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  • Guiding Awareness

    Awaken your Multidimensionality Guiding Awareness One on One Personal Session Set Intention as Part of Your Spiritual Practice The Power of the Integration process Unveil the Threads of Soul Evolution in Your Daily Life Book Appointment Offerings - $111 How to set an intention? ​ An intention for your Soul evolution can vary, but fundamentally, it represents your motivation for engaging in inner work on multidimensional levels of existence. It encapsulates the current matters and interests in your life that you seek to gain clarity on, connect with, transition through, transform, bridge, or perhaps create anew. We must always remember how powerful Creators we are. An intention is an energetic directive that you project into the Universe—something you perceive as greater than yourself, whether you label it as the Universe, Source, God, or your Higher Power, etc. It's also an opening portal in your multidimensional soul quantum structure, where vast expanses of information and consciousness reside. Another perspective is that it acts as a refined tuning mechanism, allowing you to open specific segments of your existence for review or to gather additional information. Your quantum field and numerous beings from different dimensions are present to support and assist you on your life journey, alleviating the feeling of solitude even when it seems overwhelming. However, due to our Free Will, the Universe typically doesn't offer assistance without being asked. It awaits your request and then mobilizes to aid you in fulfilling it, whether those requests are conscious or subconscious. An intention serves as your request to the Higher Power for what you desire. It's your way of asking the Existance to assist you in creating something, achieving a goal, or releasing something from your life. Life is like a dance: sometimes it is swift and effortless, other times melancholic and introspective, and often even ecstatic and passionate. But regardless of how we feel at the moment, the divine music is always playing around us. The question is if we can hear it and how often and consistently we pay attention to it. ​ Let's rejoin the stream of Sacred Creation and the flow of Inner Wisdom through the Essence of Awareness that surrounds and permeates us, and finally establish harmony and balance in our life and our beloved home - the beautiful planet Earth. ​ ​ Blessing to you all! I hope to see you soon!

  • Goddees Ceremony events and meetings

    Welcome to our Goddess I AM Temple Our Next Meeting Seeking the Divine Mother ​ The divine mother calls, sometimes softly, Bringing the feminine voice into awareness She nurtures, inspires, listens And radiates a sense of unity and connection The divine mother models compassion And teaches us how to live with passion She is a holder of dreams and visions And offers a container in which creativity can emerge The divine mother holds the space where both masculine and feminine can flourish together It is the careful dance between them That enables us to become whole I connect with her in solitude, in prayer, walking the labyrinth and in nature She is part of me and I of her She is awaiting our call, our openness to her presence I celebrate her beauty, her wisdom, and her guidance. ​ — Kimberly Weichel -- Taken from Life is like a dance: sometimes it is swift and effortless, other times melancholic and introspective, and often even ecstatic and passionate. But regardless how we feel at the moment, the divine music is always playing around us. The question is if we can hear it and how often and how consistently we pay attention to it. ​ Let's reconnect to the stream of Sacred Creation and the flow of Ancient Wisdom through the Divine Feminine Essence that's around and IN us and once for all create harmony & balance between feminine and masculine energies here, in our home - beautiful planet Earth. ​ ​ Blessing to you all! I hope to see you soon! How is your connection to the Divine Feminine these days? How’s your awareness of those qualities within you that are gifts of the feminine face of The Source? ​ Ancient humans regarded the Divine as an amalgam of feminine and masculine powers represented by Gods and Goddesses who together made up the wholeness of creation.The yin and yang of Asian culture symbolizes this unity. Over time, the workings of human history upset the balance and blocked the feminine power's expression in worship, culture, and society. ​ Today, the gifts of the Divine Feminine are needed like never before to bring harmony, balance, love, and compassion back to a troubled, but very fast transforming world. You have within you the capacity to awaken and develop your personal connection to the Divine Feminine. Think how important this can be in your own life and in all the lives that surround you. ​ Have I mentioned that the Divine Feminine is not for women only? ​ Masculine and feminine energy lives in everyone. Ultimately, all men and women are spiritual beings, made of energy, all on spiritual paths of growth and gradual enlightenment. In every life, essential feminine energy represents the best and most beautiful aspects of what you offer yourself, your loved ones, and the world. Whether expressed through career, family, artwork, taste, or style of living and dreaming, each one of these is an important component of spiritual life. ​ By honoring and connecting to the Divine Feminine, you honor yourself and all of creation. Achieving awareness of the Sacred Feminine helps you appreciate the feminine qualities in all people and in all areas of life. Feminine energy helps build respect for Mother Nature as well as tolerance and compassion for the life passages of others. Wholeness, harmony, inner and outer peace, oneness, and connection are the gifts of awakening your Divine Feminine energy. ​ So how do you start on this life-saving, heart-opening endeavor? Our Feminine I AM Temple is inviting you to bring forth your inner Divine Feminine and share with others brothers and sisters in our temple. Here are some suggestions for recharging and renewing your feminine energy: ​ 1. Nurture—Embrace the Energy of Mother Love. The Divine Feminine is a nurturing mother and you deserve to feel the warmth of her love. It’s easy to get so caught up in day-to-day worries and to-dos that you forget to take a moment to care for and love yourself. Remember not to lose touch with the Divine Feminine love inside you! Breathe deeply, smile, and take a moment – even when things are at their most chaotic. Make it your priority to do the things that allow you to connect with your deepest self and to feel true appreciation for who you are. For me that includes taking time to meditate (the effects are almost magical) and spending time in nature. Honor your life and you honor the gift of life! ​ 2. Create—Rejoice in the Gift of Making Things New. The Divine Feminine brings forth new life, creates beauty, and fosters growth. Are you using your unique gifts, those that bring you joy? What engages your mind, body, and soul and makes you feel you are doing what you were born to do? Can you sing, play an instrument, dance, draw, or write? Maybe sewing, cooking, or interior design is your gift. Do you have a knack for politics, religion, or the healing arts? Whether you cook a beautiful and nourishing meal or grow a rose garden that inspires the neighborhood, each act of creation is a gift to a world in need. You are contributing to life, and the world needs your uplifting contribution, given in your unique, magical way. Your soul longs for self-expression, and the vibration of your joy extends forth and revives the world around you. ​ 3. Serve—Spread the Love and Share the Hope. The Divine Feminine is life-affirming and life-supporting. Once you embrace self-love and express your creative joy, you can pass on the same positive, healing energy to others. Take a few moments for the people you come into contact with every day. Make the effort to really engage as you give time and attention to your friends, your co-workers, your children, your partner. Put down the cell phone, the book or the TV remote and let the people that you love know they have your full attention for a moment. When you’re out in the world, give strangers that you meet the gift of a joke, a smile, or a compliment. Make routine interactions more fun, and allow the light of your Divine Feminine to shine forth! ​ 4. Opening to Intuition - Be Present to the Current Moment. The Divine Feminine and we as human are gifted with an incredibly powerful connection to our intuition. Our ability to tune into our intuition helps guide us to make decisions for our highest good. In every moment we have the opportunity to be mindful or mindless. It takes energy to be present, but the upside is that we can make constructive decisions that bring us back to our initial intentions. ​Intuitive impulses are directions from the Heart, and are always loving. Intuitive impulses may sometimes take you out of your comfort zone and ask you to be firm and courageous, and yet they will never show you a route that is harmful to the Divine Path. Honoring the intuitive impulse is a radiant & purposeful jewel in the crown of every man and woman working the Energy of the Sacred Feminine. ​ 5. Feel Your Feelings - Allowance is Key. All feelings are beautiful gifts from your deepest self. They’re reliable indicators of what needs to be focused on in your life. In seeing them as such, the emotional charge around them is released, and one can learn to feel their emotions without wallowing in them or feeling that their emotions define them. Feel your emotions fully - not labeling anything as good or bad. Allow everything to flow through you like waves in the ocean. As you begin to allow yourself to fully feel your feelings without judgement, have them witnessed with compassion, and not run from them, the true essence of the Spiritual Feminine can begin to flow through you once again. Emotions are a source of Goddess Wisdom. By giving credence to your emotions, and honoring them in yourself and others, you are tapping into a treasure chest of long-suppressed spiritual feminine energy. ​ 6. Allowing Yourself to Feel and Express your Sexual Energy. Many Souls who are called to awaken Goddess energies hold emotional residues of past life abuse and trauma in their bodies. This past life imprint could also have traveled to experiences of physical, sexual and emotional abuse within this present lifetime. As the vibration of the Goddess stirs within the energy bodies, the physical body will desire to shake off and release old trauma held in the tissues and cells. This is vital for the divine feminine consciousness to begin moving through the entire being. This kind of energetic clearing can be greatly assisted by creating regular times of stillness, meditation and contemplation . We Must Form a Feminine Energy Circles ​ We can heal the feminine by building a circle of support. Support provides a safe space to express your feelings and share your life. We are social beings that thrive in social settings. Human connection and support is such an important part of our mental and physical health. The most important our group can serve as vortex nodes to activate meetings of Soul Family members which will facilitate spiritual activation of the planetary Soul Family mandala. ​ ​

  • Galactic Codex | Tachyon I AM Temple

    Galactic Codex ​ I: The Law of Divine Grace Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to positive life experience To explain Section I we need to understand that suffering and pain have no value in enlightened Galactic society liberated from the influence of Dark Forces and other aspects of cosmic anomaly. To value pain, suffering and sacrifice as a part of the growth experience was a part of the programming from the Dark Forces in order to enslave the population of the occupied planets more easily. Unconditional positive life experience of every sentient being in the liberated universe is guaranteed from the inner connection of every living being with the Source and strengthened by the power of Ascended Masters over matter which allows them to assist all living beings in their aspirations towards the Source and provide them with necessities of life. Life was never meant to be hard work and struggle but rather a journey of joy and creativity. Different subsections of Section I regulate all life in a liberated universe and all relationships between beings of Light so that conflicts never need to occur. Let us explain the subsections: ​ Section I/1 : Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to physical and spiritual abundance This subsection guarantees a positive life experience for every being in the liberated universe. The Ascended Masters provide for all necessities of living and for physical and spiritual richness and beauty using the power they have over redeemed matter of the liberated universe.​ Section I/2 : Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to Ascension This subsection explains how the Ascended Masters use their advanced understanding of spiritual technology of Ascension and by utilizing the Electric Fire of redemption assist all beings that free-willingly choose Ascension. Section I/3 : Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to merge with other beings in proportion with his/her position in the Soul Family Mandala This subsection is an instrument of regulation of all relationships inside a Soul Family. It guarantees the merging of beings of opposite polarity (twin souls, soulmates) and alignment of all other beings regardless of their state of development and outer conditions. Section I/4 : Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to all information This subsection is a guarantee that all beings receive all pieces of information they need to understand their role in the universe, greater perspective of evolution and all other pieces they need for their decisions, growth and well being. All this data is provided by Ascended Masters or other beings that supervise the evolutions of various races and civilizations. Section I/5: Each sentient being has an inalienable and unconditional right to freedom This subsection provides that every being has an unlimited potential of growth and life experience. Since all beings in the liberated universe create only positivism, their freedom never opposes the freedom of other beings. II: The Law of Dividing the Conflicting Parties Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to be divided and protected from the negative actions of other sentient beings This section regulates the conditions in those sections of the universe that have just been liberated from the influence of the Dark Forces but that have not yet been accepted in the Confederation. It requires that the Forces of Light always divide the parties in conflict to protect them from producing mutual harm to each other. Then the Light Forces mediate the conflict until it is resolved. This section is often used to end wars and other armed conflicts. III: The Law of Balance Each sentient being that has chosen to live and act against the principles of Galactic Codex and refuses to, or is not able to, accept them now and balance the consequences of the past actions will be taken to the Central Sun, restructured into the basic elemental essence and begin a new cycle of evolution afresh This section regulates the relations between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. When defeated, beings that belong to the Forces of Darkness are given the opportunity to accept the Galactic Codex, do the best they can to correct the mistakes they made and to live positively afterwards. If they accept, they are forgiven and join the Confederation. If they are unable or unwilling to accept, they are taken to the Central Sun, their personalities and soul essences are restructured with the Electric Fire and their divine spark begin a new cycle of evolution. IV: The Law of Intervention The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the intervention in all situations where the Galactic Codex is violated, regardless of the local laws This section describes the policy of the Light Forces regarding occupied planets. The Confederation reserves the right to intervene in all areas, civilizations, planets or solar systems where the Galactic Codex is violated. It has the right to do so regardless of the position of the local civilizations about this intervention. It always has the right to use all peaceful means of education and regulation. If the critical mass of the Galactic Codex principles is violated, it has the right to use military force. Special cases are planets under direct occupation of the Dark Forces. The Dark Forces usually take the local population hostage to hinder the progress of the Forces of Light. On Earth they have threatened with nuclear war if the Light Forces would intervene. This is the main reason why the Light Forces have not yet liberated this planet (and not the so called we-will-not-intervene-because-we-respect-free-will, we-will-just-watch-as-thesuffering-goes-on nonsense). As in any hostage situation, this requires a lot of skillful negotiation and tactical approach. This situation is now being resolved and planet Earth will be liberated soon. Section IV/1 : Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right of calling upon the Galactic Confederation in need and the Galactic Confederation has the right to assist, regardless of local laws This subsection gives a legal basis for intervention and assistance to all hostages of the Dark Forces. The Forces of Light always do the best they can to assist and improve the living conditions of all sentient beings, even on Earth. The situation on planet Earth just indicates how much more power darkness had over Light on this planet. Fortunately, this is changing now. Section IV/2 : The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the implementation of the Galactic Codex and of conquering the areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force if necessary This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planets with military force. The military forces of the Confederation remove or give assistance in removal of the representatives of the Dark Forces and set the hostages free. Then other Confederation forces guide the process of acceptance of the planet into the Confederation by instructing the local population. Perhaps some humans feel that the Confederation has no right to intervene and that humanity has the right to solve its problems by itself. This is simply not true. Many wars all over the planet and constant abuse of basic human rights have proven that humanity is not capable of handling its own situation. So it is much better that it receives wise guardians to guide it. The Confederation will give assistance in replacing current masters of the puppets (Dark Forces) that humanity has invited long ago in Atlantis. Then the Galactic Codex will finally become the universal code of ethics throughout the universe and darkness will be no more.

  • LIBRARY | Tachyon I AM Temple

    Welcome to I AM Temple Library Poppins is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.

  • Self Awareness in Relationship| I AM Temple

    Awaken your Multidimensionality Self Awarness in Relationship How to recognize from within: Harmony? Apreciation? Intuition? Belonging? Truth? Peace? True Love? Compassion? Passion? Acceptance? Kindness? Trust? Balance? Joy? Happiness? Calmness? Discover the Self-Truth for a more meaningful and fulfilling relationship Recognize True Love and infuse enlightenment into your relationships Realize your destiny and purify karmic relationships Book Appontment One on One Personal Session Offerings - $222 Embark on a life-changing journey into your Soul and Human evolution, transcending the constraints of "blind" Relationships as you transition towards the expansive realm of Multidimensional Oneness. The importance of self-awareness in relationships Self-awareness is a fundamental aspect of nurturing conscious connections and relationships. Without recognizing our inner strengths and areas for growth, it becomes challenging to authentically express ourselves to others. Embracing self-awareness is profoundly transformative for our spiritual and emotional harmony, yet it necessitates a commitment to regularly engage in deep introspection and soulful assessment. ​ Enhancing self-awareness is a pivotal step in nurturing healthier relationships. Individuals with a strong sense of self-awareness tend to experience greater happiness and longevity in their partnerships. ​ This advanced self-awareness in relationships delves into the intricate web of frequencies and energy connections, established by Soul Agreement among various entities — from pre-incarnation choices of human-to-human relationships; Fate or karma exchange relationships; and Profound interaction of the lower and higher aspects of the Soul with all segments of the Universe... and everything is for Soul expansion and growth. Join me in this introspective venture, as you navigate the intricate dance of self-discovery and the unveiling of the unseen threads that shape your Multidimensional relationships. Exploring the profound depths of Self-Connection and Inner Relationships , this journey delves into understanding how I relate to myself within the confines of my Mind/ Body/ Spirit complex and across all dimensions bearing my unique signature. It's a journey of truth, delving into the intricacies of my awareness of the interconnections shaping my existence, some revea led before my eyes. ​ Spiritual Alignment is the gateway to profound self-awareness. Through this alignment, we delve into the core of our thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns. In this journey of exploration, we unveil our authentic self—the essence of our being beyond societal norms and external pressures. This heightened self-awareness acts as a catalyst for personal growth, enabling us to make conscious decisions and embrace our boundless potential. Embark on a journey to explore the harmonious interplay of your inner Relationship between Masculine and Feminine energies. Discover how they intricately support each other, their aligned synchronicity, and the purpose behind their chosen ratio by the Soul. Unravel the delicate balance between these two forces that shape the essence of our being through self-discovery and cosmic wisdom. Discover the art of creating harmonious rel ationships May your spiritual alignment serve as a guiding light, illuminating yours and others paths with Clarity, Joy, and Fulfillment. Embrace its power not only for your own well-being but also as a c atalyst for positive change in the world around you. All souls are interconnected, like cogs in a machine. If one of the gears starts spinning faster, it will immediately speed up the movement of all the steel gears. When tho se of us who are evolving spiritually freely bring our high vibrations to the world, others with whom we interact, seei ng the Light coming from us, will also be ena bled for a higher spiritual leve l. Spiritual Alignment is the gateway to profound meaningful relationships. Through this alignment, we delve into the core of our thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns. In this journey of exploration, we unveil our authentic self in relations to others—the essence of our being beyond societal norms and external pressures. I will introduce you to the Multidimensional chakras and what is their role in your life and relationships? See details HERE The Power of Unity. Unity in relationships forms the foundation for trust, appreciation, and true-love. It's not about losing oneself, but about finding strength in togetherness. By embracing and cherishing unity, couple can gracefully navigate life's complexities, fostering resilience and forging an unbreakable bond. Recognizing the intrinsic Unity that connects all beings, we embrace compassion, acceptance , and kindness as foundational elements of our relationships. Through spiritual alignment, we ignite the transformative power of harmony, nurturing the connections that bring depth and fulfillment to our lives. O fferings - $222 Book Appontment Activate the Magic of your authentic Love and Creative spark of Imagination in a Multidimensional environment

  • Long Story... Short | Tachyon I AM Temple

    Brief as brief I can about Tachyon Technology ​ Where does Tachyon Energy come from ? For an extended period of time humanity has been denying the connection between Science and Spirituality or between Scientific scholarships and Mystic teachings. In the last decade or so those two have finally started merging together, after many scientists officially recognized they cannot be really separated. Tachyon technology is probably the greatest example of how Science and Spirituality blend in a seamless way. Tachyon energy is the most direct expression of the infinite consciousness of creation and everything that exists, or the Source. ​ To explain it more clearly, let’s go back to the moment of creation, or the Big Bang. Tachyons are the first wave, the result of the sudden expansion and are the most connected to the Infinite Source. They are also foundational on a creation level and therefore have the highest life-sustaining (and healing) properties. Tachyon particles vibrate at a subatomic level faster than light. Frequency, oscillation or spin do not exist at the level where Tachyon energy operates. Its energy is passing through the Energetic Continuum and eventually arrives to our Galaxy. At this point Tachyon particles continue traveling through our Galactic Central Sun all the way to the Earth, but barely any can actually penetrate our realm because of the veil in the ionosphere, that NASA has recently discovered. It's not by chance why astronauts’ constantly report experiences of ‘euphoria’ once they leave earth’s atmosphere and those of us on the surface rarely do, if at all. Tachyon particles are not just sustaining life and creation, but harmonizing too and this is what we’ve been missing on Earth for a very long time. ​ Edgar Mitchell was the sixth man on the Moon as the lunar module pilot on Apollo 14. He reported a profound spiritual experience during the mission. Upon his return to Earth, he said, “On the return trip home, gazing through 240,000 miles of space toward the stars and the planet from which I had come, I suddenly experienced the universe as intelligent, loving, harmonious. My view of our planet was a glimpse of divinity… We went to the moon as technicians, we returned as humanitarians.” Read more ​ Tachyon chambers can affect the physical well-being and harmonize the human mind and the emotions on a foundational level, bringing us closer to the perfection of creation or the Source. ​ Tachyon particles move faster than light, and thereby decrease the entropy and decay, which moves us closer to WHOLENESS, HARMONY, BALANCE, PEACE, LOVE: a state that we know well at a deeper level because We Are IT, but temporary forgot. Before being fragmented and distorted on many levels, before our amnesia about our true origin, we were one with ocean of Infinite Creation, or Tachyon Energy . And we will be again. Soon. The advanced Tachyon Technology Chamber available here in Vancouver, BC was developed by New Energy Tachyon, a research and development company based in Europe. ​ For more detailed information you can click on the link HERE . ​ " Tachyons have an extraordinary well-being and harmonizing effect. They can harmonize completely all energy fields that are result of gravity, electromagnetism and weak nuclear force. This reflects practically in multitude of ways. Tachyon energy harmonizes and enlivens the energy matrix which shapes all matter and thus also our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. All this affects greatly our physical conditions and well-being. Since it harmonizes all electromagnetic emissions it is also an excellent protection against all forms of electrosmog. A healing session inside the Tachyon chamber takes 20 minutes and has irreversible positive effects on all aspects of our being . " ~by Cobra/ New Energy Tachyon ​ How Tachyon Energy Works On the Body? ​​ The Tachyon Particles transform imbalances in the body and restore the systems to their optimal state on all levels. ​When we are exposed to Tachyon energy, we are receiving the most life-sustaining and revitalizing energy flow we can think of. It is like rebooting our every cell back to their original state. ​Tachyon moves beyond the speed of light and has no gravitational pull, so it cannot stick to anything, and no particle energy can stick to it. Nothing can alter Tachyon energy and its ability to give us access to the Zero Point Energy. ​ How Tachyon Can Assist in Well-Being, Rejuvenation & Longevity? ​ An illness or a disease are blockages in the flow of energy. Such blockage in the emotional body, for example, would create an energy deficiency all the way down the continuum on a physical level. One may experience it as pain for example and the pain will continue to escalate for as long as the blockage exists. The blockage could be physical, emotional, mental, etc and it is directly responsible for the energy deficiency. If it is not re-balanced, it will eventually progress into a disorder or a disease. Tachyon Energy provides the opportunity to clear blockages, restoring the energy balance and creating an anti-entropy effect. Tachyon realigns SOEFs to their natural state of order and balance, thus making well-being possible. ​ Back to the Source: Connects us to our Source Self, realizing the difference between it and our ego/persona Opens us up to ONENESS and makes it easy to experience unconditional Love and higher states of consciousnesses Helps us realize our hidden potential Helps clear etheric implants, dissolves amnesia, so we can realize more easily our life’s purpose Prepares our body for 5th dimensional life on Gaia If you are interested to have your own Tachyon chamber experience, please book your appointment​ HERE . ​ For more details about Tachyon Technology, click HERE ​ ​ Back Back

  • Infinite Creator | I AM Temple

    Awaken your Multidimensionality You Are an Infinite Creator If you aspire to metamorphose your reality and recognize that whatever you intend or are experiencing already resides within, ready to emerge, evolve and create, then this session is tailored for you One on One Personal Session Embark on a captivating journey of Self-Revelation, awakening to your Multidimensionality and unlocking your Creative power to shape every moment of your life. "I Am Infinite Creator, Multidimensional Being" Offerings - $222 Book Appontment FIND YOUR SOUL PATH ​ It is essential to recognize our role as Infinite Creators shaping every aspect of our lives. Without this awareness, we risk living through illusions that suggest events happen to us, be it in our health, jobs, income, relationships, or interactions with family and friends. When faced with undesirable experiences, surrendering our power to lower vibrations like hate, blame, and revenge only perpetuates judgments. By understanding our inherent creative power, we break free from the illusionary narrative, reclaiming control and shaping our reality consciously. ​ At the pinnacle of our evolution, we realize that nothing is left to chance. Every interaction and experience is a manifestation of our own creation and desired choice of our Soul, navigated ny our Higher Self. The notion of randomness dissolves, and we understand that everything, whether positive or negative, is a product of our own making. This heightened awareness empowers us to navigate life with intention, recognizing the profound impact of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and choices on the reality we shape. ​ By embracing our Multidimensionality, we open the gateway to a realm where we can expand our beliefs and accept new abilities. This includes unlocking psychic talents and hidden capabilities. To access these potentials, we must transcend limiting beliefs and reach the pure potentiality that exists beyond illusions of impossibility. It is through personal experience that we validate the truth and possibility of these innate gifts, allowing us to tap into our heritage and explore the vast dimensions of our true selves. ​ By opening our hearts and perceptions to evolved awareness, we tap into other dimensions through the power of imagination. This expanded perspective transforms our daily lives into joyful, exuberant experiences, creating a momentum that reverberates throughout everything we perceive. ​ This session serves as a gateway to explore and unlock the opportunities within. ​ Before you decide if that session is for you, allow these contemplative questions to echo within the depths of your being, creating a sacred space for insights to naturally emerge. Who am I? Delve into the essence of your being, beyond roles and identities, and discover the core of your True self. What do I want? Explore the desires that stir within you, uncovering the aspirations that resonate with the authentic yearnings of your soul. What is my purpose? Reflect on the unique path that calls to you, unveiling the deeper meaning and contribution you bring to the tapestry of existence. What am I grateful for? Graciously acknowledge the blessings that grace your life, cultivating a sense of appreciation for the beauty and abundance surrounding you. What are these unexplained situation that I'm involved into? The "strange" events you experience in life could include synchronicities, coincidences, intuitive insights, déjà vu, or even encounters with the unexplained. They might be opportunities for personal growth, moments of heightened intuition, or lessons from a Higher Realm guiding you on your life's journey. In the silence of contemplation, let these questions guide you towards profound self-discovery and a deeper connection with the wisdom within. ​ By joying this session, you create room to uncover your true self—your heartfelt desires, life's purpose, and wellsprings of infinite gratitude. Reveal and enhance your multi hidden Abilities, Talents and Gifts within by Awakening the Wider, Sense of Truth, a manifestation born out of the call of your Soul Exploring our innate abilities becomes a bridge to something greater than ourselves, transcending the ordinary and reaching into the extraordinary. It serves as a means to connect with the divine and venture into the spiritual dimensions of existence. By engaging in our powerful gifts and endeavors, we access a realm beyond the physical, expressing the depths of the Truth of our soul and finding profound meaning through creative exploration. Following an "I Am Infinite Creator" session, profound insight and wisdom often emerge through prophetic visions, enabling us to discern deeper meanings behind events and situations. These spiritual gifts provide clarity and direction in times of uncertainty, allowing us to see beyond the surface and recognize the divine influence at play. This newfound insight instills a sense of peace and purpose, empowering us to navigate life's challenges with resilience and unwavering faith. Access your Infinite Potential for Inner Growth and an easy transition to 4D-5D realities by naturally rediscovering the Tools for self-cultivation of your soul Connect with Your Higher Self: This session lays the foundation for personal fulfillment and growth by establishing contact with your Higher Self at the soul level. Identify Your Passions: Recognize that your passions are not random neural firings but the spirit's expression guiding your life. Use them as fuel to shape your path, regardless of others' opinions. Serve Others, Serve the World: Blend archetypal energies, passions, and unique skills to serve the greater good. Find your Dharmic niche, enriching lives, supporting communities, and nurturing the planet. Celebrate Your Distinctiveness: Embrace your uniqueness as part of the diverse infinite universe while fostering unity with all. Activate the Magic of your authentic Love and Creative spark of Inspiration in a Multidimensional environment If the call of authentic Soul Love resonates within you, you have found your rightful place. Now is the time to realize that discovering your wholeness, completeness, and sovereignty as a divine being is the journey that awaits you here. Here, you awaken to the WOW truth about Love—a truth often elusive to many but fervently sought. This truth invites us to surrender to the unending joy and mysterious passionate aliveness of the Universe. Through this introspection, we not only discover ourselves but also find a profound connection with others. The gateway to spiritual union, divine union, unfolds, transforming possibility into a lived reality. Book Appontment

  • One-on-One Sessions | I AM Temple

    Awaken your Multidimensionality TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERIENCE Play the Video and Scroll Down If you desire to Metamorphose your reality, and if you have come to the realization that whatever you Intend, you already have it there, within, ready to emerge and create... then these sessions are for you One on One Personal Sessions A mysterious journey into your self-revelation as a Multidimensional Being Learn more about our Sessions: I am Infinite Multidimensional Creator Self Awareness in Relationships Guiding Awareness Book Appontment Awaken the magic within by activating your authentic Blueprint Self, embracing the cosmic building blocks of Love, the Creative spark of Inspiration, and an awakened awareness of Oneness in a Multidimensional environment. You are Multidimensional!!! What is Multidimensionality? You, as a being, vibrate at a vast spectrum of frequency. Consciously, we’re only aware of a limited stream of frequency while the rest stays "blind" from our perception. Your multidimensional self is all the frequencies of you – versions of you – that you’re maybe unaware of at this moment. Yet they all exist at once. It’s like you being unrestricted by the factor of time and space and feeling your true essence regardless of what dimension it occupies. Connecting to Multidimensional Self There are techniques working with quantum particles that can help you to connect to your multidimensional self. However, a large part of this process happens naturally. As we’re individually awakening, we shift our consciousness and the frequency of our light bodies, which allows us to be aware of the multidimensional self. Together with the expansion of consciousness, our energy bodies enlarge too. The electrons begin to vibrate faster, and as they travel across the universe, we become more aware of their movement. This is what connects us to our awareness of our multidimensionality. The Awakening of Your 6th and more Senses Imagine the universe peacefully chanting OM. . . Collaborating with primordial sounds and sacred geometry. . . And using visualization—to activate its third eye—while carefully choosing your intention. Sixth sense (psychic ability), is our ability to perceive the subtle-dimension or the unseen world. It also includes our ability to understand the subtle cause and effect relationship behind many events, which is beyond the understanding of the intellect. Extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, premonition, intuition are synonymous with sixth sense or psychic ability. The healthy change in our consciousness is a radical shift in perspective which alters how we perceive and create our reality in Peace, Bliss and Love. Radiance of Light: Awakening to Multi-Dimensional Realities The multidimensional secrets of the Universe have been kept from us for centuries, carefully hidden through programming our minds with false manmade stories, inverted realities, quarter truths, and blatant lies. The keys to the living biophysical and astrophysical universe are the living “Light Radiance of Life” existing within every structure within every field of Creation. Your multidimensional expression of Body/ Mind/ Spirit complex is your living “Light Radiance of Life”. Brief guidelines of the process of all MULTIDIMENSIONAL sessions (for details, please contact me to discuss) Before We will have a short discussion, including all the questions and considerations you may have. You may take or not shrooms during your session, proper preparation is essential. ​ Practicing meditation, embodied movement such as yoga or dance, eating healthy and nourishing foods, being in nature, observing the dreams are great ways to cultivate more mind/ body/ spirit consciousness before a session. Like a garden, we have to prepare the soil before we plant the seeds. ​ Tips: Fast. If you’re going to take shrooms, you might want to do it on an empty stomach, it’s best to fast for 4 hours beforehand. Drink water. Being hydrated is important. Ideally you want to come into the session as “clean” as possible. Therefore, you want to detox from substances, activities, and items which can affect your experience. Avoid watching TV shows and movies with violence. ​ Once you book the session, email with more details will be sent to you. ​ During Duration of the session will be at least 5-6 hours. We are creating energetic bridge between us strengthening our connection to Spirit world by: Pre-session discussion to clarify your intention and the topics you wish to be covered during the session. Sound Tuning to the multidimensional field with Solfeggio tones. Rife machine session, using radio frequencies, to purify your Pinal gland Short guided meditation to Invoke I Am Light and Love in you (Optional) Shrooms intake - suggesting micro-dose, the amount will be discussed Activate and amplify your intentions in a Tachyon chamber session for 30 minutes Connection to Higher Self by activating all chakras with alchemy symbols to align and allow easy access to your multidimensional layers I AM MULTIDIMENSIONAL journey - this is recorded custom guided Questions/ Answers session ​ Feel free to ask if you have any questions. After Post-session discussion right after the I AM MULTIDIMENSIONAL journey to integrate and deepening the experienced revelations. ​ A light supper may be served. ​ Follow-up discussion and Tachyon session if needed in the following days. ​ Self-directed integration can deepen the effect of your post-session. Here are a few suggestions what to do after the sessions: Take time for yourself. Awakening your multidimensionality can be regarded as body/mind/spiritual surgery. And, like any surgery, rest and recovery time are essential. Engage in soothing practices. Spend time in nature. Let your external environment influence your internal space in a relaxing way. Meditate. Practice gratitude. ​ The Transformational effect should be: From "To Me" and "By Me" to "Through Me" and "As Me" ​ ​ ​ ​ O fferings - $222 Book Appontment

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    Ocean Body Massage This hands-on healing session offers an adjustment method to the alignment of the body, involving intention, breathing, attention, and affirmations. Quantum-Touch massage is a powerful energy healing technique that works with life force energy - a universal vibration of love and well-being. In this unique session, you will experience the changes in your physical and energy body, combining body massage and healing energy to help restore balance to the body. Healig Tree Harmonics It is my intention for you to enjoy the vibration of good health with foods for longevity. ~ Braden Karringten Replenish, restore, and nourish your body with Healing Tree Harmonics Nature’s Superfoods, Superherbs and Honey Blends. All ingredients are nutrient rich and is in perfect balance and harmony for your body and harmonized with intention for heal and longevity. Time Waver Med I.A.M. Wholistic, Lucille Riddell ~ Information field technology The goal of the TimeWaver Med system is to analyse and optimize the information field of a person. It aims to find and restore possible correlations and backgrounds of disorders and diseases in the information field by applying new balancing informational patterns into it. The system was developed by german physicist Marcus Schmieke and is being used by more than 1.000 therapists worldwide. KT Kelly Star Friends - books for kids A young earth boy makes friends with a boy from outer space and they fly off on adventure around the earth and into space. They explore mysterious ancient ruins, explosive volcanoes, crashing oceans, majestic forests, and earth animals as their friendship grows. As they explore, they learn about earth ecology and what it means to be a friend. In later adventures, they go on to explore other planets and meet new people.

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    If you love to learn more about our team: ​ ​ Our Next Meeting Time is TBD Vancouver COMING SOON Time is TBD Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada Love, love and let's stay connected. The event will be post soon. Partager Register Now Facilitators

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    Brief guidelines of the process during and after your session In practice, having the Tachyon chamber since October 2018 and meeting folks with diverse backgrounds and levels of awareness, I’m witnessing various feedbacks before and after their sessions. Many individuals are discovering the mystic and magical reality revealing itself during and after the sessions and as a result they enhance multi hidden abilities and gifts within. Many others struggle to remove layer after layer of absorbed negative multi-life’s karma. There is no small group of people who find it difficult to "fully open" in order to feel the beneficial effects of this technology. A need to create brief guidelines is necessary in order to maximize the rewards of this remarkable technology. The Tachyon Chamber is a tool to accelerate, amplify and strengthen our inner capacity to recognize and experience in our presence, now moment, the desired potential result. In order to understand how better to manifest we have to learn what is a True Manifestation. Completely self-work and awareness is required to reach the always existing potential from within. For example, in order to heal, we need to come to an awareness of how to use the source field (Tachyon) by opening and expanding the region of a healthy energy field around the point of concern and transforming it to the desired reality. The process must be driven with Passion and a sense of Trust and Love followed by Thoughts that create an imaginary picture of the desired result. Please watch the following two videos as pre-session preparation. There is a way to access greater states of bliss and ecstasy using new and improved version of the ‘Law of Attraction’, coined by Michael Beckwith as the “Law of Radiance”: The NEW way to manifest what you really want | Michael Bernard Beckwith How to Be a Spiritual Shapeshifter | Michael Bernard Beckwith Giving and receiving are nothing other than the flow of life — the harmonious inter-action of all the elements and forces that structure the field of existence. As non-limited beings, our natural sensitivity to recognize the usefulness of the Law of Giving and Receiving should enable us to respond unconditionally to the universal flow of Giving from the heart with Love and Receiving with Trust. The Tachyon Field is the perfect platform to manifest this law by inviting feelings such as surrender, reverence, generosity, gratefulness and the feeling of Love. My personal suggestions, combining the spiritual and the scientific, is in asking you to allow the following steps of Giving and Receiving, to guide the process during and after your session: Giving: Permission – Free Will. We are all Divine Beings/Angels, in essence (having a human experience). In order to honor this level of purity, it is good to wear white or close to it*, when in contact with the Source. Then relax, take a few deep breaths and just sink into a surrendered, present moment, state of meditation. State clear your openness and availableness. Bring one's attention to the heart as a feeling of Love and the longer you maintain your presence in the moment, the deeper you are in Oneness with All that Is. When thought and feeling become one, then by Giving permission, the Tachyons enter into your energetic bodies and become a form of surrender without expectation. Attention: If you can’t silence your mind from spinning around daily snags, gently ask these thoughts to step away by using mantras or simply repeat: “present moment… present moment…” Receiving: Illumination. When one is passionate, in order to receive this Unified field, the energetic Portal opens, and you are moving into an amplified Tachyon field of energy. At this point, in order to be clear and open to receive, the attention should be in the heart area by feeling gratitude. Attention: Do not cross hands or legs during your session because your body language is blocking the energy. Open the chest with love and trust. Giving: Intent. Reveal and state an Intention. Free Will is divinely protected and pure clarity should be set. One needs a firm, confident sense and much passion in their intention. One must FEEL their intention as happening in the present moment by visualizing a new 'timeline' reality for oneself where one is Divine, healed, and whole. Are you ready to move beyond visualization and into breathing in a Visioning state? In a visioning state, you no longer need to “out-picture” your vision. Instead, you radiate it because consciousness is guiding you to operate from the highest expression of yourself. Through feelings, thoughts, radiation and imagination as a dreamlike moment of tapping into an intelligent Tachyon field of the primordial creation, every thought, every idea and desire, is possible. Tachyon energy is the most direct expression of the infinite consciousness of creation and everything that exists and gives you the ability to radiate your vision into its amplifying field of unlimited possibilities. Attention: The common mistake here is if we send messages as wanting, missing something, like “I would love to be healed from…”, “I would like to have…. “. By Law of Manifestation you are creating energies of “needing” and that is what will hold you back in the reality in which you don’t have it. One must visualize and feel deep in the heart on soul level how life is changed when the intention has been implemented. Receiving: Information. Your complete surrender is vital. Each person can allow his/her unique, Divine process to unfold. You may receive unique ideas as thoughts or visions, some as psychedelic, overwhelming feelings, audio vibrations, physical touch, warming or tingling body sensations, physical pain, or anything else through any of your five senses. You may attain pure communication with spiritual guides, celestial beings, Higher Self to receive guidance or important messages. On the other hand, you may experience none of the above, but just pure relaxed sensations, sleep-like where you may be floating in multi-dimensional realities. Tachyon Energy can promote deeper meditation, and heightened awareness. It can release multiple blockages and patterns of resistance, including mental baggage, releasing tension and stress, thereby freeing the nervous system which can then be bathed in higher frequencies where access to higher dimensions are then possible. Tachyon assists the body in detoxification in a gentle way, allowing generational and DNA healing to occur; by achieving more balance, chaos is reduced. Attention: There need not be expectation in this process, as it causes blockages of the free flow of Love energy. Expectation creates disappointment. Simply allow and trust in order to receive all benefits and experiences uniquely designed for your well-being. Trust… trust… trust. Giving: Gratefulness. One has to convey back the Love and Gratitude**. During the Tachyon session, if you feel you are receiving something, (or not) it is important to allow yourself to feel Love and gratitude regardless, even if physical pain occurs, because then acceptance, in addition, comes into play. To say 'thank you, thank you', allows heavy, low energy blockages to disappear. Usually, pain lasts for not more than 1-3 minutes. Attention: This step is extremely important. Gratitude is a major key to successful Transformation. Receiving: Clarity. Self-directed integration can be useful and can deepen the effect of Tachyon energy. Some suggestions after the sessions are as follows: Take time for yourself, relax and enjoy doing creative things such as drawing, writing, painting etc. and basically avoid stressful situations, and best of all, - meditate, be quiet. These activities can be healing in themselves and preserve one's overall feeling of well-being. Tachyon interaction can be regarded as body/mind/soul surgery, so it follows that rest and creative activities greatly contribute to recovery and can subsequently bring about greater conscious clarity, by revealing the hidden messages given to the subconscious during the session. Avoid harshness, engage in soothing practices, create a relaxing environment, laugh more. Attention: Feelings of fatigue, sleepiness, temporary memory (mental) fog, headache, all are nothing to be concerned about and are temporary. They are a natural reminder to stay heart focused and not suddenly jump into a daily routine right after the session, as it’s unnecessary. Giving: Action. Action through Change is the strongest form of intention, and the Universe will support your desired manifestation if you support yourself. The decision to change, strengthens the root desire and the intention that initiated that action. By the Law of Attraction, the pure intention, when exposed to the Tachyon field supports Balance, Harmony, Revival within, thereby strengthening our energy matrix. As a result, we are inspired to act by making mindful and heartfelt changes in our life. Attention: One's thoughts need to be constantly observed. What you DO is miniscule in comparison with what you choose to THINK, because your vibration is so much more powerful and so much more important. “When you no longer split your flow of energy with contradictory thoughts, you will know your power” – Abraham Hicks. Unfortunately, most people's thoughts are contradicting their desires and intentions and they aren't even aware of it! * Wearing white clothes during the session and avoiding strong colors and especially black, might accelerate the integration process and heighten the positive effects of Tachyon Energy session. White light contains all the wavelengths of the visible spectrum making white the most reflective color. ** Please remember, the Tachyon Chamber is not an external healing pill for receiving desirable outcomes in one direction only – Receiving. If you are not in the position to understand the importance of balancing by Giving back don’t waste your time to take a Tachyon session. Giving and receiving are two equally important currents in the flow of life energy, found everywhere in the universe. Giving is an expression of Yang or the divine masculine and receiving is an expression of Yin or the divine feminine, and a balance of both energies is what we call Balance, Harmony and Bliss. “When you give more than anyone could possibly expect, you get more than you ever expected.” ― Clyde Lee Dennis The kids are usually in synchronization with the natural intelligence field, the Source, without many polluted layers. Their experiences and manifestations with the Tachyon energies are much faster than the adults. They are not in the “box” yet and one 9 years old girl told me after the session “it is so peaceful here”. The chaotic emotions are visibly reduced, the immune system increased after the exposure to the Tachyon field. I have never had any experience with severe sickness of any kids, but I guess that the speed of their healing will respond accordingly to the soul awakening path of their parents (their reactions and actions). The parents should relate to the sickness of their kid not as a “bad news” thing, but as a guidance to change something without transmitting panic and stress into the kid’s energetic fields. In the next inspiring video by Michael Beckwith, you as a parent or a growing adolescent, will be guided to dig deep inside yourself and discover a seed idea about you or as a parent, your child infinite potential and possibility. This discovery, during your integration process after the Tachyon session, will transform everything you’ve ever thought about goal setting — you’ll finally have a goal that is worthy of that which is within you and grows you at the same time. Setting Soul-Worthy Goals | Michael Beckwith The healthy change in our consciousness is a radical shift in perspective which alters how we perceive and create our reality in Peace, Bliss and Love. And the last and not at least if you ask yourself where I’m standing on my spiritual growth, Michael Beckwith discusses in a next video the 4 Stages of Spiritual Growth and ultimately the dissolution of boundaries between you and the universe itself. The 4 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening | Michael Bernard Beckwith The Tachyon Chamber is The Path of Transformation to our Freedom! What does a Tachyon Chamber session look like? The session takes place in a space that could be easily called a meditation / relaxation room. Every little object or a piece of furniture, there is an essential part of a precisely designed device, emitting Tachyon Energy, so nothing is supposed to be touched or moved even the slightest because it will affect the proper functioning of the Tachyon Chamber. During the session you are not required to do anything, quite the opposite – you will be relaxing laying on a bed for a period of time, absorbing the tachyon energy. You can meditate or even have quick nap, if you wish. Throughout the Tachyon session there will be a transmission of Source energy in the form of subtle Tachyon particles to your physical and subtle energy bodies in order to achieve optimal well-being. Just take it easy and let the energy rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit. As soon as your time is over, I will come in and let you out of the room. Do I need to have special preparations to create an integration-friendly environment before or after the Tachyon session? No, you don't need to have any special preparation. However, wearing white clothes during the session and avoiding strong colors and especially black, might accelerate the integration process and heighten the positive effects of Tachyon Energy session. You can also set an intention to speed up and catalyse the effect of Tachyon energy session. Self-directed integration can be useful and can deepen the effect of Tachyon energy. Here are a few suggestions what to do before and after the sessions: 1. Take time for yourself. Healing with Tachyon can be regarded as body/mind/spiritual surgery. And, like any surgery, rest and recovery time are essential. 2. Avoid harshness. Whether in the form of loud noises, scents, or even sights; take a break from things that are jarring. You may even avoid the news for a while. 3. Engage in soothing practices. Take a bath. Listen to soothing music. Snuggle with your pet. Drink comforting tea or sink into a really comfortable bed. 4. Create a relaxing environment. Clean up, de-clutter, buy some plants, light candles. Let your external environment influence your internal environment in a good way. 5. Clean up your relationships. In the words of Rumi: “Be with those who help your being.” Invest in nourishing relationships that promote healing and growth. You may also avoid toxic relationships until you have the strength to change their course through assertion, forgiveness, or letting go. 6. Listen to your body. Ask yourself on a daily basis: “What is the most loving thing I can do for myself today?” Let your body provide you with that answer. You may discover the extent to which you need physical rest, nourishment, or even hydration. 7. Connect with your body. Go for a massage, practice a martial art, or engage in yoga or mindfulness. There is a growing body of research relating to the mental health benefits of increasing the connection to one’s body. 8. Meditate. The benefits of meditation are well documented and include enhanced physical functioning as well as an improved capacity to regulate one’s emotions. Vipassana, Zen, The Presence Process, etc.: find the fit that is right for you. 9. Practice gratitude. Make a daily list of people and things for which you are grateful. Not only does the practice of gratitude act as an antidepressant, it increases access to positive memories, among other positive outcomes. 10. Get creative. Write, draw, paint, sculpt; even if you have zero artistic ability. Creative activities can have a healing and protective effect on mental well-being. They can also promote relaxation, reduce blood pressure, and even boost the immune system. 11. Spend time in nature. Purposefully reflect on your experiences and feelings in this setting. Take advantage of the direct and positive impacts of nature on well-being. 12.Attend an integration circle. I have the pleasure to host Sisterhood of Rose circles, and our goal is to embrace and nurture our feminine energies. In our Temple of Divine Feminine Healing we can experience together the ecstasy, peace and balance, learning how to live gracefully, breathe deeply, love passionately and serve humanity like never before. The circles are open to both men and women. What is the cost of Tachyon Chamber session? Remember, when you invest in your healing the Universe invest in you. There is a benchmark of $60 per session that applies to all Tachyon Chambers sessions throughout North America. However… You are not just a client, you are also my Guest. I would love to share with you the remarkable benefits of Tachyon Energy according to your financial means, so feel free to choose a donation you are comfortable with. I know your Heart will tell you what the value of the improvement of your Well-being is, especially once you experience it. "Donation is a form of heart willing exchange of services, money, goods or energies between the donor and donee." Giving and receiving are two equally important currents in flow of life energy, found everywhere in the universe. Giving is an expression of Yang or the divine masculine, and receiving is an expression of Yin or the divine feminine, and a balance of both energies is what we call Balance, Harmony and Bliss. “When you give more than anyone could possibly expect, you get more than you ever expected.” ― Clyde Lee Dennis How many sessions I need to get results? This is a question many people are asking. The process is very individual and depends vastly on the ability of your body how quickly it can regenerate and heal. According to the statistics, the majority reports a significant improvement after 5 sessions. Some people see the benefits of tachyon energy as early as their 1st session. For stable results and long-lasting improvement, the treatments should be gradual and over an extended period of time. Depending on the type and the severity of the problem, you may require a specific number of sessions, different than the average person to clear all blockages on a physical as well as energetic level. Furthermore, according to the statistics, willingness, inner motivation for desirable improvements and openness to the treatment will affect the time required also. The integration process following each session is essential too and as important as the treatment itself to align and support the received energy and increase its effectiveness. We invite everyone to come with an open mind and heart and trust that the Tachyon Energy, as an Intelligent Consciousness, orchestrates what is best for each of us. Are there any contraindications to use the Tachyon Chamber? There are no contradictions or side effects recorded to this date by people who used the Tachyon Chamber. Potentially, all problems - realized and unrealized we might carry with us: from physical to mental, emotional and spiritual can be positively affected by Tachyon energy! Sometimes the effect comes through fast physical detoxification first or being overly energized for a period of time, but despite how overwhelming that might feel at the moment, the outcome will never be a negative. The body is in charge during the process anyway. Tachyon energy is intelligent and will mobilize and assist the body to do the work and clear the problem. Tachyon energy is simply a natural catalyst that will initiate the body self-restorative process where it’s needed.

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