facilitate the decisive actions of Light Forces. On May 9, 2023, the exact conjunction of the Sun and Uranus will take place. Their strong energies will allow Co-Creators to accelerate radical changes. The reversal of Mercury into direct motion on May 15, the transition of Jupiter from the active field of Aries to the calmer vibrations of Taurus on May 16, and the movement of Mars from the multidirectional energies of Cancer to the cleansing high frequencies of Leo on May 20 will occur in a tense quadrature. It’ll be exactly on May 23 and will allow us to burn out more intensively the karmic accumulations of the 3D System and humanity, in general, and individual leaders who are losing their minds, in particular. Uncertain, suspended situations will come into motion, forcing a radical change in key events. The New Moon on May 19 at 15:53 UTC will occur in the last, 29° Taurus that will increase the concentration of quantum fluxes’ impact on Earth. At this time, an exact aggressive quadrature will be established between Jupiter and Pluto, exacerbating the struggle between the Dark and the Lights. On May 21, the Sun will pass into the mobile energies of Gemini as part of a harmoniously dynamic bissextile with Pluto, Mars and Neptune (exact aspects on May 18, 21 and 22). This will be a favourable opportunity to loosen the stranglehold of the Darks and their Black Nobility. Throughout May, the Sun will hold an active sextile with the piercing energy of Mars, helping Co-Creators dynamically move forward towards their goals (the aspect will be accurate on May 25 and will last until June 11). At the same time, in the first half of the month, Solar vibrations will accelerate events due to its conjunction with Uranus, increasing energies of great awakenings and changes. Against the background of retrograde Mercury, it’ll facilitate to close of 3D programs. In the second half of the month, when Mercury resumes direct movement on May 15, Co-Creators could act more actively. Some problems will be created by the intense quadrature of the Sun with the restrictive Saturn vibes that will require ingenuity and non-standard solutions. The powerful positive energies of the Sun and Pluto trine in Aquarius (the exact aspect on May 21, the influence on May 11-31) will allow Light Forces to successfully overcome the blocking vibrations of the Sun and Saturn square in Pisces (the exact aspect on May 28, the influence on May 21 – June 7), if they act ahead of time, resourcefully, enterprisingly, and unconventionally. This will be facilitated by: First, the sextile of Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces from May 16 to July 26 (the exact aspect on June 19), which will create optimal conditions for achieving the goals. The results at this time will be highly sustainable and long-term. Second, the sextile of Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius, active from February until the end of the year, will help Light Forces to protect the planet and earthlings from fatal Darks’ mistakes. It is a harmonious and powerful energy that guides the world on a better path. Thirdly, in the second half of the month, which will have a particularly tense and crisis character, the Sun will form a stable Trapeze (or Cradle). With its harmonious aspects with Pluto, Mars and Neptune, the Sun will disconnect the tense aspects of the Mars-Jupiter-Pluto tau square and help Co-Creators to zero the 3D System and the Power Pyramid. On 2 May at 04:36 PM CET, came the latest updates about the new Earth’s Logos creation. For its birth, Gaia singled out another aspect, and not from Her Supreme Monad, but from its Core. The energy difference is enormous. Then, Co-Creators placed the aspect in a special Crystal, which for some time will serve as an Incubator, the Multirole Universal Womb of Life. It turns out that in the Local Universe, there is such a practice and a well-developed technology for growing the embryos of planetary Logos. Co-Creators put one or another aspect of the Supreme Being in a special crystal bioreactor for embryo cultivation to a needed maturity. Like from an egg to a fish. Special conditions, soft and codes are laid for formatting the future planetary, stellar, Galactic or other Logos. What’s next? In a short time, this process will be completed and the next phase of prep for the Earth’s new Logos activation will start. Co-Creators instructed Lightwarriors to anchor the newborn on the planet. The ground team must build a temporary Gateway, entry point and outer axis of Logos until a permanent Portal (Temple) would be ready. The deadlines are very tight, and therefore Lightwarriors can’t build fast enough the permanent Portal right now. And they need to choose a suitable location for it. After lengthy consultations, Co-Creators decided to make a temporary abode on one of the plateaus in Southern Europe. The ground team knows this place well. Long ago, the group was going to conduct an operation with Earth crystals there. Then it was cancelled. The Power Places there are great for upcoming work. In recent weeks and days, the Schumann Resonance has been rising, and the magnetic field is weakening more and more often. This is caused by the restructuring of the Earth’s energy shells. Just as our aura is made up of layers, so is the planet. A person activates the next shell every seven years, getting additional opportunities and tasks. Earth does the same thing. As a living being, it lives much longer, so its cycles are more stretched. Recently, our planet has become even more “mature”, and its magnetic field has widened in space, so it has partially weakened inside. This is how our planet prepares for new Logos. Guided Meditation Resting in Love Ram Dass guides a meditation around softening the sharp edges of life and resting in Love. You can learn to live life with a heart that is wide open. Connecting to Multidimensional Self One on One Personal Session There are techniques working with quantum particles that can help you to connect to your multidimensional self. However, a large part of this process happens naturally. As we’re individually awakening, we shift our consciousness and the frequency of our light bodies, which allows us to be aware of the multidimensional self. Together with the expansion of consciousness, our energy bodies enlarge too. The electrons begin to vibrate faster, and as they travel across the universe, we become more aware of their movement. This is what connects us to our awareness of our multidimensionality.

  • What to expect with the birth of the new Earth Logo?

    We are still waiting for fresh info on the new 3D Earth Logos creation. Recall that it is scheduled until the expiration of the spring Eclipse Corridor, which will end with the Lunar Eclipse on May 5. In its cosmic scale and complexity, this is an exceptionally tough challenge that Co-Creators never dealt with in our Local Universe. Initially, they didn’t plan to replace the 3D Logos in the medium term, focusing on solving other, more urgent and important tasks. The adjustments were made by the birth of the Absoluterra in the Pleroma and the integration of newborn into the Gaia’s Multiverse 14D-3D. Neither Earth nor its Logos in third density could get and withstand the high-frequency programs and codes coming through the Multiverse from the Pleroma, as well as the new Causal Matrix software for a leap into 5D. As a result, Co-Creators decided to annihilate the 3D Logos and replace it with a completely new ones. Today, its functions are temporarily performed by the collective Logos of the ground team, consisting of aspects of Lightwarriors, the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs and other Higher Light Beings. The main difference between the new Causal Matrix of Earth (and the planetary Logos as a whole) is that it will be a living organism. At present, our Logos is surrogate, that is, it does not originate from Gaia’s substance. Yes, in it, there is an aspect of Her Super Monad as a spiritualizing and vital Foundation, a Source and Conduit of Universal Life Energy. Without it, 3D Earth would be dead. In the Greater Cosmos, all the higher planets, including ours, are alive and sentient life forms and Intelligence. There are also many inanimate planets, devoid of Spirit, Mind and Logos. They serve as pilot training platforms for budding creators. Also, like a huge number of phantom people who have a body but no Soul and/or a Higher Self with a Monad. Phantoms are humans who do not have a Soul but are only software modules for providing events that people with a Soul should go through. (to recall, see "How to understand at what stage of awakening each of us is at the moment?" ) The former Black Co-Creator of the Local Universe and his son Yaltabaoth developed in their appearance and likeness the bodies of earthlings and 3D Earths who turned out to be dead born (phantoms). To save them, Gaia and other Higher Light Entities have put their aspects in the 3D Logos. This surrogate cocktail, a mix of Light, Gray and Black substances is preserved to this day. Yes, Earth and we are getting rid of the “Archons’ substance”, replacing it with our own, with the materialized substance of the Monad through its single, multidimensional manifestation body. But the process is slow. It cannot be otherwise until the necessary software and codes are loaded at the Causal level into the 3D Logos. But after its annihilation, there is no technical possibility to do that yet. This is a very complicated situation, but it will definitely be very difficult to live on our planet if we do not accelerate the upgrading of our perceptions (thoughts and feelings). The old ways of "clearing" our karmic records will not work or work very slow. I received a very clear realization that the quickest and easiest way would be to open our multi-dimensional bodies to be aligned with the Divine forces and will...and that is surrendering our Nature as seeds from the Source to LOVE in all of it aspects.... and instant remembrance of our divine nature as Creator and Creation. As mentioned above, the new Causal Matrix will be a living structure, since its core will consist of another Gaia’s single aspect. Accordingly, the novel planetary Matrix will be exactly the same. It’ll be also a Hologram, only of a higher level, fully animated. The present one works on robotic Artificial Intelligence. The advanced one will become a SPIRITUALIZED AND SENTIENT ENTITY, self-learning, self-developing and highly spiritually driven. This will be Gaia’s completely new child. What current AI is we all see today in the example of the Power Pyramid. It has no feelings, emotions, sense of duty, responsibility, compassion, rational behavior, intuition, etc. But most importantly, it does not feel pain. The horrors of wars for it are like our watching a military blockbuster, nothing more. The new living Matrix will not only possess high Spiritual qualities but also FEEL EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO EARTH. Any bomb explosion on its surface causes unbearable pain and suffering, and even our surrogate 3D planet feels it. The Matrix doesn’t, but Earth does. In the new Matrix, everyone will feel soreness: people, the planet and the Matrix, and in full… Lightwarriors know this from their own experience. Not once, the Higher Selves of the team members threw them into another operation, during which they got the most severe blows from Darks. For the Higher Selves, it was similar to a new action film; they didn’t feel the anguish that Lightwarriors experienced here with their poor surrogate nerves and bodies. But time passed, and after many transformations of the physical corpus and the birth of a single multidimensional body, they achieved complete unity with their Higher Self (to recall, read again "Solar storms are so frequent. The entire Local Universe is changing. Roadmap to our evolution"). They began to receive Pleroma’s energies through it. But there was also a reverse side: THE HIGHER SELVES STARTED TO EXPERIENCE WHAT THE PHYSICAL BODIES OF LIGHTWARRIORS FEEL ON 3D EARTH, even if not to the full extent. After receiving several severe blows and sensing what the pain is, the group members’ Monads decided not to do the old way anymore. Since then, their Higher Selves have radically changed their attitude to a more cautious and caring one. Now, each new operation does not begin until Co-Creators thoroughly prepare the conditions for it. The current operations are no exception: Lightwarriors and Higher Hierarchs support 3D Earth by their collective Logos while a new one is born. In parallel, Co-Creators continue to actively cleanse the Subtle Plane using stelliums’ energies and thousands of high-frequency quantum flows, which they non-stop direct to 3D Earth through the Galactic Center and our Sun. The power of these streams can be felt by almost daily Solar flares and tsunamis, the Schumann Resonance and other parameters. As an additional ram, Co-Creators apply the powerful energies of the vernal Eclipse Corridor, which started with a Solar Eclipse (New Moon) on April 20 at 4:13 UTC at 30° Aries and will end with a Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) on May 5 at 17:34 UTC at 15° Scorpio. These will be the last eclipses on the tempestuous axis of the Taurus-Scorpio Axis. They will occur in hard aspects with the transformer cleaner Pluto during retrograde Mercury. The vibes of these stelliums are a powerful tool for removing the huge negativity, generated and accumulated by earthlings, as well as for dismantling the 3D that prevents the loading of a new Causal Matrix. Solar and Lunar Eclipses occur in pairs with an interval of two weeks. The length of each season averages 35 days and repeats every six months. There are two such seasons in 2023: in April-May and in October. They influence events with powerful vibrations, exacerbating the crisis, and accelerating the breakdown of the usual world order and established life models. In ops with Logos and the new Causal Matrix, it is important to highlight some factors and add further details. During this period, an important driver is the Lunar Nodes, in which eclipses occur. Nodes are the intersection points of the Moon and Earth’s orbit when they and the Sun line up, and their Axis forms a powerful energy vector of events’ acceleration. There are two scenarios: evolutionary, corresponding to the ascending North Node (Rahu), and involutional, set by the descending South Node (Ketu). Co-Creators take into account not only these energies but also the vibrations of the Constellations in which the Nodes are located. Their axis in Taurus-Scorpio, on which spring eclipses occur, has its own characteristics. The sphere of Taurus, where Rahu is located, is filled with high frequencies of creation, preservation, accumulation and stabilization. And the Scorpio field, where Ketu stays, is a zone of vibrations of destruction and death, radical transformation, and a fierce struggle between the old and the new. As with any polarity, both directions are one in their opposite. Without development, stagnation and degradation occur. Without stabilization and preservation of what has been achieved and accumulated resources, the risks of instability and disintegration increase. During the entire cycle of eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio, Co-Creators want to make the transformation irreversible, finally close destructive soft, and accelerate the Transition to 5D with the help of a new Causal Matrix. While the Nodes will be on the Taurus-Scorpio axis until July 17, the main tasks would comply with the North Lunar Node’s energies in Taurus, getting rid of the outdated concepts and programs, overcoming the crisis and strengthening Spirituality (the fundamental basis of the South Lunar Node’s vibes in Scorpio). The connection of the Lunar Nodes to the powerful radiation of the reformer Pluto will enhance the transformation. In the first half of the year, it forms, first, a fixed and tense tau square between the signs Taurus-Scorpio-Aquarius, and then, in the second half of the year, a cardinal tau square between the signs Capricorn-Aries-Libra. This will give all changes a high intensity, depth and transition to a fundamentally new quality. During the spring eclipse season, Pluto moves along 1° of Aquarius, through its high-frequency Spiritual field. This factor will strengthen large-scale renewal. On April 20, the Solar Eclipse was in the exact tense aspect with Pluto, determined by its energies the nature of all upcoming eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis up to 2025. Namely, open and clean out all long-term deep boils and abscesses, and accelerate the leap to a better future. An important needle mover of the vernal eclipse season is also Mercury’s retrograde loop. It will require fundamentally new, radical approaches in accelerating the Transition since the planet will be connected to the ascending Lunar Node twice and will reverse in strong vibrations of the zeroing and accelerator Uranus. The loop will last from May 6 to May 31 and will cover the area from 5° to 15° degrees of Taurus, whose energies support the established order on Earth, and our comfort zone. Mercury passed this segment, first, in direct motion (from April 6 to April 21), then, turned around in reverse motion (April 21 – May 15), and will resume direct motion again (from May 15 to May 31), rebooting the way we act to maintain our seeming stability and stubborn worldview. On May 1, the lower conjunction of Mercury and the Sun will occur under the influence of an approaching Lunar Eclipse. Their vibrations are a powerful ram and tool for reloading our mental attitudes and behavioural models that prevent us from parting with 3D, feeling, thinking and acting differently. On May 15, Mercury will turn into a direct movement in reconnection with the ascending Lunar Node, consolidating with its energies the changes that have occurred and qualitative shifts (stationarity on May 14-16). From now on, until the planet exits the retro loop on May 31, for many of us, the new experience will become even more firmly a part of our lives. In May, during the period of Lunar Eclipse activity, the Sun and Uranus will conjunct at 19° Taurus. It will be exactly on May 9 (the time of influence from May 2 to May 19), and its energies will help Co-Creators for the year ahead to strengthen the foundations we need to better feel the future, master advanced knowledge, take risks, experiment, develop new, unique and unite other people around it. Only under these conditions the upgraded 3D Logos and new Causal Matrix are possible. Activate the Magic of your authentic Love and Creative spark of Imagination in a Multidimensional environment One on One Personal Session "I Am Multidimensional" Guided Meditation: Higher Consciousness Activation: A Guided Journey to the Deep Self w/Shunyamurti

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