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  • Transformative Well-being Events | Tachyon I AM Temple

    Welcome to I AM Temple Gathering Our Next Meeting Let's Find Each Other on 4D/5D plane of existence ​ The real journey on the road to discovery is not to see new landscapes, but to see with new eyes. ​ The new 4D/5D space is designed primarily for strong, active men and small groups. We came to this planet to search and find, to love and be loved, to create and grow. ​ If desires and intentions coincide, 4D/5D space itself will unite us on the Subtle Plane and help us find each other. ​ We trust that ultimately expansion of the Spirituality helps us develop a deep inner-standing of ourselves. Along with this inner-standing come Divine Compassion, Gratitude, Joy, Kindness and Unlimited Unconditional Love. ​ A Soul that has forever embarked on the path of searching for beauty and expanding its boundaries, to find the meaning of existence, and balance inside, everything in this world is feasible.

  • I am Temple Library | Tachyon I AM Temple

    Welcome to I AM Temple Library The Light Forces Ground Team and the Higher Light Hierarchy have conducted and continue to carry out countless joint operations. Some of them can be disclosed now. Files & Folders Item name Last updated Views Favorites Contributors "I Am Multidimensional" script sessions 1 item can access Aug 24, 2023 14 Aurora Item Armageddon 2 items can access Feb 25, 2023 12 Aurora Item Ascension 1 item can access Apr 14, 2022 46 Aurora Item Cain 2 items can access Mar 29, 2022 11 Aurora Item China 3 items can access Mar 30, 2022 11 Aurora Item Dominicana 3 items can access Apr 6, 2022 3 Aurora Item EASTER ISLAND 2 items can access Mar 29, 2022 11 Aurora Item Europe 3 items can access Mar 30, 2022 22 Aurora Item Hawaii 2 items can access Mar 30, 2022 16 Aurora Item Japan 2 items can access Mar 30, 2022 5 Aurora Item Nazism 8 items can access Feb 25, 2023 14 Aurora Item Nepal 2 items can access Mar 29, 2022 3 Aurora Item Peru 2 items can access Mar 30, 2022 5 Aurora Item Saturn 1 item can access Jul 10, 2022 4 Aurora Item THE MALDIVES 1 item can access Jul 10, 2022 4 Aurora Item

  • Upcoming Awakening Meeting | Tachyon I AM Temple | Burnaby, BC

    If you love to learn more about our team: ​ ​ Our Next Meeting Time is TBD Vancouver COMING SOON Time is TBD Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada Love, love and let's stay connected. The event will be post soon. Compartilhar Register Now Facilitators

  • Goddees Ceremony events and meetings

    Welcome to our Goddess I AM Temple Our Next Meeting Seeking the Divine Mother ​ The divine mother calls, sometimes softly, Bringing the feminine voice into awareness She nurtures, inspires, listens And radiates a sense of unity and connection The divine mother models compassion And teaches us how to live with passion She is a holder of dreams and visions And offers a container in which creativity can emerge The divine mother holds the space where both masculine and feminine can flourish together It is the careful dance between them That enables us to become whole I connect with her in solitude, in prayer, walking the labyrinth and in nature She is part of me and I of her She is awaiting our call, our openness to her presence I celebrate her beauty, her wisdom, and her guidance. ​ — Kimberly Weichel -- Taken from Life is like a dance: sometimes it is swift and effortless, other times melancholic and introspective, and often even ecstatic and passionate. But regardless how we feel at the moment, the divine music is always playing around us. The question is if we can hear it and how often and how consistently we pay attention to it. ​ Let's reconnect to the stream of Sacred Creation and the flow of Ancient Wisdom through the Divine Feminine Essence that's around and IN us and once for all create harmony & balance between feminine and masculine energies here, in our home - beautiful planet Earth. ​ ​ Blessing to you all! I hope to see you soon! How is your connection to the Divine Feminine these days? How’s your awareness of those qualities within you that are gifts of the feminine face of The Source? ​ Ancient humans regarded the Divine as an amalgam of feminine and masculine powers represented by Gods and Goddesses who together made up the wholeness of creation.The yin and yang of Asian culture symbolizes this unity. Over time, the workings of human history upset the balance and blocked the feminine power's expression in worship, culture, and society. ​ Today, the gifts of the Divine Feminine are needed like never before to bring harmony, balance, love, and compassion back to a troubled, but very fast transforming world. You have within you the capacity to awaken and develop your personal connection to the Divine Feminine. Think how important this can be in your own life and in all the lives that surround you. ​ Have I mentioned that the Divine Feminine is not for women only? ​ Masculine and feminine energy lives in everyone. Ultimately, all men and women are spiritual beings, made of energy, all on spiritual paths of growth and gradual enlightenment. In every life, essential feminine energy represents the best and most beautiful aspects of what you offer yourself, your loved ones, and the world. Whether expressed through career, family, artwork, taste, or style of living and dreaming, each one of these is an important component of spiritual life. ​ By honoring and connecting to the Divine Feminine, you honor yourself and all of creation. Achieving awareness of the Sacred Feminine helps you appreciate the feminine qualities in all people and in all areas of life. Feminine energy helps build respect for Mother Nature as well as tolerance and compassion for the life passages of others. Wholeness, harmony, inner and outer peace, oneness, and connection are the gifts of awakening your Divine Feminine energy. ​ So how do you start on this life-saving, heart-opening endeavor? Our Feminine I AM Temple is inviting you to bring forth your inner Divine Feminine and share with others brothers and sisters in our temple. Here are some suggestions for recharging and renewing your feminine energy: ​ 1. Nurture—Embrace the Energy of Mother Love. The Divine Feminine is a nurturing mother and you deserve to feel the warmth of her love. It’s easy to get so caught up in day-to-day worries and to-dos that you forget to take a moment to care for and love yourself. Remember not to lose touch with the Divine Feminine love inside you! Breathe deeply, smile, and take a moment – even when things are at their most chaotic. Make it your priority to do the things that allow you to connect with your deepest self and to feel true appreciation for who you are. For me that includes taking time to meditate (the effects are almost magical) and spending time in nature. Honor your life and you honor the gift of life! ​ 2. Create—Rejoice in the Gift of Making Things New. The Divine Feminine brings forth new life, creates beauty, and fosters growth. Are you using your unique gifts, those that bring you joy? What engages your mind, body, and soul and makes you feel you are doing what you were born to do? Can you sing, play an instrument, dance, draw, or write? Maybe sewing, cooking, or interior design is your gift. Do you have a knack for politics, religion, or the healing arts? Whether you cook a beautiful and nourishing meal or grow a rose garden that inspires the neighborhood, each act of creation is a gift to a world in need. You are contributing to life, and the world needs your uplifting contribution, given in your unique, magical way. Your soul longs for self-expression, and the vibration of your joy extends forth and revives the world around you. ​ 3. Serve—Spread the Love and Share the Hope. The Divine Feminine is life-affirming and life-supporting. Once you embrace self-love and express your creative joy, you can pass on the same positive, healing energy to others. Take a few moments for the people you come into contact with every day. Make the effort to really engage as you give time and attention to your friends, your co-workers, your children, your partner. Put down the cell phone, the book or the TV remote and let the people that you love know they have your full attention for a moment. When you’re out in the world, give strangers that you meet the gift of a joke, a smile, or a compliment. Make routine interactions more fun, and allow the light of your Divine Feminine to shine forth! ​ 4. Opening to Intuition - Be Present to the Current Moment. The Divine Feminine and we as human are gifted with an incredibly powerful connection to our intuition. Our ability to tune into our intuition helps guide us to make decisions for our highest good. In every moment we have the opportunity to be mindful or mindless. It takes energy to be present, but the upside is that we can make constructive decisions that bring us back to our initial intentions. ​Intuitive impulses are directions from the Heart, and are always loving. Intuitive impulses may sometimes take you out of your comfort zone and ask you to be firm and courageous, and yet they will never show you a route that is harmful to the Divine Path. Honoring the intuitive impulse is a radiant & purposeful jewel in the crown of every man and woman working the Energy of the Sacred Feminine. ​ 5. Feel Your Feelings - Allowance is Key. All feelings are beautiful gifts from your deepest self. They’re reliable indicators of what needs to be focused on in your life. In seeing them as such, the emotional charge around them is released, and one can learn to feel their emotions without wallowing in them or feeling that their emotions define them. Feel your emotions fully - not labeling anything as good or bad. Allow everything to flow through you like waves in the ocean. As you begin to allow yourself to fully feel your feelings without judgement, have them witnessed with compassion, and not run from them, the true essence of the Spiritual Feminine can begin to flow through you once again. Emotions are a source of Goddess Wisdom. By giving credence to your emotions, and honoring them in yourself and others, you are tapping into a treasure chest of long-suppressed spiritual feminine energy. ​ 6. Allowing Yourself to Feel and Express your Sexual Energy. Many Souls who are called to awaken Goddess energies hold emotional residues of past life abuse and trauma in their bodies. This past life imprint could also have traveled to experiences of physical, sexual and emotional abuse within this present lifetime. As the vibration of the Goddess stirs within the energy bodies, the physical body will desire to shake off and release old trauma held in the tissues and cells. This is vital for the divine feminine consciousness to begin moving through the entire being. This kind of energetic clearing can be greatly assisted by creating regular times of stillness, meditation and contemplation . We Must Form a Feminine Energy Circles ​ We can heal the feminine by building a circle of support. Support provides a safe space to express your feelings and share your life. We are social beings that thrive in social settings. Human connection and support is such an important part of our mental and physical health. The most important our group can serve as vortex nodes to activate meetings of Soul Family members which will facilitate spiritual activation of the planetary Soul Family mandala. ​ ​

  • Tachyon Technology - Science & Mystics | Tachyon I AM Temple

    What is Tachyon Healing Chamber? Why and Who created Tachyon Chamber? The Tachyon Healing Chamber is a divinely and uniquely stimulated device allowing us to access the unlimited network of Energy information of the Universe for our ultimate physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Created by company New Energy Tachyon using quartz crystal oscillator for creation of a hyperdimensional Zero Point energy Tachionic wormhole aboard Genesis II spacecraft in a vacuum space around the Earth. More Zero Point Energy and Energetic Continuum The Beginning Formless, faster than the speed of light, and omnipresent, Zero-Point Energy is infinitely intelligent and contains everything needed to create perfect form. It has no spin, frequency or oscillation. It has no gravitational pull. The condensation of Zero-Point Energy into Tachyon energy is the beginning of the “Energetic Continuum,” which is directly responsible for all forms on the planet. More Tachyon Energy – The Creative Force of the Universe Omnipresent Tachyon energy is unique because it doesn’t have a fixed frequency or range of frequencies, but has instead been called ‘the source of all frequencies.’ It is an anti-entropic, organizing force that charges the subtle energy organizing fields that underlie our material reality and many levels of our spiritual reality, too. It brings energy from the energetic source of existence and channels it into our bodies, minds, and beings. MORE The Intelligence of the Tachyon Particles Doorway between Form and the Formless Tachyon particles vibrate at a subatomic level. Frequency, oscillation or spin do not exist at the level at which Tachyon operates. They move faster than light, and thereby seem to decrease the entropy of physical matter. Whatever goes wrong in our physical body or in the subtle bodies, can be corrected by applying specific information for that particular process. MORE Tachyon energy and Evolution of our Consciousness Hyper-dimensional Portal ​Tachyon particles were created by Source in the very beginning of our universe. Therefore, they are a direct connection with Source, and naturally transmit the true original blueprint of creation. Encoded within itself, tachyon energy has all the purity, wisdom, intelligence, and power to awaken the innate perfect functioning of any system, most importantly the human mind, body, and spirit. MORE Tachyon Chamber and Human Well-being Chaos to higher levels of Order Tachyon does not heal, rather, it provides the information for the body to heal itself. Because of this, it may reverse the aging process and strengthen the immune system and delivers a divine “blueprint” of perfect functioning that stimulates into action the innate well-being intelligence. A session inside the Tachyon chamber takes about 20 minutes (recommend 5 x 20 min) and has irreversible positive effects on all aspects of our being. MORE

  • Copyright | Tachyon I AM Temple

    Copyright Our website used mainly the information from next link, recommended from Cobra as valid and correct explanation of all Tachyon process: ​ We used also some information from next websites: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ All art paintings used in this website belong to a famous artist Freydoon Rassouli: ​ For your viewing and enjoyment, for all ART LOVERS AND ARTISTS, please check his website: ​

  • Tachyon Energy

    Back Tachyon Energy The Source of All Frequencies ​Tachyon energy is unique because it doesn’t have a fixed frequency or range of frequencies, but has instead been called ‘the source of all frequencies. Tachyon Energy is the very first energetic structure that emerges out of non-structured, formless Zero-Point Energy . Just like Zero-Point Energy , Tachyon cannot be measured in the Hertzian frequency spectrum. It is not a certain type of energy. Rather, it includes all energies within itself. Its qualities are much like Zero-Point Energy , varying only in that it is a structured field. ​ Tachyon Theory ​ Tachyon theory is holistic because it accepts the notion of two interdependent universes which are actually indivisible: the visible, sub-light speed universe and an invisible, faster-than-light one. Tachyon theory also substantiates omnipresence, a purely metaphysical concept. The Creator is omnipresent (simultaneously existing everywhere). Omnipresent existence can only occur at faster-than-light speeds, since slower-than-light travel takes time to cross space. Therefore, omnipresence can only be an attribute of a Tachyon Universe where time and space collapse and no longer exist. ​ Tachyon theory states that the Tachyon universe continually creates, sustains and energizes the physical universe. Every created thing owes its existence to the expansion of the Tachyon Field. In this sense, it sounds like a religious description of the Creator, or the Creative Force. ​ Tachyon theory claims a gentler, perpetual flow of movement occurs between the material world and the Tachyon universe. As in a flowing stream of water, there are swirls of movement, as energy passes from one universe to the next and back again. Movement between material and immaterial, the transformation of energy into non-energy, occurs spontaneously, effortlessly and freely. ​ What is Tachyon Energy? ​ It is an Anti-Entropic, organizing force that charges the subtle energy organizing fields that underlie our material reality and many levels of our spiritual reality, too. It brings energy from the energetic source of existence and channels it into our bodies, minds, and beings. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Tachyon energy is potentially omnipotent, yet actually harmless to biological organisms. The vacuum contained in an ordinary light bulb is said to contain enough Tachyon energy to boil all the oceans of the world. Yet life forms are continuously nourished by the Tachyon Field without harm as it materializes into the visible universe. The Tachyon Field supplies the energy needs of all living organisms until balance is achieved, then it eases until called upon again. As it is needed, and a depletion occurs, it rushes in until balance is achieved once again. ​ Tachyon Energy is a Creative Force ​ Living forms developed and evolved by learning how to harness the Tachyon Field’s resources, and we continue to evolve by developing more and more sophisticated ways of accessing these resources. The nervous system and brain are nothing but an extremely sophisticated antenna and receiver to absorb, process and transform the resources of the Tachyon Field into our thinking, activity and creativity. ​ While study of the electromagnetic interaction of all life may seem revolutionary, quantum physics has gone even farther. Experiments showing the reaction of plants to mental influences suggest that there are forces beyond the electromagnetic spectrum responsible for the interactions, for plants responded even when placed in a Faraday cage which blocked penetration of electromagnetic waves. (Tompkins and Bird, 11) Quantum physicists speculate that the force beyond the electromagnetic is something that has been given the name “Tachyon energy.” ​ Tachyon energy is speculated to be the creative and sustaining force of all life, which requires a certain balance of energy to sustain itself. When a life form requires life energy, a vacuum is created and tachyon energy rushes in. The nervous system is viewed as a conductor for the absorption and processing of this energy. Energy healers are perhaps simply individuals whose sensitive or developed nervous systems make them more adept at manipulating or processing this energy. (Takionic Products) If tachyon energy is indeed the life force, then it is this force which may correspond to the vital energy of life called variously Chi by the people of China; bioplasma by Russian researchers; animal magnetism by Franz Mesmer, the father of hypnotism; orgone by Dr. Wilhelm Reich and the Force by Master Yoda and his disciples. Electromagnetic fields may prove to be merely the language through which this energy manifests and communicates. ​ ​ ​ Back

  • Goddess Mystery | Tachyon I AM Temple

    Goddess & Divine Mystery Our Next Meeting Life is like a dance: sometimes it is swift and effortless, other times melancholic and introspective, and often even ecstatic and passionate. But regardless how we feel at the moment, the divine music is always playing around us. The question is if we can hear it and how often and how consistently we pay attention to it. ​ Let's reconnect to the stream of Sacred Creation and the flow of Ancient Wisdom through the Divine Feminine Essence that's around and IN us and once for all create harmony & balance between feminine and masculine energies here, in our home - beautiful planet Earth. ​ ​ Blessing to you all! I hope to see you soon! The Ecstatic Sound of Silence ~ A Magic Mandala Guided Meditation & Sound Journey with Shunyamurti Guided Meditation: Higher Consciousness Activation: A Guided Journey to the Deep Self w/Shunyamurti

  • Zero Point Energy

    Back zero point energy What is Zero Point Energy? ​Formless, faster than the speed of light, and omnipresent, Zero-Point Energy is infinitely intelligent and contains everything needed to create perfect form. It has no spin, frequency or oscillation. It has no gravitational pull. In India, it is called the Divine Mother. Christianity calls it the Holy Spirit, and in many modern, New Age spiritual teachings it is called Cosmic Energy. Modern physics calls it Zero-Point Energy or Free Energy. Albert Einstein famously quoted "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality" ​ Zero Point Energy or Vacuum Energy ​ I like very much how Nassim Haramein , remarkable researcher, describe the Vacuum: ​ Free Energy & Zero-Point Energy Devices ​ Nikola Tesla Famously quoted "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" ​ This video clip is from the movie Thrive, discussing the reality of free energy, torus energy flow & Zero-Point energy devices: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ How we are experiencing Zero Point Energy? ​ This video is an excerpt from Sheldan Nidle's DVD "Zero Point: An Endless Sea of Energy." Sheldan Nidle describes TIME as it is experienced in the third dimension and on through the fifth dimension. Compare and gain some insight into the experience of a SEPARATE past, present and future with the experience of ETERNAL NOW (past, present and future occurring simultaneously.) Discover why the fifth dimensional energies of ZERO POINT ENERGY are so beneficial to invite into our 3-D environment to use with intention for expanding consciousness and for self-healing. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Back Energetic Continuum The condensation of Zero-Point Energy into Tachyon energy is the beginning of the “Energetic Continuum,” which is directly responsible for all forms on the planet. ​ The Energetic Continuum is the continual flow of energy from unlimited Zero-point Energy contracting into its faster-than-light Tachyon form. Tachyon Energy then interacts with the SOEFs. Becoming energized, the SOEFs convert into whatever frequencies are needed to bring balance to the being. This action ultimately creates the energetic matrix from which all physical forms are structured. The Energetic Continuum ranges from infinite, formless expansion to finite contraction of form. For the above explanation we will explore the interaction of Tachyon energy with the “Lepton Family of Particles.” The first elementary particle in the Lepton Family is a pion. The pion exists below the speed of light and has a consistent, mathematically computable orbit. We call this orbit a “Subtle Organizing Energy Field” or SOEF for short. SOEFs exist just below the speed of light and are directly responsible for converting Tachyon Energy into the frequencies required to evolve, organize and create perfect form. All forms are comprised of different frequencies. The SOEFs convert Tachyon Energy into the particular frequencies needed by a particular form. In this case, the SOEF we’re discussing holds the pion in its orbit. The pion.s SOEF, existing just below the speed of light, interacts with faster-than-light Tachyon. As the Tachyon Energy is converted into the pion’s frequency by the SOEF, the pion evolves in an instant into a muon. The new muon has an orbit, which is 10 times larger than that of a pion. The muon’s SOEF still exists just below the speed of light. As the SOEF of the muon interacts with Tachyon, the orbit once again expands, and the muon evolves in an instant into an electron. This new electron has an orbit that is 207 times larger than the muon’s. This continual process of SOEFs converting Tachyon into the needed frequencies does not stop here, of course. This process continues all the way down through the Energetic Continuum. Ultimately, the process continues until the perfect form is reached; whether it be a human being or any other form known to exist. Tachyon Energy is the binding energy of the universe. It is responsible for the creation of all forms on the planet. Most importantly, Tachyon Energy is the key element in the flow of energy from the infinitely formless all the way down to the perfect form. This is the Energetic Continuum. ​ Back

  • Tachyon energy and the human benefits

    Back Tachyon Chamber and Human Well-being HOW TACHYON ENERGY WORKS WITH THE BODY From the holistic healing point of view, complete well-being is an integration of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Living beings evolve in a continuous upward spiral of order to chaos (and/or disease). The energy spiral continues through the chaos to higher levels of order. Chaos is a stepping stone from one level of order to the next higher level. Every living being experiences this process of energy flow whether or not they are aware of it. ​ The body is ​interacting with what is called a 'Subtle Organizing Energy Field' (SOEF) . When balanced, organized and functioning at its peak, the body is in a state known as negative entropy or "youthing", anti-aging. When disorganized, it slips into a state of chaos known as positive entropy, the most radical example being the production of cancer cells. If a SOEF is blocked or depleted, the flow of life force energy through the Energetic Continuum becomes deficient. Actually, SOEF's can be energized. Our body naturally does this through the chakra system, oxygen, sunlight, water and food. However, when those sources are themselves deplete of Tachyon Energy , this can negatively impact our lives and may show up as symptoms such as pain, fatigue, and dis-ease.Dis-ease or illness comes when a blockage occurs within our individual Energetic Continuum . It makes sense, then, that we must clear the blockage(s) to restore the vertical alignment of our Energetic Continuum. In essence, a blockage is defined as a disorder or chaos in the Energetic Continuum causing an energy deficiency. These blockages in the continuum are in the form of particular frequencies that ultimately create disorder or dis-ease in the physical body. ​ Tachyon, because it is the source particle of energy that organizes and energizes the SOEFs , provides the potential to restore harmonious healing frequencies. Creating a neg-entropy effect, Tachyon organizes that which is disorganized. It realigns and restores the SOEFs to their natural state of order and balance, thus creating a state of well-being or health. ​ For example, if someone has experienced an emotional stress and continues to go through life without any release or balance, a blockage of energy will occur in the emotional body of that human being. This blockage in the natural flow of energy (Energetic Continuum) in turn will cause an energy deficiency between the emotional body and a part of the physical body. ​ Let’s say the blockage is causing a deficiency in the lower lumbar area of the back. This person may begin to experience lower back pain. If the stress continues, the situation may escalate into severe back pain, ruptured disk problems, or even degenerative disk disease. Anytime part of the Energetic Continuum is blocked, the organ or system that is left in a deficient energetic state will ultimately succumb to one of this world’s many degenerative disease s. ​ When focused into the specific deficient area, Tachyon, as a self intelligent system, reorganizes and energizes the disrupted SOEFs , therefore allowing the blockage(s) to dissipate. The body is able to reconnect to its Energetic Continuum when the blockage is removed. Connecting to the Energetic Continuum means increasing the flow of energy from life’s source - Zero-Point Energy . As co-creators in our state of health, once we increase the flow of Tachyon Energy, we can then be relieved of the emotional stress. ​ The confusion surrounding the various frequency-energy therapies ​ In order to appreciate and truly understand the principles of healing with Tachyon, it is helpful to briefly review the vibrational healing theories of holistic medicine. The vibrational approach includes such therapies as: orgon, magnetic field, radionics, bioresonance, photon energy, homeopathy, healing work with sacred geometry, crystals, color, flower and gem elixirs, sound and many more. Frequencies are further complicated by individualized oscillations and right or left spins. All these methods are based on one common principle: Within our Energetic continuum of subtle bodies, obstructions can manifest on any frequency level. These obstructions can then cause health problems. ​ Properly applied, the use of energies with specific frequencies can lead to excellent results if, in fact, one knows what frequency they are dealing with and how long to apply the frequency. Yet, all such methods have three significant drawbacks that are unavoidable: The effects of energy with a specific frequency, as used in vibrational medicine, are limited to the range of that frequency. Photon energy, for example, is described as pockets of light energy. Scientists use this concept to refer to the particle-life aspects of light. Photons are always associated with an electromagnetic wave of a definite frequency. The frequency is between .4 and .64 micrometers. There currently is one frequency energy tool that emits photon energy from the far-infrared spectrum of .4 – .16 micrometers wavelength. This is a small electromagnetic wave of the total frequency possibility of photon energy. ​ This narrow frequency does correspond to a frequency in the energetic body. If there were a blockage in this narrow frequency range, then there would be a deficiency of energy between the blocked level and the physical body. But, what if the blockage lies between 18 to 35 micrometers: Applying this photon energy frequency might have some indirect influence, but it surely would not clear the blockage from, nor would it reconnect the system to, the Energetic continuum. One of the significant drawbacks to energetic medicine is the need to know exactly the frequency of the blockage in order to apply the right frequency treatment. ​ All subtle therapeutic methods other than Tachyon are only isolated frequencies of the whole. Accessing the complete spectrum of frequency and information to clear the entire system and restore total functionality of our Energetic Continuum is very rare and difficult using a single frequency approach, because people may have multiple blocks at different frequencies. Energies of a specific frequency can also have harmful effects. There are two basic reasons for this an excess of any frequency can potentially be just as harmful as an energy deficiency; since a frequency has no intelligence, it is left to the wisdom, insights, and training of the user to determine the actual exposure time and which specific frequency is needed. ​ ​For example, the sun is a magnificent source of photon energy. Approximately 20-30 minutes of exposure per day is necessary for optimum health. Yet, this same ball of photon energy will burn you to a crisp if you are exposed for 4 – 5 hours. The reason for this is that photon energy, like all frequencies, has no intelligence and doesn't know when to start or stop! So, it is up to the user to decide when to stop the exposure by getting out of the sun. ​ Another example is excess exposure to magnetic energy. For instance, it is known that magnets work on a specific frequency with the North and South Poles having opposite effects. The South Pole is activating. If it is used for too long, it can create hyper-activity in the system and cause harm. Dr. Gabriel Cousens, director of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, demonstrated through clinical experience that some people using magnetic mattresses developed high blood pressure, which fortunately went away when they were told to stop using it. This can happen because magnets operate on a frequency and have intensity, but do not have a built-in intelligence to know when to stop broadcasting. These simple examples are meant to provide insight into the difficulties inherent in frequency-oriented medicines, as well as the mixed results obtained form using them. ​ Benefits of the Tachyon on Humans: ​ Tachyon Energy is totally different from both of these examples: Tachyon is not a frequency, nor is it a frequency approach. Frequency, oscillation or spin do not exist at the level at which Tachyon operates. Its effects are regulated by the internal wisdom of the SOEFs. When Tachyon is applied to an area, SOEFs convert what they need to restore themselves to perfect balance and order. Tachyon does not heal, Rather, it provides the energy for the body to heal itself, like a boost for the Immune system. Tachyon as only source energy to bring balance to our beings is that we do not have to deal with unwanted side effects. Even if we apply so much energy that parts of our organism experience a very strong, very quick healing effect, and other parts don't quite catch up, it is not a problem. Tachyon Energy sometimes causes detoxification and healing reactions. For a very short time, one may feel overwhelmed, but there will never be a negative outcome. Tachyon Energy doesn’t require a lot of knowledge and experience to apply it correctly because the body is in charge of the healing process. We do not forcefully apply it for a certain specific effect. We let the body produce its own healing results. Tachyon Energy is simply the natural catalyst for this self-healing process. The Moment of Truth ​ We have choices in our lives that we have to make. Do we choose to create a lifestyle, a diet, a way of being in the world that helps us become more of a super conductor? Or, do we choose to ignore the laws of nature and the Divine – in essence creating more chaos, entropy and degeneration in our lives? How do we make these choices? Is it only a conscious choice or are there other factors taking place that influence this very critical life-enhancing or life-depleting decision? What determines whether we choose to become more of a super conductor or less of a super conductor for the Energetic Continuum? The answer lies in the moment of truth. ​ In the chaos/order theory, there is a term called the bifurcation point. This is the point of overwhelm; the point or moment of truth in which the body either breaks down, i.e. manifests disease, or there is a movement towards better health; elevating the body to a higher level of order. In the past, how the body was going to react to this bifurcation point was always a mystery. Would it move towards order and health or spend an inordinate amount of time in chaos or disease? ​ Today, with the breakthrough of Tachyon energy, we have discovered a way to influence the direction a being's system will go. Tachyon balances and energizes the SOEFs affecting the being's entire system. At that moment of truth when a bifurcation point happens, a gland, organ, or system can attune itself to a higher state of order, and evolve through the bifurcation point into a higher level of order. When an energetic system passes through a bifurcation point, and if the system's SOEFs are energized and balanced using Tachyon Energy, that energetic system will move toward health. ​ Conclusion ​ From the holistic healing point of view, complete healing is an integration of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Living beings evolve in a continuous upward spiral of order to chaos (and/or disease). The energy spiral continues through the chaos to higher levels of order. Chaos is a stepping stone from one level of order to the next higher level. Every living being experiences this process of energy flow whether or not they are aware of it. Tachyon Energy is the key to moving through chaos and stress in our daily lives; creating new levels of order and quality of life. Tachyonized tools significantly contribute to achieving near-perfect energetic balance at all levels. The use of Tachyon not only presents a fully holistic model of healing, but a process by which all living beings can move towards radiant health and communion with All That Is. ​ ​

  • Tachyon Chamber | I Am Multidimensional | Vancouver British Columbia | I AM Temple Events

    Check out the Blog Welcome to our Ascension I AM Temple in Greater Vancouver, Canada Essential Union betwee n your Multidimensional-Self and Quantum Tachyon Energies Divine vortex for balancing and aligning the body, mind, and soul Ainda não há posts publicados nesse idioma Assim que novos posts forem publicados, você poderá vê-los aqui. Library Tachyon Chamber Multidimensional Sessions I AM Temple Events “You are everything, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.” RA material, Law of One Special Welcome from I AM Temple for you Surrender to the beauty of your soul

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