Awaken your Multidimensionality
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If you desire to Metamorphose your reality, and if you have come to the realization that whatever you Intend, you already have it there, within, ready to emerge and create... then these sessions are for you
One on One Personal Sessions
A mysterious journey into your self-revelation as a Creator & Multidimensional Being
Learn more about our Sessions:

Awaken the magic within by activating your authentic Blueprint Self, embracing the cosmic building blocks of Love, the Creative spark of Inspiration, and an awakened awareness of Oneness in a Multidimensional environment.
You are Multidimensional!!!
What is Multidimensionality?
You, as a being, vibrate at a vast spectrum of frequency. Consciously, we’re only aware of a limited stream of frequency while the rest stays "blind" from our perception.
Your multidimensional self is all the frequencies of you – versions of you – that you’re maybe unaware of at this moment. Yet they all exist at once. It’s like you being unrestricted by the factor of time and space and feeling your true essence regardless of what dimension it occupies.
Connecting to Multidimensional Self
There are techniques working with quantum particles that can help you to connect to your multidimensional self. However, a large part of this process happens naturally. As we’re individually awakening, we shift our consciousness and the frequency of our light bodies, which allows us to be aware of the multidimensional self.
Together with the expansion of consciousness, our energy bodies enlarge too. The electrons begin to vibrate faster, and as they travel across the universe, we become more aware of their movement. This is what connects us to our awareness of our multidimensionality.
The Awakening of Your 6th and more Senses
Imagine the universe peacefully chanting OM. . . Collaborating with primordial sounds and sacred geometry. . . And using visualization—to activate its third eye—while carefully choosing your intention.
Sixth sense (psychic ability), is our ability to perceive the subtle-dimension or the unseen world. It also includes our ability to understand the subtle cause and effect relationship behind many events, which is beyond the understanding of the intellect. Extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, premonition, intuition are synonymous with sixth sense or psychic ability. The healthy change in our consciousness is a radical shift in perspective which alters how we perceive and create our reality in Peace, Bliss and Love.
Radiance of Light: Awakening to Multi-Dimensional Realities
The multidimensional secrets of the Universe have been kept from us for centuries, carefully hidden through programming our minds with false manmade stories, inverted realities, quarter truths, and blatant lies.
The keys to the living biophysical and astrophysical universe are the living “Light Radiance of Life” existing within every structure within every field of Creation. Your multidimensional expression of Body/ Mind/ Spirit complex is your living “Light Radiance of Life”.
Brief guidelines of the process of
(for details, please contact me to discuss)
We will have a short discussion, including all the questions and considerations you may have. You may take or not shrooms during your session, proper preparation is essential.
Practicing meditation, embodied movement such as yoga or dance, eating healthy and nourishing foods, being in nature, observing the dreams are great ways to cultivate more mind/ body/ spirit consciousness before a session. Like a garden, we have to prepare the soil before we plant the seeds.
Fast. If you’re going to take shrooms, you might want to do it on an empty stomach, it’s best to fast for 4 hours beforehand.
Drink water. Being hydrated is important.
Ideally you want to come into the session as “clean” as possible. Therefore, you want to detox from substances, activities, and items which can affect your experience. Avoid watching TV shows and movies with violence.
Once you book the session, email with more details will be sent to you.
Duration of the session will be at least 5-6 hours.
We are creating energetic bridge between us strengthening our connection to Spirit world by:
Pre-session discussion to clarify your intention and the topics you wish to be covered during the session.
Sound Tuning to the multidimensional field with Solfeggio tones.
Rife machine session, using radio frequencies, to purify your Pinal gland
Short guided meditation to Invoke I Am Light and Love in you
(Optional) Shrooms intake - suggesting micro-dose, the amount will be discussed
Activate and amplify your intentions in a Tachyon chamber session for 30 minutes
Connection to Higher Self by activating all chakras with alchemy symbols to align and allow easy access to your multidimensional layers
I AM MULTIDIMENSIONAL journey - this is recorded custom guided Questions/ Answers session
Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Post-session discussion right after the I AM MULTIDIMENSIONAL journey to integrate and deepening the experienced revelations.
A light supper may be served.
Follow-up discussion and Tachyon session if needed in the following days.
Self-directed integration can deepen the effect of your post-session. Here are a few suggestions what to do after the sessions:
Take time for yourself. Awakening your multidimensionality can be regarded as body/mind/spiritual surgery. And, like any surgery, rest and recovery time are essential.
Engage in soothing practices. Spend time in nature.
Let your external environment influence your internal space in a relaxing way.
Practice gratitude.
The Transformational effect should be:
From "To Me" and "By Me"
"Through Me" and "As Me"